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Sports Schedules Page 4 Vol. 34, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND March 22, 1957 Tri-Bela Convention To Mark Star Arnold Moss Mowbray Elected President Of Twenty-Fifth Anniversary To Present Solo Student Government Association The convention of the Eastern District of the Northeastern In Alumni Hall Wray Mowbray, a junior from Cambridge, Maryland, was Region of Beta Beta Beta will be held on the Western Maryland National Concert & A-I"Ust8 Corp. elected president of next year's Student Government Association. Campus, April 5 and 6. This year marks the twenty-fifth anniver- 1'clease Arnold Moss, star of the The election came to a close yesterday afternoon after a vigorous sary of the local Alpha Mu Chapter. New York stage, screen, and TV will campaign on the part of four candidates. Larry Hall, president of January 15, 1932 marked the first organizational meeting of appear in Alumni Hall on Friday, the S.C.A., made the announcement at the evening meal. He also this honor society for students of the biological sciences. Six stu- April 5, at 8:15 P.M., in his solo pro- reported that 82% of the student body had voted. dents attended this first meeting, the actual installation taking gram of dramatic readings, "The Wray attended Cambridge High School, graduating in ]954. place on February 12 at the College Seven Age., of Man." Touring under He belonged to the Student Govern- Mr. Moss Beauty Pageant Inn. Dr. Green of Drew University the management of the National Con- ment in high school, was Vice Presi- The chapter Civil War, Theme was installing officer. cert & Artists Corporation, dent of the M.Y.F., and was active on At now boasts over 300 alumni. sev- Of Military Ball is being presented here by the Dra- many class committees. present there are approximately matic Department. Open To Co-eds His activities during his three years enty-five members, twenty-five of The Civil War will provide the The "Miss Carroll County" Pageant at college have included: S.G.A., which are full members. One hun- theme for the military ball on Friday, is offering Carroll County girls an which he has been in since his fresh- dred fourteen chapters exist in the March 22nd from 8:45 until 11 :45 in opportunity to fame and fortune. man year, F.A.C. for two years, ten- United States and Caribbean areas. Gill Gymnasium. The gym will be di- Western Maryland College girls are nis team, rifle team, and French Club. The six charter members are Roger vided into blue and gray sections, eligible to compete in this contest He is a member of Gamma Beta Chi Cissil, president; Harold Chandler, separated by the Mason-Dixon Line. which will take place in June under fraternity and has represented this vice-president; Thelma Snader, secre- Ches Kellman's orchestra will provide the sponsorship of the Westminster organization on the Interfraternity tary; Anna Callahan; Henry Caple; the music. Lions Club. Council. and Dorothy Timmons. Faculty char- A history education major, Wray ter members include: Dr. Lloyd Ber-th, A queen, chosen from the company The local contest, a preliminary plans to teach government and hopes olf, Professor Cloyd Bennighof, and sponsors by the cadet battalion, will elimination leading to the eventual se- to. advance ill education. Col. Dayton 1958 in At- Mrs. Edward Wilson nee Pauline Wy_ be crowned after by Lt. intermission. The E. lection of Miss America 2 through the Born with a tennis racket in his lantic City September the Bennett man. candidates are Sue Cassabone, Bev, hand, "The Kid" won the Eastern The present convention is a com- erly Cox, Marilyn Eccleston, Wilma 8th, will find ten girls competing for Shore Doubles Championship with bination of Alpha Mu Chapter's 25th Robertson, Patricia Schaefer, and the title and a chance to enter the Henry Tait, former Western Mary- Anniversary and the Eastern District Dorothy Snider. The remaining four "Miss Maryland" eliminations in Bel- land S.G.A. President. While in high Conference of 'I'ri-Beta. Events will girls will make up the queen's court. timore in July. school, he took a tour out west play- begin Friday with registration and a Carroll County residents are urged ing in tennis tournaments. banquet at 6:00 at the American Le- Bob Butler is the general chairman to nominate likely candidates by send- \Vray's platform was based on rnak- gion Hall. Dr. Aubrey Schneider, a of the dance. Committee heads are ing their names to Pasquale Donofrio, ing the S.G.A. a more powerful and graduate of the class of 1!l36 and Carlos Gosnell, publicity; Ronald general chairman of the Pageant. effective organization. "The most im- president of Tri Beta 1935-36, will Strauss, refreshments; John Kauf- The winner