Page 26 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 26
The Gold Bug, Jan. 18, 1957 Reed And Harmon Chosen All-American "' __ >,,-_1., 1 Top Uhrigmen Diplomats Stop Height Pays Riflemen Kept Terrors Receive Honor Upset W. c. Center Forward Dennis "Denny" Sam Reed were Harmon and Fullback ~~r~~~ ~i~':klin and \?,~,9,,~~~~,~":,~~:~~~I~~if~t~n~~~~ named to the All-American Soccer Marshall to a 99-69 win over Western former pro-basketball star, Bob shoulder-to-shoulder rifle matches Western Maryland, taking revenge Squad. Both boys had previously Maryland in Gill Gym on Dec. 7. Davies, defeated the Western Mary- with Johns Hopkins University, one 01' an earlier defeat at the hands of been named to the All-Southern and Souders had a hot hand as he poured land Greell. Terrors 87-62. The first on Dec. 7 and the other on Jan. 11. Washington College, defeated them All Mason-Dixon teams. through 28 points. Sloan Stewart, half was hard fought with the Ter- These matches resulted in a win and 96-78 at Gill Gym. Sloan Stewart Denny Harmon, who is one of W.l'ILC. ace, made 21 points. rot-s only five points behind at half- a loss for each. and Dusty Mart.inell scored thirty-one W.M.C.'s favorite sports personalities. The Terrors grabbed an early lead time with a score of 45-40. The 'I'er- The December match was held at and twenty-nine points respectively, served as captain of the soccer team of 7-5 but were unable to hold it as rors led 12-9 early in the game. the W.flLC. rifle range. Despite the to pace the Green and Gold attack. during the past season. Denny has. F&l'\I's superior height paid off during However, Gettysburg's sup e I' i 0 r fact that tile W.M.C. team lost oppor- Midway in the first half, Western been a 'standout since he came to the the remainder of the game. The half- height paid off as the Bul!ets pulled tunities for practice because of regis- Maryland took a 32-31 lead which hill in 1952. In his sophomore year, time score was F&M 49-W.M.C. 25. away from the Terrors in the second tration week, they went on to victory they never relinquished. They led at he was named to the 1953 edition of Buzzy Lambert and Bill Sanders each half. Sophomores Tim Cousins, 6'8", over Johns Hopkins, 1359 to 1312. the half 43-39. the All-Amer-ican Team. Harmon has scored 12 points. Bob Passarella and Del \Varfel, 6'6", were largely re- Ron Sindy, a freshman, was one of western Maryland pulled away in been a very active participant in added ten. eponsible for Gettysburg's seventy- the top scorers for W.M.C. with a the second half primarily on the 1'1"- athletics other than soccer. He was five rebounds. The Terrors rebound- 267. Nickoles was top scorer for bounding and ball handling of Dusty ed only thirty. W.l'ILC. with a 280, and Magruder for Martinell, which kept the ball away an outstanding basketball player, par- J.H.U. with a 267. from the visitors. Washington Col- ticularly on defense, during his fresh- The Jan. match was held at Hop- lege's Bill Davis scored 18 for the man, aophomore and- junior years, kins. Johns Hopkins had been prac- losing effort. Close behind was Joe Denny has also played for Jim ticing every day and night since their Seivold with 17. This was W.M.C)s Boyer's baseball team in the past. return from the Christmas vacation, second win, the first in Mason-Dixon Gamma Beta Chi fraternity claims anticipating the next match with play. that Denny is one of their most active Fou;;o~l:,.J~ ~l 19 M 10: \~~!':!