Page 28 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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The G<>ldBug, Feb. IS, 1957 Aeschylus. More Poetry The Oresteia STORlIt By Dr. Wm. R. Ridingto1L Macon Women's College production Dark are the clouds, hanging low in Dr. William R. Ridington, head of of The Orc8tew.. We take this op- the hca:vens; the Classics department at Western portunity to thank him for his efforts Chill is the wind as it sweeps o'er Maryland has been instrumental in and for writing the synopsis which the plain; procuring the movie of the Randolph appears below. Shrieking and 1Iloaning, it 1ips thro!tgh the forest, The film version of Aeschylus' from a watchman that during the ten Leaving naught in its pathway but Oresteia being presented in Alumni years of Agamemnon's absence in the Chtw8 and pain. Hall Feb. 22, through the cooperation Trojan war, his wife, Clytemnestra of various campus groups, is an un- has been living, not particularly se- Down to the river it descends i?~ its cretly, with Aegisthus, Agamemnon's several Sports Editor_... _ jury, usual opportunity in trilogy that ways. is cousin, a man full of bitter family it is a great First, Ncw.-Featur<> Editors._._ Lash to foam the wild waves on the hate for Agamemnon. Agamemnon seeing for its dramatic strand; worth influence. Secondly, the power returns home from the war, accompa- and par- While aloft on the billow, ?-iding high ticular version coming to the campus nied by Cassandra, who is stunningly in his glory, is a production both outstanding and beautiful and has the power of Guest Editorial The Storm King laugh8 loud at the unique. prophecy, although she is fated to wreckage-strewn land. By Marge Hull The filming was made with the have none believe her. Clytemnestra return, professes joy at her husband's Mighty trees of the forest, bendi11g cast which produced the trilogy at Not all students the world over are universities and other institu- Randolph Macon Woman's College in and finally persuades him against his as lucky as we here at W.M.C. In tions of learning. low in obeisance, 1954, the fortieth Greek play in an- will to tempt providence by entering Europe, for instance, as a result of 2. To promote sharing of knowl- With ·nmding of limb8, roots upturned cient Greek to be given on the campus the palace on a crimson carpet, sym- world War II, students lack funds, edge and experience. to the air, in a distinguished line of Greek plays bol of pride and arrogance. Cassan- food, and medicines. In Asia new 3. To foster development of in- With wild waving bra,1tche8, cry pity presented at the college. The film dra soon follows Agamemnon, al- nations, not yet standing on their own ternational understanding. to heaven, version, like the college production as though she can foresee both her fate two feet, lack skilled teachers and Now that we know the problem and As they to the Storm King their originally presented, uses the ancient and his. There is an offstage cry aa are hampered by bad housing and have II challenge to spur us on, here's homage declare. Greek of Aeschylus' original play Clytemnestra kills Agamemnon in his poor health conditions. In Africa the plan of action for our campus. throughout. This production was the bath, and then Cassandra. Aegisthus and the Middle East only a small Starting this Monday and continuing Huge boulder~ leap down [rom: the first presentation of the Ore81.eia in and Clytemnestra now frankly admit number can be educated because of through Saturday we are going to side8 oj the tl101wtain, ancient Greek in the Western Hemi- their deed and appear triumphant as the tremendous need for books, equip- observe W.U.S. Week-a chance for TOTl~[rem: their beds, where for ages sphere. A subdued voice in English the play closes, although there is the they've ment and trained leadership. all of us to give generously to a Cra-8hing and lain; tearing their way assists the audience in following the suggestion that Agamemnon's son What can we do to help? There is worthy cause. The W.U.S. commit- action. Orestes, now living in another city, a way-through W.U.S. We, as tee sincerely wishes that each one of through the toild-wood, The filming was made possible with may eventually avenge his father's privileged American students and you will become better acquainted Destruction and havoc they leave i11 help from two foundations, and is in death. teachers have the opportunity to give with the purpose and activities of their tra,in. color. The director for the filming Years have elapsed as the second aid to those less favored students W.U.S. by reading the pamphlets dis- is Nicholas Webster, a leading direc- play, the Choephoroe, or Libation around the world. western Mary- tributed in the dorms. Sometime Wild screams the eagle in {?'antic tor and producer of documentary Bearers, opens with Orestes and a land College is only a small fraction during t.he week there will be a gen- endeavor films. The choreography is by trusty friend Pylades, in disguise, of the world university community; eral solicitation at which time you To shelter its young from the might Eleanor Struppa. All the music is visiting Agamemnon's grave. Elec- we have set before us a challenge to will be asked to contribute what you of the blast, original, and is played by twenty-one tra, Orestes' sister, comes to her demonstrate our fellowship with stu- can. The crowning event of the Only to see, despite all of its striving, players from the National Symphony father's tomb with an offering. She The ael-ie destroyed, its young killed dents in other lands. week will be the bazaar on Saturday Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. has