Page 47 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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f=-;c::::::'~w4t ~nlb iug Tennis Libr~l'Y Titles Page 4 Vol. 34, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, 1V!ARYL.,\ND May 17, 1957 Graduation Address To Be 87th Graduation Players Feature "Cradle Song" Given By Dr. Warfield Firor To Terminate As Annual Commencement Play Senior Events Graduation exercises will be held in Alumni Hall at 10 a.m. on "The Cradle Song", by Gregorio and Maria Martinez Sierra, June 3, H157. The graduation address will be delivered by Dr. War- Graduation exercises for western will be given as the commencement -play 'on May 31st at 8 :15 in field Monroe Ftror. Dr. Firor, a native of Baltimore, received his Maryland's eighty-seventh senior class Alumni Hall. It is the story of a young girl raised from infancy to A.B. from Johns Hopkins University in 1917 and his M.D. from will be held in Alulnni Hall at 10 a.m. young womanhood by convent nuns. The action of the play takes Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1921. Since that time he has been on Monday, June 3, climaxing the place in the convent of Enclosed Dominican Nuns in Spain. on the staff of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Since 1929 Dr. Eiror commencement weekend and pre- Patricia Werner will take the part of Sister Sagrario ; Mary has been Associate Professor of Surgery at Johns Hopkins Hos- commencement activities. Dr. war; Jane Thorney, Sister Marcella; Mary West Pitts, The Prioress; pital, and in 1949 he was named Chief-of-Staff at Maryland General field Monroe Firor, Associate Profes- Joan Durno, Sister Joanna of the Cross; Jean Goode, The Mistress Hospital. He spent a one year leave sor of Su~gery rt Johns Hopkins of Novices; Anna Jarrell, The Vic- of absence at the Presbyterian Hos- Parade Honors Hospital, Will deliver the graduation Faculty, Students aress , Jane Roeder, Sister Tonera; pital, Miraj, India. address. Joyce Harrington, Sister Inez; Jack will sing Formulate Plans For Dr. Firor has been very active in The choir, under the direction of Anderson, Country Man; Patricia for ROTC Graduates raising and maintaining standards Professor Alfred ldeLong, Richter, Sister Maria Jesus; Richard training young surgeons. With Dr. Pechn: 150 by Cesa~ Franek. Follow- Activities Building Graham, The Doctor; Grace Fletcher, Coller of the University of ;\!ichigan Tuesday, the seniors of the Re- ing this, Dr. Lowell S. Ensor will pre- Teresa; Robert Christian, Antonio; he organized the first national com- serve Officers Training Corps of sent diplomas to those students who President Lowell S. Ensor met re- Mildred Mackubin, Claudia Payne, Western College stood in Mar-yland mittee for the review of hospital the reviewing line as the junior class completed requirefuents for gradua- cently with Dean William David, Mr. and Carol Burton, Nuns; and John training programs. He is still a mem- ROTC students led the male military tion both in February' and May. Charles Foutz, and representative Scott, The Poet. ber of the original eommittee---the Also several honorary degrees are members of next year's senior class to Mrs. Joy Winfrey designed the Conference Committee on Graduate members in a full-dress parade, which to be awarded to the following: Mr. discuss plans tor the proposed Stu- settings for the play. Lighting will Training in Surgery. He is a member honored those members graduating. James M. Bennett, Retired Super- dent Union BUilding. The architect, be by James Lightner, assisted by of the American Board of Surgery The highlight of the military year intendent of Schools of Wicomico Edward Rigg, was also present to ex- Luther Martin. Jack Anderson will and was chairman from 1949-1951- was the review by the ROTC unit for County; the Rev. Charles A. Britton, plain technical problems. be stage manager. Junior dramatic Original Research the college president, Lowell S. En- Vice-Preaident in charge of Personnel The site tentatively chosen for the art students will be responsible for Surgical infection has been the ob- sor. The purpose of the parade was and Personnel R~lhions at the Board building is the land facing the present