~n 2~13 1~~ W.M.C. They were determined to de- members lind elected him vice-prexi- F & M ..__ .__..._._. 49 S()-99 Western Md. 25 44-----69 TOt.aI"~ Totals 3125_3S87 feat us ill this match, and their prac- dent for next semester. Harmon is We.t Maryland __._. _40 22-62 also a Captain on the R.O.T.C. Bat- Gettysburl!' _ 45 42_87 tice paid off, but not without a good Sci'old,f talion Staff. Cal'sn.f Shoremen Rally Gdt)'.bu,.g-Traymore. Maryland _ Mclnlk fight from the three \V.M.C. team. both W'uaky.f Sam Reed is one of the best known The Pa",,,"ello Nonscorers: West. Mohrman. and match lasted hours ~~~go~~c on western neck and In Second Half Terrors Drop teams the were shooting came the neck Dnvi·.1r persons He was recently Maryland's cam- Ilrown.1l' named to the pus. Then final way. all S·mer •. !!' Sharp.!! list of Who's 1Vho in American Col- were 41-28 at the half, Opening Match counted. Both teams gathered Washington College, who trailed moment when the last scores around Wa"hinlll.On Colle",,, ..__..__ 3939-78 leges. He is perhaps one of the Western Maryland anxiously as the point'S were tallied Non.corers: Maryland._ Maryland 43 53_95 Long. busiest persons on campus since he is Western Sam Class. of the Senior President Western - went into a pressing man-to-man de- Western Maryland opened its The tenseness was finally broken Washinllton CoUege--Sih·cri. is also one of Prof: Hurt's tennis boys. fense in the last period and spjlled wrestling season with a 23-11 loss at when the result was given: J.H.U. 1353, W.M.C. 1351. It was a great the Terrors by a score of 105-90. The the hands of Shippensburg State match, one which will be remembered C. U. Quintet each spring. Reed is ano'ther loyal c Green and Gold led until eight minutes member of Gamma Beta Chi frater- f rom the end when the team from Teachers College. Bill Machen, fresh- for a long time by both team'S. High nity. Chestertown, Md. pulled into the lead man standout, decisioned Lloyd Cub- scorers were Holtel'-279 for \V.M.C. Drops 'V. M. C. On January 12', both All-Amer-ican This class. the on Dick Callahan's push at 76-74. bier in Machen's 130-pound college match. and Kasinoff-275 for J.H,U. choices attended a" banquet in New was first Western Maryland's five starters Brooks Euler was in old form as he The Postal Match mentioned in the Marty Mitchell, connecting for a York City where they received an All- fouled out of the rough game. pinned Dave O'Brien in 7 minutes, 35 last issue of the GOLDBUGwas wall by phenomenal fifty points. led Catholic American citation, Phil Uhrig, the Sloan Stewart was the high scorer W.M.C. The results were: W.M.C. University to a 108-84 win over the \V.M.C. soccer coach, elso attended Martin decisioned of the game with thirty points. Bill seconds. Darryl in the 175-pound class, 1370 and Middlebury-13G5. Terrors of Western Maryland. the banquet. Don Trexler Spear and Bill Sanders backed up The Terrors were originally scheduled \V.M.C. J.B.V. Mitchell made an amazing 84.6 pel' Stewart as they each scored sixteen to open their season against Johns cent of his shots. He tallied 22 of 26 Bridgewater Tops points. Captain Tom Riggin put ~~~~~~~~~~~-~=iiiI~j~*C~~~~:~::=III field goal attempts. Bill 'I'albei-t aid- through 11. Hopkins University but the Baltimore ed Mitchell as he added 26 points to Western Md: Five school dropped the sport because of a lack of interest, the winning cause. Bridgewater College making 49 American U. 12S-Nick Blessing (S) pinned Brant Vitek _ ""IK8smoff -- _ - 275 273 The Terrors trailed by only 'Seven per cent of their shots, walloped. J.H.U in 8:35. 