Page 39 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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r Library Our 'wijr'" O;nl~lug Sorority Readers Origins Page Page 2 3 VoL 34, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, W~E=S=T=M_IN=S=TE=R_:_,::_M=A=R_YL_A~N_D A:c.::_pr_il_I-,-2_:_, ..::1_95:..:7 Miss Dot Snider To Reign On May Day ClassesAnd Dormitories College Magazine, Boardman Duchess; Durno, Hold Elections For 57-58 Contrast, To Make Debut MayFifteenth Stevens Are Sr. Attendants Last week the freshmen, sophomore, and junior classes elected Under the faculty supervision of officers for the 1£)57-1£)58school year. In accordance with the pro- !III'S. Marcia J. Hovey and with the The May Court of 1957 was elected at an assembly in Alumni cedure set forth in the SGA constitution, .the president, vice-presi- approval of the administration, a lit- Hall on Monday, April 8. Miss Dorothy Snider was selected as dent, and SGA representatives from each class were elected by se- erary magazine, featuring student Queen to reign over activities scheduled for Saturday, May 3, 1957. cret ballot. The rest of the officers were elected by a show of hands. conn-ihutions, has been organized for Miss Helen Boardman was chosen as senior duchess, with Miss John Gunderson was chosen as president of the senior class Western Maryland. Contrast has Joan Durno, and Miss Harriet Stevens as senior attendants. The and Flo Mehl returned to her position of vice-president. Carol been established with the highest Junior Duchess is Miss Carol Burton, and the junior attendants Burton will serve as secretary and ideals of good taste and journalistic are Miss Lori Jones, and Miss Nancy Lindsay. The sophomore Dick Plasket as treasurer. Lori Jones ability in mind. class elected Miss Patricia Schaefer as duchess, with Miss Leanne and Tony Sarbnnes are the SGA rep- MAFT A Elects Florence Fay is Editor-in-chief and Manning and Miss Jan Roberts as attendants. Freshman Duchess resentatives. Lewis Johnston fills the capacity of is Miss Sue Warren, and the freshman attendants are Miss Trudy Forsythe and Miss Vicki Piram. dency of the class of '59 for the third Local Members managing editor. The literary board Mi-3SDot Snider is a sociology ma- and was a senior advisor of the Al Gilmore returned to the presi- consecutive year. Sherry Phelps was includes: Patricia Cooper and Claudia jor from Landover Hills, Md. She Freshman Advisory Council. Last re-elected vice-president. Karen Hel- The Maryland State Convention of Payne, poctry; Thomas Mezick and was formerly elected to the Homecom- semester she was president of Phi big and Bill Achenbach are secretary tre F'uture 'reachers of America met Joanne Trabucco, fiction; Marsha ing Court in her sophomore year, and Alpha Mu. and treasurer, respectively. Marti on Saturday, April 6, 1957, at Reifsnyder and Marianne Shears, last year was an attendant on the Junior Attendants Williams will hold her position of Franklin Elementary School, Reisters- essays. Artistic efforts are being May Court. For the past two years Mias Carol Burton, serves this SGA representative, joined hy Man- town. One of the main purposes of rendered by Claudia Payne. Super- she has been a sponsor of the ROTC, spring as junior duchess, and was se- fred Jceres. the convention was to elect new offi- vising finances and subscriptions are and was this year chosen as Sweet- lected in her freshman year as an at- Next year's sophomore class again cere to tnc state executive committee. Barbara Boggs, Carol Petterson and heart of Delta Pi Alpha. Active in tendant on the court. She has re- chose Norman Davis as president. Pa- James Lightncr was elected to the Robert Otto. class affairs, Dot 'Serves as senior cently been chosen as secretary of the tricia Welk is the vice-president, office of president. He previously Contributions for the three main representative to the SGA, is active junior class, and is a member- of the Phyllis Cassetta, secretar-y, and Ted had held the office of first vice-presi- areas of creative writing were sub- on the Woman' Council, and is work- pom-pom team. An English-educa- Farrow, treasurer. Bea Gill and Jim d ant, Beverly Bosworth succeeded mitted to meet the April 3 deadline ing on the 1957 Aloha. During the tion major, Carol is a member of the Gibson are the SGA representatives. Jim nnd was elected as first vice- Final selections for publication have past semester, she served as chaplain FTA. She hails from Dundalk, Md., Nancy Willis will be the president president. Sherry Phelps was elected been made. It is hoped that Contrast of Phi Alpha Mu. Her plans for the and is a member of Phi Alpha Mu. of Blanche Ward Hall next year and as the executive committee member will appeal' three times a year in the future include marriage and a career' Miss Lori Jones, of Pitman, N. J., \Villa Benson will serve as tire war- at large. fall, winter and spring, but this year in social work. is a junior attendant of the May den. In McDaniel Hall, Claudia Payne This is the second consecutive year the single issue will appear May 15. Senior Attendants Court. Lori was chosen as her class will