Page 25 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 25
The Gold Bug, Jan. 18, 1957 Mr. Walker Replaces Dr. Isanogle Air Enthusiasts Enlarge WMC Flying Club As Assistant Biology Professor By VIOLET FONNER mentals of--landing and take-off». If the club enlarges it might be NEWS-Flo1.TD~tlDITOR This much can usually be learned in possible to buy a second hand plane Mr. Allan A. Walker, the new the Brooklyn Dodgers. He knew Assistant Professor of Biology, re- such baseball personalities as Pee The Flying Club, latest addition to ::;~: ~~eh;:~~i~: ~~~:::n!henT~~~:;~e:e;l::at~e: ~~a~: members for the placing Dr. Isabel Isanogle, comes to 'Vee Reese, Al Lopez, and many, many ~::Pp~:ve~X~~:; student has his first" solo flight. Of The club also invites the faculty to us from the University of Texas. He more. He believes the Dodgers' team waytosuccess.Perhapsalittleback- ~:~;~eb::i~vh~C;;St~!~~~~;u:t~:'U~h;~::1:;e:!!t~:m~:;sin:=::st;~o~:s:~~i:~ is now working on his Ph. D. degree has greatly improved since the time and is planning further graduate he was associated with it. student the work at either the University of Mich- Mr. Walker feels that W.M.C. is ::~IU:=li.O~te~~u~~':O?:r O:nt~~esi:!~s~ that the pr-inciples he has mastered the interest and plan to support the club. will be encourages basic The club's regular meetings igan or the University of Indiana. It seems that the club was dreamed first solo flight. From then on it devoted to seeing films on aviation and Born in Brooklyn, New York, he the friendliest school he has ever about last year when students asked decided he would like to teach in the Abdul Futaih about his flying lessons. northeastern part of the country, At the time he and Larry Hall were which is the reason he chose to in- tc klng private lessons. Inquiries struct at Western Maryland. He also kept pouring in and other students likes the atmosphere of the smaller became interested and wanted to take school and the opportunity he has of lessons also. Then the trouble began becoming well acquainted with his The lessons were SQ expensive that students. He plans to make a career Abdul fur-ther inquired into the situa- out of teaching Biology. He taught tion to see if he could get reduced General Science and Biology in high rates for a group of students. school. He became interested in This brings us to the organization teaching Biology while he was study- of the club. Abdul held one lone ing Pre-Med at Hobart College in meeting and to his surprise found Geneva, New York. many students interested. Arrange- Mr. Walker is living at 10 Ridge ments were then made with Mr. Al- Road, Westminster, formerly the resi- bert Richberg of the Westminster dence of Dr. Iaanogle. He is married Airport to instruct students at re- and has two boys aged fifteen months duced rates. The starting member- and four and one half years. ship fee is $30, which includes main- During the second World War, Mr. tenance of the airplane and insurance. Walker was a flight engineer for the Lessons are given for $5 when dual United States Army Air Corps. flying and $4 on solo flights. The Baseball fans might be interested ill ALLAN A. WALKER club has worked out a partial pay- Abdul Fut aih describes stratosphere conditions to Mary Tomlinson and knowing that he was once batboy for ment plan where students can fly at David Williams at the Westminster Airport. come in contact with, including both the faculty and the students. He their- discretion and pay as they takes over 25 hours of solo work to panel discussions. Dr. Leonard Gris- likes the high academic standards of learn. gain a private pilot license. wold has shown a great interest in the ANY BOYS INTERESTED IN the school and the way they are up- Lessons which are given weekly, The private test which includes plans of the club and is interested in WORKING IN A SUMMER held. He likes particularly the school semi-monthly, or at the individual's cross-country flights and flying to sponsoring it. CAMP IN MAINE (although a spirit which the student body has and discretion include explanation of the different airports is another interest- Immediate members actively par- specialty is not necessary, dra- the way they get things done when plane and how it works. From there ing aspect of the instructions. ticipating in lessons under "Rich's" matics. arts and crafts, baseball, they have to be done. He appreciates the student learns to pilot the