Page 42 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 42
The Gold Bug, Apr. 12, 1957 John Hort Wins Team Rated Schedule Revised Trackmen Beat Girls Have Full of Athletics, Charles Hav- Director In Three Events Nationally ens, has announced several schedule since the last edition of the Wash. C., 75-47 Spring Program By Kitty Bond changes BUG. On Tuesday, April 16, Gow The official Small College Basket- The Western Maryland track team By Carol Pettersen Paced by their captain, John Hort, ball Statistics were recently released the Terror baseball team will meet the Western Mar-yland track team by Homer F. Cooke, Jr., Director of Mt. St. Mary's at home in a double came up with win number two at the With spring approaching there is a hands by a College of Washington eked out a victory over the Bullets of the National Collegiate Athletic Bu. header. The starting time will be full program of spring sports for Gettysburg, 59-58. Behind by eleven reau. Sloan Stewart placed 33rd in 2:00, both games being seven innings. score of 75-47. John Hort, Terror girls. Already the sophomores have points going into the last two events, the nation among small colleges in The tennis match and ba-seball captain, won the 440, 120-high hur- copped the volleyball championship the Green and Gold copped three individual scoring. Sloan scored 423 game scheduled to be played at Mt. dles, and 220-low hurdles and tied for by defeating the freshmen 45-7 and Lloyd Mus- first in the high jump. places in the two-mile run, and " first points in 19 games for an average of St. Mary's on Wednesday, April 24 the juniors 24-14. With a truly spir- and third in the decisive 220-low 22.3 points per game. have been cancelled. The home track selman added ten points to the Green ited squad, the spohs well-deserved hurdles to gain the necessary one Big Bill Spaar placed 25th in the meet with Loyola on April 24 has been and Gold score when he won both the the crown. point margin. rescheduled and will be run on Wed- mile and the half mile. As the warmer weather approaches Bill Biehl threw the discus 125 feet, nesday, May 8. The home track meet George Becker took first in the 220 the call goes out to all those who want 2 inches. In the pole vaulting event, with Mt. St. Mary's scheduled for and finished second in both the broad to play softball and tennis. A ten- Jim Rawlins tied with two men from May 1 has been rescheduled and will jump and 100-yd. dash. The broad nis tournament will be held for each Gettysburg for top honors with a 9' G" be run on Thursday, April 25. The jump was won by Chuck Smith of class with the winners competing for attempt. Jim Lewis won in the high track meet with Catholic University Salisbury, Md. Bill Biehl heaved the the school crown. In addition to Bullets in the 19' 4%" broad jump. on Saturday, May 11 scheduled for discus 116' 6'A," for another Terror softball there will probably be intra- John Yohn, for the home team, out- away will be a home meet. mural archery, and if the weather is distanced all visiting efforts in the Harold Atkinson and Ray Craw- kind, the possibility of some spring shot put with his distance of 39' 1%". Terrors Lose ford placed second and third respec- hikes. A playday in tennis, volley- Ron Paul of Gettysburg clocked up tively in the shot put. Big Jim Lewis ball, and softball with St. Joseph's a 9.9 in the 100·yd. dash. W.I'II.C.'s First Game tied john Hort in the high jump at a College of Emmitsburg is also George Beckel' finished second be- The Penn State Baseball team wal- height of 5 feet 6. Jim Rawlins took the agenda. hind Paul in the 220 which was loped the visiting Western Maryland second and Jim May placed third in completed in an amazing 21.5. Add- team by a score of 15-1 in the latter's the pole vault. D'istanceman Vaughn ing to the W. Md. score, John Hort first game of the season. The horne Smith finished second in the two mile Ensor Names clinched first and Verne Johnson took team scored six runs in the second and third in the mile. Bob Butler in the Ass'f Coach third in the 440. The winning time inning which was too much for the copped second behind Hor-t in the 440. was 53.8. For the 'I'erro es in the Terrors to overcome. They scored Dick Holbruner placed third 8S0-yd. run, senior Bob Butler turned one in the third before Denny Har- 120-high hurdles behind Hurt and in a 2.15.2 time which was enough to mon crossed home plate with W. Md.'s Mark Diaahyn of Washington College. Richard A. Pngh, physical educa- win the event. lone tally. Joel Bailey came in to Freshman