Page 24 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 24
The Gold Bug, Jan. 18, 1957 A Short Story Critic's Corner Not To Fail Twice . One ot .the most vital faculties Olficial st"dent new.paper of Western Maryland Collfl:l!'e. publiahed Berni_monthty on the poet is the power of observation. of Fdday dur,ng October. Novemher. January. Februllry. March, and April; Rnd monthly By GEORGE BECKER MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS £: They became serious as Jack spoke drive his b~ll. "A hook could wreck small, interprets for human life. these durinr September, December, and May. Entered .... a """ond cl..... matter at the Post The poet takes in the large and the Otti.e, WeII(;rnin.ter. Maryland. under A.t of March 3. 1879. (Continued from October 26) tenance as he. stepped to the tee to and translates into meaning the The three following poems are par- reserve usual for salutations girl you generally your chances," Johnson remarked as ticularly. good studies in thls process he saw Jack's been look. This' you've the perplexed SubscriptionPrice $2.00 Per Annum y"""o.. ~,,~ steady dating for the last five months. bit of psychology made Jack very of poetic interpretation." They bring Her name was Jane Marshall, voted angry. Trying to rattle. me, Jack PRE55 ~ mind things familiar to us all, and the best looking girl in the senior thought. I'll show him. An easy, er, yet give these common things a spe- WILLIAM F. MUHLENFELD, Editor-in-Chief class. Noticing the apprehensive look fortless swing sent his ball sailing in cial meaning. CLARENCE L. FOSSETT, JR., Business Manager in his eyes, Jane guessed the cause. the general direction of the sloping For the first we Owe our thanks to the eliminations for . F~kture Editor .__. .. Joanne "When do the she asked. "Well," he green. Toward the end of its towering junior Claudia Payne, arid for the Cities begin?" flight it cut to the left somewhat, ~wr;:Fe":.1.~t;': Editor ._.::·~Violetl~n F~~i~:~ ap-, second and third our thanks to fresh- NewB Editors _. ..__Florenc~ V. wuu, replied, taking hei- hand as they were parently coming to a stop on a high mail Mary Hen~ren. A. Mehl Copy Editor .. Nan." Kitty Bond walking down the hall, "my first bunker on the left side of the green. match is with Johnson next Monday Jack breathed a sigh of .relief. John- JANUARY at 1 :30." son's shot sliced off to the right and Crystal droplets Hail And Farewell "That's only four days away. How into some high grass. He looked at Tinkle This is traditionally the time of vation is still in the stage of foment, do you think you'll do ?" "Mr. Jack who with a steady voice of a to remarked, barker "It's in the bag", he boasted show "Nice side year when we take stock. and the end result is unclear to us Wilson says I have a very good shot", and taking a 7 iron, motioned earth: ' yet, and we will have to wait this one chance to get ill the finals. I've been his caddy to the green. Coming, upon st!~r t!~~n;d~l~~:y~f t~~~s GO~LtD~U:~ out to see how it goes. hitting 'em pretty good lately in dual the hill where he had last seen his See -- one clings To black a many-sided inventory. Each time Well, these are the things we brag competition and there's no reason I ball, Jack froze in shocked horror. The Wintel' twig. 'the conclusions are different, but al- about. Some of the people who never shouldn't do the same in theLcurncy. ball wasn't lying serenely on. top as ways they reveal one distinct general make the headlines and never see taeh I just hope I don't choke up." he had thought, bnt had rolled down It t'olls bitt Less little- -••- ., impression. That is that there is byline on a story are imporuuut to us "You won't, 1 just know you won't. the incline to the dir-ti.road, out of Nu,t at (;Ii" I. room for improvement. So it is again too. They do an inestimable job. Oh, Jack, wouldn't it be terrific if you bounds. Without thinking,:he,q~ickly ; this year. These people are the ones who sit in conld take the city champ,ionship?" walked to the ball and with 'a:',deft Nour u. 8hini110 pris'll1, There is another thing which occurs the office two or three nights every "Yeah, real nice," he said sarcastt- flick of the wrist, hit the ball-back to each year at this time. And thh is two weeks and proof read galleys, cally. "Don't 'Worry, honey. I'll do '."the safety of "the inqoumj'_ ~rea. Ha the annual change of Editor-in-Chief. the copyreaders who examine every all right." QuiCkly he looked .arpund .. Wii{i::any- : itig~; Beginning with the first issue of next piece of copy before it goes down to For my father's sake I'd better win, one watching, he thought?Pli:ad to 1'0 a twig tip. semester, there will be a new 'guiding the printers, the make-up gang who he added to himself. do it. I had to, Jack told himself 'Over force behind the fortunes of the GOLD "put