not seen her brother since he was W.U.S. stands for World Univers- night in Blanche Ward gym from at last. Howard Mitchell. The College Glee a small child and does not recognize ity Service and each year its program 7:30 to 10:30. The bazaar has al- Club is heard in the various chants of him, but the identities of brother and of action is set into effect by contri- ways been a great source of fun and Lurid flashes of lightning a1!d great the chorus during the play. The use sister are eventually disclosed in an bursts of thum!er butions from students and teachers. merriment and all proceeds will go to Illumine the sky and crash loud on of music and dance adds greatly to interesting recognition scene. Brother In 1956 total W.U.S. contributions W.U.S. Be sure and be there! the perfomance, as it did in Aeschylus' and sister plan details of a vengeance amounted to $915,838.53 of which The symbol of the World University the ear, original version. they feel they must take as a duty to W.M.C. gave $994.26. In short the Service is a lighted lamp and an open Filling with terror the wild beasts of their father. Orestes and Pylades basic objectives of the W.U.S. pro- book on a background of the globe. the forest The Oresteia. continues to draw then withdraw, to reappear later at in our they gram are: Won't you help keep the lamp of As atremble crouch in fear. their coverts, audiences was played day, and, for ex- the palace gate, disguised as mer- ample, with at both the Uni- 1. To help meet basic needs of knowledge burning around the world? chants from Phokis. Orestes gains versity of Delaware and at Catholic Now 80bbing am! sighing and plead_ University by student groups during access to the palace under the rights and with the story that of hospitality ing forgiventJS8, the month of December, 1956. Eu- he brings information about Orestes' LETTERS and Sherry Phelps, Secretary. Dur- The wind is ",bating; dark clouWl roll gene O'Neill's Mourning Beeomoe death, and wishes to know what dis- ing the cour-se of the year there will away; To The again be voluntary dormitory collec- While the sun in his splendor, sMnes Electra is very definitely and con- position should be made of the ashes. sciously based on the plot, characters, Clytemnestra and feigns sadness, work, the in the heavens, EDITOR tions. Any contributions would be As the storm-night surrenders to. the and episodes of Aeschylus' trilcg y being quickly cans for Aegisthus to come forth appreciated and may be given greatly three ."Iays in O'Nel.I's to anyone of these people. glory of day. called The Homecoming, The Hunted, and learn the news. Immediately af- To date, the fund has reached ..nd The Haunted. T. S. Eliot has ter he enters the palace, we hear his To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: a total of $3820. Just $2180 is need- The river lies qztiet, with slow heaving created an Orestes-like character in off-stage cries in death. Orestes Recently, as students, many of you ed before our goal will be reached. b08om; Vamily Reunion, and Robinson Jeffers then faces his mother on-stage in have been asked to contribute to the Sherry Phelps Her tyrant departed, she has nothing uses names and plot from Aeschylus front of the palace. He shrinks G. Lee Fischbach, Jr. Memorial Schol- to dread; in his Tower Beyond Tragedy. from killing her, and only gainscour- arship Fund. Perhaps to the new Musical Bouquets As, fear/1!l 1W longer, now shorn of Aeschylus' trilogy is concerned age when reminded by his friend students, this project deserves an ex- his glory, with problems of the dark driving Pyledes that it is his duty to avenge, planation. Last Friday night was understand- Slain by his own power, the Storm forces in human nature and how man commanded by Apollo himself. Cly- In September 1955, a young man ably a memorable night in the college King is dead. can learn wisdom through suffering. temnestra is driven into the house by the name of G. Lee Fischbach, a career of Mrs. Betty May. To sing Mary Humphreys Hendr-icksen He is concerned with sin and expia- and killed off-stage. Orestes is left graduate of City College in Balti- with the National Symphony is an tion. He deals with the development excited and overcome with terror. his deed was just He feels that and more, entered Western Maryland honor rarely accorded to an under- of a justice based on intellect and en- College, as a pre-ministerial student. graduate student. It is an expression by Critic's Corner lightenment, where sin is no longer necessary, but he cannot escape the On January first of that same school of confidence in Betty's ability punished by more sin, but punishment consequence of killing his mother. year, Lee was fatally stabbed. His Professor Alfred deLong and Con- by Marianne Shears becomes kindly and intelligent. The He, and he alone, sees the horrible death was a blow to everyone and the ductor Dr. Howard Mitchell. Furies become the Eumenides, the Furies, with hair like snakes, which tragedy came hard upon W.M.C. stu- Praise was given abundantly to The concert presented February 8, "kindly-minded" goddesses. pursue those who murder thus, how- He feels that he will ever necessary. dents. They, in fact, were deter- both Betty and the male chorus. Dr. 1957 by the National Symphony Or- For the plot of the trilogy itself- mined to do all they could to perpetu- Mitchell stated he was impressed by chestra was a performance character- the first play is called Agamemno.n. never rest again. The chorus com- ate his memory. Since Lee Fisch- them. ized by consistent excellence. Itwas Agamemnon was the Greek command- ments on the evil and pride running as