Page 33 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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The Gold Bug, Mar. 1, 1957 W. Md. Ladies Letters 2, col. 2) WMC Alumnus Publishes Thesis Win Two Games I am in Wicomico (I page don't think not Luther Frank Sies, class of '48, has experience with semantic formula- Future Events (Cont'inlled from and County the Carroll County. for- main concern. Such In the last week, the Terrorettes dog catcher has got wind of this yet.) recently of published his thesis for the in tions-his were t.aught as symbolism Highlighted of Education degree Mastel' mulations have quickly added two wins to their Well, I hear Mamma Mehl in the W.M.C.'-s Department of Education of language, importance of context, basketball record. First they jour- kitchen, so I think I will go eat my which he received in 1954. His paper the ncn-identity of a symbol with The month of March promises much neyed to 'I'owson State Teachers Col- third meal of the day. (Oh, I forgot is titled An Application of Semantic that which it represents, the abstract- variety in the field cf entertainment. lege for a hard fought game, winning to tell you, I have coffee every morn- Techniques To The Language Arts process, and After a Opening at Ford's Theatre in Balti- ing 61-60. This was their first win over ing with Mamma MehL She says I'm Activities of a li'ifth Grade Glass. thorough discussion others, more the week of March 18 - the of these formula- S.T.C. in four years and the 'Score a lot of trouble, but when she went The scene of the 'exper-iment' report- popular Broadway musical "Damn with Mr. Sies concludes certainly tells the tale of a very close away, I was the first one she asked ed in his paper is the fifth grade at tions, suggested by his research ques- Yankees." Also at Ford's beginning and tions game. High scorer for W.M.C. was for, so I'm sure she loves me.) the Charles Carroll School, considered experimentation such a'S, "What ef- March 11 is "Janus," a comedy fea- Weber with 29 points, followed by Take care of yourselves, and don't the most 'rural' of all the schools in fect, if any, will this semantic orien- turing Donald Cock, Joan Bennett, Brown and Rogers of S.T.C. with 25 let any other dog take my place in Carroll County. Among the objec- tation have upon the future school and Roney Brent. and 24 respectively. The unsung your hearts. tives stated in his paper are as fol- achievement cf these chfld ren?" He Those who enjoyed the film version hero awards for this game, however, Love, lows: "to teach language by methods believes that his work represents lit- of The Oresteia shown at W. M. C. must go to guards Ensor, Suther- Elvis that psychologically correspond to ac- tle more than the basic knowledge of will be sure to like Oed-ipus Rex which land, and Luckebaugh, who with out- Mar-ch 1, 1957 tual life situations; facilitate better is being shown foJ' an extended period standing defensive play managed to communication by the individual semantics and recent linguistic rc- at the 5 West Theatre in Baltimore. hold S.T.C. in the final minutes of Compiletti of St. Agnes to 22 and 20 child; teach children to manipulate search. Starring in 'this screen version of the Currently ]'I'1r.Sies is a 'Staff mem- play. It was indeed a well-earned points respectively. In a J.V. game language for their own use; provide ber of the Hearing and Speech Clinic play by Sophocles, is Douglass Camp- triumph for the basketball lasses. the junior T'eri-nrettes lead by Camp- for the children a democratic class- of the Children's Hospital, Washing- bell. It is under the direction of Ty- With this win under their belts. bell and Etzler, triumphed by a score room, not by mere word-definition, rone Guthrie. the Lady Terrors traveled to Mount of 36-28. Indeed with a full week of but by actual practices that encour- ton, D. C. He was bor-n in Weatmin- Still playing at the Johns Hopkins St. Agnes and lengthened their record success the girls brought home the age them to think and express them- stcr, Maryland where he attended Playshop is Shaw's "Mrs. wan-en's high school and which W.M.C. from by soundly defeating them 53-45. honors for W.M.C. Two home games selves fully." he received his BA in English and Profession." This play closes after The Mount St. Agnes girls played complete the schedule with St. Joe At the Charles Carroll School the March 2. It will be given at the fine defensive ball, but the scoring on February 