fill the presidency and Jean that Western Maryland has been rep- Most of the rreteenittes and sorori- Senior Duchess, Miss Helen Board- representative to the SGA, and served Luckabaugh and Nancy Banks will be resented by students elected to the ties have aided the organization finan- man, makes her m-et appearance this last semester as SGA representative co-fire wardens. state executive committee, and the cially. Delta Pi Alpha has volun- semester on a Western Maryland of Phi Alpha Mu. Also a member of The Blanche Ward house council second time in three years that a teered special services in selling the the Future Teachers of America, Lori will consist of Ardella Campbell, sen- member of Western Maryland's local magazine to the student body. Others beauty court. From Denver , Colo- is an English-education major. She ior; Joanne Trabucco, junior: and chapter has held the presidency. who are helping in various ways in- rado, Helen is an Art-education ma, was previously selected as sophomore Donna King, sophomore. In.McDaniel, On~Monday-evcning: April 8, Hl57, clude Kay Mitch..:!, Pat Schaefer. jor and plans to teach in the Pikes- duchess on the 1956 court. Norma Fulghum will be the senior the local chapter of WMC met wittyi' Donna Brown, Shirley Barnes, Skip ville area. She has served es a mem- Junio attendant, Miss Nancy Lind- member, Carmela "Butch" De Flora, the Westminster chapter in order to Dawkins, John Scott and' those man- ber of the FT A, and was elected to say, is majoring in home economics- junior, and Linda Mackert, sopho- become acquainted with other local aging dorm subscriptions. the executive committee of the State education. She was last year's vice- Teachers of Future FTA clubs and chapters. The new Subscriptions to the May 15 issue year. She is co-captain America last president of the Home Economics of the cheer- officers of Western Maryland's chap- may be purchased from any staff leaders, and is the recording secretary Club, and plans in the future to do WMC To Be Host ter were announced at this meeting. member or Delta Pi Alpha member of Phi Alpha Mu. demonstration work. Nancy is an ac- Art de- tive member of the Dramatic J'arne-. To Home Makers They are as follows: President Higgins; has Miss Joan DU1'no, senior attendant, partment, and a member of the FTA. Corby, succeed- Prom Entitled Lightner, Bill succeeding been an active of the member vice-president, Judy college choir and the college players She served as duchess of the May The spring meeting of the Maryland ing Jo Ellen Outerbridge; secretary, She is president of the Maryland Court as a freshman, and was select- Betty Flohr, suc- 'RomanHoliday' Home Economics Association will be Sherry Phelps, succeeding Betty Ely Home Economics Association, and ed last year to reign over the Military held at Western Maryland on Satur- May, and Treasurer, has served on the Freshman Advisory Ball. Nancy is a member of Phi day, April 13, 1957. Registration ceeding Ralph Martinel!. Joanne The Jr.-Sr. Prom, or "Roman Holi- Council and was vice-president of Phi Alpha Mu, and a resident of West- w.Il be held in McDaniel Lounge. A Filbey and Marianne Shears were day" as it has been named this year, Alpha Mu. Joan was previously minster, Md. general business meeting will follow elected to the Program Committee. will be held in Gill Gym tomorrow elected as junior duchess on the May Sophomore Attendants a welcome by Dr. Lowell S. Ensor. night from 8:30 to 11:30 p.rn. The Court. A home-economics Miss Patricia Schaefer will be this A special luncheon will be served from Washington, D. C., Joan m a j 0 I' year's sophomore duchess. She served plans to the guests in the college dining SGA Approves price is $2.50 per couple. Braydeu to go into demonstration work. previously as freshman attendant. orchestra Ridenour's will provide the hall. The home economics depart- music. Senior attendant, Miss Harriet Pat is a News-feature editor of the ment will be open for tours by the "Work Week" Natalie Warfield and Tony Sar- Stevens, of Baltimore, Md., is an- GOLD BUG. An English-education visitors. banes are the general chairmen fOJ other "first" among members of the major from Catonsville, Md., she is A musical pageant, "Highlights of court. Majoring in psychology, Har- a member of FT A. She is also active idea of a "Work Week" heads are the History of Costumes," will be a raise The a sinking fund for new Hun- to the dance. Committee James May, riet is a member of the college choir, in the Student Christian Association, Corby, decoration; Judy special feature at the afternoon ses- garian students was approved at the refreshments; Sue Davidson, publici- and Sigma Sigma 'I'au. sion. The production will be di- last meeting of the S.G.A. Cabinet. ty; and Pete Urquhart, clean-up. Miss Leanne Manning, of Silver rected by Miss Dorothy Elderdice, a The week deSignated for the proj- The gym will be transformed into Monday Morning Spring, Md., will be a sophomore at- resident of Wl'stminster. Clothing cct is April 23-27 with the auctioning the interior of a Roman building with teoldant. She i-3majoring in sociology hig:-_tlights from the time of the of students' services set for the as- the Arch of Titus at the entrance. Investiture April 22 and psychology, and plans to go into Greeks up to the 1930's will be sembly period on April 22. Students Roman silhouettes and landscapes of soci.