Page 38 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 38
4 The Gold Bug, Mar. 22, 1957 Many Out For Cindermen Prepare Tennis Team Baseball Team For Season Opener By John Hort Preps ForCU By John Kauffman Another winter has passed and it On the back campus, between the is now time to don the spiked shoe The tennis team took advantage ~f hours of three and five every after- and heave the iron ball. As of a :few the recent warm days to put in sev- noon, the cries of "nice hit," "good weeks ago, the track team began eral afternoons of practice. The team scoop," and "way to throw" may be training in earnest for the fcrthcom- as a whole is looking quite strong. heard as the Western Maryland base, ing season, which shows a total of Wray Mowbray and Bob Paaserejlo ball team is holding practice. The nine meets on the board for the boys will be competing for the time hon- squad, which has been practicing since of the cinder path. ored number one berth. Both are ex- March 4, was dealt a serious blow faces have been added to perienced players with a good ground when its coach, Jim Boyer, was this year's squad to replace the game and effective specialty shots. stricken with a heart attack several seniors who graduated. The :fresh- Senior Sam Reed will probably play weeks ago. Under the capable leader- man class is well represented with in the number three spot. His steady ship of the athletic director, Charlie boys like Hal Lavin, Chuck Myers, game has always been an asset to Havens, the team is slowly rounding Stan Miller, Vern Johnson, Karl Silex, the team. Bob Anderson, a freshman, into shape for their first game on Lloyd Musselman, George Becker, and has brought his background of experi- April 4. Ray Asay. With these new boys, the ence to the team this year and should Last year the Terrors finished in team should be much stronger, both be quite effective with his net game third place in Mason-Dixon Confer- in physical stamina and moral cour- and well developed main drives. Re- ence play and had an overall record age, because they all have the much Kneeling (l. to 1'.) C. White, W. Holter, R. Graybeal, R. Niokolee, J. Pluggo. turning again this season is John of ten wins and six losses. Returning needed spirit, and the will to win. Standing (l. to T.) Capt. F. Howard, F. TU8hoph, W. Slade; T. Beokett, D. Gunderson, a junior with the neces; veterans number ten, so the outlook Many old faces are back in the per- TVilliMnB, R. Sindey, and MISgt. C. Coyner. sary competitive spirit and the funda- for a better season is very promising. sons of Bob Butler, Chuck Smith, Ray mentals. Bruce Lee, the sophomore on The addition of several transfer stu- Crawford, Bill Spaar, Bill Biehl, the team, is rapidly improving and dents, who were ineligible last year, Vaughn Smith, Roy Kennedy, Hal Three Wins Freshmen Aid will be anchor man this year. and freshman candidates makes a Atkinson, Dick Holbruner, Jim May, The first match for the season is total of twenty-eight men vying for Lynn Mayer, and Gene Michaels. April 4 at Catholic University. The positions on the team. for a better For Riflemen School Team team then returns home April 6 to The team is planning In the outfield, having lost Brad season than last year and should be play Towson St. Teachers. If the Jones and Nick Raush by graduation, stronger in the high jump with Jim Since the last edition the WMC Pictured above is the team which weather holds over spring vacation, Mike Savarese and Fred Stoever are Lewis, and the pole vault with the rifle team has fired three successful has compiled a seven win, two loss the courts will have their finishing the only returnees. Denny Harmon, addition of Jim Rawlins. G-burg is matches. They won two over Loyola r-ecord so fur- this school year. They layers added and will be among the last year-s regular third sacker, is the first contest of the season on the and one over Potomac State. have been coached and instructed very best in the state. also working out in the pastures as sixth of April, and Coach Harlow's On March 1, Loyola met us on our ably by Capt. Howard and M/Sgt. The captain of the team, Ron Gray- Golfers Face is Sloan Stewart, who was not