Page 37 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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The Gold Bug, Mar. 22, 1957 Three 'Preachers' Gain Fame As Campus Leaders Schwab Displays College Choir One-Man Art Show By Chuck S1n'ith Sings At Lyric A black-haired, balding senior from The current art exhibit in Old Frederick, Maryland, has been the Main presents the work of Grace Ann The concert version of Cavalferia recipient of a number of honer-s this Schwab. Miss Schwab is a resident R-1!sticaml, by Mascagrri was ably pre- year-all of them well-deserved. of Annapolis, Maryland. Eastern sented at the Lyric Theater in Balti- Outstanding among these was the ap- shore fans will recognize the Severn more last Saturday night. Partici- pointment of Robert W. Butler as River setting of many of her paint- pating were the Baltimore Symphony Cadet Lt. Colonel, and commander of ings. The entire exhibit is part of Orchestra, experienced soloists, and the ROTC battalion located at West- her work done last summer. the Westcrn Maryland College Choir. ern Maryland College. A lot of peo- Mlss Schwab is a quiet, reserved This effort on the part of the choir ple don't realize just how much work and unique individual. She has was the culmination of several this position entails, but as an esti- painted since childhood but entered months' work which was well reward- mate, Bob is solely responsible rei Westminster College in New Wil- ed as the concert went off smoothly. the planning, organization, accomp- Pennsylvania as a biology Members from the State Legislature lishment, and general overall success the end of her sophomore had been invited to the program so cf one of the college's biggest social yea)', she recognized that her interest could more accurately judge functions, the Military Ball. in Biology was the beauty of nnture. The next time Bob Butler came to She transferrcd to San Jose State the of the orchestra in consid- our attention he was named to Who's College in San Jose, California as an ering giving necessary financial aid to the organization. Who in American a1id Uni- ru-t major and graduated in 1947. The featured soloists were probably versif.:es, an honor is an out- A musician as well as all artist, the best with whom the choir has eve!' standing achievement for any student, Mis'3 Schwab has studied on scholar- sung. The favorite of the group was and one to bc held in high esteem. John Kauffman Brant: Vitek Bob Bl~tler To merit this honor, Bob has risen ship in with Andre Segovia, the soprano Rosa Savoia. Special credit guitarist. She trav- world's from an average "C" student to those was deserved by Paul Franke, tenor, By Ted Klenske By Don Ta-nkcl's/ey eled in Spain, the home of the guitar who filled in on one day's notice for John, coming to \VIlle from Westmin- Brantley Paul Vitek, an outstand- on the coveted list with "B" averages and her favorite artist, El Greco. the ailing star. ster, Md., through his outstanding ing graduate of Baltimore City Col- or better. Bob is an econ major, and Her other sources of inspiration have The choir had had two previous character and stimulating personality lege, came to this cnmpua way back plans a possible career in the Army. been Cezanne, Kokoschka, and Van piano rehearsals with Dr. Massimo has won the respect and admiration in the fall of 1953. He brought with He has always taken an active part Gogh. Unfor-tunately Miss Schwab's Ft'eccia here. Saturday morning they of both the faculty and the student him a fun loving attitude, a magnetic in the functions of his class, and is guitar wasn't on hand on her opening cut classes to go to Baltimore for an body, personality, and one beat up accord- humorously remembered as depicting night here, but her wire haired ter- endless two and a half hour rehearsal He has exemplified the expression, ion-the latter being an inspiration Colonel Speaks, last year's PMS&T, rier, Jeffrey, was present. Jeffrey's with the orchestra. A woman's or- "both an athlete and a scholar." for his future. Since those dark days in the Junior Follies. He is also a favorite art media is sculpture. He ganization had lunch ready after the Along with maintaining a scholastic back when he was a freshman, "Bip" member of Delta Pi Alpha fratern- carefully examines each work and rehearsal to re-energer-ize the wilting average placing him in the top quar- has come to be well known here on ity, and holds the position of Ser- vigorously barks his