Page 32 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 32
The Gold Bug, Mar. 1, 1957 The Losers - - - I donot'''k~~:~n'''- By Marianne Shears That rainbow in tke sky- Security is greatly valued and pily married within five years of MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS A Without the sun will die. eagerly sought by those who have no languages, discourages same line of rea- like the rainbow, For happiness, This graduation. religiously soning abide They adventures imagination. into [ do not seek for happiness. by every Jaw of civilization. Devia- art, or history. Subscription Price $2.00 Per Annum ,i"·· ~'I'7- [do not strive some for joy; coy, tion is heinous ironclad orthodoxy is limit itself to the classroom level but The guiding for security crime. The obsession doesn't of this spirit 1Vhich like maiden PRESS Ever retreate as one odvoncee, that originality is dangerous and infiltrates even the use and enjoy- should be beaten down and annihilat- ultra-con- The FLORENCEA. MEaL, Editor-irv-Chief Luring on while away she dances. ed. Sureness of footing and of suc- ment of free time. to try something he servative refuses CLARENCEL. FOSSETT,Jr., B~!siness Manager t do not strive fOT joy. cess is the only aim of the security hasn't done before because it may un- Weaa~~~~n~d~i::r ---=-~=- Nancy V. Willis [ do not s1!tLtch at pleasure- seeker. settle him or offer some new prob- That golden-winged treasure- This personality exists in every lem to his carefully established rou- That like some gorgeous bl~twrfly, avenue of work and in every path cf tine. He does not wish to see beyond Takes its flight into the sky. life. In the business world the safe- the rim of the comfortable TUt into [ do not 8'J!atch at pleasure. ty-minded individual is so timid in which he has worn himself. Natural- expressing his views that he becomes ly, these ruts are well equipped to From Sink-Side Why No Spirit? Bitt peace-Ah! Peace a "yes man" and his identity melts satisfy the narrow Best curiosity of the spon- sellers non-adventurer. away into nothingness. Speaking his The twentieth century is the age of It is difficult to break down school [s wh",t [cra'Ve; beyond the grave; mind is out of the question because sored by the Book of the Month Club, Here, eternal miracles and machines. Neither, and spirit into separate component parts. For storms may rage 01' the sun may it involves "risk" and risk is the arch and copies of Rcadm·s' Digest fill the especially the latter, has descended to One cannot say you add x to y and ar- shine, r-nemy of the tral'quiJity that the literary demand, while the classics the girls' dormitories. Launder-ing rive miraculously at that abstract B~1t peace-to me the Gift Divine- "yes man" is seeking. and little-known and little-publicized facilities in the girls' dorms date back noun: school spirit. Because of the With calm, nnchanging, steady glow, College is not spared by them for books support dust on the library to colonial times. They are inade- complexity of the problem then, it Come what may of we",l or woe, they feel that a college education is shelves. Old Masters cover the area quate and inconvenient. cannot be said that one specific thing Like some mighty beacon stanW! the surest ticket to a safe haven. To devoted to art. These masterpieces The current picture of washing is missing here at Western Maryland. And cMts its rays!",r o'er the stranW! them the only reliable yardstick for are well-known and oft-explained. conditions is rather amusing if one But that does not mean that all is Of life's wild troltbled sea. deciding on a specific academic en- but the impressionistic trend of con- does not have to use them. Where well, and we have school spirit. The God, but grant this gift to me- deavor is its sureness of success. On temporary painting is ignored because else in captivity is there a genuine reverse is apparently true. Peace is all [crave. this basis, home economics is the most it needs an active imagination to in- wash-board designed to wear out In the realm of athletics, school Mary Humphreys Hendrickson valuable field for college girls, for terpret it. Tradition is the keyword clothes as efficiently and quickly? spirit is most noticeably missing. rumor has it that ninety-five per cent of the secur-ity seeker, and to him it Space is a problem, too. Two laun- True, we do not have a winning team. Who Has A Lantern of home economics majors are hap· is the only factor to be considered dry rooms serve the purpose in we do have, however, a team that when deciding the fate of Old Main. Blanche Ward and one is used in Me- tries, and one that would be encour- Once upon a time Or wrongness of the contending Practical minded and rigidly moral, Daniel. These are for thc exclusive aged by a few votes of confidence The people were divided opinions these people are repulsed by anything use of approximately 300 girls be- from the bleachers rather than in- Over a curious question A little less than absolute as these with mere aesthetic worth or by any tween the two dorms. Two girls is different silence. Why win for a stu- Some held the opinion Propositions had been originally representation of realism which does the maximum limit using the two tubs dent body that doesn't even care? That three and one make thirty-one stated not correspond to the letter of social in each Blanche Ward laundry room, Week-ends exhibit. another picture They could show it to you on the By their proponents and so convention. The first is an incompre- while three girls may simultaneously of student spir+tlessness. Fridays be- calendar The man who offered the solution hensible concept for the stagnant use the more spacious facilities of gin with the mass exodus of students Others thought that three and one Acquired a reputation as a silly thinker to grasp, since a thing with- Mclmniel. 