eligible thinclads are looking for revenge own range and on March 15, we gave Coyner. last year because of transfer regula- from last year's thumping. Other them a return match at their range. tions. AI Miller, one of last year's top meets are with Mt. St. Mary's, Wash- We outfired them by 52 points at the beal, has not participated in the last sluggers, will be missed because prac- ington College, Loyola, Hopkins, first match and by 14 points at the few matches because he has been very Albright First tice teaching will prevent him from Catholic U., and a special May Day second match. The scores were 1350- busy with other activities on campus. playing the full schedule. Rounding meet with the school up Yankee way, 1336 respectively. The score, 1385, Ron is a very important member of By Ted Kleneke out the fight for the outfield are Rol- Dickinson. was the highest mark the WMC rifle the team, not only as a high scorer, and Baughman, John Long, Jack team has made this year. Wayne Hol- but for other reasons also. His On April 5, Western Maryland's Fringer, Chet Giberson, and Eldridge New things are expected this year ter was high scorer in the first match natural leader-ship ability and pleas- golf team will invade the links op- Ward. from the team, and the backing of the with a 282. Tom Beckett, arriving ing personality have contributed posing Albright College in the first student give the body would really The double play combination of boys who run the oval a great boost. late, fired a 280 which literally saved greatly to the efforts of the team. match of the current season. Hank Schorreck and Buzzy Lambert So how's about it gang? the match for Western Maryland. Due to the disrupted condition of is returning to keep the middle of The third match was with Potomac The loss of Ken Nickoles through the home course, which at present, is the Terrors' defense strong. In the State on March 8. We were the vic- academic difficulties is a great loss to undergoing an extensive renovation the middle of the battle for the "hot cor- Track Schedule tors with scored score 1352-1312. Dick the team. Ken was one of the high- process, the sextet will journey to the highest Brawley a 270, est scorers for the team last year and with ner" are Dick Gardiner, who is out APRIL while Miller of Potomac State fired Mount Pleasant Course in Baltimore. for college baseball for the first time, 6---Gettysburg Away a 269. was a great contributor this year. in this manner accounting for ached- and Gene Michaels, who performed on 10-Washington College Home Our ROTC team also defeated He was high scorer last semester. It uled home contests. the team elast year as a utility in- 13-Catholic U. Invitational Away Loyola 1372-1326 o~ March has been reported that he may return The team is fortunate in having five fielder. First base is also open with 2O---Johns Hopkins Away 1. to the college next fall; the team lettermen returning from last year's . LOYOLA Sloan Stewart and freshTUan Bob Cole 24-Loyola __.. Home WMC ..._ ...._..__ 272lBurna ._._._._.. ZB2 hopes so. squad. 8eekell _.__ .__ .__ .__ ._ 280 1Awalt vying for the starting berth. 27-American U. Relays _... Away Holter 271 It. can't be over emphasized that the Heading the 1957 team will be Cap- A four-deep struggle is occurring MAY if~~t:-::~~:==:_lli ~~~~~i=:~~:=:~~~_ill freshmen members were great con- tain Ted Klenske, the only senior in the selection of a starting catcher. I-Mt. St. Mary's Home tributors to the team's success this member, who will culminate a four- Returning from last year are Ev 4-Dickinson __ Home Total 1850 Total 1336 year. They cannot all be named sep- year challenge at the conclusion of Feeser asd John Coolahan, but they 11-Catholic University Away arately because of limited space, but the season. are being pushed by AI Dworkin and Tennis Schednle they can be described in two words, freshman Don Jones. Baseball Schedule APRIL "just great." Captain Howard can- Following closely alongside of Ted With the loss of three men from APRIL 4-Catholic University ._..... Away not put into words what he thinks of are the Urquhart brothers, Pete be- last year's pitching staff-Walt San- 6--Towson Home