properties, furniture, and painting ject of Dr. Firor's investigative work. to acknowledge the accomplishment of Publications of the Methodist Seminary. The Student Union Build- sets. This will be their- final project He was the first person to see the of various members of the Cadet Chureh ; Dr. Frank C. Marino, an out- ing will be erected on a hill, which of the year. possibility of sterilizing the intestinal Battalion over the past year. standing Baltimore surgeon; Mr. E. will make an entrance to the first floor The play has been translated into tract of a patient before operation, Sunpapers Award McClure Rouzer, a Baltimore attorney possible from the back, and an en- many different langauges and played and he introduced the use of certain The coveted Baltimore Sunpapers and member of the college Board of trance to the second floor possible widely throughout the civilized world. sulfa drugs for this purpose. An en- Medal presented annually to the most Trustees; and the Rev. Preston W. from the front facing the road. It was first playcd at Theatro Lara, tirely new concept on mode of action outstanding cadet of the battalion Spence, Retired District Superintend- General Plan Madrid, in 1911, then in New York of bacterial toxins was opened by his was awarded to Cadet Lt. Col. Robert ent of the Methodist Church; and Dr. This general plan has been in 1921 and London in 1926. In l!J56 research in tetanus. W. Butler. Presentation was by Dr. Ffror. it was presented at the Circle in the Dr. Firor, with Dr. Arthur Groll- Lowell S. Ensor. Cadet Maj. G. Baccalaureate Service formulated. On the second floor, Square, New York, and also on the man, was one of the first to experi- The Baccalaureate Service will be which is on the ground level when ap- NBC-TV Hallmark program. Krantz ment with adrenal hormones. He de- Eugene Association was the recipient States of held on Sunday, June 2, in Alumni preached from the road, will be the United the SGA room which will be large enough of vised an operation for removing the Army Medal as the most outstanding Hall with Dr. Ensor officiating. The to accommodate other student meet- pituitary gland from rabbits find cadet of the senior class. The award Service wUrbegin at 10:30 a.m. The Sororities And Frats monkeys. He also showed the exist- accepted by Mr. Krantz was from College Choir will sing Handel's How ings; the Snack Bar with a large ence of a hormone which was identi- Excellent Is Thy Name, 0 Lord, and room adjoining roughly corresponding Elect New Officers Col. Ernest fied as ACTH. His recent investiga- Army. F. Dukes, Retired, U. S. Hallelujah. The !.ord Bless YOlt an.d to the present Grille; and the Book In the past two weeks the sorori- Store with mail boxes accessible from tive interest has been in the field of -The American Legion Medal was Keep You will also be sung by Pat the Grille; ties and fraternities have been elect- malignant diseases. bestowed upon Cadet Capt. C. H. Werner. At 3 :30 p.m., the senior On the lower floor is planned a stu- Medical Chairman Wheatley by Mr. Leroy G. Meta, Com- music students will present a program dent lounge in the center of the build- ing their officers for the fall semester. Dr. Firor has represented the mander, Department of Maryland. in Alumni Hall. At 4:30 p.m., a gar- Delta Sigma Kappa elected: Suz- American Surgical Association on the In receiving the medal Mr. Wheatley den party will be held in Robinson ing. This is for student events of a anne Blair, Pi-esident ; Mary Barbara National Research Council. For three Garden in honor of the Class of 1957, more formal nature, and will possibly Chapman, Vice-President; Betty years he has been chairman of the was cited for academic achievement their parents and guests. The facul- have a phonograph player and a tele- Bailey, Secretary; Betty Reid, Treas- Council of Medical and Chirurgical and leader-ship ability which qualified vision set. To the right of this urer; Newell Fossett, Chaplain; Faculty and chairman of the Planning him as the deservng senior cadet. ty of the college will act as hosts and lounge, there is planned a game room Marti Williams, Intersororttv Coun- Committee for reorganizing the State DAR Medals hostesses. with