Page 30 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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4 The Gold Bug, Feb. 15, 1957 Another Riflemen Keep Havens Resigns As Coach SIDELINE On Winning And A thletic Director With AI Spicer On January 18 the W.M.C. rifle team went to Baltimore to meet the Morgan State rifle team. W.M.C. On January 21, Mr. Charlie Hav- Western Maryland College has come to the end of another era in its came back with another victory on ens, the Director of Athletics and football history. What the future holds no one knows. For a time many the records, W.l'If.C. _ 1350; Morgan head football Coach here at Western thought that this institution of higher learning was going to drop inter-col- State _ 1311. Maryland College, resigned. Coach legiate football from its program. However Dr. Ensor soon quelled these It was a very promising victory for Havens has served this institution rumors. Western Maryland was a football power prior to 1935 when Richard W.M.C. because of the fact that four- over a span of twenty-two years in- "Dick" Harlow was head coach. After that the college decided to begin to play of its scorers were freshmen mem- cluding four years in the Armed schools more its own size. During this en the school has produced some fine bers. These freshmen have been stead, Forces. teams and some very fine players. Coach Havens has become a tradition on ily improving, and this latest victory The resignation came as a complete the Hill and is very well liked. He is greatly respected in the Mason.Dixon indicates very positively that the shock to the student body. Even Conference where he has been an active director. The GOLD BUG wishes W.M.C. rifle team has a very bright though it was examination time, many "Charlie" Havens the best of luck in whatever he attempts in the future. We future. This improvement has not of the students were saying to each know that he will be an asset to whatever organization he joins. come without hard work and the sac- other, "Did you hear about Mr. Hav- to He said that ens?" he had tried time on the part Tennis Team Previewed rificing of valuable Through their effor-ts resign last year but was asked to stay of its members. administration. last Just by the The GOLDBUG felt honored when it received a very fine letter from Pro- they have improved themselves, victory the year Bruce Ferguson who had been and team, the school. This fessor Frank Hurt, the coach of the tennis team. Your Sports Editor wishes was very gratifying to them and their basketball coach for twenty years re- to thank the "good professor" for taking his valuable time to write to us. I instructor, Capt. Howard. They are signed. Dr. Ensor has stated that now quote the letter: Western Maryland plans to continue Dear Allen: entitled to much more recognition to participate in intercollegiate foot- from the student body, for they are I am grateful to you for the opportunity to express appreciation, not only bringing much recognition to \V.M.C. ball. for myself but for what I believe to be the feeling of the student body, to A freshman member was high scor- !\Iany Applications those who have made available the new tennis courts. When construction is er for W.M.C., White with a 276, and Dr. Ensor has also stated that a completed, these courts will provide the varsity and students with the finest large number of applications for all-weather facilities. Bastic with a 268 for Morgan State. ver-y job have been received. These the Goldring, and Tushoph were Plugge, We look forward to the spring season with unusual interest. With vet, the other- freshman scorers. applications fall into three groups: er-ans "Kid" Mowbray, Sam Reed, Bob Pasaerello, John Gunderson, and Earle 1) high school coaches, 2) college Finley, together with freshman Bob Anderson, it is expected that we shall Charles Havens assistant coaches, and 3) football have a fine squad with which to work. The new courts should enable us to coacher from other colleges. The ma- practice and play under more favorable conditions. jority are from the first two groups. If the use of the new courts promote a better spir-lt of fair play, sports- Lady Terrort President Ensor, in an interview "It is not whether T manship, coopei-at.ion, and wholesome competition, then and only then shall Tolal 13501 W' with the GOLOBUG Sports Editor, said we deserve them. Each of us is familial' with the saying: errors In Drop Ist Game that he believed a successor would we win or lose, but how we Pli:i~~~U~I~m:;~rs, he named within three weeks, possibly In the first girls' basketball game within a week. The exact number of