Page 34 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 34
The Gold Bug, Mar. I, 1957 Grapplers Tie Terrors Win Freshmen Aid Waldorf Succeeds Havens Drexel Tech On Saturday, February 23, the In School Win As Athletic Director Western Maryland Green Terrors' western Maryland's wrestling team wrestling team defeated Catholic Uni- The rifle team has not fired any came up with a brilliant 15-15 tie at versity by a score of 21-13. Captain matches for record since the last is- and Robert J. waldorf of Washington Lee High School in Arlington, the hands of a strong Drexel Tech Brant Vitek, returning to the mat sue of the GOLDBUG. They have fired Virginia, has been named Athletic team. The visiting team took an after being off the mat for several practice matches with some military early 10-0 lead on a forfeit in the 123 weeks for an injury, pinned John teams to condition them for the com- Director and Head Football Coach at Ensor stated this that pound class, and in the 130 pound Perrizzi in four minutes, twenty-four ing record matches with Loyola on W.l"II.C. Dr. is effective July 1, 1957. appointment class, Orr came up with a pin against seconds. Catholic U.'s Jim Gontis March 1, and Potomac State on March Waldorf, while at Washington and Dick Gardiner in two minutes and quickly tied the score at 5-5 when he 8. Lee, compiled a very fine record of 29 fifty-five seconds. John Gunderson, pinned Dick Gardiner in four minutes The Maryland Military District wins and only 11 losses. Last year, Fred Stoever, Brooks Euler, Charlie and twenty-six seconds. Earle Finley Team, which is in active service, met his team went undefeated in a 10+ Cock and Darryl Martin then won de- gave the Green Terrors a 10-5 lead the \vMC rifle team twice. WMC game schedule and won the Virginia cisions in that order. The score then when he came up with a quick two arose the victor in the first match Group I championship and was rated stood at Westen Maryland 15, Drexel minutes and twenty-one seconds, pin held here with an 1831, while the Dis- No. 1 among area high schools in 10. In the final match of the eve- at the hands of Jim Burns. The score n-ict team fired 178!l. WMC lost 1956. Mr. Waldorf', who teaches his- ning Fred Ulmer pinned Western was again tied at 10-10 when John the return match 1777-1755. tory, has been a success as both a Maryland's Ken Mohlheru-ich in seven Watson pinned John Gunderson, who On February 7 WMC met the Fred- teacher and a coach. minutes and fifty seconds. The final was subbing for the injured Fred erick National Guard team. Last He was graduated from the Uni- score was Western Maryland 15, Stoever, in a six minutes and twenty- year they gave our team a very bad versity of Missouri in 1940, with a Drexel 15. three seconds. The Terrors quickly beating, but this year they managed major in economics, where he played George Wellings defeated AI Dwor- moved into a 23-10 lead when Brooks to defeat us by a small majority of football under the tutelage of Don kin 4-0 in an exhibition match. Euler won a pin, and Charlie Cock nine points. This match, even though Parout. Following his graduation and Darryl Martin each picked up a it produced a defeat for WMC, gave Robert Waldorf. new athletic d-ll'ector from Missouri, he held coaching posi- Hopkins Rally decision. Martin was involved in the another indication that Two the team is at Western 1I1uryw..nd College tions at Simpson College, Iowa, and freshmen improving. most exciting match of the day as he steadily World Marquette University. During Drop Terrors pinned his opponent, but the pin was members, Goldring and Plugge, made War II, he directed health and phys- with a 275, College Win; the scoring column for WMC with the second period to be after ruled prcgrarns for the U.S. ical education had ended. In the final period, it scores of 272 and 267 respectively. Army. When Waldorf returned to On Saturday night, the Terrors looked as if Erich Moeller of Cath- Holter was high scorer civilian life, he spent seven years as dropped a hard-fought game to the olic U. was going to turn the tables and Crum was high scorer for Fred- Athletic Director and Football Coach Johns Hopkins Blue Jay'S 100 to 92. on Martin, but the western Maryland erick with a 278. Stewart Star at Central High School, Battle Creek, W. Md. lead for most of the ru-st half lad was able to hold out until the end WMC Michigan. by as much as 12 points, spar-ked by of the period. ~~~I *~~i~~eg!