Page 36 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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2 The GQldBug. Mar. 22. 1957 They Are Too Gay Coed Caricature The Triumvirate UJQr ODnlb iug The'y are too gay who lall,gh into the "Between the innocence of bobby By Marianne Shears dawn, sock and sophistication of mink there People fall in love. It's a natural Official student neW"paper of Western Maryland Coll"!!"e, pub\i8hed Berni_monthly on phenomenon, but this simple situution F,·iday during October, NOl·ember. JanUary. February. March, and April, and monthly And lal1ghtel' false tells more of gl'ief lies a curious, carcfree creature called during September. December, and May. Entered as a second class matter at the Po.t than tears, of being in love causes an uncertainty Office, Weotmin.ter, Maryland, under Act of March 3, 1879. e cc-ed. of reality and objectives. Perhaps the They ere too bright with all their Co-eds come equipped with assort- glittel'S on, major barrier to sureness is deter- MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLlEGIATE FRESS Pretending to be stars. To hide thei), ed pedal pushers and hairdos, but mining whether the love is true, and all uphold the same creed; to en- SubscriptionPrice $2.00 Per Annum fears they minute of every hour of what characteristics mark love. joy every They feign a IightlwsS that would dim every college day. There is no single criterion for the 1n0011, Teacher'S fluster them, mothers pro- measuring or analyzing love. It is Altd bli11d the httle stars that stud tect them, little sisters idolize them, wanting to give to, to feel, to see, and the nl'g1ot. and boys wor-ship them. to be neal' the loved person. Love is and But if lJ,ey fool themselves a while, They cal: be found in all places; selfless and selfish, routine A brok, and cutting. unique, soothing Sporl.'3 Editor _ how soon lounging on, draping around, leaning en love is healed, and yet it throbs. News_Feature EdltoI"$.__ Theil' p/a,y is done, [or in the honest against, busting to, and traipsing It lies buried in old corsages, pictures light from. She is pride with a pony tail, and gifts, but it is resurrected by ac- Of day, how quickly fades their glitter nonchalance wit!. a notebook, opti- cidents of time and coincidence. It is then. mism with an overcoat, and the pret- a wonder- of contradiction: no one ex- Bravo ... Encore With palil1g moon they sink bey01ld tiest of womanhood in wool. periences its pangs in the same man- the view, LETTERS The Dramatic Art department is Alul as the sta-I'S, they lie in wait has the eating habits of a canary She ner, but whatever one's definition of mixture. A co-ed is a curious and To The certainly to be commended for the Until again the 111lp"ctendi11g day is disp.lnys the energy of a mountain love is, the manifestation very of it in all general some follows people EDITOR high caliber of the Junior Plays given t.Mough. trout. To her admirers she has the rules. Adoration by words and acts. last Friday night. The plays were feeds the flames which grow from the mind of Einstein, the looks of Kim, well-selected for audience appeal, and Yet in the darkness where they falsely thc personality of Grace, and the warmth of love, and the flames burn the was excellently done. shine, figure of Marilyn. To the other co- out the impurities to leave only what, Dear Editor: The student actor'S were near pro- How easy to confuse ttieir faults and cds she has the form of a beer bottle. love saw in its blindness at first. First let me congratulate you. fessional in their performances. mime, These purifying fires are best This month's GOLDBUG was the first Mary Hendren the personality of a wet mackerel, The College Players is a group too issue I've read that was worth read- oftcn overlooked during the fast pace and the mind of a beetle. life. No one known by the name of desire 01' pas- sion. Passion She leads a martyr's is not a low emotion to ing. Your editorials were dealing of campus life. These students spend else could stand time limits on tele- be denied for being wrong. It is God- with subject matter they should deal endless time and energy in rehearsals Questioning phone calls, the frustration of stolen given and not to be refused as un- with and not a biography 01' are-hash and in construction of sets to be used bobbypins, and the pain of waiting for worthy nor to be abused as a play- of the front page. for the plays. The time is cheerfully globe- a date. thing. It is an indescribable sensation Secondly, in regard to your edi- of exhilaration and seeking. It needs The co-ed loves weekends, formal torial entitled "Why No Spirit," I and uncomplainingly given and the of 01' are we ?nerely visitors dances, cashmere sweaters, red con- an object, and the object should re- end product is always a production think I might have a few explanations which Western Maryland can be just- At some insane '[Hlrty, vertibles, and men. spond with the eagerness which for the students tendency to "get ly proud. IVherl} each must play springs from devotion. Non-recipro- She doesn't like 8 o'clock classes, away." Hats off to rrIbs Esther Smith, who His dn~nken role Monday mornings, and deadlines on cation is painful for both; for one, The administration's stand on periodically manages to get the most As he were sincere, English themes. No one else de- refusal, and for the other, undue pres- keeping the "Reo Hall" closed on Sun- out of very limited resources, and to 1Jainted smiles rives more sheer pleasure from an sure. Misused fervor can mar the day might be one reason. It seems Mrs. Joy Winfrey who designs such On lips that ache to ay- extra hour of sleep on misty morn- smooth curve of love. Force has no absolutely ridiculou-s to close the "Rec unusual and attractive sets. To cry alowl __ part in love's endearments, for they Hall" on Saturday night and keep it Bitter-sweet tears, or from a new record. demand expresstons of inspired deli- locked till Monday morning. After More curtain calls are in order. That ?night one else can pack into 24 hours cacy. two classes, all, Sunday is not only a day of wor- Keep up the good work. This of h1(111.