Page 46 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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The Gold Bug, Apr. 26, 1957 Cindermen Win Frosh Riflemen Loyola Bows To Trackmen Fourth Four Matches Shoot For Honors Over Hopkins In Handicap Match W.M. Nine, 8-7 In Cath. U. Meet Won In Tennis In an eight-team In- Mason-Dixon Paced by the eighteen points won The Western Maryland Terrors vlta tional track meet at Catholic Uni- The Western Maryland tennis team by captain John Hort, the Western On Thursday, April 18, .the WMC edged out an 8-7 win at the hands of versity in Washington, D. C., western has won four consecutive tennis Maryland track team set back Johns rifle team held its annual rifle handi- Loyola in a 13-inning game played Maryland took fourth place. Catholic matches since losing the first match Hopkins by a 68-54 score. The cin- cap match. The purpose of this on Saturday, April 13. U. won with 46 1/5 points. Follow- to American U. The teams beaten dermen are undefeated in their meets match is to give the individual mem- Al Miller, playing his first game of ing were Bridgewater with 35; St. were Gett.ysbu rg, 9-0 (April 12); this season. At one time the score bers of the rifle team the chance to the season, was the first batter up in Mary's, 21 3/5; western Maryland, Delaware, 6-3 (April 13); Mt. St. was tied, but the home team took nine compete against one .another for hen- the bottom of the thirteenth, and he 191/5; Loyola, 16; American U., 13; Mary's 8-1 (AP1'il 16); and Catholic points in the discus throw to go ahead Drs. The three members that capped Gallaudet, 8; and Towson, 6. U., 8-1 (April 20). The first match for the rest of the meet. the honors are all freshmen. David connected for a homer over the right Competition among all participants with American U. was called before the to give the Terrors field fence Chuck Smith and George Becker Williams, in spite of the fact that he win. Miller also homered in the was keen and challenging, and win- completion, but according to Mason- took first and second places in the scored nothing on his last shot, won eighth. Harry "Buzzy" Lambert ners in the various events had to Dixon rules, is considered a full broad jump. Smith's distance was the competition with a high score of prove their top-notch ability. Two m~tch. 20' 1l,{". In the high jump, Hort 289. John Plugge and Bob Taitt homered in the third inning. both Hank meet records were broken in the 100- hit Schor-reck and Lambert and Jim Lewis captured second and scored 287 and 286 in that order. doubles during the contest. yard dash and 220 by John Libert of Exhibil-ion Match third behind Hopkins' Close. The connected for a homer over the right- Catholic U. His times were 9.8 and Wray Mowbray lost the season height was 5' 8". Vl\1I Next Match Kirkman gained his first win as the 22 seconds respectively. opener against American U. but has Field Events This competition was a good warm- Terrors out-hit Loyola 12-11. Green Terror scorers included: won his last four matches. Against Hal Atkinson and Ray Crawford er-up for the match to be held on John Hort, versatile captain, who took C. U. he won by default so that he took second and third in the shot put April 27 against VMI. Vl\U will be first place in both the 120-high and could play Paul Carey, a high school exhibition match. in student, an team the WMC riflemen the toughest for the home team. In the pole vault, have met to date. It would be a great Klenske Stars; 220-low hurdles, and fourth place in no Western Maryland man placed, but honor to defeat this t.eam, and the the high jump; George Becker and Mowbray won this match 6-4, 6-0. revenge was taken as Bill Biehl, Ray Golf Team Wins Chuck Smith who captured second Number two man, Bob Passerello is Crawford and Bill Spant- shut out members' hopes are high that they and third places in thc broad jump; also undefeated in these four matches will bc victorious. Hopkins from the discus throw. The Western Maryland hnksmen after losing to American U. One of Biehl threw 116' 1". defeated Loyola College by a score of Jim Rawlins who tied for second in