three ping pong tables and two cil; and Priscilla Von Eiff, Sergeant- Some of the final senior commence- Society. Mrs. Samuel L. Bare, J'r., repre- ment activities have already passed pool tables. lounge On the other side of the at-Arms. Iota Gamma Chi student a be will faculty the William Students Exhibit senting of the Daughters Winchester and several are yet to come. Dr. and lounge with snack kitchen. Rest clude: Barbara Lawrence, President; Iota Gamma Chi's new officers in- Chapter of Ameri- held a semi- Mrs. Lowell S. Ensor l'OOmSfor men and women will also awarded Semester's Work can Revolution, outstanding the DAR formal reception for the Class of be located on this floor. Rheba Palmer, Vice-President; Gail Medals leadership for 1957 on May 8, from 8 to 10. The On the third Armstrong, floor, space has been The annual student art exhibit and good citizenship to Cadet Capt. freshman women's tribute to the out- provided for the offices of the GOLD Representative; Secretary, Intersorority and Helen Denham, opened Wednesday, May 15. The David D. Downes and Cadet M/Sgt. going senior women, the Lantern BUG and the Aloha staffs. There is 'I'rcasurer. work of twenty-foul' students, done Nicholas C. Spinnato. chain ceremony, was held on May 6, also an additional room that will Phi Alpha Mu's officers will be: under the direction of Miss Louise The Superior Cadet Ribbons award- at 9:30 on Hoffa Field and followed serve as an office when needed by President, Norma Fulghum; Vice- Shipley, is being exhibited. ed annually to one outstanding stu- by a party in McDaniel Lounge for other campus groups. President, Sue Davidson; Secretary, Work of the following students is dent in each acadenuc class were all women students. . Carol Burton ; Treasurer, Natalie being shown: Sue Davidson, Gene awarded by Col. John C. Keefe, Possible Changes Warfield; Chaplain, Gail Mercey; Michaels, and Joe Glorioso, projects Chief, U. S. Army Military District, Rose Cup Ceremony The group discussed other possible Sergeant-at-Arms, Beverly Bosworth; in clay; Leroy McWilliams, a por- Maryland, to the following: M. S. IV The Rose Cup ceremony was held arrangements of the rooms in the Intersorority, Kay Payne. trait in oils; Judy Corby, a landscape Cadet Capt. J. W. Kauffman III; M. on May 16, at 4:15 in Robinson Gar- building. Some people felt that the in oils; Gail Mercey, etching; Claudia S. III Cadet lIT/Sgt. Jack H. Ander- den. It was open to the entire stu- Grille, the Snack Bar, and Book Store Sigma Sigma Tau Payne, watercolor; Peg Simon, silk son; M. S. rr Cadet CpL Clarence A. dent body. An imitation of each should be on a lower level. Others Sigma Sigma Tau has elected the screen print; Marilyn Eccleston, ail' Kaylor; and M. S. I Cadet Pvt. Lloyd senior girl was given and poems dedi- expressed the opinion that the game following: President, 'Vinnie walsh; brush; Ann Palmer, weaving; Ann K. Musselman. cated to each were read. Florence room should not open off the student Vice-President, Caryl Jean Ensor; Offutt, designing ill color; Marty An- Lt. Col. T. K. Harrison, Retired U. Mehl, vice-president of the junior lounge, or at least that a separate en- Secretary, Peggy Conover; Treasurer, stedt, lithographic crayon; Ronald S. Army, made presentations of the class, passed a silver loving cup to trance be provided. The possibility Jor;.!l Luckabaugh; Chaplain, Joanne Sindy, colage; and Harriet Whit_ Reserve Officers Association Medals each senior girl and Jane Roeder, of a separate room for the use of day Filbey; Sergeant-at-Arms, Anne His- more, scratch board. Other tech- to the three deserving members of the secretary of the junior class, pre- students was also discussed. ley; Intersorority, Ginni Pott. niques connected with design and il- junior, sophomore, and freshman sented a rose to each senior girl while Dr. Ensor emphasized the fact Alpha Gamma Tau's new officers lustration are also being shown. classes. The Gold Medal recipient a song was being sung to each one. that this building was still in the are: President, Bill Bloomer; Vice- In the main gallery, the five seniol' was Cadet i\1/Sgt. John Hort. Silver On l'IIonday evening, May 27, the fOl'mulative stage, but that