Page 15 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold Bug, Nov. 8, 1957 Variety Of People Flying Club To Attend Game Seeks Support by Pa,t Scha.ef6t' by Abdukuiz Futaih. Board of Census. November 8, 1957. The largest attendance ever witnessed Here is a background to clear some at Hoffa Field has been predicted by questions about the new Flying Club the Board of Census. The total at- on campus. tendance has been tabulated as fol- One evening, my roommate, Larry lows: - Hall and I saw a little plane gliding Attendance 20,000: college boys down slowly and gracefully, just a who came to see girls, 1,500; girls mile from our campus beside the Lit- who came to see boys, 17,000; parents tlestown. Road. We drove up to the , watcl1ing the action of their children, place and found a group of' people 250; parents watching the game, 45; talking about planes and flying. They women whose husbands bought them call it "Hanger Talk,''' a new fall, coat, 750 j women whose We wished we could take off to the husbands did not buy them a new fall air like' those lucky ones and enjoy coat, 4; girls who wore their mothers' looking at the beautiful terrain below racoon coats, 1; women keeping an us. There is not much to compare with eye on their husbands, 755; lady pro- what you see and enjoy looking at fessors watching football players, 10; from the air. You do not have to envy lady professors understanding game, the blrds=-you can top them; sit 2; alumni wearing trench coats, 300; down in a comfortable seat and watch alumni who came to view the new the fields, the woods, the highways, students, aoo; alumni who came to the railroad, the towns. . pass below see the game, 20; boys explaining the your eyes. game to girls, 3,000; girls who came }Ve asked about the prices for Iea- to show off new engagement rings, sons and it was more than we could 120; people who came in without pay~ afford. But where there is a will, ing, 5,000; people who had the right the're is a way. We thought we might change returned, 7; people who did get reduced rates by getting together not receive the right change, 4,993; all those interested in flying, and that people who were wondering what it was what happened exactly. was all about, 9,500; people who real- Carroll Countv" Generel Hospital of Tomorrow Many of the universities and col- ly understood the game and enjoyed / leges over the country have 'their "There is no doubt that we need a it,18. hospital in Carroll County now!" hospital as an adjunct to the present tive purposes. The money will- come own organized flying clubs, a greater A Changing W.M.C. During the past year and a half a Medical Center located off Washing- from three sources. From the county number have their I own planes and all accumulated and but equipment; ton Road. It will be built on the unit tax think tobacco they gifts con- will alJow for more To Welcome Alumni committee has been at work studying plan which when additional funds are will come $300,000. The Federal started as simply as we did. this problem and planning struction Government will give $850,000 from Newspaper Publicity just how Returning alumni will find that to meet it. It is almost unbelievable available and the demand for local the Hill-Burton Funds. A final $300,~ When we started late last year we one has not been built before that 000 will be raised by public subscrtp> the Western Maryland Campus is this. With a 'population now at the service increases. tion in Carroll County and the Reis- did not have enough time to get to but Surgical everyone who was interested services will include two wearing the "new look" this year. 50,000 mark, there should, under operating rooms, one private room, terstown area. Of thls.amount nearly hesitant. Our BUG and a few GOLD From the football stands he will be government standards, be more than eight two-bed rooms, two four-bed local newspapers wrote something able to see more than the usual aut- 200 hospital beds available. The fact rooms, an-d one cystoscopic room. Also one-half has been achieved. about the new formed club on our umn colors. In place of the old girl's is that there are none. The nearest The. Leo Connolly. Corporation is campus. We had eleven members. but sort ball diamond he will see the ex- hospitals are ol!,the average of thirty there will be medical and maternity conducting' the drive with coopera- cellent, new tennis courts, which were services, such as two delivery rooms, tion and leadership of many promi- were not prepared financially. One of is divided completed last spring. Up on the hill miles away---over heavily always traveled two labor rooms, one private room, nent citizens. The drive Scott S. Bair- us is now a licensed private pilot and And it isn't of us have soloed. Others eight highways. poe- two-bedv between two localities. are few rooms, two four-bed the new chapel dominates the scene, sible to get a bed.' If Carroll County getting their student or private li- where the old ROTC building pre- had kept a 100-bed hospital last year, rooms, two nurseries and one suspect is the, General Oommittee Chairman censes. viously stood. it would have operated at 850/0 ca- nursery. The Emergency and Central of the .Westminster Area. In the Our intention is to keep up the On the field, a new football coach pacity all year long. Services Department, a fracture Reisterstown area D. P. Caples, M.D. spirit and take off to the air when symbolizes a growing team. The team room, an autopsy room, a laboratory holds this position. There are many are being built to has the "hew look", making a first Indeed the county is late in recog- and a pharmacy committees in the campaign with Dr. time and money permit, but basicly appearance in new white football nizing the need for a hospital and accommodate an ultimate 100 bed Lowell S. Ensor heading the commit- we realize that -the time and money uniforms. Alumni will be greeted at making plans to construct one. Now unit. tee of clergymen. we use is a highly rewarding invest- halftime by the college band also being planned is a fifty-bed general Appr.oximately one million dollars With the support of many such ment. We would like any of our mem- bers to talk to everyone who is inter- fitted out in the uniforms