his freshmen members. He is very ing last year's top point-getter, and ders, Bill Clem, and Andy Tafuri- 4-University of Maine ...... Home 9-American University Away proud of them and is not ashamed to Andy, frequent winner of medalist the pitching staff reveals numerous 6--New Haven Home 12-Gettysburg Home praise them. honors. new faces. "Pud" Zimmerman. the 10---Penn State Away 13-Delaware. Home Through their combined efforts and Dick Brawley (Little Ben) and ll-Gettysburg Home lefty from Frederick involved in IS-Loyola Home 16-Mt. St. Mary's Home sacrifices they have produced very Gene Miolen, the father-son combine- tranfer ineligibility last season, looks l6--Mt. St. Mary's Home 20-Catholic University Home good results. Theil' only two losses Lon, are expected to continue their very good at this stage of the game. 17-Ursinus ._..... Away 24--Mt. St. Mary's . Away were against Johns Hopkins and Vill- efforts in the drive for a successful Back again is John Kauffman who has l8---Syracuse Home 25-Loyola Away anova. On Jannary 11, we were de- been used mainly in relief the past 20---Rutgers of South Jersey Home 26--Washington .... Home feated by J.H.U. by only two points . This leaves one vacant position to two years. The new candidates include 24-Mt. St. Mary's Away 27--Johns Hopkins _ Away OUl' first defeat was by Villanova, be filled by such prospects as Dave George Whelpley, Clark Kirkman, 26---Washington College . . Home the team which is rated number ten Clark, Howard Zimmerman, and Jim Joel Bailey, Steve Askin, John Karrer, 29-Loyola . Away MAY nationally for a rifle team. Crowley. and Roger Schelm. MAY 4-Loyola Home All-in-all, with a lighter schedule, The outlook for a winning season is 2-Johns Hopkins Home 6---Gettysbul'g _ _ Away Up to the present, the \V.M.C. rifle composed of light regular season good as thc combination of veterans 4-Catholic University Home 8---Johns Hopkins _.._ . Home tcam is very satisfied with its J·ecord. matches and two conference cham- 9-Dickinson They have one more TUatch on April and new talent seeTUSbalanced. The 10-American University .._._Home pionships, in addition to five returning spirit of the team i'S high and, given 11--Johns Hopkins ._... Away 27 with V.M.J. They hope to have a setups, 11 bright future seems quite the few breaks needed in baseball, the record of eight wins, two losses. evident. Terrors will provide trouble for any Golf Schedule team it faces. An intense desire to win, necessary in any sport for suc- APRIL cess, is present here, and the Mason- 5--Albright .. _._.... Home Campus Dixon championship is the goal of 9-Franklin and Marshall .. Away the 1957 Terrors. l2-Gettysburg Away 15--Loyola ...._ Away capers TerrorettesLose 20---Hartwicke College ._ Home Home 26---Washington 3O---Johns Hopkins Away Though displaying finely coordinat- MAY call for ed play, the Terrorettes lacked that lO--Juniata .. __. Away vital something necessary for tri- ll-Middle Atlantic Tourn .. _ Away umph, being defeated by both St. Jo- Mason-Dixon Tourn. Balto. Coke seph's College in Emmitsburg and Notre Dame College of Baltimore. In intramural play the champion- ship goes to the sophomore class, who It's always in good tasle, defeated the juniors in a hard-fought And the taste is always good game. Athletes Excel Congratulations to Brooks Euler for Rehearsals stretch out, his very fine showing in the Mason- Dixon Wrestling Tournament at Tow- for the big Glee Club son State Teachers College. Brooks ~ tour is ahead. \Vork and worry call placed second in the 157 pound class. Brant Vitek was ill but still was able Phonet2l7~ for a pause-so, relax ... to gain third place. Brant deserves 'Jt/~/.fJ. refresh with ice-cold Coke. much credit for this performance. Sloan Stewart finished second in Our New Addition BOTTLED UNDE~ ....UTHORITY Of THE COC ....·COLA COMP ....NY BY the Mason-Dixon scoring race. Sloan The Colonial Dining Room WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BO'ITLING CO.. INC. also was picked on the second squad of the All-Maryland Basketball TeaTU. "Coke' i, a ,egi,le,ed Irode·mark © 11'53, THE COCA·CO'A COMPANY
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