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Libr/ltry '.-:estern Marylacd ;';sl~~mJ;t~a~~dMd. Oresteia Game Synopsis Page Page 4 2 Vol. 34, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND February 15, 1957 Greek Movie, The Oresteia Mehl Appoints Glamour To Select 'Best To Be Shown February 22 Staff Members Dressed' College Women Through the cooperation of several campus groups a distin- For Next Term guished motion picture, The Oresteia, of Aeschylus will be pre- Western Maryland College has been invited to participate in a sented in Alumni Hall Friday evening, February 22, 1957. Editor-in-chief Florence Mehl has contest sponsored by Gtomour magazine to select the ten "Best The film was made with the same cast which gave the play at announced the appointments of the Dressed College Girls in America." These young women will be Randolph Macon Women's College in the spring of 1954. It was new editorial staff. Nancy V. Willis selected from candidates submitted by colleges all over the country. given in the ancient Greek, the first time so presented in the west- is the new managing editor. Nancy The ten winners will be photographed for the August issue, and ern hemisphere, with an English narration in the background. was previously co-front page editor each will receive a "Best Dressed" award from Glaanonr. Mr. Nicholas Webster, distinguished Hollywood producer- with Miss l\Iehl. A religion major, There will be ten nominees selected from the co-eds at Western director, directed the trilogy. The choreography is original and she comes from Chevy Chase, Mary- Maryland College. One girl will be chosen from this group by an danced by students of the college with Helen McGehee, an alumna land and is a member of Phi Alpha open student-body election. She will and star of the Martha Graham Dance Co. The original chants Mu. Dr. Samuel Iwry To represent Western Maryland College Front Page Editors in the national competition. Co-front page editors are sopho- Speak Here Monday The ballot containing the names of mores Albert Dawkins and Ellen the ten nominees will appeal' in the Richmond, Skip, a pre-med student, The Dead Sea Scrolls will be the MUTch 1 issue of the GOLDBUG. Stu- is from Easton, Maryland and was topic of the assembly on February dents are asked to fill these in and previously a news reporter, He is a 18, 1957, at 11:30. The speaker, Dr. deposit in a box placed in the book member of Alpha Gamma Tau fra- Samuel Iwry, professor at the Balti- store. ternity. \Vinkie, also an ex-news re- more Hebrew College and lecturer in Below are ten points set up by porter is a biology major and comes the Oriental Seminary of the Johns Glamunir that students are asked to from Towson, Maryland. She is a Hopkins University, is a well known keep in mind when making their se- member of Sigma Sigma Tau. authority on the Dead Sea Scrolls, lections for the best dressed girl on The feature page is co-edited by Dr. Iwry escaped from his native the campus: sophomores Joyce Cook and Joanne Poland after the Nazi invasion in 1. She has a nice figure. a really Trabucco. Both have been working 1939, and made his way, through well-dressed woman is never on page two under the direction of the many unusual adventures, to Japan careless about her shape. previous editor, Florence Fay. Joyce via Russia and Siberia. 2. She knows that a great deal of i-s an English-psychology major from Upon his arrival in Tokyo, he was her beauty depends on good Glen Burnie. Joanne, a Sigma, is appointed the Far Eastern represen- grooming. She isn't just neat". from BladensbuTg, Mar-yland and is tative of the Jewish Agency fOTPales- she's impeccable. majoring in English. tine, the first to serve in this capacity 3. She's aware that a college camp- Sports Editor in Japan. Two months before Pearl us is WIt the place for an extrav, Allen Spicer, a sophomore and his- Harbor, he was transferred to Shang- agant wardrobe, spends only an tory major from 'Westminster con- hai, China, where thousands of Jewish average amount on clothes. She tinues on the sports page, refugees were waiting for emigration uses imagination in managing Violet Fonner will continue to edit to Palestine. There he also served her clothes budget. the news-feature page, assisted by as director of the Hebrew Department 4. She dresses according to the cus- Pat Schaeffer, sophomore, Vi is an of the Cadoorie Foundation Schools. toms of her- campus (being: English major from Washington, The Japanese occupation authorities "well-dressed" is being appropri- D. C. and has worked on the GOLDBUG arrested him at the end of 1942 and ately dressed). Miss Helen Meqenee (left), Maenad Attendant; and Miss Mabel Kate White- since her freshman year, Pat, an 5. Although she