of the "Miss Carroll portant part of any S.G.A. is the stu- speak on "Cancer-A Challenge to man, tickets and programs; Dick County" Pageant, in addition to the dents themselves," he stressed. "I can Science". He received his doctorate Hersh, clean-up; and Daryll Martin, Arnold Moss generous cash prizes and gifts, will make no promises. I can only do my from the Johns Hopkins School of lighting. have all expenses paid for the Mary- best, working with and through the Hygiene and is currently the assistant Each girl at the dance will receive Mr. Moss' program, "Seven Ages of land Pageant. In the event that she students, to build a stronger, more director of statistical research for the a' free corsage at the door. As another Man," is a panorama of dramatic lit- wins the title of "Miss Maryland," active S.G.A." American Cancer. Society in New new feature, free refreshments will erature interpreting the seven major she will have all expenses paid for York City. His wife, the former Ethel be served. steps through which Shakespeare said the trip to Atlantic City and the com- Melody Men To Play Gorsuch, was' also a member of Tri Ali military students attending will all must pass in a lifetime. The petition for the title of Miss America Beta at Western Maryland. Reeogni: ,~ear their military uniforms, except growing pains of the teen-ager, and a 1958-in September. She will also re- At-Experiment X' tion will' be ·given'to certain' alumni outside guests. Tickets for outside golden-wedding quarrel are two ceive a full wardrobe as part of her and faculty who have participated in guests can be obtained through any touches of high comedy which bring "Miss Maryland" prize. On Saturday evening, April 6, the the development of the Alpha Mu military student from Eugene Krantz. rare balance to a program that also Music Department is sponsoring an Chapter. The price is $2.50. includes unforgettable moments of informal dance which they prefer to Saturday morning will be devoted Faculty sponsors for the ball will serious and inspirational flavor, cul- call Experiment X. The price is to be to the reading of student papers. The be Mr. E. Robt. Adkins, Dr. Wm. minating in a philosophy which gives Flash 25c per person, and the proceeds are papers are original student research MacDonald, Col. Dayton Bennett, the listener renewed strength and to go towards a newly established work which will be submitted to a Major Howard Olm-k, and Captain F. faith for each stage of life. His pro- Judy Corby has been elected music scholarship fund. The depart- board for judging for the Frank G. Howard. gram will include readings from: "As as vice-president of the Student ment has stated that a date isn't nee- Brooks National Award. The winning You Like It," "The Creation," "Is Government Association, Larry essary and refreshments will be paper will be published in Bios, the after The girls' dorms will close at 12:30 There a Baby in the House?", "The Hall, president, has announced. served. The music will be supplied by the dance. National Beta Beta Beta magazine. Happy Time," "Cyrano de Bergerac," Judy has served as S.G.A. the newly formed Melody Men. The Fifteen regional chapters are in- "Richard III," "Pickwick Papers," representative from her class main purpose of this dance is to have vited to the convention and three Freshman To Enter "The Gelden Honeymoon," "King for three years, and has been fun, and the Music Department states hundred \Alumni letters were sent out. Lear," and "The Silver whistle." active on the woman's Council that if the dance is a success, they The general chairman for the event National Contest 1\Ir. Moss comes to We-stern Mary- and F.A.C. plan to sponsor more informal get-to- is Marian Scheder. Other chairmen land College having just recently com- gethers of this kind in the futur-e. include: registration, Bob McCormick; Western Maryland College has pleted one of the leading roles in Bob reception, Peggy Whorton; dinner, chosen a freshman co-ed to be entered Hope's latest film "Cassanova's Big Caryl Ensor; program, Mary Hotch- in Glamow"S national competition for Night." Movie-goers will recall his Ensor And Fossett Elected kiss; luncheon, Peggy Conover; pub- America's best dressed college worn- portrayals in such other films as "Sa- licity, Barbara Zepp. lome," "Kim," "Loves of Carmen," To Head Next Year's Aloha Mike Friedman will be in charge of Joy Keller, the secretary of the "My Favorite Spy," and "Viva Zapu- housing arrangements for the many class of 1960, won the title of the best ta." students who will be campus guests. dressed girl on the college campus. National Acclaim The student body elected Joy as thc On the new York stage bo has won Ensor Announces "best-dressed" on the merit of her the highest