Page 23 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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Q;nlb lug All American 4 Page Vol. 34, No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND January 18, 1957 Florence Mehl Designated G~mma Beta Chi Dr. Gard To Highlight DIscloses Theme Of As Next {Gold Bug' Editor Sweetheart Ball Religious Emphasis Week "Stairway to the Stars" will be the Religious Emphasis Week, February 10th through Florence A. Mehl, who has been as- theme of the annual Sweetheart Ball, 12th, will sociated with the GOLDBUG since her Students Make to be held February 16 in Gill Gym- have the theme "Why the Church?" The speaker will be Donald H, freshman year, has been appointed Gard, Ph.D., pastor of the historic First Presbyterian Church, Tren- Montrose Visits Gamma Beta non-corsage event, is and a erature at Princeton Theological Seminary. His personality and by retiring editor Bill Muhlenfeld to nasium. The dance, sponsored by ton, N. J., and formerly Assistant Professor of Old Testament Lit- fraternity, Chi semi-formal, university experience give him an appeal to the college group. He Introduction to Social Work, a so- will be from 8:45 pm to 11:45 pm. will be assisted by lVII's.Claude B. Colonna, formerly Betty "Perk" ciology course initiated this semester, Music will be supplied by the Tiny Parsons, a graduate of \V.M.C., class twenty Current Exhibition presents an opportunity for majors Meeker Orchestra, a six piece group of 1954, now educational assi-stant at in the field to integrate text book from Wa-shington About the Central Methodist Church, Staun- band Of American Oils knowledge with practical experience. minutes of the program will be de- ton, Virginia. Mrs. Colonna was Throughout the year students have voted to Dixieland Jazz. The President of the S.C.A. in her senior visited Montrose Training School for members, in straw hats and blazers, Dr. MacDonald has announced the year. Girls in Reisterstown, Md. in order to will play favorites such as, "When acquisition of a collection of Amer-i- Dr. Gard will address the student acquaint themselves with the admin- the Saints Come Marching In." can oil and water colo;' paintings. body at ch-apel on Sunday evening istrative aspects of the institution as Ceiling Of Stars The exhibit is being lent to the col- with a message entitled "Why Go to well as to meet the girls and endeavor Decorations carry out the starry lege by the Washington County Mu- Church?" Following the chapel to help them cope with their problems. theme. Couples will dance under a seum of Fine Arts, located in Hag- service, students., faculty and friends are invited tt.. meet Dr. Gard and Mrs. During an assigned week a pair of ceiling of stars in an atmosphere of erstown. Approximately twenty-five students meet on Thursday morning blue light. In the center of the dance pictures from the collection are on Colo-ina at a Fireside to be held in with the Montrose staff and the girl floor will be a multi-colored fountain, display in Old Main. Mc Da niel Lounge. Refreshments will to whom they are assigned. Case and the walls will be covered with a Among the paintings are two from be served. At ten o'clock on Sunday records and commitment paper-s are three dimensional mur-al backdrop. the eighteenth centur-y-c-one by John evening there will be an informal dis- reviewed, and interviews with the Each couple will receive a personal- Hesselius painted in 1777 and a sketch cussion for women in McDaniel girl's instructors and case workers ized program. by Benjamin West entitled "The As- Lounge by Mrs. Colonna and for men are conducted by the students. The center for refreshments will be cension of Christ" which was painted in Delta Pi Alpha clubroom by Dr. Gard. On the following Tuesday a similar set up outside the door in a portion for George III of England in 1798. On Monday, Mrs. Colonna will lead succeed as Editor-in-Chief effective procedure is followed with the addi- known as Hell. Waiters will serve This sketch was done over another devotions in Baker Chapel from 7:30 Ja-nuary 3l. t-on of a staff conference. At this the couples at tables placed around pictur-e. The X-ray of the covered to 7:45 A.M. There will be a Coffee The term of editorship is the dura- time the program is outlined which the dance floor. picture is also on display. Chat from 9 :45 to 11 :00 A.M. with tion of one full year, but begins and the girl will follow for the duration Committee Chairmen 19t.h Century Portraits Dr. Gard and Colonna. This Mrs. ends between semesters for reasons of her stay at the institution. The Lynn Mayer is general chairman Two nineteenth century portraits, will be held in the Phi Alpha Mu club- of expedience and flexibility