they began is the cost of, this first fifty~bed unit. civic-minded citizens, the urgent need ested and the more of us there are wearing last spring. A large alumni changing W.M.C. will always wel- This is a relatively modest amount for a hospital will S'OOnbe filled. the less the financial burden will be. return is expected, and the GOLD BUG come alumni. and it is possible only because of cen- As far as we know the average tral study, tbe county providing the predicts that they will be cheering site and the use of a portion of the Teacher's Test cost of getting a pilot license from for the winning team. After the game there will be time present medical center for administra- To Be Given the CAA is about $450. Within our for remilliscing and renewing old ac- LAUNDROMAT club it costs $230, unless we do not have enough members; then it may quaintances; but never again will the 5 Locust Street The National Teacher Examina- be $310. It only takes 40 hours fly- scene from the stands be the same. Opposite Parking Lot tions, prepared and administered an- ing time divided into dual and solo Alumni welcome progress, and a nually by the Educational Testing flyin~ The few small texts we read DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 Service, will be given a~ 250 testing are not expensive; in fact we can all FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 centers on Saturday, February 15, Heagy's Sport Shop Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. 1958. use one set which does not cost more than three dollars. The college which a candidate 16 W. Main Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. attending, or the school system is in Included in the amount of $230 are Evenings 9 p.m. - TIlden 8-5515 TIlden 8-8677 Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on which he is seeking employment, will dues (fifty cents a year), $aO tnsur- A Complete Sports Line FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Saturday and Holidays advise him whether he should take ence, and maintenance. The person TO COLLEGE and the flying the plane is insured or one or the common examinations Fri., Sat. Nov. 8-9 two of the eleven optional examine- plane itself is insured. "JET PILOT" tions. Our activities are hindered by our Westminster Laundry John Wayne Janet Leigh Included in the common examine- small membership. 'Ve have an am- and Rasinsky's Pharmacy Sun., Mon., Tues. ....... Nov. ]0-11-12 tions will be tests in professional In- bition to buy our own plane and care for it, just like many other clubs in English Dry Cleaning "THE H:£LEN MORGAN STORY" formation, general culture, reasoning. other schools. Once we have consider- expression, and non-verbal JOHN ST. "Reliable Prescriptions" -, Ann Blyth Paul Newman The optional examinations are de- able support and character we will Westminster, Md. CinemaScope signed to demonstrate mastery of start contacting different flying clubs PHONE TI 8·8740 Drugs and Everyday Needs subject matter to be taught. of the same character and will try to Wed., Thurs. Nov. 13~14 invite the same sources for lectures. deserfb- A bulletin of information DORSEY HAWKINS 30 W. Main St. "INTERLUDE" ing registration procedure and con- The Civil Air Patrol may help us a Will See Westminster, Md_ June Allyson Rossano Braaal taining sample-test questions and an great deal to stand on our feet in the CinemaScope That Your Color by Technicolor application may be obtained from Dr. near future. This is a great hope for Clothes Are Clean TUden 8·7100 Joseph R. Bailer, Professor of 'Educa- us and we are looking for good news Fri., Sat. Nov. 15-16 tion, Western Maryland College, in the near future. "QUANTEZ" Westminster, Maryland. Completed Flying Enthusiasm F..redMacMurray Dorothy Malone applications, accompanied by proper Many of those who are enthusiastic ATTENTION Color by 'I'echnicclor the ETS office during November and about flying dropped this interest CinemaScope examination fees, will be accepted by just because they did not have enough ,/ PRE·MED SENIOR Sun., Mon., Tues. Nov. 17-18~19 December, and in January so long as money to go and fly. But this is a also and misunder- a big mistake they are received before January 17, "NO DOWN PAYMENT" 1958. standing of the character of our club. The world's largest exclusive manufacturer of Tony Randall~ne 'f0~dward Soon we are going to start frequent microscopes offers qualified student a splendid meetings at periods most convenient opportunity to function as Campus Represent- __. Wed., Thurs. Nov. 20~21 ative. Ralph's Crown Service to us all. In these meetings we shall Apply - "THE STORY explain and discuss among ourselves OF ESTHER COSTELLO" Penna. & Hersh Aves, the various things that we have to REICHERT INSTRUMENTS Joan Crawford Rossano Brazzi Westminster, Md, know or understand about the mecha- 82 Beaver Street, New York 5, N. Y. Phone TI 8-8352 nism, the operation and the required knowledge of reading and interpret- ing maps and weather to make safe and successful flying. • Always insist on the finest in meats and meat products For Your The meetings will always be an- Ask for Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- HOMECOMING nounced and we will be glad to see a large of our student number mates MYERS' day shows continuous from 2 p. m. CORSAGE attend. We have a link-trainer in the Order Prom Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. A complete line of fresh and smoked meats Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows DUTTERER'S college that we may be able to use if we learn how to operate it. Frankfurters. and cold cuts corrtinuoua from 6:45 p. m.- Talk to anyone in the flying club if Made only from the finest meats 114 Pennsylvania Ave. you have any questions. Do not get mi. F. MYERS' SONS, INC. November 7 to 20 TUden 8·9350 left behind in a generation to whom , Pork Packers "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" aviation is very important in life. Man and space is the very exciting Westminster, Md. Phone TIlden 8-8710 All Star Cast Dave Harper SEE front today. Come with us-flying is (Campus Rep.) VistaVision Color by Technicolor fun and a great sport.
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