'When these are in full to homes, other colleges - just any- make four prophet out a price tag or use is a frivolity use - which is often, the girls re- place to "get away." What is it about They used mathematical symbols Of sweetness and light with not without logical place in the world. treat to the bathrooms. Clothes oc- our attitudes that make us wish the To demonstrate the validity enough Realism is frightening because the cupy washbowls for many consecutive Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Of their belief Guts to stand foursquare on either unexpected often happens, and they hours fulfilling the purpose of having Thursdays away so that we CRnleave? Now a certain man among them Side of the controversy and are not prepared to cope with a situa- clean clothes, but rather defeating the If there is anything drastically wrong Pointed out that both sides consequently tion different from their own. purpose of maintaining clean co-eds. with the social policy of the school, Were right or wrong depending on He was at first ostracized Perhaps sympathy is the most ap- Laundry racks crowd the floor hind- it can be changed by co-operative stu- What they meant by their word Later he was outlawed propriate emotion to feel toward the ering easy entrance, and the flooded dent endeavor. All that is needed is "make" And finally they thought it best devotee of security because he is condition resulting from the dripping a little student interest. But this analysis of the problem Just to kill him missing much of the world's activity of clothes makes it quite hazardous It is easy to complain. A common Was highly unpopular because By that time he was and pleasure. Security may live at for a non-swimmer to enter. gripe is that there is nothing doing on It seemed to make the possible In favor of it himself ease in ruts, but the traffic of life Surely, the college which is so up- weekends, yet campus-planned activi- rightness H. B. passes over the ruts. to-date in so many policies should ties frequently fail because of poor have an adequate-solution to-the C'O- attendance. The WUS bazaar is a eda' washing needs. Automatic wash- good example. Practically the only Not To Fail TWIce- ers would seem a practical solution people who were present were those from many points of view. Blanche who were tending booths! Certainly Ward has a practically unused locker this is not an encouraging fact to Eyeing Jane over near the refr-esh; way. Jack followed with one of his liot with a highly pressurized two room in the basement, and McDaniel stimulate future planning of social ment stand, Jack excused himself far flying blasts that carried a bit of footer to make. Taking his place on has similar space where the present events. from the crowd and went over to talk a hook at its completion. Seldom had the green beside Williams, Jack out-dated washing room is now Examples are sadly quite numerous to her "Hello, there," he said awk- two golfers ever been so evenly leaned over into his unorthodox wardly. housed. Object.ions chiefly seem to to illustrate campus lack of spirit: the matched. At the end of nine holes stance, took a deep breath, and pre- be centered around possible abuse of cutting of the Christmas tree; atfi- "Hello, yourself," she countered both boys had identical scores hut pared to stroke his ball. He hit the the machines. This does not seem tude about chapel services; the disre- stiffly. "How do Y'OU feel?" more important, neither had won a ball softly, perhaps too softly. But, nervous," "Pretty darn probable, when one considers the gen- spect shown many assembly speaker-s "I'm in for a tough afternoon." he said. hole from the other. Tension was no, the putt was true as it dropped eral good condition of the girls' dorm, by inattention, knitting, letter-wr-it- building up to a point where every in to give the Dovvine man a par and the handling of machinery al- ing, or reading during an address; "Jack, is something wrong?" she shot meant the difference between foul', and an assured tie. ready installed there. Abuse because the abuse the Reo Hall receives per-i- asked. victory and defeat for either man. At Now it was Jack's turn. Had he of ignorance is out of the question. odically and the absence of workers "\Vhy no, of course not," he added the end of the 16th hole Williams held made a decision? Jack felt confident Anyone who can read, can operate when it is repaired: and on, and on. quickly. "Why?" a one hole advantage by virtue of a that if the match was carried over modern washing equipment. Besides, But enumeration of these things "You aren't yourself. There's putt holed out from the incredible into a sudden death playoff he was assured of the city title, for he had it is likely that the installers would be docs not help. Everyone who is a something bothering you, I just know distance of 38 feet. But on the 17th noticed that Williams had faltered glad to instruct the girls in the proper college student is intelligent enough it. Couldn't yon tell me? It might help. Jay had trouble with his second shot considerably during the last three use of the machines. to realize what haa been done, and Jack knew he had to tell someone and bogied the hole while Jack got a holes. In that moment Jack knew his Our campus is up-to-date in many Whether it is right or wrong. The before he went out of his mind with beautitful par on a sensational blast respects. Why let the washing facili- important thing is to realize ti~/lt the worry. But, not Jane. He couldn't from a sand trap. Now, all even, they fate. Jack eyed his putt carefully. Just prepared to tee off on what now was deny the fact that next to his father, ties be the one obsolete feature in an attitude here at Western Murylund is the most important hole of the tourn- a two footer, he thought, but to those otherwise modern campus? Jane meant more to him than anyone not wh n It