St. Joseph's Boyermen ImpressFRL~;;;"C;~'~d In Upset of the season, downed the College of candidates and who they are has not W.M.C. Emmitsburg been disclosed at this time. lasses by the score of 80-72. Western behind, the 'I'errorettes Sixteen gentleman Maryland will be losing a came who has been well known The GOLDBUG wishes to congratulate Jim Boyer and his freshman team The Western Maryland Terrors, 8 points of their opponents in in intercollegiate athletic circles. on beating Johns Hopkins. The baby Terrors now have a 2-2 record. Bob playing one of their best games of the closing seconds of the game. MI". Havens has been popular with Cole converted six field goals and fourteen foul shots for a total of twenty-six the season, defeated the Crusader-a High scorers for the game were Bev most of the players both past and points in the winning cause against Hopkins. War-ren Schwartz and John from Susquehanna by a score of 89- HIll cf W.M.C. and Pickett of S1. Joe present. During the past football Long also scored in the double figures for the Boyermen. The freshman team 75. It was a see-saw battle for most deserves much credit as they seemed to play way over their heads. The team of the first half with the lead chang; sea-son the team never gave up, and showed much drive and a terrific will to win. the for Charlie!" was often years at ing many times. f The Crusaders The game was close from the out- this college, Havens' teams compiled During his eighteen P ., led at the mid- fl-<:mSelinsgrove, Terrors Drop Grapplers Edge pomt Sloan Stewart wrs scol'e~" of set with Their St. Joe setting a very fast a 1951 edition of the Grecn Terrors The 41·38. 78-65-6. win-loss record of de- speed and accurate pace. un- for much To Hopkins Loyola Matmen wrestling ~l:;ka~~~:il~; with h:at~althe s~~ri~;l~~S~ is ception proved too improved greatly. the der- his guidance That wcnt undefeated cap- in games. was eight tcam 'V.M.C. girls, who, after a slow start the visitors in the first quarter, and the pcesent ~ ::1 points. tained by Walt Hart, He Maryland The Western team in their second outing of the currently ranked ninth in the nation Undaunted by this defeat, the Ter- assistant coach, Vic Makovitch was Johns Hopkins University defeated second semester defeated Lovoln Col- among- small colleges. Also hitting roreues will again take to the court chosen fOI' the Little All-American the Western Maryland Terrors by a lege by a score of 20-16.. Captain over the twenty mark was center Bill Friday against Towson State Teach- team. Mitch 'I'ullai was picked to SCOj'e of 93-74 before an unusually Brant Vitek won the opening match Spam- who tallied 21 in the contest. ers. Also on the schedule for the play in the annual Blue-Gray classic large crowd in Gill Gymnasium. Bill by forfeit which put the Terrors in There were four players for each girls are two home games: Notre in Montgomery, Alabama that year Span r put the 'I'crrora in a 2-0 lead a 5-0 lead. Earle Finley picked up team in double figures. Dame on March 2 and a return game also. 0:1 two foul shots but the score was another five ponts for the Terrors Artistic pass work was evident on with St. Joe on February 26. During his long tenure Havens has soon knotted at 2-2 on a field goal by when he pinned Abey in 4 minutes thc part of both teams. Excellent de- Also in progress at this time is the had ten winning seasons, but the last Jerry Gottlieb. Bob Passerello dunk- and 20 seconds. Brooks Euler gave fensive rebounding jobs were turned intramural basketball program. In two have been bad; he was able to ed a field goal and the Terrors led the Terr-or-a an important five points in by Spaur and Dusty Mru-tinell for inter-class competition the scphomm-es win just 3 out of 17 games. Havens 4-2 after about two minutes. Dick when he pinned McGuire in the 157- the 'I'er-r-or-s. The Crusaders wcre hnve defeated the seniors, and the frankly said that he is just "spread Weinstein soon after this knotted the pound class. Improving Darryl Mar; sparked by their accurate set and juniors won out over the freshmen. too thin." His time is divided be- sco'e at 4-4 on a beautiful set shot. tin pinned Kirstukas in 5 minutes and hook shots. In thc intcr-sorority league only one tween fOUl' join; 1) running the in- Captain Tom Riggin then put the 38 seconds to aSSllre the Terrors of Although at the half, with- game has been played with the Phi tramural program, 2) running the Tenors in the lead for the last time a Will. in one minute thc third period, Alphs defeating the Delts. Thus we inte.rcollegiate program, 3) teaching, at 6-4. Bill Civiletti scored a set fOI' Fred Stoever and Charlie Cock both Western Maryland tied the score at find a full schedule of basketball for and 4) coaching. Hopkins and knotted the count at 6-6. lost decisions to thci l" opponents. 