Page 45 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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The Gold Bug, Apr. 26, 1957 Frat Completes History Series High On The Hill who hnd served in the Navy Senior Sigma Coeds Receive Campus Recognition By Pat Schaefer can, a graduate of Baltimore Poly- Due to lack of space, the final por- technic tion of the fraternity feature in the and was a member of the class of April 12 issue was left for this week's 1926, drew a group of men together By Carol Binghann of us confused students, Anna has By Jo Ellen 01!terbridg(J issue. Also Doctor John D. Makosky who represented all classes and were Anyone who should be so unfor- known since ninth grade that her and Am!a Jarrell has written a clarification of his role leaders in all activities on the campus. tunate as to belong to the cult of the profession would be teaching. Since Curly hair and gay, laughing eyes in WMC's fraternities. This group became the Black and early risers (6:15 ish) will be well March, Anna has been finishing out are the things one notices first when White Club. her final semester here practice teach- Gamma Beta Chi was the first fra- acquainted with the familiar sight of ing in physical education at Milford meeting Carol Bingham. A tireless ternity organized which is still exist- older Four or five of the members {If the my roommate breezing into the din- Mill Jr.-Sr. High School. and energetic senior, she can usually had Chi group Gamma Beta ing at Western Maryland. It was joined the younger organization; I ing hall at 6 :45 a.m., as she has done This has not curtailed any of be found studying in the Aloha office called together by Osborn ("Unc") among them. I became the second for the past three years. (This has Anna's extra-curricular activities on and is always willing to drive to Reynolds, in the winter of 1922-23, been altered just recently when Anna campus. She is an active member of Baugher's or to sit down for a chat. and consisted entirely of members of president of the Black and Whites. who began her semester of practice teach- Sigma Sigma Tau, and at present is Carol's present home is Panama, As the only person in captivity the class of 1925 who were living on has presided over the first two fra- ing.) the club treasurer. Add to that, par- although she was born in New York the second floor of old Ward Hall. ternities to make permanent organ- It is customary for the GOLDBUGto ticipation in the college choir, the and has spent most of her life in Sil- The meeting places were in dormitory ization at Western Maryland, I sug- ask someone who knows well one of College Players, F.T.A., S.C.A., and ver Spring, Md. She went to high gest that priority belongs to the their "High on the.,Hill" era to do the the F'reshrnen Advisory Council, and school in F'r-ankfurt, Germany, and I was the person who suggested the Gamma Beta Chi whereas to the you will see why "spare time" is a colors of the fraternity; as I recall, Black and Whites goes credit for giv- word not found in Anna's vocabulary. Bob Reyonlds, brother and r'oommute ing the fraternity idea breadth and Anna has been interested of the founder, suggested the name. standing on the Hill. In the fall of 1923 the rooming design -John D. Makosky which had caused us all to be very to Miss Smith and the dramatic art close together was broken up and no Pi Alpha Alpha is derived from the department in her sophomore year. were held. . As an organ- first letters of the words of the fra- After seeing her in the Junior plays, ization fruterntiy was dormant. ternity motto: Pros Aleuthus Anthro- carrying the lead in the Christmas In the fall of 1923 also, Hall Dun- po, meaning "ror true manhood." play that year, and shining as Penny The colors, black and white, were Sycnmnra in You Can't Toke It With adopted in 1927. You. no one has any doubts about In the fall of 1023, George H~ll Anna's fine talent, both as a drama- Duncan, a graduate of Baltimore tst and a comedienne. Polytechnic Institute, a Navy veter- As co-director she helped us put on an, and a varsity football player, a frantic but funny Junior Follies. called together about twenty-five men, Being particularly active in S.C.A. in chosen from all classes and for vari- her freshman, sophomore and junior ous interests and capacities. From year-s, Anna knows well the work it November, 1923 till June, 1924 the takes to line up a Fireside program Black and Whites established the or to act as a Committee chairman. college newspaper as an independent Perhaps you are wondering why T Sun., Mon., Tues. April 28-29-30 club project and presented it to the Anna Jarrell haven't already mentioned the fact Carol Billgham "HEA VEN KNOWS, MR. ALLISON" college as a debt-free established pub- that Anna was elected to Who's Who while there she toured the continent. Deborah Kerr Robert Mitchum lication. The original editor and wr-ite-up. Since I've known Anna Her main activities in Panama are Cinemas cope asd Technicolor energy behind the college newspaper Jarrell since kindergarten, (could it this October. It's because to me, that swimming, sailing and the El Oasis is not the most significant thing about was Sterling "\V. Edwards, and the be that long?) this is one job for my roommate. The honor was only Club. Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. May 1-2-3-4 business manager was Charles E. which I feel rather well-qualified. a recognition of things I've known Carol. who is a psychology major, Walt Disney's "CINDERELLA" Bish, now principal of McKinley Maryland has been home to Anna about Anna for years-her capacity has been active in many clubs during Technicolor Technical School, D. C. From them for twenty-one years. She went for leadership, her sincere desire to her four years on the "Hill." Being also came the first scoreboard for through elementar-y school, junior and do things for others, her abilities as editor of the Aloha is her main con- Hoffa Field and the Lynn Gruber senior high school in Silver Spring a student and her contr-ibutions to cern this year. She is an alto in the Sun., Mon., Tues. May 5-6-7 Medal for extra-cui-riculr proficien- with the same enthusiasm and energy the community or campus. college choir, and as a Sigma, she has "FUNNY FACE" cy, established in honor of a fraterni- that she has displayed during her Of course I have my own little held the offices of alumni secretary Fred Astaire Audrey Hepburn ty brother tragically killed in a sled- foul' years on the Hill. Not like some book oi H'ho's ~Vho'ers and Anna is and sunshine messenger. Technicolor ding accident in the winter of '25- right on the first page of it just for This year she was honored when '25. The first organization-sponsored, being a swell roommate. It's not she was elected as member of Who's off-campus dance was given. wea., Thurs., Fri., Sat. The Black and Whites remember It PaYI To) Look Well easy to put up with the confusion lVho Am01lg Stud(Jnts in Am.erican May 8-0-10-11 their first presidents: Hall Duncan, that reigns in 221, but Anna does, Colleaee alld Unioersitiee. In other "GIANT" now owner and principal of Wroxeter- and can even manage to laugh about academic matters Carol is an Argo- Rock Hudson Elizabeth Taylor on-the-Severn School, Dr. John Ma- it. naut, and in her junior yea!', she James Dean kosky, and Richard G. Stone, presi- joined A.K.A. 'I'eohnicolor dent at St. Mary's College, Raleigh, Avenue Barber Shop VISIT She is usually in a state of blissful N. C. Paul Dawson wrote the fra- confusion, being- but this does not keep her Th,'is con- thoughtful. from ternity song which is "Deep in the Where The Students Go WESTMINSTER fusion makes life more interesting for Hearts" of each brother. 'The Black those around her. and Whites have a long history and oS"> Pf'nnsylvani~ Avenur SHOE REPAIR much tradition upon which to base an Although she is sad at the thought active and spirited future. Finest Material of leaving W. 1\1. C., she is looking Continuous I p. m. Saturdays. Holi- - Workmanship forward to working with children. riay shows continuous from 2 p. m. Her secret ambition is to sail her boat Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. JOE MARZULLO with her father back from Panama. F:vpnillg show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Baugher's Restaurant 85 W. Main St. Whatever Carol may do, or wher- continuous from 6:45 p. m Near Carroll Theatre ever she may be, it is certain that .JUST OFF THE CAMPUS she will always be "High on the Hill." Fri., Sat May 3-4 "MASSACRE" FOR A MEAt OR SNACK Dane Clat'k Marta Roth Rasinsky's Pharmacy NOW OPEN Technicolor Homemade lee Cream and Thick Milkshakes BLUE DANUBE "Reliable Prescriptions" Fri., Sat May 10-11 OPEN EVE&Y DAY LUNCH "INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN" Drugs and Everyday Needs Former Sorrento House Grant Williams Randy Stuart 30 W. Main St. ICE CREAM HOAGIES - SHAKES Md. SUBS - PIZZ"\S Phone 101 Hours: 1 P.M. to 1 A.M. G. C. Murphy Co. LAUNDROMAT 5 Locust St.reet Th~ Friendly Store Opposite Parking Lot DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 Dormitory and CI.llroom FRIDA Y UNTIL 8,00 Supptia Closed Wed. 12 :00 Noon Westminster 1287 6·10 West Main Street FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Wutm;nster, Md. TO COLLEGE He's a ''heavy'' in the play, but short on time. REMEMBER! Delicious Busy students need quick !\fay Day Is Just A round The Corner Get That Corsage refreshment. That's Foods For Your Special Gal where Coca-Cola comes in. AT AT Griffin's DUTTERER'S SEE WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTT.TNG CO .• INC. Earl Finley to place YOllr order "Coke" il a regl.terea trade·mork.
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