276 BIcknell 130·b~~.1 :~:i.chen (\VM) deci.ioned Lloyd Cub- 270 Laz~ru" __ 272 26R at the half but Catholic U/s depth Western .Maryland 98c-89. Dick Mi- 263 Wagener Drops Terrors !37-i!a{4~~idley (S) pinned John Gunderson 263 Rosenthal 265 paid off in the second half as the 'Ter- ley, Eagle pivotman, led all scorers rora tired. 147-Paul ver.6_5. Claycomb (S) deci.ioned Fred SI.O_ Bill Spaar, the Terrors~ big man, with a total of 25 points. Bridgewa- ter jumped into an early 6-1 lead but American University, being accu- 157i~"7~3k5~ Euler (WM) pinned Dave O'Brien led the Green and Gold scorers with rate with fifty per cent of their shots 167-;;~1~~ Klimek (S) pinned Jerry Miller in Grapplers Remain 21 points. In this the final game be- the Terrors made a quick recovery and moved into the lead 12-10. How- in the first half. defeated the Western 177-Darryl 5_~ Martin (WMI ded~ioned Don fore the Chl'istmas ho1iday~, Bill ever, three minutes later the ·Eagles Trexler. Maryland Green Terrors 91-60. Sloan HW~~6~n Hadee (S) pinned Charlie Cl}Ck in Winless Sanders and Bob Passarello each moved into the front 18-16 and were Stewart, \Vestern Maryland ace, scored fifteen points. Captain Rig- nevel' headed again. scol'ed nine field goals and five foul Gallaudet romped over the Western gin added fOUl'teen and Sloan Stew- Other high scorers besides' Miley shots for the high individual effort Wrestlers Bow In Maryland wrestlers by II score of 25-8. art, with a bad night, added 11. wel'C Terrors" Bill Spaal' and Bill during the evening. Bill Spaar, the Brant Vitek and Brooks Euler were Terrors' big center, was accurate with Towson Match the victorious grappleJ's for the Green WEST. ~IO. (84) , T Sanders with twcnty, Sloan Stewart G , five field goals and seven foul shots and Gl?ld. Fred Stoever came up with 47151RrCher " 4 '6 14 T with 18, and captain Tom Riggin with 32 for a total of seventeen points. The GI'een Terror wrestling team a sensational draw in the 147-pound 6921 22650 B 17. The Eagles boasted Larry Pence 5111 The Washington club took an early went down to their second straight class. Euler and Vitek have now won 5414 with 23, Dorsey Clayton with 18, and 711G 34-12 lead and coasted to the victory. loss this time at the hands of Towson two matches each. The \V.M.C. team " .. 'in Sam Richie and Carroll Sacra each Joel Comito, junior guard of the State Teachers College by a score of coached by Vic Makoviteh remains ~ 5 ~ I' with thirteen in the high scoring " Eagles, was successful on all five 24·8. Th~ hlatman \vins \\;ere pUiled wiHlllss in three matchca. Their next ". " , Mason-Dixon Conference game. shots that he tried from the floor and off by Brant Vitek and Earle Finley. match 11'111 be In am GyJrI tomorrow Bridgewater led 49-31 at halftime. University, American against converted two free throws for a total Captain Vitek pinned Towson's Jim BRIDGEWATER decisioned of twelve points during the first half Long in 8 minutes and 10 seconds. 123-Vitek (WM) pinned Machen. Sugiyama. Z·O. Pence.f GJ.'T GFT 4:1.~. 130--Elstud (G) pinned of play. The score as the teams went Early Finley was able to edge out 137_Pnlmer (G) (WM) draw Gunderson. 