understands her side (righe), priest of Dionysos, as they appear in the openb,u scene. there he was interned for three years English major .:~ from Baltimore, in a concentratir,n camp. After lib- own college's fashion rules, were composed by Mrs. V. O. Teass, Maryland and served previously as a eration in 1945, he resumed his former she does have individuality. The former-ly of the faculty, and sung by ROTC Department news reporter. duties until September, 1947. He way she uses color, the kinds of the College Glee Club. Dr. Henry The business staff headed by then came directly to Baltimore at accessories she wears will make Hallstrom of the Randolph Macon Rearranges Cadets juniors, Jack Fossett and Ray Wright, the invitation of Dr. Louis L. Kaplan, even an everyday outfit seem un- music depar-tment. composed the music will continue unchanged until June, Dean of the Balt.imor-e Hebrew Col- mistakably hers. which was played by twenty-one In Cadet Battalion lege. 6. She knows the difference be- members of the National Symphony Besides teaching Hebrew language tween good fashion and good col- Orchestra under the direction of Dr. On February 11, 1957, the Military and literature at the Baltimore He- lege fashion; away from college several changes in ICLUB NEWS/ Howard Mitchell. Department of Western Maryland brew College, Dr. Iwry studied under she drops fads that are too col- Annual presentations of classic College announced Professor Albright at the Johns Hop- legiate for off-campus life. Greek plays have long been the tradi- the Cadet Battalion. There were The Lutheran Student ASSOciation, kins University. His Doctoral thesis 7. She knows how to weal' make-up, tion at Randolph Macon. The first twenty-three transfers within the at a recent meeting on February 6, was the first to deal with the Dead but doesn't overdo it. was given in 1909 and continued to Cadet Battalion actively effective at elected Jean Luckabaugh president Sea Scrolls. He was elected to Phi 8. She's fussy about her hail' 1954 under the direction of Miss the drill period on Tuesday, February and Pat Welk vice-president, The Beta Kappa and in 1952, was appoint- makes a point of keeping it clean Mabel Kate Whiteside, head of the 12, 1957. Lt. Col. Dayton E. Bennett, ed lecturer at Johns Hopkins Uni- and shining, wears a hair-do Greek department and who also ap- Pl\fS&T, stated that the transfers club is at present reorganizing in an versity. He has collaborated in edit- that's becoming and fashionable, effort to build up the membership. pears in the production as the priest were made in order to give more 9. She knows her type , and to at- translating Some of the members sever-al of Dionysus. cadets opportunities to become fa- tend a Lutheran Conference plan at Buck ing and of the Dead Sea Scrolls. manu- sticks to it. If a campus fad scripts Campus groups here have been miliar with more phases of leader- doesn't suit her style, she doesn't working together to make this film ship in the Cadet Battalion. This Hill Falls in Northern Pennsylvania feel obliged to wear it. on March available, The Student Government type of experience will be beneficial 1. SGA Acts On 10. She has an over-all wardrobe Association with the assistance of to the cadets while serving on active Carroll Club plan, . , and has probably learn- Larry Hall, president, agreed to use duty in the Army. Carroll Club plans include a com- ed how to use accessories to the movie as one of the presentations Other orders issued February 11, munion breakfast at the Park Plaza 24, Rec-Hall, Movie create different kinds of looks for in Alumni Hall. Others who have 1957 by the Milita ry Department, ap- Hotel in Baltimore, on February her basic wardrobe. been enthusiastic supporters of the pointed several cadets to new grades following the 10 :30 mass at the Ca- Action was taken by the SGA Cab- idea are Miss Esther Smith of the or ranks. To be Cadet Captains: 1st thedral. The breakfast is being spon- inet on several important matters 11. Eight School Clubs at Dramatic Art Department, Dr. Mac- Lt. Darryl C. Martin, 1st Lt. Brantley sored by the National Newman Club their meeting Monday, February Donald, the English department, the P. Vitek, 1st Lt. A. Earle Finley, and Federation, a National college org-an- Heading the list is the news that the students in the course on Greek 1st Lt. Charles H. Wheatley, lIT. ization. Rec Hall will be painted and finished Bid Twenty-Five drama, the Classics Club, and Dr. To be Cadet 1st Liteutenants : 2nd On February 20, Jim Anderson, a within two weeks. A color scheme William R. Ridington, head of the Lt. Orval L. Bowen, 2nd Lt. T. Stan- senior from Hopkins and regional di- of dark gray and bright red has been Second semester