Page 41 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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The Gold Bug, Apr. 12, 1957 Guys And Gals Reveal Greek Letter Club's Histories, Songs, And Personalities By Pat Sctiaeiea- First in the spotlight is Delta Sig- Greek letter society. became known as th~ W.W. Club in as Inspection Engineer for the New Whoever it was who said "Greek is ma Kappa. Color-wise they are red At present the Iotea are located in 1923 and adopted a constitution. The York Life Insurance Company. The dead" has not been in tune with col- and white; plerlgewise they are their newly decorated room in Me- change to a Greek letter sorority was Vice-Chi for that charter group was lege life at WMC. To a few brave worms. As for their history-it is Daniel Hall and' are sponsored by made in the school year 1937-1938, none other than Dean John D. Ma- minds Greek is a three credit source said on Valentine's Day in 1924 Miss Margaret Snader. They count with a minimum of change in ritual kosky. The first meetings were held of time and temper, but to a majority a group of eleven girls of the class of among their famous alumnae Mrs. and organization. The red rosebud in Old Ward Hall dormitory, but later of the campus crowd, the Greek al- 1926, met and organized the JGC Virgie Jefferson, Miss Margaret became the club flower. the club moved its quarters to a room phabet is woven even into the "jack- club which was based on sincere Snader, Miss Martha Manahan, and The Sigmas claim among their atop what ia now known as the State ets" of college life. Each sorority and friendship and deep loyalty. In Miss Cora V. Perry. The authorship alumnae Miss Rcselda Todd, "Perk" Theatre. About 1924 the Greek let- fraternity-local because of college April of that year Mother Wills took of their songs goes to Norma Keyser; Parsons who was on campus during ters were adopted. From 1933 until tradition and general student agr-ee- over the sponsorship. '39; Mary Lease, '57, and Helen Den- Religious Emphasis Week, and Meta 1946 Dr. Theodore Whitfield was the ment-is a secret club which is A "first" recalled by the club is ham, '59. Both the past and the fu- Justice, Miss Maryland of 1953. Of- "Honorary Member." known to the observer only by its ac- the Girls Inter-Club Council, now ture are very vital to the Iotes as the ten they sing their syncopated Rock-a- Among their "firsts" was rnat they tivities, its campus achievements, its oldest extant girls club. bye which was written by Quincy became the first fr-ater-nity ever to known as the Intersorority Council, songs, colors, and its pins which some- which they organized during their Phi Alpha Mu, next in the spot- Polk. Other songs traditionally have hold a dance in Gill Gymnasium. times grace the sweaters of a few first year. That eventful term ended light, is very proud of its colors, been written by new groups of That was the first function known as lucky co-eds. with an English Garden Party on the purple and wh ite. Its pledges be- pledges. The Sigma sponsor is Mrs. the "Homecoming Dance." During The shade of secrecy is drawn over lawn of the Gray Gables Inn, which come the famous "calves," servants to Philip Uhrig. Indeed, the Sigmas are World War II Gamma Beta Chi, like much of each club, but there are some is now the Administration building. the members or "cows." The cow, as an active and spirited group whose all the rest of the fraternities, had to things which we can know. Follow- On January 21, 1925 the name Delta the mascot, is used as it refers to the only reply would be, "Dig me, Sigmi?" disband. After the war, rebuilding ing the code "Ladies First," let's take Sigma Kappa was adopted; the Delta last Greek letter MU, and it is purple Sorority Row ends as sunset the organization was assumed by a a stroll along "Sorority Row" and became the fu-st. sorority with a Greek because of the sorority colors. This fades. We walk away from these small group with renewed vigor. To- learn some non-secret "whens" and name. In 1926 Baby Delta came into was adopted by the club and originat- four dubs, down through the garden, day it stands beside the other fra- "wheres." existence - as the name of new ed for the pledges in 1938. and out into the main road. To each ternities as an organization of much pledges during the first semester Starting with the Snake Ctuu-mere, girl who is a member, her sorority prestige. Later, also the lowly title of worm as the original club in 1923 and later holds a warm place in her heart and (to be continued) Rasinsky's Pharmacy was given to them and during pin their which as an official Gree~ letter organization mind, never to fade-e-tc outlast even in- the books she studies. on campus in 1926, the g-roup adopted itiation period, the they weal' was chosen. The late purple and white as their colors, the "You can always tell a fraternity Heagy's Sport Shop "Reliable Prescriptions" Dr. George S. Wills was an interested pansy as their flower, and the lamp member by such clues as jackets or Now Located 16 W. Main Drugs and Everyday Needs and loyal friend of the Delta, help- of learning (the tcr ch] as their sym- where he sits in the dining halL So- Phone 1350-W are vital to campus fraternities bol. ing them to revive their constitution an- with 30 W. Main St. in 1929 and attending most all their other At one time, th~y joined Gamma, and Individually they are the A Complete Sports Line club, Zeta small teas and banquets until the time of source of close ties of brotherhood. the rre- Westminster. Md. his death. In 1935 the club moved to set up definite principles. The cen- Let's wander north around Blanche Ward, vacating the room out- tral theme of these principals was to ternity rooms and learn something Compliments of Phone 101 side McDaniel Lounge which is now break down the tensions between club more about their organization. the powder room. and non-club girls. Those blue and white jackets be- .I. Po. EVERHART Bringing the Delta up to date, their In 1927 the purple pansy, the Phi long to the Bachelors, members of COLLEGE BARBER present co-sponsors are Mrs. Marcia Alph Flower, was planted by Miss Alpha Gamma Tau. In the fall of .