the paper to bed," the business and over again. Two penalty strokes BUG. She is Flo Mehl, a young lady staff, forever pennypinching and Every eYI< seemed to be staring would put me 'right out 'Of the .match, Joined by. thousands, with vast initiative and boundless hounding the merchants of Westmin- right through Jack as he stepped to and the championship. I mustn't de- Chip ---- case by chip, A diamond energy. It is to her whom the read- ster for advertising subscriptions. the first tee that Monday afternoon. lay, he thought. They might think T,ops all. ers must look in the coming year for To all of these people each of us owes Having already played nine holes of something wr-ong. I have to hit. Tak- the impartiality which accompanies an immeasurable debt of gratitude. practice that morning, Jack felt good. ing his seven iron he hit a crisp shot artd shining good news reporting, for the spark- All this is not to say that we have He teed up his ball, took three swings to the green, five feet from the pin. for . ling humor and literary depth which run out of things to improve upon. and then addressed the ball. Be calm, The gallery applauded, But Jack felt Sli ding , ?elo_n~son a feature page, for the cb- Not an issue is published without the he told himself.' You have to stay no elation. For the first time in his Slee.t-t-t-t _ t. jectivtty and competent analysis inevitable session over the finished loose. Just like 'practice, stay loose, life he had been dishonest. He ·tried which characterizes a proper sports product, with staff members picking Jackie boy. He swung. It was a fair to reconcile the deed with numerous CLAUDIAPAYNE excuses but he knew deep in his heart page. You can be assured that she it apart and saying, "we have made drive, with a sJi'ght hook, about 250 UPON SEEING A YOUNG will fulfill these requirements to the some mistakes in this." yards. A murmur .of approval rose he could never win the championship very best of her ability. She will The job forever goes on. You from the crowd. Jack felt better. Now honestly. Nevertheless, with his fine BIRD THROWN FROM make a good editor. never quite eliminate all the errors; all eyes were. .on - Conroy. As he shot, from the bottom of the hill he ITS NEST chance for a birdie had an excellent Now there remain a few things which want saying. These things r~~t ~~:e;; :I~~a;~ y:~e f~~iUt~~t ~:~~~ ~~:;:a~dt~PJ!~k~i_~~:llh:~ r::td:~c~!~~ and for a possible advantage over ~(~: :~:a:~t~a:~~eun:~:ti:%'i:;r~~'Id, are personal in their nature, honest in body may have been slighted, or some ~~;~ighhtiSa/:~ a~;;:~y~~t.::o~arw:: ~:dneso~n~~::~;:~~Ie;e~~~~:~nf~:! ai~~At!d th~re to _die, theil' presentation, and entirely indi- vidual. It will not be out of place, ~::esi:e~rit~r~~:!z::~oS~d::~io~~t ;~:~ Jack's but neyertheless a good shot. ~~~~s;::s~.aii:~~nti~!w;:~e.t~~:~ru~~~ ~~Jh~t'ion of statistiC'S and box scores for saying that ministers, school teachers,' foot pu£t'.' The shot absolutely' Ull- Victorio~lSly stepping off the 16th Th«t tltrned t"~e back unto the sod varsity events and tried, insofar as and ncwspapermen have one thing in nerved Conroy as he putted and greell, Jack was embraced by his fa- Instllq~ of me. -' we could, to give good COVe)"1geto the common. They feel "the call," and missed an easy three footer. That bole ther. "Son, you're in the finals. You MARYHERNDREN Int3r-Fratf'rnity Leagu~. they fancy in themselves a kind of won the match for Jack that day, as can't lose tomorrow; I know you can't \Ve introduced, with some effective_ dedication to their cause. This, I he wound up witli-loa six hole advan- lose." ness 1 think, a new ciel1,cnt into the think, is true, and there is nothing to tage with five holes to ga. "Don't worry, Dad, I won't. T came news-feature department - comment d)'ive the point home stronger than As Jack came }ll fl'om the course this far and 1 won't fold ~~w." But 'It' is a 8mall thing on available entertainment, exhibits, the )'ealization that soon a disassocia- his father was there to meet him. his words were hollow. They were just To walk "i the woods al(me; ': concerts, and the like. The feature tion f)'em these interests and these "Heard you had a good round today, meaningless phrases. Jack almost ~. But it has a freedom; page showed an improvement in its people must take place. son. Congratulations." Jack had never wished that someone had seen him tap And when·'a bird sings selections of poetry and prose, and Bnt there is a vote of thanks due seen his father in such a radiant mood the ball back onto the grass. I;lis mi~d There is happiness. much of this was becau~.e of increased to all who helped make this volume a before in his life. was in a turm'Oil. He knew he could Alld trees and sun tnuke lace of, the contributions from th
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