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~nlb Vol. 34, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND March 1, 1957 American Airpower To Be Students With Plays To Feature Braun, Subject Of Guest Address "B" Or Be~ter Wilder And Williams Average Cited On March 11 Western Maryland College will have as its guest speaker The Junior Plays will be presented by the Dramatic Art De- Lt. .Colonel Carlo R. Tosti, United States Air Force. Colonel Tosti will be One hundred and thirty-two upper- partment in Alumni Hall, Friday evening, March 15, 1957 at 8 :15 on the campus in order to bring to the students an interesting and important classmen and twenty-nine freshmen P.M. Three one-act plays have been selected. They are The Happy message about American airpowcr. His talk entit.led "Building Qualitatively received a final average of "B" or JOU1'1WY by Thornton Wilder, This P'J'operty is Condemned by Ten- Superior American Airpower", will point up the tremendous rate of progress better the first semc ster of the school nessee Williams and an old-fashioned melodrama entitled He Ain't in the past several decades and will indicate the important part to be played year 1956-1957. Fcrty-seven of these Done Right by Neii written by Wilbur Braun. by scientists and engineers in making future progress in this field. The talk, students had averages equaling or The Happy Journeu is the story of a family making a journey illustrated with slides and motion bettering an index of 2.5. There were in their Chevrolet. Each member of the family also makes an inner devel- Spring Schedule pictures, will also show some of the several students in the college who journey in terms of the spirit. This products or the research and achieved a 3.0 index. citizens Alumnus Shores portrayal of the American home and systems Announced By opment program of the past decade in As the list of outstanding the American scene contains the terms of the new weapon is at present inoperative, the to re- Graduated By oes same universal values presented in GOLD which are being introduced into the Music Department BUG is taking this opportunity Wilder's Our Town. The cast is as Air Force inventory. mind the college community of the Alumnus Howard V. Shores of Bal- follows: Stage manager, Stephen Cal- Attended V. M.1. The music department recently an- names which would qualify for such a timore has been recently graduated lender; Ma Kirby, Jean Goode; Colonel Tosti attended high school nounced its spring schedule. list on academic grounds. by the Naval Officers Candidate Arthur, George Summers; Caroline, in Buffalo, New York, and was gradu- In March, Mrs. Betty Ely May, Dr. Makosky, Dean of Faculty, School in ceremonies at the Naval Jeanine Lee; Pa (Elmer) Kirby, Clar- ated in 1938. While attending high stated that although this list is not Station. The announcement made ence Kaylor; and Beulah, Nancy school he was especially active in Dorothy Clarke, Mary Jane Thorney intended as a replacement for the one by an OCS press release, stated that Lindsay. sports and carried this interest with and St.anluy Greenberg will give re- previously used, faculty are enconr- "Howie" was among 970 officers grad- Tennessee Williams Play c.tets. him when he attended Virginia Mili- MI·s. May will sing an opera group, aged to give such privileges to the uated at this time. tary Institute at Lexington, Virginia. gypsy songs, and a group by Rach- students named on this list as are A tender picture of innocence and He graduated from the institution maninoff on Sunday, March 3, at 3:30 possible under the conditions of work Pressure Course a child's courage in the face of empti- with a B.S. Degree in Electrical En- which they control. Dr. Whitfield, This course at Officers Candidate ness and fear is presented in This gineering and has since been asso- p m. Miss Heggemeier will be her chairman of the Absence Committee, School is offered to qualified college Propm·ty is Condemned. The fragile ciated with development programs in accompanist. has already made use of such a stand- graduates as preparation for duty in beauty of Tennessee at his On March 5, Dorothy the field of jet propulsion and guided give a piano recital at 4:15 Clarke will ard in allowing exemptions from the the fleet and shore branches of the best is presented against an empty missiles, including a tour of duty at i-s required for any music go- It penalties for pre and post holiday Navy. During the eighteen week scene of a railroad track and tele- Headquarters U.S. Air Force in the absence. Privilege for taking courses duration of the "pressure course," phone poles. The cast consists of Office or the Deputy Chief of Staff ing into public school teaching give above the grade-level fOI" which the candidates Jearn military relations, Grace Fletcher as "Willie and Robert one recital for Development. In 1946 he grad- student is normally eligible is also drill and ceremonies, navigation, ma- Christian as Tom. uated from Stanford University with Mary Jane Thorney will present a dependent upon qualification for this rine engineering, seamanship, naval The final presentation will be an a masters degree in Engineering piano recital on Sunday, March 12, at list. weapons, military justice and other old-fashioned melodrama given in the p.m. Administration. Colonel Tosti is pres- 4:15 Stanley Greenberg, with five sing- The publication of these names in naval subjects. style of acting and sctting which were ently assigned as Assistant Executive ers, is going to give a program of no way modifies the meaning of the Aboard Destroyer in vogue around 1900. As character- Officer to the Commander of the Air madrigals on March 19. "Honorable Mention" list announced Howie is now ser-ving as an officer istic of any melodr-ama-c-good tri- Research and Development Command, at the Fall Convocation. "Honorable