Page 29 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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The Gold Bug, Feb. IS, 1957 3 High On The Hill Refugees Arrive Goldstein Displays Abstract Oils Two Bachelors Gain Recognition In Westminster show of contemporary abstract one-man vacious young artist, it must be men- To bring us up to date on this displaying a Currently vi- paint- As Ex-Editor And IRe President of Budapest are among- the twenty ings on campus is pretty Mrs. Gladys tioned that she teaches at Forest Park Three students from the University Goldstein. private and Evening Center her for the opening of She was present By Al Mund By Charle8 Hunt Hungarian refugees who arrived in her show and commented that "There studio. Her current the exhibit.ions in- Bi- Corcoran at clude painting Westminster on Monday, the 28th of "Hey, Mule, when does the next is- Ronald Graybeal, from Rising Sun, January. Two of the students speak is as much of an art to hanging a ennial, Pennsylvania Academy of sue of the Gow BUGcome out?" Dur- Md., has brought with him to Western English, and are aiding their fellow show as painting." Mrs. Goldstein, Fine Arts and the Maryland Institute. ing the past year this has been a very Maryland an animated spirit which refugees to a quick command of the born Gladys V. Hack in Newark, Ohio, Most recently she just finished pre- familiar cry across this campus. penetrates and influences everyone new language. said, "I drew ever since I can remem- senting a one-man show at the Balti- "Mule" is the affectionate nickname he knows. Indicative of the friendly Others included in the group are ber." From age nine until g'radua- more Museum of Art this February belonging to the per-son of William F. warmth in his personality, he is called stone masons, carpenters, electrical tion from high school, she attended 3,1957. Muhlenfeld. by many "Mr. Sunshine." engineers, a baker, and an airplane Maryland Institute. After several Gladys Goldstein is a member of For the past year Bill has been His interests have led him into an mechanic. There are four single years at the Art Students League in Artists' Equity, the Painters' Semin- Editor-in-Chief of the Gow BUG, in array of versatile activities. This girls, one family of three, one married New York, she began studying with ar, and the art group of the National my opinion the finest the paper has year he was chosen fol' lVIw's 'Who in couple, and elev~nl single men. They Hobson Pittman at Pennsylvania League of American Pen women who, ever had. He is the kind of guy who American College8 (md Univer8'ities. are being interviewed for jobs, and as State University. Mrs. Goldstein in their biennial exhibition at the works behind the scenes, proofread- He is president of the International soon as possible, they will be settled lives in Baltimore with her husband, National Museum in Washington ing, rewriting, even helping the print- Relations Club for 1956-57. Through in suitable positions in the communi- DI·. Edward H. Goldstein and her have just given her the highest award cr set up the paper. He has given his support for discussion and debate ty. Many have already been rm- fourteen year old son, William N. with their gift: "Best In Show." unselfishly of his time to turn out a the I.R.C. has been strengthened. ployed. Goldstein. good paper, and he has done a fine Most of the refugees left Hungary Many of her oils are done chiefly Heagy's Sport Shop job. He has been responsible for the soon after the revolution began in with palatte knife as witnessed in the "new look," which includes the new October. They escaped to Vienna, current exhibit. This summer while Now Located glazed paper, revamped type styles, and from there were transported by her husband was teaching at Colorado 16 W_ Main a new masthead, and a fuller, more ship to the United States. Once in State College, she found time to do Phone 1350-W complete, sports page. To accomp- this country, they were taken to Camp many of her recent paintings. She A Complete Sports Line lish this took a grcat deal of hard Kilmer, N. J., where they remained is now looking forward to spending work, and I hope this article serves from two weeks to two months, until three months there again this sum- to give "Mule" some of the credit and they were brought to the community Compliments of thanks that are his due. vf wesmtnster, At Camp Kilmer, Several of her gouaches are also J. R. EVERHART During his tenure on the Hill, the refugees were selected according shown in this current display. To "Mule" has been a proud member of to their suitability to perform various proclaim her popularity one needs COLLEGE BARBER Alpha Gamma Tau, presently serv- jobs which were available for them only to recognize the many oils and At the Forks ing as vice-president of this organiza- here. gouaches which are already sold and tion. He also holds the distinction The group is being sponsored by being loaned for the exhibition. of being an enlightened survivor of the Reverend Harold R. Hodgson of Gladys Goldstein has been awarded ROTC summer camp and presently the Westminster Methodist Church. various prizes fOI' her paintings. In VISIT holds the rank of 1st lieutenant in the Other members on the committee in- February, 1956, she won "The Bert- WESTMINSTER Cadet Corps, serving as Executive clude: Dr. James Earp, general ram Berney Prize" for her painting Officer of "A" Company. Pending chairman; F. W. B. Thomas, housing; 'Big City.' In 1955 she was one of SHOE REPAIR graduation he has generously accepted Miss Dorothy Elder-dice, schooling; five Maryland artists included in the a position with the United States Dr. Theodore M. Whitfield, transpor- Contemporary Fine Arts Exhibition Finest Material Army as an artillery officer. Ron Graybeal tation; !