acclaim from both critics and the public for the many leading Sabbatical Leaves neatness and suitability of dress. roles he has played in productions of The slender redhead earns her ac- claim, moreover, because of adeptness the Theatre Guild, the Playwright's President Lowell S. Ensor has an- in sewing. Joy made two of the Producing Company, and others. nounced that two members of the thr-ee outfits which will appear as en- "The best performance is given to Western Maryland College faculty Arnold Moss who does full justice to have been granted sabbatical leaves tries in the national Glamour maga- the incomparable grandeur of Shake- of absence for the 1957-58 academic zine contest. One of these ensembles, speare's verse," comments Life Mag- in the evening wear category, is a Miss Arleen Heggemeier, Assistant pale lavender taffeta dress. The ea'ne. New Brooks Atkinson, says, critic "Arn- for the YOrk Timcs, Professor of Music, will leave in June other, off-campus apparel, is a light old Moss is giving us the best Mal- for Northwestern University where green -spr-ing- coat. The remaining volio of our time A masterpiece she will begin work towards the de- category is average classroom attire. of broad comedy." He is the only gree of Doctor of Music. A former Joy, a recent graduate of Towson native-born American of his genera- student at the Oberlin Conservatory, Senior High School, has had various tion who has received critical honors she received her Bachelor of Music modeling experience. In 1952, she for his interpretation on Broadway of and Master of M.usic degrees from took a modeling course with the Wni- three starring Shakespearean roles. that institution, and her teacher's ter's Academy in Baltimore. She His appearance with the New York certificate from the Diller Quaille participated in' high school fashion Jack Fossett School of Music. Miss Heggemeier shows and was employed for a time Philharmonic Orchestra, and as Caryl Ensor plans to return to Western Maryland with Hutzler Brothers department speaking soloist on several occasions The staff of the 1958 Aloha was The newly .elected business manager in September, 1958. store in Towson. with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, elected on March 4, 1957. Caryl Jean is Jack Fossett. He has served as ad- A second leave of absence has been Ever since earliest high school have been outstanding events. His Ensor, a resident of 'Vestminster, vertising manager ror the GOLDBUG granted to Dr. Ruth Russell, Prores, days, Joy has held interests in West- face and voice are familiar through- was selected to be editor. Caryl has and at present is the business mana- scr of Psychology. Dr. Russell plans ern Maryland as her college alma out the country for his frequent ap- been an active participant in many ger. Jack has been corresponding sec- to be gone only during the first sem- mater. "It has completely fulfilled pearances on such air fare as "Omni- organizations on "The Hill". Her ac- retary for his fraternity, Alpha Gam- ester of the 1957-58 college year .. A my expectations," the redhead says bus," "Suspense," "Studio One," and tivities include the Argonauts and ma Tau, and now is the chaplain. He graduate of the University of Toron- simply. "I love it here." "Cavalcade of America." His most \V.A.A. She was vice-president of her has been a member of the Freshman to, she later received her Ph.D. from A perfectionist at heart, Joy does recent play was "King Lear." class during her freshman and sopho- Advisory Council. He served as treas., the University of Edinburgh. During everything with precision. Her in- Moss Honored more years. As a member of Sigma urer of the French Club during his her leave of absence, Dr. Russell will terests include, besides sewing, knit- In recognition of his versatility and Sigma Tau, she has served on the In- sophomore year. Jack is an economics be at Yale University where she will ting, cooking, listening to music, and of his value to his profession, his fel- tersorority Council and as assistant major and hails from Baltimore. be working with certain noted psy- art. These interests fit in nicely with low actors have acknowledged his S.G.A. representative. Being a biology The staff has already contracted chologists. Following several months her major, home economics. Joy is leadership by electing him a member major, she is a member of Tri·Beta. the photographer. They are at pres- stay at Yale, she will visit various aliso secretary of the Home Econom- of the Council of Actors' Equity As- Caryl is also active in the Band and ent planning their staff nnd deciding other colleges in the United States. ics club. sociation. Orchestra. on the publishing firm.
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