bidding by the foul' Classics department. ley Entwisle, Jr., 2nd Lt. Richard I. rector for the Newman Club is speak- adopted. Such items as the location sororities on the Hill concluded on Many distinguished guests from Hersh, 2nd Lt. Gene E. Jenkins, 2nd ing to the club on reorganizing and of benches and tables, and new fix- Tuesday night, February 5. Bids were colleges and universities nearby are Lt. E. Theodore Klenske, Jr., 2nd Lt. building. In the near future, Father tures for lighting are also being distributed that night, and were ac- expected to view the well known Samuel W. Reed, 2nd Lt. Frank C. Connolly, Chaplain from Morgan taken into consideration. cepted by ten girls the following eve- movie, An admission price of fifty Robey, Jr., 2nd Lt. Robert F. San- State College will talk on integration. Due to the cluttering of the Main ning between 8:00 and 8:30 p.m. New cents will be charged. Coffee will dosky, 2nd Lt. Michael A. Savarese, French Club Bulletin Board, all student signs, and pledges were received by each of the be served afterwards in McDaniel 2nd Lt, Charles F. Smith, J'r., 2nd The next meeting of the French r-ide and book announcements will be soruiit.ies as follows: Delta Sigma Grant; Lounge, Lt. Ronald J. Strauss, 2nd Lt. Donald Club will be held at 6:45 in Blanche entered on a uniform sheet and will Kappa-Ann Palmer; Phi Iota Gamma Chi Alpha -c-Rheba Mu- Tankersley, and 2nd Lt. Bruce S. Ward Gym. This will be a "Soiree de have to be signed by Sam Reed, Larry Bayliss, Charlotte Davis, Fifteen Enroll Here Taylor. Bingo." The president, Joan Lucke- Hall, 01' Joanne Parrish. Further Joan Schaefer; Sigma Christine Tau- Sigma To Cadet With the opening of the new se- J\.J/Sgt. be Craig Phillips, 2nd Lieutenant: baugh, will call the numbers for the information concerning this may be Beverly Baker, Grace Fletcher, Ann game. mester, western Maryland welcomed To be Cadet Master Sergeant: Sgt. Tri Beta found on the Bulletin Board. Gorman, Ruth Ann Wilson, Ruth fifteen new students. However, with Robert A. Dickover and Sfc. John H. Tri Beta sponsored the movie The next movie to be shown on Weer. the removal of 53 records prior to the Hort. M/Sgt. Hort will assume a new "Lust for Life" as a money raising campus will be Kind Hea-rts and Coro- Fraternity bids were received on new term, the present roster includes position on the Cadet Staff, that of project, Tickets were sold for $.50, nets on March 2, Starring Alec Wednesday, February 13, and all bids 628 students. Freshmen, advanced Battalion Sergeant Major, netting a profit of $83.50 for the club, Guineas, it has received many compli- were to be accepted or rejected by students, and special and day students To be Cadet Sergeant First Class: Methodist Student Movement mentary reviews. A donation of 20 midnight last night. Hell Week ac- were among the new arrivals. The Cent, on Page 2, Col. 2 The Methodist Student Movement cents will be collected at the movie tivities commence Sunday night, Feb- college's enrollment totaled 660 stu- is having a square dance on Friday, which will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in ruary 17, at 10:00 p.m. dents first semester. March 8, 1957, in Blanche Ward Gym Alumni Hall. Alpha Gamma Tau received the Francis Bernard, Larry Melby, at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited. The conflict between the Choir following members: Larry Dowler, Kenneth Mohlhenrich, Ray Seitler-, AI Sweetheart Ball Concert in Baltimore and the Military Andrew Urquhart, Bill Wardlow, and Sterner, Roger Stout, and Allan A Stairway to the Stars will S.C.A. Ball has now been resolved. Delta Pi Paul Zimmerman, Delta Pi Alpha Street are the new men students. be presented tomorrow evening, Dur-ing the week of February 18 to Alpha, whose fraternity party was welcomed: Amin Jurf, Charles Lock- western Maryland also welcomed Feb. 16, at 8:30 in Gill Gym. 23, the S.C.A. will hold a drive for originally scheduled for March 22, has baum, Lou Fisher, James Rawlins, eight girls: Erma Bouck, Anne Euel- Tiny Meeker's Orchestra will the World University Service, This consented to switch dates with the Warren Schwartz, David Williams, is the week pr-ier to the W.U.S. Ba- ing, Karen Fogler, Joan Hamilton, supply the music, Gamma Beta Military Depar-tment and hold the and Richard Humbert. Gamma Beta The Contri- 23. Shirley Hutchison, Betty McCurley, Chi announced. zaar which is February will be collected party on March 16. for that dance or- Chi received Rogel' Butts. Pi Alpha butions to the drive scheduled date will iginally Beatrice Speak, and Carol Whitfield. Alpha pledged John Joy and Remo in the dorms. be held on Friday, March 22. Vagnoni.
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