7:00. 5-5. ~i:;~:i 87_1123Isanders.f 76_820 ~ t ~~ Crawford. 147-Stoever with Coh~n. to the lockers at halftime was 47-29. Ed Humm in the 137-pound class by 157·-Euler (WM) IG) pinned Cock. 1:03. 9_2 Milcy.c II ~ ~=& 1~ ~~~~'~~'.~ 1 0_ 0 2 deci,ioned Cole.! 3_ 425 J67--Jacobs Dick Wells was responsible for nine- a score of 4-2. The evening's most 177-Scvigny (G) deci.ioned Martin. 2_0. Fink,c 10_02 Spaar.c 100_020 Riggin.g 5 7_ 817 8 2_ Zig Clayton.!! teen points in the winning cause. exciting match was won by Don Sud- Hwt-Whittle (G) pinned Me"ich. 1:05 Come 10 Benny's, to make a start Richie.g 4 5_ 613 Stcw·rt.g 7 4_ 718 AMERICAN WEST. ~ID. brink of Towson as he edged by Brooks Euler 7-5 in the last minute of PATRONIZE \"ith the one in YOllr heart. the match. OUR The victory WAs the third sh'aignt ~y~~~LG! i~it!Ii~;rJ~rG,:, "~:~:_li:',ri~,_· ADVERTISERS. 5'?B:i~~~!! ~ t ~l~~~~~~~.~ for Towson, tWf) fit these being in Terrors Rally _ Cl~m·ts.g 1 0_ 0 2 Pas'ello,!! Mnton.Diltoll. play. Western l'I1ary- ~~fr~rg t ~~~ng,g lllnd remained winless in two matches. To Drop Gallaudet ~J~;~.rg t ~it 123-~~10~d CI"••-Viu.k. W.Md., pinnel Long, G. C. Murphy Co. The Green and Gold basketball Slutsky.c 14_4 6! 130_Pound Class 8_6. - Reck. Towson, defeated The Frit:rodly Store team came, up with their second Machen. Totals 3423_3291 Totals 2020_3160 l37-~o:.:::t.,. ~I~~•. ~ }'inle¥. \V.Md_. defeated straight win at the hands of Gallaudct M';:'~i':~~~B~ile~~~rica"-M"Donald. Western H7-~~v~r.C1~~~ - Owings. Towson. pinned by a score of 80-67. Gallaudet pulled 157-~':,'l~~ ~~~"s-Sudbrink. Towson. defeated Dormitory and Classroom into the lead early and at halftime Bob Butler Honored 167_~~~~ 4~lan-Callahan. Towson. defeated Supplie. led 29,25. Howcver, soon after thc 177_Pound ClaM-Clem. lio.4.22. Tow"on. pinned Mar_ Our New Addition second half started, Sloan Stewart Bob Butler, a recipient of many Unlimited Cia•• _ Dashiell. Tow"on. pinned 6.10 West Main Streel got a hot hand and pulled the Terrors honors in his football career, has re- Straus".l.IZ. EXHIBITION BOUTS We~rminner, Md. The Colonial Dining Room into the lead to stay. Bill Spaar, play- ceived another citation. Bob was 180-~~~dtne~~a;~2.- Colder. Towson. ing one of his best games, came up named on the second string of the All- 187_Pound Cia"" _ Raynor. Towson. defeated with a total of 24 points-seven field Gunrleroon.2·0. Methodist All-College team. During goals and ten foul shots. Sloan Stew- the past season Captain Butler Was art followed clo-.:;ely with 23. onCe named to the All-East Weekly Cupid's special way of saying GAMMA BETA CHI GALLAUDET Team and was praised by many rival "I Love You" is with a corsage Presents " , T G , coaches. The GOLD BUG is proud to made especially for your Valen- , . 'IW""" " , Wilding ? 1024 pay its respects to an outstanding line. She']] know you cared STAIR'1/ AY TO THE STARS II 223 Hageme.Yer . athlete. enough to select something for I I 911 6 Rose . , Pelarsk, 4 her alone. February 16, 1957 8:45 - 11 :45 P.M_ 204 0 2 OIN)'" Leon o o 2lSmi~h THE FLOWER BOX oUTTERER '5 Gill Gymnasium ~ ~ g! 14 W. Main St. Mllsicby Westminst~r, l\-Jd. 114 Pennsylvania Ave. TINY MEEKER "For That Special Corsage" Westminster 350 Price $2.50 Semi-Formal la:dO,,~1.57.mi••ed' Western Maryland 10, Gal- ~aD:"T"t ~_~:_l.a_nd .. ~; ~~~
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