Page 43 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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Librar~r "[eate rn Maryland College w4r ~nl~ lug ',"i0stminstcr, Md , Die Terrors Vierd Beat Vuns Loyola Page 2 Page 4 Vol. 34, No. 16 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, W'~E:::ST~M~I.::N.'CST::,E::R'c:~~f,::AR"CY~L:,:AN",D"_ ---,A:,:p~r:.::il:..:2::::6::_, :c91~57 '58 To Present Greek Letter "May Day Across The Seas" To Be A Farm Fantasy Organizations Theme For SpringMay Day Festival On the night of May 3, another Junior Follies will be history. The Hold Frolics Class of '58 will have concluded their The Spring festival, May Day, will man. The May Queen is Miss Doro- Le Cercle Francais will present "dramatic" presentation to the rest The weekend of May 10 will intiate be held on Saturday, M.::y 4, 1957. thy Snider. Miss April Adkins will French songs, and songs of Continen- of the student body and faculty. a new tradition on the campus. The The entire day of activities is sport- be the flower girl, and Master Jona- tal Europe will be given by the mad- The theme, characters, and plot Greek letter organizations working scrod by the Student Government and than David will be the crown bearer. rigal group. The announcer for the have been guarded as closely as possi- together will sponsor an entire week- coordinated by the Women's Council Dr. Lowell S. Ensor will crown the ceremony will be John Scott. In case ble in trying to comply with the tra- end of entertainment, to be called "May Day Across the Seas" is the queen. of rain, the coronation will be held in dition of making it a surprise presen- Panhellenic Weekend. Activities will theme this year. In keeping with the theme, the en- Alumni Hall. tation. "Willy Mack's Co-Op" is, begin Friday night with a hayr-ide. A parade, led by the May Queen tertainment will be representative of An athletic program later in the briefly, a take-off on the college. As The evening plans include a jam and her court, will start downtown at the world. From England comes the afternoon will include 11 tennis match usual, some of the interesting persons session by campus bands, and a 1 :00 P.M. and will proceed to the out- May Pole Dance. There will also be with Loyola, a baseball game with and events on the campus during the weenie roast complete with hot dogs door amphitheater. The parade will dances from Scotland and Arabia. Catholic University, and a track meet past year arc satirically presented. and marshmallows. also contain floats and cars entered with Dickinson. "Willy Mack's Co-Op" is a Follies Saturday night, a movie The Ma.n by the classes and campus organiza- The fraternity rooms will be open presentation with a plol;-s01n6thing in the White Suit will be shown in tions. in the afternoon for alumni and will happen, and quite possibly any- Alumni Hall at 6 :30, with a dance The amphitheater activities will friends. The sororities will combine thing will happen. following in Blanche Ward Gym at store with the procession of the 1957 to give a lawn party in Robinson Gar- Along with the prose dialogue, the 8 :30. The dance will be informal May Court. The members of the May den. The dormitories will be open to musical scores will playa large part and Don D'Angelo's band will pro- Court are: Freshmen Attendants, guests. A Band Concert will also be in the Follies, totaling fourteen vide the music. Refreshments will Miss Trudy Forsythe and Miss Vicki given in the afternoon. songs. be served. Piram; Freshman Duchess, Miss Sue The day will be climaxed with a "·WiIly Mack's Co-Op" was written The sorority and fraternity club- War-ren ; Sophomore Attendants. Miss dance, "Evening in Paris," sponsored and directed by Flo Mehl and John rooms will have open house on Sun- Leanne Manning and Miss Janice by Alpha Gamma Tau. Gunderson. Both Flo and John are day afternoon bringing a close to the Roberts; Sophomore Duchess, Miss Much credit goes to the following English majors. Flo is a product of Pan hellenic activities. Patricia Schaefer; Junior Attendants, people for- their work in planning a the Eastern Shore, living in River- The intersorority and interfrater- Miss Gloria Jones and Miss Nancy full, exciting day: Parade, Marti Wil- ton. John lives on the other side nity councils have planned and work- Lindsay; Junior Duchess, Miss Carol liams; Invitations and Decorations, of the Bay in Pikesville. ed out the entire weekend. Mary Burton; Senior Attendants. Miss Joan Ruth Ridinger; Programs, Jean Nick Spinnato heads the music Ellen Weber and John Kauffman as Durno and Miss Harriet Stevens; Goode; Music and Entertainment, committee, Gail Mercey is the chai r- presidents of the inter-soror-ity and Senior Duchess, Miss Helen Boar-d- Judy Corby; Properties, Mary Ellen man of the art and scenery committee, interfraternity councils are general Weber; Flowers, Dorothy Snider and Natalie Warf.eld is in charge of the ccocuinatoi-s for the event. Each so- of French Atmosphere the General Chairman, Joanne Par- props, Bette Flohr and Barbara Hunt rority and fraternity has charge rish. are designing the costumes, Nancy a different aspect of the activities: To Don May Dance Mis8 D&rothy Snider Lindsay is in charge of make-up, the Refreshments, Sigmas and Bachelors; 1957 May Queen Frosh Women Plan lighting committee is being headed Decorations, Phi Alpha and Gamma "Evening in Paris" will be the by Eric Willen and William Slade, Bets; Tickets, Preachers and Iotes ; theme of the semi-formal May Dance Joel Bailey is making the programs, Publicity, Delta and Black and in Gill Gym on Saturday, May 4, Gam- I and Jack Anderson is stage manager Whites; Clean-up, two from each from 8 to 12 P.M. The fraternity U'SI L~~!