~.l work. Leann~ was a member modeled by Western Maryland upper- Senior Investiture, the ceremony of the 1956 Homecoming Court, and classmen home economics students. interested in participating will bring the ruins of Rome will don the waUs. which officially recognizes the transi- in her freshman year was chosen as Three heights of different columns a paper stating at what times and for To bring modern clothes into the what jobs they will be available. will serve as the center piece through tion of the senior class to the new sweetheart of Delta Pi Alpha. She spotlight, the students will model the Plans are being made for both fac- which seniors and their dates will graduating class, will be held this is a member of the porn-porn team, suit'S, dresses, and coats they have ulty and students to "buy" other's take the traditional stroll. A decree year at 8:45 a.m. on Monday, April and Phi Alpha Mu. made in home economics class this scrvices for such tasks as gardening is to serve as a favor for each couple. 22, in Alumni Hall. Sophomore attendant Miss Jan year. The studeats who will model and lawn work, painting, farming, Waitresses will wear togas. Late Sunday evening the senior Roberts is a home-economies-educa- the clothes will also serve as junior baby-sitting and grading for the fac- The dance will be open to members women will follow the tradition of as- tion major from Glen Burnie, Md. hostesses for the convention. sembling in the dorm and quietly She was previously elected as Fresh- ulty employecs; find room cleaning, of all classes and tickets may be pUI'- marching through the darkened halls man attendant to the May Court. Jan typing, ironing, washing cars, and chased at the door. singing "A Mighty Fortress Is Our College Symphony shoe polishing for the student pur- The girls' dorms will close at God." On Monday morning, seniors is social chairman of Phi Alpha Mu, and a membcr of tte Home Ec.onomics in academic To Present Concert chasers. Minimum working wage 12:30 a.m. after the dancc. and faculty, march dressed into Alumni Hall Club, the Cantcrbury Attendants Club, and FTA. has been set at $.40 per hour. robes, will Freshmen A picnic lunch in Harvey Stone to the same strains. Miss Sue Warren, freshman duch- The twenty-sixth annual Spring Park on Saturday, April 27 is tenta- u. S. Marine Corps After the invocation, Dr. Ensor css, is a pre-med student from Fort Concert of the Western Maryland tively being planned for all the work- Commissions will introduce the speaker, whose Meade, Md. She is a cheerleader, a College Little Symphony Orchestra, ers. identity is unknown until that mom- member of Tri-Beta, and has been an More details on this project will be under the direction of Mr. Philip Roy- announced on the Main bulletin board Former Graduate ent. The speaker is always a mem- act i ve participant in intramural er, will be given on Friday evening, ber of the faculty. sports. April 12, in Alumni Hall at 8: 15 and in the Dining Hall. Hugh F. McIntyre, Jr., a graduate Dr. Ensor will present the senior Freshman attendant Miss Trudy o'clock. of Western Maryland College in 1955, class president, Samuel Reed, with his Forsythe is a home-economics major The program will include the Over- was commissioned a Marine Corps cap and gown, symbolic of the robing from Baltimore, Md. She is a mem- ture "King Stephen" by Beethoven; second lieutenant in ceremonies held of the whole class. After this, seniors ber of the Home Ecnomics Club, and Piano Concerto in D Major by Haydn, Graduate at Quantico, Va., on March 23. This will wear their robes to every chapel. plans to teach after graduation. played by Margaret Whitfield, a stu- Records marked the successful completion of Traditionally, too, each under class Miss Vicki Piram of Arlington dent of Miss Arleen Heggemeier of thE: "JIighteenth Officer Candidate moves up the ladder to officially be- Va., is majoring in chemistry, and the music faculty; The Testament of The administration wishes to Course,- a 10-week indoctrination come one rank higher. plans a teaching career. Vicki was j'i'reedom by the contemporary Ameri- announce that graduate record cout'Se for prospective Marine Officers. Since the ceremony is taking place chosen as the freshman representa- can composer, Randall Thompson. exams wJIl be held Thursday, , The Officer Candidate Course em- during the normal second, period, each tive of the Homecoming Court last This number will be sung by tlle May 9 instead of Tuesday, May phasized leadership' and phySical fit- class will be moved up so that fourth fall. She is a member of the Canter- 'fen's Glee Club, directed by Mr. Oliv- 7 as was previously announced. ness, and was designed to test the po- period classes will meet during the bury Club and is an active participant er Spangler. regular assembly time. tential of its 143 graduates. in intramural sports.
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