construc- President, Pete Urquhart; Treasurer, students are exhibiting various media Medal recipient was Cadet Cpl. Har- Senior and Alumni Association Ban- tion would begin as ~oon as possible. Ed Lukemire; Secretar~', Buzz \Vein- Recording Secretary, erj It is neecssary for this building to be Skip Daw- in which they have experimented dur- old Taylor, while the Bronze Medal quet will be served in the College Din- erected befol'e tIle tearing-down of ing this semester. In addition to oil was r.wanled Cadet Carlton E. White. ing Hall. The Alumni Association kins; Sergeant-at-Arms, Mike Fried- painting and water colors, these Awards for outstanding citizenship Old Main is completed. man; Chaplain, Wesley Pang. techniques include casein, gouache, Distinguished Students will be presented at this time. Dur- Delta Pi Alpha- annual out- the banquet, ing this and wax l'esist. Concluding the parade agenda was going senior class is inducted into the Math Association Delta Pi Alpha elceted: President, the tentative designation of the Dis- John Gunderson; Vice-President, Students Military Five Trumpters tinguished agreed upon by the College Alumni Association. Play Elects Dr. Spicer Tony Sarbe.nes; Secretary, Dick as pre- Cor- Plasket; viously The annual Jim Hayes; Commencement Treasurer, Tapped Yesterday President and the Professor of Mili- will be presented May 31, at 8:15 Dr. Clyde A. Spicer, head of the responding Secretary, Manfred Jo- The play Misses Judy Corby, Caryl Ensor, tary Science and Tactics. The desig- p.m., in Alumni Hall. of Miss Esther is mathematics department, was chosen eres; Sergeant-at-Arms, Bill Spaar; nation John Hort. Chaplain, is given to those who possess the direction as a vice-chairman of the Mathemati- under Norma Fulghum, Florence Mehl, and such qualities of leadership. moral Smith, entitled, "The Cradle cal Association of America (Mary- Gamma Beta Chi's officers will be: Winifred Walsh were selected yester- soundness, scholastic ability, and ap- land-D. C.-Virginia Section) on Sat- President, Jim Crowley; Vice-Presi- day evening as Trumpeters for the titude for military science as to war. Song." urday, May 4, in a meeting at Johns dent, Lynn Mayer; Secretary, Ron Senior Picnic year 1957-58 during the annual tap- rant consideration for commission as On Saturday, June 1, the annllal Hopkins University. Dr. Spicer is a Weiland; Treasurer, Jack Anderson; ping ceremony held on the president's officers in the Regular United States senior picnic will take place at Frock's fellow in the Amcrican Association Assistant Treasurer, Torn Kaylor; lawn. This is the highest honor Army. Presentations were made to Farm. Later the same day, an Alum- for the Advancement of Science, a Chaplain, Bob Christian; Sergeant-at awarded a senior girl. Cadet M/Sgts. John Hort, Jack H. ni Reception will be held in McDaniel member of the American Mathemati- Arms, Joel Bailey. The junior girls, dressed in white, Anderson. R. Peter Urquhart, Nicho- Lounge. The Alumni and Class Re- cal Society and appears in the publi- Pi Alpha Alpha formed a circle on the lawn and the las C. Spinnato, and Robert A. Dick- union Banquet will be served in the cation, Who'g Who in Ihe East. He Pi Alpha Alpha has elected: Presi- present Trumpeters, Joan Lucka- over. Lt. Col. Dayton E. Bennett College Dining Hall at 6:30 p.m. has been head of the department of dent, Bob McCormick; Vice-President, baugh, Joanne Parrish, M:\rian made the announcement. The honored class this year will be Mathematics since 1930 and at the Don Lotz; Secretary, Don Becker- Seheder, and Mary Jane Thorney, Twenty-four ROTC Cadets will be the Class of 1907 which will e"lebril.t~ present time teaches two nights a man; Corresponding Secretary, Ralph with their advisor, Miss Cora Perry, commissioned on Graduation day dur- its golden anniversary. Aoproxi- week at McCoy College of Johns Hop- Meyer; Treasurer, Eric Willen; Ser- invested the chosen girls with caps ing the commencement program in mately fifteen members of this class kns University in Baltimore, Mary- geant-at-Arms, Stanley Den n i Sj and gowns. Alumni Hall. are expected to attend. land. Chaplain, Jim Manning.
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