~~~~~a!~cession, a and all around "trouble shooter." club. sponsoring the dance is Alpha C'LUB NE VV I tradition which givea a final tribute Tickets may be purchased for the ma Tau - "The' Bachelors." Les S.C.A. to the graduating senior women, is Dr. Hovey To Speak entire weekend from any fraternity Michener and his orchestra will pro- On April 5, the student body elected being planned by the freshmen. The ceremony will be held the first week member or the freshman or sorority Tickets will be $2.50. At CEA Meeting class president, for one dollar per vide the music. will be decorated as a Dave Harper as as president, Margaret in May on Hoffa Field while the re- vice-president, Jane Whitfield The gym person, or for each of the separate ac- French street scene, with the Eifiel Roeder as secretary, and Luther Mar- mainder of the school watches from Dr. Richard B. Hovey, professor of tivities at the following costs: Hay. Tower as a center piece. The tables tin as treasurer. A complete list of the "Hill." Later in the evening, a American literature at Western ride, SOc; dance, 50c; movie, 25c. officers will be announced next year. party will be given in McDaniel Maryland College, will give the open- on the side of the gym will have Ted Lounge by the Dean of women, Mrs. ing address at the regional meeting and white checkered table cloths, in At the last of the SCM regional Earp, and planned by the sophomores. of the College English Association on the French cafe style. White clouds conference, Marge Hull was elected The freshmen assisting Bea Gill about two feet be- co-chairman commit- of the program will be suspended Saturday, April 27, in Washington, Crist Honored low the navy blue ceiling. tee. She will serve on the executive in this project are Bev Winters and D. C. His topic, "Fiddling or Fight- Dr. Ensor will crown the May council for the Middle Atlantic Re- Caroline Lewis. The class song will ing? A Look at College Composition," Larry S. Crist, a graduate of Queen, Dorothy Snider, during inter- gion of the SCM. be the product of Carol Dixon and concerns motivational problems in the class of 1955, Summa Cum Esther Upperco. S.C.A. was The local represented touching and learning writing skills, Laude with Department Honors mission. The entire court will be in the weekend of April 13 and 14 at the The freshmen, dressed in white, will and Classics has re- in French attendance. particularly in the freshman course. cently been appointed as a jun- Lea Michener has played at Lehigh, regional Student Christian Movement form in turn the numerals of each of The College English Association is Penn State, the University of Penn- Association's meeting at Camp Hill- the four present classes at W.M.C. a nation-wide organization of English ior fellow in French at the top at Downingtown, Pa. Ideas pre- A procession, which ends at Blanche professors. Its purpose is the im- Graduate School of Princeton sylvania, and Gettysburg. The or- sented by other schools may be put Ward Hall with the Singing of the with a stipend provement of the profession; its mem- University, He is now a first lieu- of chestra is made up of ten pieces and into action on this campus next year Alma Mater, will follow. $1150. a vocalist. bers are concerned with all phases of tenant in the Army in Korea, Gordon Weiner and Gordon Hurl- to enlarge the scope of the S.C.A. in teaching English literature anti writ- contacting the individual student. ing. but will return home in June. brink arc co-chairmen of the dance. in planning Argonauts Honor Bill Bloomer heads the decoration All who are interested committee; Bill Muhlenfeld and Pete the schedule of activities and meet- Senior Members 'Glamour' Selects joy Keller Urquhart, tickets and Mike Fried- ings for next year are invited to at- The Argonauts' Annual Spring programs; tend the Planning Conference on May publicity; Don Dewey, held Monday was As One Of Ten Best-Dressed man, refreshments; Don D'Angelo, 6, at Harvey Stone Park from 4:00 to Banquet 15, with over one hundred in- evening, April 7 :00. will be a Doggy Roast There clean-up. Miss Joy Keller, who was chosen York during the first part of June Faculty sponsors will be Professor also. vited guests and members in attend- ance. The S.C.A. Cabinet last month as the best-dressed girl on when she wil! be interviewed by the Frank Hurt, Dr. Reuben Holthaus, be open to all students