-ananimals -five coffee breaks, hours full of study, Protection for love and for the length three a ship but of relaxation and recreation. In of a prayer-? movie, and eight hours of sleep. blameless responses which spring The only place the latter can be found Pat Patterso~ The co-ed is here to stay with all from it is established in marriage. on Sundays is off campus. Literary Magazine Marriage is not a sport for the merry The administration is probably A new contrast has appeared her curiosities. She may remain a sophisticate nor an escape for the har-, keeping the door locked on the Rec at Western Maryland College in Worship The Sun bobby suxer or attain the dignity of ried. It is the social institution for mink, but she in between is still that Hall because of some religious belief. the form of a literary magazine. socks and sophistication of mink there. the free justification of impulses It also may base its reasons on tradi- The purpose is to foster and The annual plague of spring fever curious phenomenon aroused by the proximity of lovers. tion. If the former is its argument, display serious creative writing. arrived at Western Maryland. Ever-y, a co-ed." Behind that definition is the idea that it seems strange that so many Meth- The lack of such a showcase has one paused and noted the spectacular (ACP) love thrives best in a healthy mar- odist churches permit dancing in their been evident, and at last the so- event--a bright, sunlit campus. We riage. Guilt is never given a chance "Fellowships" on Sunday. If the lat- lution is at hand. The pro- are usually bles~ed with tropical Graduate Records to creep into the feelings of the people downpours. ter is their reason, it seems very jected goal is a magazine, pub- in love. The children born of such a strange that the administration should lished twice a year, with the The frenzied, hurried steps slowed The Advanced Tests of the union are destined to be loved, for allow tradition to so thoroughly stifle first issue proposed for May 15, to a strolling gait. The- interior of Graduate Record Examinations love is the only valid basis for the the present and foreseeable future. 1957. the Grille was forsaken for the (Institutional Program) will be union. The home is a sanctuary and You also mentioned the lack of en- If you are interested in con- benches in front and the- stairs lead- held in Gill Gymnasium on an arbor of affection. Dirty dishes, thusiasm "in the realm of athletics." tributing your best poems, es- ing to Old Main. It soon became pos- TI16sday, May 7, 1957 from 1:00 mussed cushions, and overdrawn ac- Here again I think the administra- says, or short stories for publi- sible to tell those who were going to to 4:15 P.M. counts do not deter love and desire, tion has stifled the "spirit." I reier cations in CONTRAST, submit classes by the pained expressions on Each senior is required to but serve as witnesses to testify that to "Elvis." This playful little dog them to the editor, Florence their faces from those who were re, take the test appropriate for his love conquers all. Love and marr-iage in love was fast on his way to becoming a Fay, by April 3, 1£157. laxing and enjoying the pleasant at- major field of study. are partners, and partners in marriage. live wisely and happily school mascot. He was adopted by one Manuscr-ipts for consideration mosphere of spring. Love, desire, and marnuge must of the fraternities, and in most cases, must be typed, double-spaced, on The sun worshippers unpacked their exist together and the three will be found everywhere the students were. 8lh by 11" white paper. shorts, bathing suits, and sun-tun lo- wound togethet' to form a bond im- He was better known to the pound, This magazine is important tion. The porches of McDaniel were A Ball Of String due to the administration, however. and like all such developments, graced with l'ather bare globs of femi_ By Joyce Cook possible to dissolve, unknot or cut. You mention in your editorial that, it needs support, YOUI'support. ninity, and the back lawn of Blanche BIRD'S EYE VIEW .... "II there is anything drastically \Vard assumed the appearance of a A baseball has a small, hard core wrong in the school policy of the multicolored patch-work quilt. The over which string is wound, and the Spring arrived with 50 degree by some school, it can be changed by co~ opposed to u proposal which is under spirit of the WMC lasses was evi- string in turn is covered which are temperatures, blazers in full force. pieces of leather smooth operative student endeavor." I WOll- consideration by the S.C.A. Cabinet, denced by their determination to sun_ sewn together. A baseball may seem Elvis is here in spi!'it anyway, with del' if the administration believes speak to one of the members about it. bathe even though they had to be like an inSignificant piece of ma- his picture on one of the SGA can- tlwt. Judging by their reaction to I've talked with various persons under instead of on their blankets. terial, something to overlook and for- didate's posters-so Elvis can vote??? the petition to prevent "Elvis's" Theil' determination is developed by A new endeavor-the literary exile, this hardly seems plausible. about improvements tha t would bene- the rustic and pioneer conditions of get as soon as the ;;eason is over. magazine--if you can write, why not I thinl\ more than enough words fit us as students at W.M.C. One various facilities. These lovelies are And ye~ it symbolizes all of life. contribute? First issue should be out Those smooth pieces of leather that have been used. To coin an old ex- suggc-stion was that we have an honol often guilty of leaving their candy- constitute the extcrior of the ball are l\[ay 15 if the staff ever finds an system for taking tests. Several peo- pression, "Actions speak louder than ple felt that thcir gmdes were suffer- bar wrappers as added campus deco_ office Don't you love professors words." Foe my part the adminis rations. Their empty coke bottles the outward surface of life----the good who ask the significance of events? tration is going to have to "start the ing because some peoplc found other serve as an obs1.1c1e course to test and the bad, the sorrow and the hap- And their idea of significant doesn't ball rolling" by making a few con~ mean'3 to pass tests besides studying. to one's equilibrium. piness. This is the portion of life we agree with yours? .. 