opinion. singers. ter of his class, he has performed on the Hill. His main interest has gcant-at-Arms in this organization. Miss Schwab's work leas spontanei- Some departed for parts unknown: the varsity baseball and basketball changed from music to medicine, and Bob also worked quite a bit on the ty and rrcnkness. Sunshine seems to others returned to the campus only to teams for four and three years re- his other interests have included a Aloha as an advertising man, and he flood from her canvasses. While her come back again that evening for the spectively. var-iety of campus activities. did his usual excellent job. SUbjects are recognizable, her ap- real performance. The singers came John is now serving as president of During his stay here, "Bip" has The two paragraphs above give a proach is very modcrn, a possibility through with good pitch, excellent Delta Pi Alpha fraternity, and prior been a devoted member of Delta Pi concise summary of Bob Butler's ac- sometimes overlooked both by artists Italian diction and expression, indica- with exception to holding this office, he was social Alpha, in which he is now serving as complishments were not the mentioned. and critics. There is a strong unity tive of the many hours of precision that athletics chairman and played intramural foot- recording secretary. Participating between background and foreground drilling put into the opera. The audi- ball. In his fraternity endeavors he for four years on the varsity soccer This was left to a section by itself", and much feeling for structure and ence was warmly responsive and kept is well respected as both a conscien- and wrestling teams, "Bip" was elect, because this is where Bob has really mass. Much of the painting is done applauding until the local group had rec- tious worker and an excellent leader. ed captain of the latter this past been exceptional, our and has brought being with the palette knife, a technique taken a special bow. Afterwards, the ognition college by to As a member of the R.O.T.C. Bat- year. Also, he has captured the 123 named on the Methodist All-American that is difficult to control, but lends legislature, orchestra, and singers talion, John is at present serving on lb. class third place medal in the Ma- a broad and free texture. Miss were refreshed with coffee, buns and the staff, holding the rank of cadet son-Dixon tournament for two years football team, and was selected for Schwab shows great promise in this compliments. The choir climbed captain. In his Junior year he was running. the All-East team one week of the her first one-man show. She is some- wearily back onto the buses and sene designated as a Distinguished Mili- season. Bob played tackle and cap- one to keep an eye on in the future. Christmas carols and "Lucky Lips" last year. tary Student, and during his six T'his young man's activities have tnined the football team an overall all the way home. Prof. deLong wiped the team wasn't Although weeks stay at Ft. Meade this past not all been away from the books. his brow and enjoyed his first good summer he upheld the qualifications He has accumulated better than a 2.2 success, Bob's play was oustanding in night's sleep in weeks. of this award admirably. index, and this year was chosen for every game, and he was lauded by It Pay .. To Look Well In addition to hh numerous activi- IVho's American Colleges practically every opposing coach and ties on campus, John spends many a and "Bip" is also a team. Bob also set some kind of a Visit The record sixty minutes in playing weekend at Towson State Teachers member of the ROTC, where he football every game, until the last con- of Compliments of College taking some graduate courses holds the rank of Captain and is the Avenue B.rber Shop in various extra-curricular activities. commanding officer of "B" Company. test in which he broke his leg in the Rice's Bakery 1\Iart John's past and present activities Upon completion of summer camp this third quarter against Johns Hopkins. include: treasurer of his freshman summer, he will receive a commission as Bob isn't idle in the winter as far Where The Students Go Many concerned. are athletics and sophomore class, president of the in the United States Army Reserve were surprised two years ago when Interfraternity Council, 1956-1957, as a medical service officer. Bob reported for basketball practice, tiS Pennsylvania Avenue member of the Business Staff of the Because of his dislike for manual I Aloha, and member of the Freshman