aboard a destroyer in the Mediter- umphs over evil! A special feature U.S. Air Force, at Baltimore, Mary- Beverly Parsons, a piano major, Mention" is awarded for securing a ranean Sea. While at Western Mary- of the play will be the background land. will give a full recital on Sunday, minimum average somewhat higher land, he was active in such oz-ganiza- music provided by Stanley Greenberg. April 28. Margaret Whitfield and than "B" and for sustaining this av- The following cast has been selected: Patricia Garcia will give a joint re- erage for an entire college year. It tiona as Beta Beta Beta, M.S.M. and Nell Perkins (Little Nell), just an cital on May 5. is strictly a recogni\ie>n of merit. Gamma Beta Chi. He graduated in old-fashioned heroine, Jane Roeder; 1956 with a B.A. degree in the biology !CLUBNEwsl uled for second semester. are sched- A"h~"bRch. Willi"m McCormick. Robert department. - Granny Perkins, who car-r-ies a secret Other musical programs The Wom- Martin~ll. Ralph Andel·son. Jack Laura Warfield; Natalie en's Glee Club will present a program Apperson. Richard Mayer. Lynn for (Lolly) years, Wilkins, a typical old maid, Urawley, Richard Meredith. Da"id Tri-Beta concert for the AA UW on March 5. March Of Dimes Membership initiation for 'I'ri.Beta The choir is going to present an opera Nancy Lindsay; Vera Carleton, from will take place at Dr. Sturdivant's at the Lyric Theater in Baltimore Holds Campus Drive the city, Jean Lambertson; Burkett home on March 4. Thirteen persons with the Baltimore Symphony 01·- Carleton, her father, who owns the have been invited to become provision- chestra on March 16. The Little Goettee. John Dorm collections fOI' the March of Old Mill, Donald Beckerman; Hilton Graybeal. RonaM al members in the Alpha Mu chapter. Symphony, fcaturing Margaret Whit- Gc"""berg. St"nl~y Dimes will be held during the eve- Hays, a wolf in sheep's clothing, Jack Hall. Lawrence A person is eligible for this type of field as piano soloist and the Men's nings of March 3, 4, and 5. Skip Anderson; and Jack Logan, our man- membership after they have received Glee Club will present a concert on Dawkins will collect in Albert Nor- ly hero, Donald D'Angelo. credit for three hours of acceptable April 12. man Ward and Daniel Mcl.ea Halls. Set Designer biology marks and have ettetned a Miss Arleen Heggemeiet-, a faculty Nancy Jones and Ann Kinney will The settings, designed by Mrs. Joy 1.5 average in all other subjects. In member, will give a Moaart recital on have charge of McDaniel Hall while Winfrey, were constructed and paint- order to become a member of the na- April 30. The Women's Glee Club, Anne Grant and Helen Denham will ed by the Junior Dramatic AI·t stu- tional 'I'r-i-Beta, a person must have Men's Glee Club, and Choir will all collect in Blanche Ward. dents. The lighting is supervised by credit for nine hours of biology with participate at Baccalaureate service Boxes have been placed in the James Lightner, assisted by Luther a 2.0 average in that subject and a on Sunday, June 2. llunes. Shidey Patterson. Rarbnrn grille, bookstore, and rec hall for stu- Martin. The director of the produc- 1.5 average in other subjects. Tri- llenson. Willa Pntt~""on. Patricia dent contr-ibutions. The drive will tions is Miss Esther Smith. There llingham, Guoi Bcta has invited nine persons to enter lllair.S"znnne continue through Wednesday, March will be no admission charge for the this permanent membership. Silver Competition BQardmtln. Helen 6. event. lligjpl,llarbara Baptist Student Union U""wocth, Beverly On March 7, the Baptist Student Announced Here Union is sponsoring the movie "An- DUring the months of Februar-y and Candidates Announced For astasia," starring Audrey Hepburn and Yul Brynner. The movie is list- March, Reed and Barton is conducting Best Dressed College Girl ed among the top ten of the year. a "Silver Opinion Competition" in Proceeds will help to pay for a sum- which valuable scholarship awards $1050 are being offered The following goids were nominated mer missionary from the state of totalling enrolled women students at to a by a committee of members name of a candidate from the follow- duly Maryland, to be the 'Sent to Arizona g~~:fE"a':: ing list. However, write-in votes are or Oregon. Several Maryland col- few selected colleges and universities. ~~:~~::: J~~~abeth of the GOLDBUG staff, Student Gov- permitted if the student feels the list leges are sponsoring the movie for this Western Maryland has been selected Hanington. Joyce ernment and freshman class to com- is not complete. Ensor's name best dressed was the girl Miss Caryl Hial~y. Ann purpose. Tickets will be the usual to enter this competition is a in which the r,."~~:~~~ca pete for Maryland's campus. The girl on llloved from the list at her request. re- $500 cash first Western award grand $.50. i(uhlman. Jeannette scholarship; second grand award is a I_ease. Mary receiving the most votes will enter Ballots are to be turned in Monday, $250 scholarship, and third, fourth Gla1ll0Ul· magazine's national contest. March 4th, to the college grill be· and fifth awards are $100 scholal·- Whorton. Man,,,,"et Blanks should be filled in with the tween first and fifth periods. Employment ships. In addition, there will be 100 Willis. Nancy Joy Keller Naomi Bourdon other awm·ds with winners having the Wilson. Ruth Judy Ellis Marilyn Eccleston Woodward. Marjorie The Advancement and Place- option of receiving :\ $25 Savings Zepp,Uarbara Marti Willams ment Institute has published an Bond or a "starteT set" of sterling sil- Paraon •• B...,'crly Students Donna Brown Joan Durno Freshmen aid to educators and students vel·, fine china and crystal with a re- Myers, Char!"" Gail Mercey Quincy Polk who wish new ideas for vacation tail vnlue cf approximutely $45 Ry
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