26 and Notre Dame on discussion technique was used. The Social Sciences. At State Teachers Playshop at 8:30 P.M. College, he Maryland Towson, punch of Weber, 28 points, and Hill, March 2. interest of the children was the factor ceived his BS in education. At pres- re- The Corcoran Callery of Art in 15 points, was just too much for In inter-soror-ity play the Sigmas which helped to Overcome their initial at the Hear- Washington i-s presenting its twenty- them. Special honors go to guards defeated the Iotes placing themselves reluctance to express themselves. ent, along with his wor-k fifth Biennial Exhibit of Contempor- ing and Speech Clinic, he is now com- German and Luckabaugh for the fine in a tie for first place with the Phi They became free and anxious to com- pleting the academic requirements for ary Oil Paintings. This exhibit runs job they did in holding Kuhn and Alpha. municate. Mr. Siea gave the children a doctorate in education and speech until March 10. correction at George Washington At the National Gallery of Art, University. He says he is "looking also in Washington, a very compre- and of oil paintings forward to reporting further applica- hensive exhibit featuring George Bel- lithogrnphs, Campus capers tion of G S principles to 'Speech edu- lows, is currently 23, the Baltimore Sym- being viewed. cation and correction." On March "Pop- is presenting Orchestra call for Coke PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS phony Laszlo Steinhardt Album No.2, ular Concert Favorites," with as violinist. Heagy's Sport Shop On the 30th, the same symphony's presentation of "Gershwin Festival" Parties click when the Now Located will feature I..oly Miki a'S pianist. 16 W.Main mood is right. With Phone 1350-W These concerts are held at the Lyric enough Coke on hand A Complete Sports Line Theatre at 8'30 PM yon can set the scene for a gay session ..• Compliments of anytime. Rice's Bakery 1\Iart Weekday Shows "7 and 9 p.m. f'unriay Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. Compliments of Evenings 9 p.m. C()l1tinu"'tl~ Shows from 2 p.m. cn J. R. EVERHART Saturday and Holidays COLLEGE BARBER At the Forks Fri., Sat. March 1-2 THE BARRETTS OF WIl\fPOLE STREET Jennifer Jones Bill Travers Technicoloi' - Cinemascope Rasinsky's Pharmacy BOTTlEO UNDf~ \UTHORITY OF THE COCA.COLA COMPANY BY WESTMINSTEB COCA-COLA ROTTLING CO,_ INC. Sun., MOll., Tues. March 3-4-5 "Reliable Prescriptions" "Coke" ;,a reai'lered trade.mark. © 1953. THE COCA·COLA COMPANY ZARAK Victor Mature Anita Ekberg Drugs and Everyday Needs Technicolor _ Cinemascope We have your favorite sterling pattern 30 W. Main St. Wed., Thur., Fri., Sat. March 6-7-8-9 Westminster, Md. as featured in ANASTASIA Ingrid Bergman Yul Brynnel' Phone 101 18UElEID><&. :JBlAR.1I,(O>N§ Technicolor _ Cinemascope SUn., Mon. March 10-11 "SILVER OPINION COMPETITION" HOT SUMMEH NIGHT VISIT Leslie Nielsen Colleen Miller WESTMINSTER Tues. Wed., Thur. March 12-13-14 FULL OF LIFE SHOE REPAIR Judy Holliday Richard Conte Finest Material - Workmanship JOE MARZULLO 85 W. Main 81. Near Carroll Theatre Continucus 1 p. m. Saturdays. HcJi- day shows ccntinuous from 2 p. m. LAUNDROMAT Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows !l Locu~t Street continuous from 6;45 p. m. Opposite Parking Lot OAILV-7:30 - 5:00 Fri., Sat. March 1-2 (Double Feature) FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 Silver Autumn I'ointed Classic Tora Silver THE BLACK SHEEP Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon Swlpture leaves Antique Rose Wheat REBEL IN TOWN $36.75 $36.75 $33.75 $35.00 $36.75 $33.75 Westminster 1287 Fri.. Sat. March 8-9 FREE DELIVERY SERVICE BOYS' TOWN TO COLLEGE Do these patterns lcok familiar? Then you've no doubt seen them on Spencer 'Tracy Mickey Rooney bulletin boards thrcughout your campus. They're featured in Reed & Barton's "Silver Opinion Competition" now being conducted at your college. Stop in soon and see how beautiful these patterns are in actual solid silver. Can't tell - it may be all the inspiration Baugher's Restaurant you need Ic win one of the valuable scholarship prizes! ·AII {)rices are for 6-piece place settings, and include Federal tax JUST OFF THE CAMPUS FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Colonial Jewelry Co. Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes 32 W. MAIN ST. - WESTMINSTER, MD. OPEN EVERY DAY "QUALITY and SERVICE SINCE 1922"
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