Page 40 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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The Gold Bug, Apr. 12, 1957 To The Editor. Although it is OUt· policy not to insert To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: Dear Editor: 1tnsig'll.ed letters, this OWl is of 8uck a At the outset let me state that I There has been much agitatiom pertinent nature, it S66ms advisable have never championed an idea of so- within the student body on the ques- to print it.-Ed. cial right or wrong, possibly because tion of Easter versus Spring vacation .. that MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS ~ To the Editor: the stimulus of indignation at social The administration why an Easter ther-e holds are many reasons va- attended After impedance has never irked me 01' con- SuhscriptionPrice $2.00 Per Annum l·· \ sembly, having having been today's as- tacted me directly or with such im- cation would not be feasible. and informed ""Ese that the college is to receive two Hun- pact as it has in our college communi- These reasons may be justifiable. FLORENCE A. MERL, EdifAn"-in-Chief garian students next September, we ty recently. However, a church affiliated school CLARENCE L. FOSSETT, Jr., Business Managh' are most disappointed in the reaction It was with incredulity that I sat like Western Maryland is expected to Managing Editor _..__ ._ Naney V. Willis Copy Editor .__ ._..._. ._._ Katherine Bond of the student body to this assembly. in a college auditorium and heard play a certain role. Good Friday, Feature Editors __ .__ " Joanne Trabucco 'J'ypins: Editor._ .._.._..._ ......._Jean Kuhlman the day when our Lord hung on the Joy<:eCook There are two main points concern- peals of laughter come from an audi- Sports Editor _._._...._._.__._Allen Spicer ~~~:::.~rga:~.~::::::::~_'.:::::~.~~~~id!taL~~~:': ing the assembly about which we are ence' at the thought of a charitable cross at Calvary certainly should be News_Feature Editors._._Violet E. Fonner Circulation __...._..__ ...._ Virgin'a Pott a day of worship and penance, and .......__._!'''1II:,~~SD~!k~~~ Advertieing ·Manager Raymond Wright disgusted. The first of these points and worthwhile idea. It was with not a day of ordinary pursuits. Ellen Richmond concerns the general behavior of the stupefaction that I sat and heard the student body during the meeting. rudeness of a congregation who sup- Many colleges that do not have an' Easter and are not affiliated' vacation Experiment X To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: The second is the uninterested atti- the posedly is capable of mature thinking with a church close on this day, &0 tude of the student time should at least be body toward and by this The recent election of Wray Mow- oriented toward some p o sit i v e why does this school persist in stay- Experiment X was launched suc- bray and Judy Corby to the highest financial aid of the Hungarian stu- thought, (there is a good book on that ing open? cessfully last Saturday night, and the positions in the Student Government dents. It is the hope of many persons that guinea pigs didn't look unhappy at focuses attention on a matter of im- It appears to us that by the time subject.) not to mention intellectual the administration of wester-n Mary- curiosity. For me it was a maturing all. Quite the contrary, everyone portance to all of us-the place of the one has reached college level, one factor to learn of the inability of col- land will consider this day a holy seemed to be enjoying himself im- SGA on our campus. should be able to conduct himself or lege students to cope with an idea that one in the future. Every student mensely. Mixing was done to the The Charter of the College places herself in the proper manner at a might deprive them of one piece of would thereby bc afforded the oppor- degree that is usually aimed at in the the responsibility for the affairs of meeting or assembly. The hissing, meringue pic a week. Thank you for tunity to attend a religious service, so-caned mixers, but rarely obtained. the institution in the hands of a calling out, and the general impolite- the lesson. On the other hand, I feel Allen Spicer For once, it was not only the lemon- Board of Trustees, who, in turn have ness toward a fellow student are cer- it a duty in return to impart to my April 5,1957 ade and the cookies that were mixed. appointed a group of administrative tainly not characteristics of an adult benefactors these vcr)' uncomfortable There have been cries repeatedly officers and gathered together a facul- college student. Isn't it at about the thoughts. Dear Editor, honor sys- I feel that a successful from one source or another about the ty to carry out the objectives for beginning of elementary school that We are not born human beings; we tem at W.M.C. would be an impossi- lack of school spirit here on campus. which Western Maryland was found- one is taught to be quiet when an- are taught to be, although some learn Some of the noise has originated here ed. These three groups-faculty, ad- other is speaking ? It seems that a better and faster than others. Sec- bility as long as the present condition in the GOLDBUG. Experiment X has ministration, and Board-are consid- great deal of students on the campus ondly, the endowment of certain in- of apathy extets. The main nbjec- proved that the school spirit is here. ered responsible for all that happens should spare a few minutes in brush- alienable rights might not be ours tion voiced by the students would be Students will support week-end activi- here not only by the State of Mary- ing up on their manners. the necessity of reporting those stu- ties on the campus. All that is need- land but also by t.he community, your The recent issue of the GOLDBUG had we been born some place outside dents who continued to cheat. But Dewey, and Monroe, of the sphere ed is a little foresight and organiza- parents, and you yourselves. These carried a letter to the editor concern- Bob Hope. And although our ego behind this lies a lack of that spirit tion in planning the type of activity officials of the college will establish ing school spirit. 