ought to be. This is the else in his life. But to trust her with ament. people out there it may as well be first stcp of the process. The next a secret like that was another matter. Both boys, considering the tre- twenty feet. They'll get the same re- is to take measures to correct this at- But deep in his heart, he knew he mendous pressure being exerted, had sult. LETTERS titude. Maryland has nu.ny fine would never keep it from her. amazingly fine drives. Jack's second the crowd as Jack's putt missed the An agonizing groan ripped through Western "Jane," he began, "I would never and sure, dropping shot was straight To The attributes. There is no compelling be a true champion because I'm a on the green exactly 20 feet from the t-im of the cup by two inches. Some EDITOR force that made us come here. It was fraud." interrupted, "A fraud, Jaci~? pin, but Jay's ball developed a tre- yelled, some cried, but Jack felt re- the green hook and layoff mendous a choice for all of us _ lieved, for the title of city champ was for many a Jane long deliberated choice with WMC What do you meant" Swallowing hi<; forty feet from the apron. The crowd not his. Williams was beside himself winning out over many other col- murmured its deltgbt as they sensed with elation as he ran to congratulate Deal' Friends: pride, Jack related the entire sordid leges. There is no reason for us to episode to the girl he loved. for all practical purposes the match his defeated opponent. "I never 1 am taking this time out from my lose faith in our choice. Western After what seemed to be an infinite was over. But inwardly, Jack didn't thought I'd win it that easily," Jay favorite position on the living room Maryland is 01P' college. We know period of time, their conversation was want victory. His heart sank at the shouted over the noise of the crowd. couch (from which 1 am banned, but we'll be bragging ahout it in future l"ulminated by the announcement that sight of Jay's poor shot. His only "I guess you took it too easy," he sneak when r can) to write you a yeal'S when we have joined the crowd the two contestants should report to prior hope was that Jay wculd beat said. letter and let you know how I t!m. of proud alumni. Why wait1 Let's the starter's table immediately. See- him under actual C'Ompetition, but "Yeah, too easy," Jack nodded. This Eastern Shore is a good place start now. ing the tears in her eyes, Jack knew things hadn't worked out as he had "They're the roughest all right. Con- for a dog. There is plenty of room to the decision belonged to him and him planned. Now he was almost sure of gratulations, Jay, you deserved to run al'ound, and many strallge crea- alone. victory. But now, the gallery became win." And Jack Elliot meant every tures to chase. There is a rivcr neal' last saw me. I am now quite fat and Upon his arrival at the starter's still as Jay prepared to hit his ball. word he spoke. my house, and I intend to take some tall. I am strictly on a watcr diet table Jack was introduced to his op- He had chosen a seven iron attempt· Looking up, Jack saw his father lessons in duck-retrieving from a now, as far as beverages go, but am ponent. His name was JaY'Williams, ing to run the ball up over the lip of and Jane. Choked with emotion, Jack Chesapeake Bay that lives down the looking forward to some variety dur- from Dovvine. the green and into the cup. The crowd shook his father's hand. road. ing my next trip to Westminster. Jay was one of the semi-finalists was tense. Jay stroked his ball evenly "You know all about it?" Jack There is another dog here. He and 1 am behaving myself well, and you last year and was rated a very good and confidently. It was a spectacular quizzed. I get along quite well. I condescend would be proud of me. Occasionally chance of winning the title this year. shot, coming to a stop only a few feet "Yes, son, Jane told me, and I to romp with him sometimes, but with I dig holes in the lawn, or chew up a Jack thought that it wouldn't be a from the pin. Jay wasn't to be count- know you did the right thing. Nothing the express understanding that I am slippel·, or chew up newspapers and degradation to lose to a golfer of ed out. Not yet, anyhow. in life is worth mOl'e than a clear con- definitely superior, having a 'Vestern spread it around the house, but other- Jay's ability, hut there were so many Now it was Jack's turn to putt. If science. Come on," he said cheer- Maryland bad'ground. Whencvel' I wise, J am good. I stilllil{eto J'ioein people depending on him to win. How he dropped it the match was over and fully. "I'm going to treat you and am tired of his company, I rctreat into cars, and hope to catch one for \Vest- could he let them down. the title his; but he was still a long Jane to the biggest steak dinner in the house. He is not o.llowed there. ern :Maryland sometime in the near After the photographers had taken way from the little round hole. You New York City, and by the way, w(>'r[' Sometimes, he gets jealous, but T am future and come up and see everyone. all the pictures they needed, the boys could have heard a pin drop as Jack leaving Friday morning fa!' a we,·I. quite qualified to take care of myself, Please sayan especial hello to Tom prepared to tee off. Jack conceded the stepped to his ball. A hollow click and of fishing at Blue Lagoon. Thin], thanks to the training received from Riggin and tell him T still have the honor to Jay, who after one quick the ball sped toward its goal. It you can be 1'eady?" the Preachers in my college career. collar he bougllt for me, even though practice swing sent the little white rolled to a dead stop only two feet "I think it can be arranged," Jack I have grown quite a bit since you (Continued on page 3, col. 2) blur far down the middle of the fair- from the pin. It still left young EI- beamed.
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