43·43. FI'om there the scoring by a all giJ·ls. Hopkins grabbed a 9-6 lcad on two Dick Gardiner and Ken Mohlhenrich revitalized Stewart and big Bill Spaar Key Resignation foul shots by Civiletti and one by were pinncd in their bouts. The stayed at nbout ten points for the re- Terrors Top Dr. EnSOl' stated that Mr. Havens a lead which Terrors put the into Bernstein. However Dusty l'IIartinell Tenors j'ecord now stands at 2-3 and was the key resignation but declined put the Tenors right back in the a Mason-Dixon record at 2-2. mainder of the contest. to say whether ally other members of game with two foul shots. This was Western l'IIal'yland's A. U. Wrestlers the athletic depUl·tment had resigned. Bernstein moved Hopkins into a PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS fourth win of the season. It was not He said that this "just depends." Maryland The 'Vestel"ll three point lead on a field goal and a Mason-Dixon game. coached by Vic l'Ilakovitch grapplers up He did not know if one or two per- came Hopkins led by 11-10. Dick Wein- wtih their first win of the season. sons would be hired. Havens will stein then increased the Hopkins lead Compliments of defeating American University by a remain until June to cany out admin- to three by converting a lay-up. Cap- If !he dining hall food makes score of 26-8. Brant Vitek opened istrative duties and will assist the tain Tom Riggin moved the Terrors you gag the evening's activities with a pin Colts during the summer training right back into the game on a set Rice's Bakery .Mart over Gary Palsgrove after only one period here at W.M.C. shot and the score stood at 13-12. Come to Bcnny's, stag or drag minute and 40 seconds. Dick Gardi_ Chal"lie Havens was center on the However, \Veinstein again moved the ner then added five more points to Tcrror team from 1928-1930 and was Blue Jays into a three point lead. the Terrors' score when American U. captain of the undefeated 1929 eleven. Tony Sarbanes, who was celebrating forfeitcd to him. In the 147-pound He stated that he has no plans fOl' his birthday, converted two foul shots It Pay~ To Look Well Fred Stoever pinned Rod Fowl the futUre. and the Terrors again trailed by only er 1 minute and 56 seconds of one at 15-14. Blue Jay Captain Bill their match. Classy Brooks Euler Civiletti scored on a lay-up soon after Visit The addcd another five points to the final LAUNDROMAT this and the Blue Jays again led by score with a fall ovcr Hegoer Regha- three points. Big Bill Spaar then Avenue Barber Shop 5 Locust Street 5 minutes and 24 seconds of tapped in one off the boards and the by aftcr match. Earle Finley and Opposite Parking Lot theil' Terrors again trailed hy only one. Where The Students Go Charlie Cock won decisions in the 137 DAILY-7,30 - 5,00 However, after this the Blue Jays Our New Addition and 167-pound classes respectively. forged ahead and soon led 27-17. At Darryl Martin lost a 5-2 decision FRIDA Y UNTIL 8,00 half-time the visitors from Baltimore, 85 Pennsylvania Avenue The Colonial Dining Room Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon lIiul'yland led 50-30. The second half to Jim McLean and heavyweight Bob was no contest a·s Hopkins increased Butler was pinned after 2 minutes Westminster 1287 their lead. The last part of the sec- and 53 seconds. Freshman George FREE DELIVERY SERVICE heavy- won an exhibition Wellings ond half the Terrors attempted a rally I wcight match by a 3-2 decision. TO COLLEGE b:lt wcre never able to really get back Baugher's Restaurant into the contest. Big Bill Spaar played a tremendous I game, scoring twenty-six points on JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Coming Events I sixteen foul shots and five field goals. Spaar also played a superior floor FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Tuesday, Feb. 19 Bainbridge--Frosh Basketball_6 :45 gEme and rebounded twenty-five Tuesday, Feb. 19 GaIJaudet-Basketball_8: 30 times, a Terror seasonal high. Sloan Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes Wednesday, Feb. 20 Drexel-Wrestling_3 :00 I Stewart, playing way under par in ThUrsday, Feb. 21 Catholic U.-Basketball-8:30 th3 first half, came back in the second OPEN EVERY DAY Saturday, Feb. 23 Catholic U.-Wrestling-2:30 and finally amassed a tot"l of nine- Wednesday, Feb. 27 Loyola-Fl'osh Basketball-6:45 teen points. Wednesday, Feb. 27 Loyola-Basketball--8 :30
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