'Vhy isn't the see most often; the part that some can people It's that too bad choose cessions to the student body before chinch during tests because the per- Sweaters, blazers, and windbreakers never go beyond. These leather library open on Sunday afternoon? my spirit is going to improve. became headliners in the general Studying in the dorms is a near im- Joe Student son \~'ho is honest SUffCl'3. The stu· fashion trend. Occasionally the phrase pieces are the minor, everyday fl'ag- possibility with visitors walking (D. H.) dents who fear honor systems are fre- "pneumonia weather" echoed hollowly ments of Iife--our general concepts through the halls .. Co-eds seems to quently the ones who would suffer and ideals. favor the candidate who is going to Deal' Editor: academically bccause of it. The basis and faded into the distance. This was The string represents our individ- try to do something about the wash- During my three and a half year for an honor sys~em is that all of us a ridiculous reminder to youth to be ual interests, hopes, and dreams. ing machines in the girls' dorms; if stay on the "Hill," I huve never writ,~ are and want to be honest. sensible and practical. After all, the Thel'dol'e the string varies in length elected we hope that he succeeds in 10 dl"grees above temperature was ten to the GOLDBUGthough I've been This idea was brought up in the freezing. for everyone. It possesses distinct that respect Strange that some tempted to .. After four days of hav- S.G.A. on Monday and a sincere in- differences in color, quality, and tex- people can't realize when progress has ing the S.G.A. revitalized by the as-. terest was shown. Larry Hall, as Others hailed the glorious season of ture for every human being. This improved the way of doing certain piring candidates, now is the time to Pres. of thc S.G.A., appointed me as spring in a different way. The mili_ string stands for OUI'ambitions, prob- things. bring forth an idea that has been ~ hcad of a committee to look into the tary department and enthusiastic lems, and our method of solving them. possibilities of such a system. By ROTC members recognized spring by In the mass of twisted string lies our American Tragedy Jpe:~i~~e~~ ~~tla~:tl:ou:C~.i:anrs.ta~~_l now letters are being sent to various having drill on Hoffa field. The men accomplishments and our thoughts. are aware of the fact that the S.G.A. colleges which have been operating were properly attired in heavy top- The small, hard central core of the He read the textbook, hus limited respons\~ility, bU,t what under an Honor System. We are coats and gloves. ball is the unifying force in our lives He studied the notes, opportunities that a,re. encompassed finding out their operating procedure, The girls gym classes met the first -our belief in some supreme being. He outlined both, within these I\m'ited ,po}....el'~ have not the difficulties encountered and theil' breath of spring by moving their It holds the key to all the unsolvuble Then lle summarized his outlines, been even half, wll-Y utilized. , T~el'e opinions of the Honor System. sports outdoors. Everyone had the (at lea-st to man) things in life. It Then he outlined his summary on 3x5 a\'e too man¥., )\'bo are_ quick to criti- At this time I'd like you to think same idea-to be outside. The tennis keeps a riddle that we cannot unlock. cards. c'ze and. tear d9,wn When there arc of the merits of this progrum-how courts were filled. The golfers shoul_ It is an end without an end. Then he reduced the card outline to iuwortant. i~ues before th.e student it would be beneficial to the school. dered their golf bags and started for There are those who run to catch one single card, b9dy,.Q.utthey aren't willing to see the 'Ve have nothing to lose and every· seventh green. Apparently they are this ball. And then there are those Boiled thc card down to one sentence, medts and constructive values which thing to gain if we lool{ into the possi- not the only ones who appreciate the who shrink back until their oppor- Boiled the sentence down to a phrase, are' also present. Many of us have bilities of an Honor System. scenic beauty of the golf course, tunity is lost. And that is the way Boiled the phrase down to a word. developed a pacifi~m to all things sur- I hope you all have a very pleasant judging by the mysterious disappear- we are with life; some live while Entered the exam, rounding us and have a "don't give a Spring Vacation, ance of the tlags at seventh green. others are content to exist. So we Analyzed the question. damn" attitude. What support you Respectively, Although all have a different reac- come to the realization that nothing And then, give an orglmization determines the Samuel Wheeler Reed tion to spring on the "Hill", few can in life is totally insignificant, but Forgot influence that that group will lmve Senior Class President ignore it. Now we bid you adieu while rather it is only how we choose to The on campus, If you are in Javor or March 20, 1957 we "follow the sun". see it. Word. (ACP)
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