plane. At various meetings the club has guidance are Abdul F'utnih, Larry tennis, golf or lacrosse would be the friendliness the students and fac- Then he is taught the various types of discussed the future plans, which are Hall, Mary Tomlinson, Kenneth helpful). ulty have given to him since he has turns. After learning to climb and bonds to strengthen the newly formed Bowan, Hal Lavin, and Ronald Cindy. Contact: been here. glide in the air, he learns the funda- club. In the future they expect to They all agree that "Rich" is a very Norman Sterne wri ite an agreem friendly instructor interested in sup- 4220 Fernhill Ave. ent with the West- Baltimore 15. Md. Heagy's Sport Shop minster Airport, to write a constitu- porting the club. Many times when Compliments of tion and elect offi cers for the club. If the students haven't had rides out to Now Located the membership i ncr-eases rapidly they the airport he has come to pick them plan to make me 16 W. Main Rice's Bakery Mart Phone 1350·W will grant membe mbei-ship cards which up and take them back. and They all say you rs certain he is very privileges fl"iendly makes A Complete Sports Line and benefits. feel at ease while teaching. Other students interested in flying are: Manfred Joeres, Arnold Amass, LAUN DROMAT Frank Street, Jim Goldring, David Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Rasiasky's Pharmacy II Pays To Look Well 5 Loc ust Street Williams, Steve Askin, Catherine Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. Sewell, Raymond Asay, Anne Grant, Evenings 9 p.m. ''Reliable Prescriptions" Thr Opposite Parking Lot and George Thomas. Also interested Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on is Professor Eugene Nuss, \\"11[,is a Saturday and Holidays DAILY_ 7,30 . 5,00 Drugs and Everyday Needs Avenue Barber Shop FRIDAY UNTIL 8,00 gliding pilot. Fri., Sat. .tan. 18-19 30 W. Main St. Closed We d. 12:00 Noon J UI. IE National Anthology Doris Day Louis Jourdan Westminster, Md, Where The Students Go Westmi nster 1287 Pnhlishes Stndent Poem Phone 101 8' Penneylvania Avenue FlrEE nRLJ VERY SERVICE Sun., Mon., Tues. Jan. 20_21_22 TO C OLLEGE The National Poetry Association THE IRON PETTICOAT I recently announced that Patricia J. Bob Hope Katherine Hepburn Patterson has had her poem Quell- VistaVision _ Teehnicolor V ISIT tionhry. accepted for publication in the Annual of College Poetry. Anthology Baugher's Restaurant The Anthology is a compilation of Wed., 'I'hurs., Fri., Sat. WEST MINSTER the finest poetry written by the college Jan. 23_24_25_26 men and women of America, repre- WESTWARD HO, THE WAGONS .JUST OFF THE CAMPUS SHOE REPAIR senting every section of the country. Fesa Parker Kathleen Crowley Selections were made from thousands Cinemascope _ Technicolor- Finest Mate rial FOR A MEAL OR SNACK - Workmanship of poems submitted. Miss Patterson's has work Sun., Mon., Tues. Jan. 27-28-29 Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes JOE M ARZULLO viouly appeared in this publication. pre- THREE VIOLENT PEOPLE Charlton Heston Anne Baxter OPEN EVERY DAY I 85 W. Main SI.. Technicolor _ Vista Vision Near Car roll Theatre PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS I I Wed., Thurs. Jan. 30-31 Compliments of THE POWER AND THE PRIZE Robert Taylor Elizabeth Muller J. R. EVERHART Cinemas cope _ Technicolor Win the race, ling the COLLEGE BARBER Campus capers call for Coke the coxswain ... then At the Forks and dunk trophy, case up and enjoy thr. pause thal re}re.rhu STEW DODSON wi th delicious, Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- ice-cold Coca-Cola. CAMPUS AGENT day shows continuous from 2 p. m. (or the Sunday Matinees! 2 and 4. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Modern G. I. Laundry continuous from 6:45 p. m. 223 E. Green St. Westminster 1478 Fri., Sat. Jan. 18-19 All Laundry and Dry Cleaning (Double Feature) CURUCU, BEAST Work Guaranteed OF THE AMAZON -and - THE MOLE PEOPLE Sun., Mon. Jan. 20-21 Headquarters for THE DESPERADOS ARE IN TOWN Robert Arthur Kathy Nolan Valentine Fri., Sat. Jan. 25-26 Hearts THE RACK Paul Newman Anne Francis .OTTLED UNDER "'UTHOR!TY Of THE COC .... COl ... COMPANY BY Griffin's Stin., Mon. Jan. 27-28 MU~N"y _ON·.T.RE. BOUNTY WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. Clark Gable Franchot Tone "Co•• ·'i, a regi.ter.dtrad,·mork. © t953. THE COCA,COlA COMPANY
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