his toughcst matches was with Dela- 5'h to 3'h. Captain Ted Klenske was Alan 'Woodruff, but Bob was the pole vault event; and Lloyd Mus- ware's Track Wins Terror Nine Beats match medalist with a score of 84. selman who ran fourth in the one on the winning end of a 8-6, 6-3 score. W. Md.'s points in the track events were scored by Roy Kennedy, second Rutgers Of S.Jersey 'Western Maryland's three winners ~ile race. Western Maryland also Sam Reed has been upset twice in the 100 yard dash in spite of pull- were Klenske, Brawley, and Mlolen. took fourth in the 2-lap relay with this season. The first time was at ing his leg muscle; Hal Lavin, third By Score Of 21-3 Andy Urquhart and Al Mund tied Chuck Myers, Dick Holbruner-, Hal American U., and the other was at their opponents. in a 6-4, 6-4 the hands of Delaware in the 100 yard dash; George Becker, The match scheduled for April 20 Lavin, and Vaughn Smith represent, match. third in the 220, first in the 440; Bob The Western Maryland Green Ter- was forfeited by Hartwicke College. ing the school. Two Undefeated rors crushed Rutgers of South Jersey Butler, third in the 440; John Hcrt by a score of 21·3. John Kauffman first in the 880, 120-high hurdles and Bob Anderson has won all five of 220-low hurdles; Lloyd Musselman, held the opponents to nine hits to his matches this season. He has a third in the 880, second in the mile; gain the win. Al Mtller and Bob Cole Coming Events steady game which has been enough Vaughn Smith, t.hird in the mile, sec- each hit home -runs in the winning to defeat all of his opponents. ond in the two mile; Chuck Smith, effort.' 'I'hursduv, May 2 Johns Hopkins - Baseball - 3 :00 John Gunderson likcwise has re- third in low hurdlcs ; and Dick Hol- The Tenors moved out to a 3-0 Saturday. illay Loyola - Tennis - 2:30 mained unbeaten this season. In his May Saturday, bruner, second in the high hurdles. lead in the first inning on hits by Saturday. May Catholic U. - Baseball - 2:30 last match he defeated Hicabi Emekli Tile WMC relay tcam won the mile Schort'eck and Miller. In a wild Dickinson - Track - 2:30 of C. U. by a 6-0, 6-4 score. relay. Running for W. Md. were third inning Miller homered, Schor- Wednesday, May Johns Hopkins - Tennis _ 3:00 Bruce Lee has lost to Tom Jenkins 2:00 George Becker, Lloyd Musselman, reck, Harmon and Cole all hit triples Wednesday. May 8 Loyola - Track _ Baseball - 3 :00 of Delaware and Jim Conklin of C. U. Friday, American U. - May 10 Bob Butler and Hal Lavin. to move the Terrors into a 9-2 lead. He also lost at American U. He was The Terrors were never in danger af- winning his match with Mt. St. ter that. Mary's Pat Rooney when Rooney Compliments of Top Hitters pulled a leg muscle and had to forfeit j. R. EVERHART the Hank Schorreck and Al Miller lcd Heagy's Sport Shop If n fabulous May Day is your the match. Now Located three apiece. with hit parade quest, COLLEGE BARBER ·The game marked Kauffman's first 16W.l\fain Top it off at Benny's, where the Doubles Play At the Forks win of the season. The Terrors now Phone 1350·W food is best. In doubles competition the first have a 2-5 record. A Complete Sports Line team of Mowbray and Passerello has won five straight matches. Their last match was won by default. It was since Carey, ALPHA GAMMA TAU TOM MILLER an exhibition match was playing for a high school student, CAMPUS AGENT Catholic U. PRESENTS for the Reed and Anderson are unbeaten AN EVENING IN PARIS Modern G. I. Laundry also. It took three sets for them to defeat brothers the Woodruff from SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1957 Delaware. They were unablc to play 223 E. Green Sf. at American U. MUSIC BY LES MICHENER Westminster 1478 Our New Addition Gundersen and Lee were defcated Gill Gymnasium $2.50 per couple All Laundry and Dry Cleaning by the doubles team from Delaware pre- 9:00-12:00 Semi-For-ma! 'York Guaranteed The Colonial Dining Room and Mt. S1. Mary's. Dar-kness at Amnri., vented them from playing can University. DESIGN FOR SELLING Design is the first step in producing Packaging that sells. 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