Charlie Myers finished sec- tion instructor and vice-principal of Lloyd Musselman ran a 4.52.8 relieve "Pud" Zimmerman, Terror ond tailing Musselman in the half Southern High School, Lothian, Md., mile, backed by Vaughn Smith in sec- star-ting pitcher, in the fourth, as mile. has accepted the position of assistant in physical ond place. The same pair tied for Penn State scored twice more. They Hal Lavin placed third behind coach and instructor Maryland. edu- cation Western at This first place honors in the grueling two- tallied six in the seventh inning to Becker and Diashyn in the 220. Big mile race while Jim May finished make their total of fifteen. Bill Spna r came out third in the dis- announcement was made by President third in the eight lap affair. John cus behind Biehl and Charlie Mills of Lowell S. Ensor on Wednesday. Hort coped first place in both the Match Called Washington College. Mr. Pugh will come to the campus 220-low and the 120-high hurdles Bill SpUOT The American Univeraity-c-Western Mark Diashyn was the star for the in September as an assistant football events for Coach Dick Harlow's win- Maryland tennis match was declared team from the Eastern Shore. He coach under Bob waldor-f, newly-ap- ning team. Dick Holbr-uner gave the nation among small colleges in re- no match, because the final two won the lOO-yd. dash, took second in pointed head football coach and di- victors their winning point by plac- bounds. Bill grabbed 290 balls off the doubles matches were called on ac- the 120-high hurdles, 220-low hurdles, rector of athletics. ing third in the low hurdles race. boards in 19 games for an average of count of darkness. 220, and placed third behind Hort and Pugh is a gr-aduate of the District Hort copped first place in both the 15.3 per game. Lewis in the high jump. Other first of Columbia Teachers College, for- a speedy 26 seconds, and in the high The Terror team as a whole placed place winners for the Shcremen were merly known as Wilson Teachers Col- hurdles, he clocked 16.4. 44th in the nation among small cnl- Ed Kieffer in the shot put, high leap- lege, where he received his B.S. in leges in team offense. The team The Old Owl's Might.y Wise ing Jim Pickett in the pole vault, and education. He has done additional Benny Makes The F. & M. Wins Over amassed for a total of 1489 points in 19 World's Best Pies Joe Thompson in the two mile. The physical toward a Master's degree in work an average games 78.4 per of at the University education maroon and white also won the mile Golfers, 16-2 game. relay. of Md. In his new assignment at Western Franklin and Marshall defeated the Maryland, Pugh will instruct in the Western Maryland golf tenm by a TOM MILLER physical education department and score of 16-2. Ted Klenske and fresh- CAMPUS AGENT It Pays To Look Well coach some other sports. man Dave Clark each scored a point (or the He is married and has four chil- for the Green and Gold. Bob Visit The dren. of F. and M. was tho match medalist Modern G. I. Laundry with a score of 78. Canta!n Ted Avenue Barber Shop Klenske was Western Mm'1:land's low New Press Box 223 E. Green St. scorer with an 81. Pete Urquhart, Westminster 1478 Where The Students Go Andy Urquhar-t, Dick Brawlcy, and Our New Addition The Gamma Beta Chi Fraternity Gene Miolen were all shut out in thla .-\II Laundry and Dry Cleaning began remodeling the press box on particular match. The golf team's Work Guaranteed The Colonial Dining Room 85 Pennsylvania Avenue Hoffa Field during spring vacation. record is now 0-1. Ernie Ramirez is chairman of the project. AS NAVIGATOR OR PILOT The flying U. S. Air Force is a team of men who command the aircraft and men who plan the attack. These are the pilots and navigators, both equally important to the defense of America. GET ON You, as a young man of intelligence and sound physical health, may join this THE TEAM select group in the world's most exciting and rewarding adventure. Your training will stand you in good stead, whatever your future plans may be-and you'll be THAT DEFENDS earning over $6,000 a year 18 months after training.* AMERICA If you are between 19 and 26'h years of age, investigate your opportunities as an Aviation Cadet in the U. S. Air Force. Priority consideration is now being given to college graduates. For details, write: Aviation Cadet ,Information, P. O. Box 7608, Wash ingto n 4, D. C. 'I~i~t~dsta'ltsa~it~2~~~~';~;"'1b~uJ~':::~;e~n Graduate -Then Fly ... U. S. AIR FORCE AVIATION CADET PROGRAM
   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47