'Where does school would like us to behave, we have of unity and of baing an integral part that the students would like. the overall situation within which the spirit begin but with the student learned the lesson, which in some of of the college community which would Organization was apparent in Ex- students and the student government body? And how much school spirit be necessary for an honor system. I periment X. In the first place, the move, and they will do so according can this campus have with a self-cen- us will never get past the larvae believe this is partially because tile stage. admission price was so low that to their interpr-eta'tion of the purpose tered student body1 They say 'char- A big step in becoming humanized student body does not feel that it has everyone could afford to go. The of the Oollege. ity begin at home', well, we say school is the development of the intellect the complete trust of the administra- gym was decorated to discourage the Whe.t rights does a student have spirit begins with interested students. which makes college life a big part in tion as evidenced by the need of co- appearance of a gymnasium and en- who asks to be, and is, admitted as a Perhaps we've been misinformed. Is the program of life development. It operation and understanding between these two groups. courage the atmosphere of a dance. member of our student body? He has Western Maryland a Christian col- is a privilege, not an inalienable In addition there were several varie- the same claim to respect of himself lege or is 'Christian' merely a false right. It is a privilege which most I feel also that there is inefficient ties of dances, including a Paul Jones, and his property as any other citizen front for a selfish group of people? of us abuse, because we lack the hu- challenge offered to those students to appeal to everyone's taste and to of the United States pillS the right to It is so disappointing for one to have mility and humbleness of those who who are capable of outstanding work, encourage mixing. Willa Benson, as the best education which Western been raised with the ideals of brother- know what it is to want. Yet how academically and socially-conse- hospitality chairman, deserves a lot Maryland College can offer. Like- hood to be confronted with a student righteous we become when we read quently, too little development of leadership. of credit for making everyone feel re- wise he has the same obligations as body that appearstto know nothing of about doleacheroua miscreants who laxed and welcome. all citizens plus the duty not to inter- these principles. wouldn't spare a crumb for a dying Many students are forced by this As long as we are handing out fere with the education of others. This general attitude of uninter- spark of life. This indignation, smug- prevailing disinterested attitude to bouquets, credit should be given to The crux of the matter hinges upon estedness.cseema t4i.have been. led by ness, and "holier than thcu" attitudes be concerned only with their own at- the combo that supplied the "several the definition of education. Some be- certain upperclassmen. We are told are precipitated when we do not have tainments and results ;;-vith little l·e-· varieties of dances" Saturday night. lieve it means academic learning. the upperclassmen, supposedly, set to part with the crumb ourselves. gard for individual achievement. and tradition rule this Conformity Dave Baker, Stan Greenberg, Don Others include other types of learn- the example which we freshmen are How unbiased and liberal we are D'Angelo, Ted Klenske, and Dave ing in the concept. In any case the to follow. Where in the world would when it is expressed only for all to campus and I, for one, feel it is time Williams were more than a little re- responsibility for dctermining to what we be led by this example? see our beneficence. And how un- for a change. Personally, I feel that sponsible for the success of the eve- education a Western Marylander has This letter is not intended to stir up critical we are when we examine our an honor system would be a good. ning. The music was dancible and a "right" lies primarily with the fee- conflict among classmen, but is mere- inner selves. Truly the humanization thing. But it remains up to the stu- dents to develop the potential of such' varied. ulty and staff. If they feel that the ly an observation made by three dis- level must be at a low ebb. This all just goes to show that the exercise of broad power by the stu- appointed freshmen. a system. Until this situation is students make or break any activity dents through their elected represen- Three Freshmen Protected and coddled in OUI' own remedied, r see little hope for it be- the gl'avity of war and its on this campus. Support was evi- tatives will improve the "education" April 8, 1957 backyard, results are almost incompre- ing successful. Jan Sutherland terrible dent Saturday night and everyone of the students, then broad powers hensible to us. And lucky we are April 4, 1957 had a good time. Rumor is that an- will be given. If such is not con- that our forefather'S who sought that other "Experiment" is in the air for sidered to be the case, such powers honor system To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: hall i this year. Chances are the elusive will not be given. dining spark of life which represented de- Ever since it was first announced formula for enlivening some week- On oUI' campus it is felt that the rec. haJJ and gl'ille cency, democracy, and freedom, lived that plans for an academic honor sys- Who arc we, what are we, ends has been found and the results exercise of responaibi.lity through stu- scholarships for foreign stu- before us. have we ever done to de- tem were being considered, there has and what will be positive once again. At least dent government is a desirable ex- dents serve the privileges that were initiat- been much discussion about it. last Saturday's guinea pigs aren't perience in education, This means student advising Some don't think much of the idea complaining! that we are happy to see the Student and many other matters ed and preserved Arc for us through the because they don't par-ticularly like we so blinded by generations? Government assume the responstbi'li- Where recommendations have been our own self-importance so as not to the idea of telling on someone for Your SGA ty for self-government