\I the Forks VISIT Hovey and Mrs. Ralph Price. They Robinson as the first flower in Robin- 1923 twelve students seeking closer sing their songs Ai Ai Aikus and Del- son Garden. The Torch, the Phi Alph organization and fellowship formed WESTMINSTER ta Sigma, Kappa pin proudly. They yearbook, was first published in 1937. the Bachelor club, which met in se- tri- and wear their crecy off campus. The Phi Alphs remember these things This group in the pledge angular SHOE REPAIR remember with pride Dr. George S. as well as the girls who have grad- .spring of 1924, recognized by the Wills and his wife as Delt V.I.P.'s and uated, one of whom is Sara Belle college, adopted a constitution and a Finest Material look to the future for more outstand- Veale, the daughter of WMC's Greek name. A spring dance was - Workmanship ing achievements. "Mama Veale. ' sponsored by the Bachelors during same that Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. year. .TOE MARZULLO Next in perspective we see Iota Since its beginning, the club has .adopted the American These Bachelors Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. Beauty rosebud 85 W. l\fain St. Gamma Chi. Red, black, and white had many in size. changes and increased as their fllower, and the beer mug as Evenings 9 p.m. greatly;tle Painted Pur- Near Carroll Theatre are its colors which have meaning ple by Jo SiehlerJ,~nd Jan Chase is the symbol of club fellowship. Charles Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on only to the members. The skull is Saturday and Holidays worn by their pledges and also has a familiar to ever rene- The Phi Alphs Havens and "Greasy" Neale, a pro- num- football secret meaning. Iota Gamma Chi is are deservedly proud of their spirit fessional among their player, are mem- Fri., Sat. April 19-20 bered graduated . LAUNDROMAT the oldest club of its type on the Hill and their 'tr-adit.icna, ii>_the.iourth .sc, bers. Indeed, the Bachelors are most Tony Curtis "IHISTER CORY" Hyer top floor of Smith Four _Sigma_Sigma_Tall. .gi rla-on-fhc -l\-fartha 5 Locust Street Hall formed it dming the school year rority we view along "sorority row." proud oFtheirhoTl'o;ary fie-mber and Cinemascope and T'echnicolor advisor for the past twenty-five years, of 1894-1895. Originally it was a Scarlet and silver, having secret Opposite Parking 1.01 Professor Frank B. Hurt. very secret organization for all senior meanings, are the ctJlors of this soror- DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 girls and a few chosen junior girls. ity. The pledges 'are skunks-wear- Loyalty and honor, purple and gold, Sun., Mon., Tues. April 21-22.23 FRIDA Y UNTIL 8 :on Later it was reorganized to become a ing white stripes during their initia- are an integral part of Delta Pi Al- "TEN THOUSAND BEDROOMS" more select group whereby girls from tion period, but losing this humble pha. The fraternity existed prior to Dean Martin Anna Maria Alberghetti Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon the junior and senior classes were form at the time of formal initiation. 1925 as an informal organization of westminster 12~i eligible for membership, but had to be Few know the origin of this club. theological students. In 1925 it was as a fraternity. organized FREE nEl.lVERY SERVICE chosen by a unanimous vote of the In 1922 sixteen sophomore women formally exclusively pre-ministerial stu- wed., Thurs. "L IZ Z I E" April 2·1-25 Then TO COLLEGE club. In' 1937 the club was reorgan- formed an organization which met dents, the club was nicknamed Eleanor Parker Richard Boone ized to conform to the standards of a only at social functions. This group =Preachers." In the year 1929 to 1930 the fraternity was reorganized Fri., Sat. April 26-27 Baugher's Restaurant Hill. The Preacher clubroom, newly LOST SAFARI" EASTER and was opened to all students on the "TARZAN AND THE Candies remodeled by the members themselves, Gordon Scott Betty St. John is located Mac Lea dormi· in Daniel and JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Cinemascope and Technicolor Proud tory. Novelties ful and spirited they are of their color· club. FOR A MEAL OR SNACK AT Gamma Beta Chi holds high its Homemade Ice Cream atHl Thick I\'Ihkshakes -colors red and blue. This fraternity is the oldest organization of its kind Griffin's OPEN EVERY DAY on number of boys led by Osborne 1922, a the Hill. In September, Rey- nolds, who is now residing in Towson Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- day shows continuous from 2 p. m Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday show~ Flowers For All Occasions continuous from 6:45 p. m. She's your special girl! She deserves the best when it Fri., Sat. April 19-20 comes to flowers. "GUN FOR A COWARD" Fred McMurray Janice Ruk DUTTERER'S Fri., Sat. April 26·27 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Double Feature Westminster 350 "WETBACKS" and- - around the dance floor-greeting "SWAMP WOMEN" old friends, making new ones. Part of the fun of campus parties COLLEGE GIRLS is the pause to enjoy a Coke. INVEST 8 WEEKS WISELY It's delicious .. refreshing, too. Campus Learn to typewrite college papers, in In 8 weeks, an intensive course, notes and shortband take to you can complete the College Edi_ lectures and when reading, or as Short- capers a researcher. grades in college and tion of learn Simplified Gregg acquire 80 hand, to take dictation Earn better w.p.m. and in typewriting hours typing call for save shorthand. of time Secure using part·time a speed of 40 w.p.m. School Bulletin. and at college or earn dur_ employment Request Summer Coke ing vacations. STRAYER COLLEGE 13th and F Streets, Washington 5, D. C. BOTTL~D UNDH AUTHORITY Of T)j~ COCA· COLA COMPANY BY WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BO'ITJ.lNG CO., INC. NAtional 8·1748 "C"h"/ ... r"9i.'.redl""J"'m<:lTk. © 1951, THE COCA·COLACOM'AN'I'
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