tasks, Brant has decided to continue but he proved his agility on the court Advisory Council. In addition to his education. In September he will to the extent he was allowed to eat This was con- these positions, he has shown his able enter the University of Maryland at the training table. as charity on the sidered by some leadership as a Resident Dormitory Medical School in search of a M.D. de- part of the athletic deparment. In LAUNDROMAT Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Councilor for Daniel McLea Hall. gree. 5 Locust Street Sunday lIfatinees: 2 and 4 p.m. Recently John was honored by be- his junior year, Bob decided he would Evenings 9 p.m. ing selected for Who's Who in AmeJ'i_ Come June 3, 1957, "Bip" will va- givc wrestling a try, and took over as Opposite Parking Lot Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on can Colleges and UnivCTsitie8, again cate his place at W.M.C., but behind our heavyweight wrestler that year. DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 Saturday and Holidays showing his excellent attributes and him is an outstanding record of suc- I Because of his unfamiliarity with the FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 achievement. Although and cess high caliber. mat sport, Bob wasn't too successful SUn., Mon. Mar. 31 _ April 1 After graduation John will fulfill may be somewhat biased, being last year, although he turned in a Closed Wed. 12 :00 Noon DHANGO a two-year obligation with the U. S. "Hooker's" roommate for the past very respectable performance each Westminster 1287 Jeff Chandler Joanne Dru year, I would say that the University time he wrestled. Army, commencing in February of of Maryland will be very fortunate to In the spring Bob participates in F'REE DELIVERY SERVICE 1958 at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. After have "Little" Doctor Vitek. track. He runs the 220 and 440 yard TO COl.l,EGE Tues., Wed. April 2-3 this brief army career, he plans to TOP SECRET AFFAIR apply his knowledge of Economics, dashes for our cinder-men, and also Susan Hayward Kirk Douglas his major field, to the business world. throws the shot-put. Last yea)' Bob that was captain won all of a team To all of us who know him, it is Heagy's Sport Shop of its meets except one, and displayed FRED WALKER evident that John Kauffman will suc- Now Located 'I'bur., Fri., Sat. April 4-5-6 ceed in anything he undertakes for 16 W. Main the best record of any of the college's CAMPUS AGENT THE GIRL CAN'T HEI.P IT his character and personality will Phone 1350·W athletic teams. for the Tom Ewell Jayne Mansfield Probably a lot of people will won- benefit him anywhere, just as they A Complete Sports Line der why so much space was devoted have made him "High on the Hill." Modern G. I. Laundry Sun., Mon., Tues. April 7-8-9 to Bob's athletic prowess. To me, OR MEN, OR WOMEN .this is where Bob has proven himself 223 E. Green St. Dan Dailey Ginger Rogers Bob is an honor Delicious VISIT truly outstanding. commander, campus Westminster 1478 \Ved., Tlmr., Fri., Sat. student, ROTC WESTMINSTER leader, and all the other things said All Laundry and Dry Cleaning April 10-11-12-13 Foods above; but his big contribution to Work Guaranteed GIANT SHOE REPAIR Western Maryland has been paid in Elizabeth Taylor James Dean hours of sweat and grind on the foot- AT Finest Material ball field, the wrestling mats, and the Technicolor - Workmanship cinder track. He must be classified Rasinsky's Pharmacy fine ath- as one of the exceptionally Griffin's .JOE MARZULLO letes this college has been tradition in 85 W. Main St. producing. Near Carroll Theatre And to go along with all that. he's "Reliable Prescriptions" a real nice guy. Drugs and Everyday Needs Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- 30 W. Main St. day shows continuous rrorn 2 p. m. Baugher's Restaurant G. C. Murphy Co. Westminster, Md, Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Matinees: Sunday 2 and 4 p. m. Phone 101 continuous from 6:45 p. m. JUST OFF THE CAMPUS The Friendly Stofe Fri., Sat. April 5-6 FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Dormitory and Cla-'sroom THE BLACK WHIP ;; Supplies Compliments of Hugh Marlowe Colleen Gray Homemade Ice Cream and Thick MiIkshakes J. R. EVERHART 6,10 We ..t Main Street Fri., Sat. April 12-13 OPEN EVERY DAY COLLEGE BARBER (Double Feature) Westminuer, Md. At the Forks BROKEN STAR I CREEPING UNKNOWN
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