-- ._-_.m On February 19, the Western Mr. Waldorf is 38 years of age, "Dusty" Martinell, only to fall behind Jim Becker of Catholic University ".'"' -.- -:.~.m :~f1i;e_=:::~~~~.~=iii Maryland Terrors defeated Gallaudet married, and has two children. He is at halftime 47-43. In thc -second, the won a decision over George Wellinga, 93-69 in a Mason-Dixon contest. The the younger brother of Lynn Waldorf, lead fluctuated with neither team subbing for the sick Ken Mohlheru-ich Tot~l 1789 W.Md. five controlled the lead for who, until recently, was head foot- having more than a 6 point lead. in the heavyweight class. The Ter- ·Fre.hmen Member. most of the game. Tom Riggin open- ball coach at the University of Cal- With 2 minutes to go, Hopkins went rOTS thus ended their season with a Saturday is the most dangerous day ed the scoring with two successful ifornia, and is now associated with ahead 92-90 and tten froze the ball 3-4-1 record. They are participating of the week to drive. foul shots. From there the Terrors the professional San Francisco, having several fouls to add to their in the Mason-Dixon Tournament to- went into a 7-0 lead before the visi- '4ge1"s as a scout. Waldorf's father final total which was reached on a 3 day and tomorrow at Towson State tors could score. The game was was a Bishop of the Methodist point play by Bernstein. Western Teachers College. knotted up at 21-21 at one point but Church. Maryland had 4 scorers in double FOR FLOWERS W. Md. took the lead which at half Coach Waldorf now holds a Master figures: "Duke" Stewart with 29, Artistically arranged for time stood at 42-35. -of Education degree from the Amer- "Dusty" Martinell with 26, Bill Span r Flash! Sloan Stewart was high scorer for ican University. with 20 and Captain "Wimp" Riggin each different personalit.y both clubs with 26 points. Next in At the present time no assistant with 11. Rebounding by Mar-tinell, Wednesday night the Green 'I'er- line were Dusty Martinell and Jud coach has been named. who had 15 points at the half, was a rOTSwent down to defeat at the hands Perlarski, of Gallaudet, with 21 points strong point in the game for us. of Loyola by a score of 106-70. Ralph oUTTERER 'S each. Also in double figures for the However, the Jays had 5 men in double "Dusty" Mar-tinell had the best indi- Terror five were Bill Spaur (18) and Just one pie and you'll know figures: Bernstein with 22, Loughan vidual per-formance -of the year. Mar- 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Tony Sat-banes (10). Along with why, with 21, Sekulow with 18, Spitznas tinell scored the highest number of Westminster 350 Pcrjarskt for the visiting quintet with 12 and Captain Bill Civiletti points for the 1956-57 season when were Rose (16) and Werner (13). Benny's is the place to try with 11. he amassed a total of 36. The J.V team was host to Bain- bridge in the early game. They de- feated the sailors 72-71 in a close con- It Pays To Look Well Delicious RILEY REGAN test. CAMPUS AGENT Boyer III Visit The Foods for the James Boyer, \V.M.C. athletic trainer, J.V. basketball coach, and Avenue Barber Shop AT Modern G. I. Laundry head baseball coach, suffered a light 223 E. Green St. heart attack prior to the start of the Griffin's All Laundry and Dry Cleaning The GOLDBUG wishes Mr. Boyer a Where The Students Go westminster 1478 Loyola-Western Maryland J.V. game. Our New Addition 1J5 Pennsylvania Avenull' 'York Guaranteed quick recovery. He is now residing in in The Co1onial Dining Room General Hanover Hospital the Hanover, Pennsylvania. ONE OF AMERICA'S GREAT LEADERS ••• in the field of PACKAGING There are few among us who have not come in personal conract'wirh the products of The lord Baltimore PreSS. The achievements in packaging engineering and construction, quality reproduction, protective coatings and design that have come from this company in the past decade have shown the way foe the whole industry. Packaging at The Lord Baltimore Press means leadership ... and this leadership needs you. If you are interested io- Business Adminisearion Packaging Design Sales Service and Sales Skilled Craftsmanship Industrial Engineering Engineering Accounting Quality Control Mt Chemistry or anyone of scores of professions, all of which go to make up "Packaging at The lord Baltimore Press", please write today for particulars of how you may fit in with the leaders. '~ GoodPlace in Which to Work" Address yOllr illqulry to: C. H. 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