meetings will Highlighting the banquet, which interested. and Dr. Ralph Dr. H. P. Sturdivant, our campus, has been selected as one editors of Glamour and appear in westminster Fellowship was given in honor of those senior of America's ten best-dressed college their College Fashion Show. Price. An open invitation is extend- Officers for next year will be elect- members eligible to the Fellowship, faculty. women by Glamour magazine. Joy graduated from Towson High ed to the entire in Delta Sigma Kappa ed on May 1. At this meeting there was the formal induction of the fol- The girls The news that she had been named School, and has had various modeling have given full cooperation to the will also be a program on summer op- lowing members: Ronald Graybeal, as one of the ten winners came to experience. In 1952, she took a mod- .Bechclors in preparing decorations. portunities for Christian service in Lawrence Hall, C. Lewis Robson. Miss Keller via a special delivery let- eling course with the Walter's Aced- caravans, camps, and conferences. Hans Willen, Elizabeth Crompton ter, which she received on Friday eve- emy in Baltimore and has appeared The annual picnic will be held in Granger, Joyce Harrington, Karen ning, April 19. Joy states that she in several of their fashion shows. Harvey Stone Park with the B.S.U. Schade James, Martha Lewis, Mildred didn't expect this honor and that she She has also been featured in high Fulbright Award in May. McDonald, Patricia Patterson, Patri, was very surprised. "I am glad that school fashion shows and was em- B.S.U. cia Richter, Margaret Whorton, and I can bring some recognition to West- ployed for a time with Hutzler Fulbright Awards for grad- On April 17 the officers for next Barbara Zepp. ern Maryland and possibly make oth- Brothers department store in Towson. uate study or research abroad year were elected. They arc: Betty The speaker this year was Dr. Carl ers like this wonderful school as much Here at Western Mar-yland Col- during the 1958-1959 academic Edington, president; Carol Pettersen, P. Swanson of Johns Hopkins Uni- as I do. I am not sure, but this may lege, she is secretary of the class of year are available for some enlistment vice-president; Tom Miller, versity whose topic was "The Effect change my plans for the future. 1960 and the Home Economics club. seven hundred Americans. social vice-president; Mary Barbara of Radiation on Genetic Mutation." However, I am planning to return Her interests include sewing, cooking, Eight Western Maryland Chapman and Ann Hisley, missions Larry Hall, a senior member, pre- here in the fall," comments Joy. knitting, listening to music, art, and graduates have received Ful- chairmen; Terry Mancuso, secretary; sented to the organization a new The entire issue of Glamour for naturally, she is a home economics bright grants since the year Diane Deland, treasurer; Betsy New- "argo," which he made himself. The August will be devoted to the ten major. 1950-1951. There were no ap- ell, music chairman; and Ruth Ann "argo" is the symbol of the Argo- best-dressed college women in Amer- The "10 Best Dressed College plicants from this campus for Wilson and Betty Reid, publicity nauts. ica and college fashions in general. Girls" as announced by Glamour last the year 1957-1958. chairmen. The new officers for the year 1957- Miss Keller has signed a contract week arc: Joy Brooks, Barnard Col- Completed applications are For their Easter missions project, 58 were introduced by this year's with Glannour which prohibits her lege; Gregory Cox, Stephens College; due on or before November 1. the group made rabbit candy cups President, Pat Patterson. They are: from appear-ing on television or ac- Claire Greger, UCLA; Joy Keller, As it takes some time to pre- for Silver Cross Home. President, Ray Stevens; Vice Presi- cepting any other adveTtising offers Western Maryland College; Norma pare all the materials Tequired New officers will be installed at a dent, Winnie Walsh; Secretary, Nor- until after September 1, 1957. Lozier, Eastern New Mexico Uni- in the application, interested banquet and program at Pimlico ma Fulghum; and Treasurer, Don New York Trip versity; Dinah Park, Texas Western students should consult Dr. Baptist Church April 26. Lotz. Plans arc being made by Glamour College; Sally Reilly, Marywood Col- Ridington, the campus Ful- The Canterbury Club elected offi- Students eligible for membership to have Joy photograhed on the WMC lege; Carolyn Rice, Oregon State Col- bl'ight advisor, in room 206 cers for the year 1957-58. They are: in this society must have a elass campus by one of their photograpbers lege; Sarah Van Weyk, University of Lewis Hall before leaving the Mary Hotchkiss, president; Nancy standing of junior or senior and a in the early part of May. Joy will be North Carolina; and Linda Williams, campus in June. Jones, vice-president; Allen Spicer, cumulative scholastic index of at least the guest of the magazine in New Averett College. secretary and treasurer. 2.1.
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