\II'S. William MacDonald, celebrating the American Jewish TI:'1'- - Workmanship I have been fortunate enough (111) As an economics major, he was well language; and John Wood, recreation. centenar-y. Her works were shown in to have been Bill's roommate for the prepared for his office as treasurer Members of the congregation of the five prominent museums and many JOE MARZULLO past foul' years, and that could be on the Argonauts. Ronald is a four Methodist Churcii have welcomed the critics gave her very favorable re- 85 W. Main St. the reason for my somewhat biased year member of the rifle team and is refugees into their homes until such views. Since J 955 her wor-k has been Near Carroll Theatre opinions. After almost four years captain of this year's successful team. time as they are) able to become es- carried by Duveen-Graham Gallery, of semi-retirement, "Mule" finally de- In his fraternity he has held numer- tablished in h01f.cs of thei~ own. New York, and by the Rental Gallery cided to put in an appearance on the ous offices and participated in nearly ~h:~eM::,i~~~ffi!~d, t~; z: of the Baltimore Museum and also football field this year. Despite ad- all its activities. Last semester he ~r:~~l" by Contemporary Paintings, Atlantic vancing age and creaking bones, he was vice-Alpha, and this semester he Donalds, the Uhtigs, the Rev. and City. entered the gridiron battles as a mem- is editor of the "Bachelor Blue ber of Joe Renaldi's JV footballers. Book." Other fraternity activities !~r:'t~o~~::~I:r:t~~:'t~~eS~~~~~~~~ He gave good account of himself and include editor of the "Bachelor Son" An orientation school is being held G. C. Murphy Co. ~til\ has the bruises to prove it. and his participation in all fraternity at the church under the direction of Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. 2 and 4 p.m. In between classes, the Gow BUG, sports. Prominent in non-fraternal Miss Dorothy Elderdice. Classes nre Sunday Matinees: 9 p.m. Evenings and his frequent periods of "medita- activities are his frequent visits to in session from nine to twelve and The Friendly Store Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on tion," Bill has found time to collect Towson State Teachers College. from one to four. The main purpose Saturday and Holidays a few nicknames. These include When Ron leaves W.M.C. in June, of the school is to give the Hungar- Dormitory and cta .. room "Mule," "Brown Monster," "Cadet he will leave behind a record of suc- ians a workable knowledge of Eng- Supplia Nothing," Geronimo," and he is known cess and achievement. In his gr-ad- lish as quickly as possible. Working Fri., Sat. S LAN D E R Feb. 15-16 to the education department as Bill uate studies it is sure that he will im- with Miss Elder-dice are a number of 6-10 Wat Main Street Van Johnson Ann Blyth "Mullenfield." press whatever college he chooses with individuals who have offered their A member of the traditional van- his Western Maryland qualities of teaching services. When they be- Wuttniruter, Md. Sun., Mon., Tues. Feb. 17-18-19 guard (If college students who work leadership and accomplishment. come employed, the Hungarians will ISTANBUL in Ocean City, Md., in the summer, attend night school for further assist- Errol Flynn Cornell Borchers "Mule" seemed destined to make his ance. Cinemascope - Technicolor mark in the world as a permanent RILEY REGAN Working along with the Methodist beachcomber. That was up until Church are many other- organizations Rasinsky's Pharmacy this year's Homecoming. Since then, CAMPUS AGENT and individuals who have offered Wed., Thurs., Pn., Sat. Feb. 20-21-22-23 the life of this senior has taken a for the their money and services in order "Reliable Prescriptions" THE KING AND FOliR QUEENS "new direction," and now we know that these twenty refugees might fit Clark Gable Eleanor Parker not what the future holds for this Modern G. I. Laundry successfully into our community, and Drugs and Everyday Needs Cinemascope _ Technicolor junior edition of William Randolph that they might find happiness in a 30 W. Main St. Hearst. 223 E. Green St. new way of life. Westminster 1478 Westminster, Md. Sun., Mon., 'I'ues., Wed. Feb. 24-25-26-27 All Laundry and Dry Cleaning PATRONIZE Phone 101 THE RAINMAKER Work Guaranteed OUR Burt Lancaster Katharine Hepburn ADVERTISERS. Thur., Fri., Sat. Feb. 28-March 1-2 THE BARRE'ITS OF WIMPOLE STREET Jennifer Jones Bill Travers Cinemaecope - 'Technicolor Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holt- dllv shows continuous from 2 p. m. S~mday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. F:v('ning show 9 p. m. Weekday show! Part of the fun of campus parties continuous from 6:45 p. m. is the pause to enjoy a Coke. Fri., Sat. Feb. 15-16 It's delicious •.. refreshing, faa. BOOM TOWN Campus Clark Gab,le Claudette Colbert Delicious capers Fri., Sat. PORT AFRIQUE Feb. 22-23 Pier Angeli Phil Carey Foods Technicolor call for BRAN AT Coke Sun., Mon., Tues. GO Feb. 24-25-26 Jeff Chandler Julie London Griffin's BOTHED UNDH AUTHORITY Of THE C:OCA·CO~A COMPANY BY Fri., Sat. (Double Feature) MaTch 1-2 REBEL IN TOWN © 1952. THe COCA.COLA COM~AN'I' uCoh"lf"r~s1......J',...Q WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC_ THE BLACK SHEEP
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