within the made and not carried out there has see that another spark of life might cheating. Others are in favor of it been a tendency to conclude that th .. The school year is rapidly drawing framework of the purposes of West- SGA has no power. This is to lose like to be kindled or another human because, to put it in their own words, "every worthwhile college should have not a Maryland. SGA is The ern to a close, but now's as good a time channel by which students can get sight of the main point. Where rec- might need a lift? How low, banal, an honor system." Then there are as any to start thinking about this what they want from the Administra- ommendations have been made which and selfish! Are we not to spare those who object to the system be- subject: the SGA and you. Did you, tion and whose effectiveness will be are consistent with college policy or that spark (twenty-five calories worth cause they arc the ones who would for instance, know that SGA meetings judged by how well it succeeds in this. which merited a 'change in college a day)? be at a disadvantage in regard to are open to everyone? This has al- Not at all. It has two functions. It policy, they have been carried out. r realize there is a metamorphosis their present method of taking tests. ways been the case, but every Monday acts as an agency through which stu- In regarci to many of these mo ttera that takes place to change an organ- To offer my own personal opinion, the elected representatives meet and dent opinion and recommendations ism into a human being and that this as a student, I believe that an honor usually no one else. can be made known to those ulti- ;sn~m~:~::re~o~ m~:tti~~e~~stl:'~nS~~~ development may be retarded, but I system ought to be introduced at This is the ideal time to find out mately responsible for college affairs spons'ibility and does so almost every hope forthcoming. Western Maryland College. It might about things that are happening on and through which college purposes Monday night. It is right and propel' May I suggest a sort of "do it your .. prove to be a great advantage for the campus, and to be present at the or- that men and women here and else- self kit" called consideration and students to know that the prof. isn't ganization of things that will happen. and policies can be made known to the where should seek't(' expand areas thought. All that is necessary is to standing there ready to pounce on It is the ideal chance to make your- student body; it also is the agency where they can govern themselves. use it, become familiar with it, and self heard-to voice your opinions, through which the student body as a On our campus such efforts are en- not to expect something of it except them for making any move that looks whole can its own affairs in any way suspicious. regulate and incidentally, to have them heard couraged. With this in mind we can a little gratification. As for "ratting," as some students with interest. so as to insure conditions most con- see the SGA making an ever-increas- The other aspect of attitudes on like to call it, I personally don't be- Aside from the fact that the SGA ducive to the education which all are ing contribution to campus well-be- campus, I dare not mention because meetings are informative, they are assumed to be pursuing. ing. they involve the ego to greater ex- lieve that a student would report any also interesting. All sides of a ques- So, what "powers" specifically does Dean Wm. D. David, Jr. ent and entail the strength of the of his classmates for cheating. How- tion are discussed here, If you do not the student government have? The will and the convictions which a man ever, there is still an advantage. If attend the meeting, you may only hear SGA cabinet can discuss and make AprilS, 1957 would stand up for. Democracy is a student knows that he has been seen the finished product without seeing the recommendations (and has done so) not comprised of followers and can- cheating by one of his classmates, and many steps that were necessary to on such a variety of subjects as: BIRD'S EYE VIEW .... not be maintained by such. The in- by breaking honor and lowering him- arrive at this stage. Objections you physical aspects of the campus I dividual thinker remains omni-pres- self in the eyes of others, he will tend may present at this time have prob- examinations Congratulations ~o those respon- ent and ready to stand up for his con- to feel guilty and per haps put an end ably already been raised and over- library hours sible for having Arnold Moss here victions. The follower like a dog to his low methods. come. In other words, you are behind infirmary services Friday evening. Only one drawback with his tail between his legs has a It is my opinion that most of the the times, because you didn't attend rewards for outstanding stu- to it, though. T~e library closed poor chance of becoming a real hu- students have worked hard to come the meeting. dents early as usual, on q,e nights cultural here and that they are still working The SGA represents you and it does penalties for violations of de- events are scheduled. This seems Mike Friedman hard and honestly to keep up their the job well. Don't take this on mere corum 01' of regulations rather unfair to thdse of the student April 8, 1957 academic records. hearsay, though. It is your duty to parking body who have to study on such eve- I believe that as adults we certain- check up on the organization once in study conditions nings .. ExperirPent X seems to ly ought to give the honor system a a while. The members will welcome movies have been a huge success. Why not wearing white jackets to the May try. I would also appreciate hearing this interest. clubs more of this sort of thing? Might Day Dance, even in spite of the almost from anyone who has a different view The meetings are held r.overy Mon- intramural sports help to prevent the "mass exodus" on unanimous affirmative vote from the on the matter. day at 6:45. Why don't you become a other extra-curricular activities weekends It's a shame the boys girls ... Why not buy a copy of Mollie Kallman real part of YOUI' SGA and attend? charitable drives remained so determined about not CONTRAST, only fifty cents. April 8, 1957
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