through the family for generations bach would never have entered col- All this just goes to show, once well planned, masterfully executed er-in-chief in the Trojan war and a the play closes. lege without a scholarship and so again, what a fine music department and enthusiastically received. member of a prominent family cursed deeply valued such help, his fresh- we have here at Western MaryJand. The program showed insight into through generations by pride and The Eumenides takes place some man classmates (the Class of '59) The choir, Pr-ofesssor deLong, and the tastes and various levels of appre- violent deeds. His wife, Clytemnes- years later. Orestes is pursued over decided a scholarship would be the all the other members of the depart- ciation which exist in a college com- tra, remembered that Agamemnon had the earth by his conscience, visible as best memorial to him. ment who work so diligently to per- munity. For the avid concert goer sacrificed their daughter, Iphegenia, the Furies. The play opens at the In order to establish such a scholar- fect their performances deserve our there was Beethoven's Leonore Over- in order to gain a safe voyage to temple of Apollo at Delphi, where ship, a sum of $12,000 must be de- utmost appreciation and praise. ture No. 1 and Tchaikovsky's Sym- Troy, and that he had taken the Tro- Orestes seeks refuge from his pur- posited in an endowment fund which phony No.4. The waltzes from "Der jan princess and priestess, Cassandra, Since Apollo commanded will draw enough interest to. provide A Laugh Or Two Rosenkavalier" evoked appreciative as a concubine; Aegisthus, with whom Orestes' deed, he will stand by his a full tuition stipend. With the col- Troy, New York-(ACP) responses from both fledglings and she has been living, remembered that worshipper through his torments. lege agreeing to match any amount "You can't beat the system," moan- veteran music lovers. his brothers had been murdered by The Furies are present on the stage that the dass can raise, we set our ed a student, looking over his grades Brahm's Rhap80dy for Alto, Male Agamemnon's father, Atreus, and in this play and are upbraided for goal at $6,000. This amount will en- for the past semester. "I decided to Chorns and Orchestra was a success that the kingdom of Agamemnon sleeping by the ghost of Clytemnestra. able a scholarship to be offered for take basket weaving for a snap for all parties. Betty Ely May, solo- rightly belonged to him. Aeschylus The scene changes to Athens and the 2 years to some deserving boy or girl course, but two Navajos ellrolled, ist, exhibited previously acknowledged presents the question, "Is it really a temple of Athena. Orestes enters. meeting specific requirements deter- raised the eurve, and I flunked." talent coupled with control of her- family curse at work, or do men of He is still pursued by the Furies. mined by the scholarship committee self, her music and of her audience. pride and power make their own Athena is persuaded to act as judge -requirements that he show Lee's A college freshman was being se- Her talent and grace were rewarded curse?" In the first scene we learn in the matter, and Apollo acts as kind of character and ideals. vcrely criticized'by his professor. by a spirited and extended ovation lawyer for Orestes. The Furies and During the year, a committee un- "Your last paper was very di{ficull which she richly deserved. No small Apollo present their arguments. The der the general chairmanship of Al to read," said the professor. "Your amount of praise goes to the Men's Tected with his usual vivacity and jury votes, the ballot being even. Gilmore, has contacted religious and work should be written so that even Chorus which so effectively accompa- skilL His mastery of the music was Athena, as judge, casts a vote for scrvice organizations, both on and off the most ignorant will be able to nied Mrs. May. Thanks to the co- evident in his independence of the acquittal. The Furies are persuaded campus for contributions. In addi- understand it." ordinated action of the choru~ and score and in his sureness of move- that in return for their release of tion voluntary collections have been "Yes, sir," said the student. "What orchestra there was little difficulty ment. It was pleasing to see the or- Orestes they will no longer be called taken in the dorms. The dorm chair- part didn't you get?" in hearing the soloist. It was un- chestra respond immediately and fully Furies, but Eumenides, or "kindly- men in charge of voluntary collec- fortunate that two minor misunder- to the slightest gesture as well as to minded" goddesses. They will re- tions are: Virginia Pott, Blanche ROTC-Cont. from Page 1 standings marred this part of the pro- a free, open movement of the body. ceive worship and honor in Athens Ward; Billie Mae Gill, McDaniel; Ab- Sgt. James R. Hayes. gram; perhaps fewer flashbulbs could The music elicited by Mr. Mitchell's under a new regime in which the law dullah Futaih, Albert Norman; and To be Cadet Corporal: Pfc. W. Don- have been used, and the awkward dil'ection was so weU played that each of an eye for an eye gives way to a Al Gilmore, Daniel MacLea. Other ald Dewey, Pfc. Allan M. Dworkin, hesitancy of the Men's Chorus' exit section of the orchestra bowed, blew rule of justice under law, in which members of the scholarship commit- Pfc. Donald D. Haas, and Pfc. James could have been avoided. or beat as one. It seemed as if music they share. Orestes has won through tee are Carol Pettersen, Treasurer, L Lewis. Howard Mitcllell, conductor, di- welled up from the stage. to personal peace through expiation.
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