of or- students are asked for their comments of the dance. The other committee Charles Loring Elliott and one room. Dr. Gard will speak on the ganization. and opinions. Following this second chairmen include: Jack Anderson, by Bordley, are included in the topic "Why Read the Bible ?" at the Flo Mehl, who is an English-Edu- visit a confidential report is written who is in charge of decorations; Jim display. Bnrdley's portrait is a fine assembly in Alumni Hall. Between cation major, has been interested in for the Sociology Department. May, heading the refreshment com- example typical of the period in which 2:30 and 3:30 P.M. there will be an journalism since she came to the Dr. James Earp, Professor of So- mittee, and Ray Stevens, clean-up. he painted. The painting is in very informal lecture in McDaniel Lounge campus in 1954. She joined the staff ciology, states he feels that the pro- The publicity committee is headed by by DI·. Gard on "Placebo." After of the Gor,n BUG almost immediately gram has been very successful and Gene Michaels and Dave Harper has good condition. oil, "Autumn supper from 6:45 to 8:00 P.M., Dr. Jasper Cropsie's and for the past two years has served may be expanded to include institu- charge of tickets and program. Landscape With a View of the River," Gard will speak on "Old Man Adam" with Nancy Willis as one of the News tions other than Montrose The Tickets are $2.50 and may be pur- is an example of an American land- at the worship ser-vice in Baker Editors. general concensus of opinion is that chased from any fraternity member scape group which represents the Chapel. At 10:00 informal discus- Her principal experience is in the the course will be continued. style of the Hudson River Landscape sions will be held in the Pi Alpha difficult field of news gathering and Alpha clubroom led by Dr. Gard for front page editing. This has been the . Nat'ISumphonu school. most difficult and time consuming as- American Panoramists men and in Blanche Ward lobby led pect of the campus publication, yet Officer~ Chosen To Return Here American panoramists are repre- by Mr3. Colonna for women. news By SOCIalClubs she has managed to excel in the or- sented by Albert Blerstadt's "In the Tuesday morning Mrs. Colonna will ganizing and sifting of pertinent Rockies" and Thomas Moran's paint- lead devotions in Baker Chapel from over the period of two years. On February 8, the National ing "Lower Manhattan from Com- 7:30 to 7:45. A Coffee Chat will be Also, Flo has contributed, fr-om During the past two weeks the Symphony Orchestra under the direc- munipuw." The original drawing is held from 9:45 to 11:00 in the Delta time to time, both prose and poetry sororities and fraternities have been tion of Dr. Howard Mitchell will pet'. also on display. Sigma Kappa clubroom. Between to t.he feature page. She has had, fur- electing new officers to serve during form in Alumni Hall. The annual 2:30 and 3:30 P.M. will be the stu- ther, experience in the less glamorous the next semester. The results are concert will begin at 8:15. 'dents' personal time to talk things but nonetheless vital phase of proof- as follows: A special feature of this year's pro- WUS BAZAAR over with Dr. Gard in the S.C.A. reading, copy editing, make-up, and Delta Sigma Kappa-President, Pat gram will be the appearance of Mrs. Room. From 3:30 until 5:30, Mrs. head writing. Richter; Vice President, Sue Blair; Betty Ely May. She will sing The WUS Bazaar will be held Colonna will lead discussion in the As for campus activities outside the Secretary, Ann Crisp; 'I'reasurer, Eva Brahms' alto "Rhapsody." Accompa- Fcbruary 23 in Blanche Ward Iota Gamma Chi clubroom. Finally immediate sphere of the GOLD BUG, Lallas; Chaplain, Betty Reid; Ser- nying her will be several men selected Gymnasium from 7:30-10:30. at 8:00 P.M. there will be the Conse- Flo is presently Vice-President of the geant-at-arms, Mary Barbara Chap- from the College Choir. This is the There will be about twenty dif- cration Service with Communion. Dr. Junior Class and Social Secretary of man; Intersorority Representative, first time a student from Western ferent booths, sponsored by the Gard's topic will be "This I-s Com- Phi Alpha Mu sorority. Priscilla Von Eiff. Maryland has been chosen as a soloist various fraternities, sororities munion." The Student Christian She is interested in sports and lists for the National Symphony. and clubs on campus. Proceeds Association invites all the students to her credit the rather enviable at- Iota Gamma Chi-President, Mar- The orchestra was established in will go to the World University and faculty to join in this period of tainment of a Wi'll letter in the Wom- tha Lewis; Vice President, Anne Get- 1931 by the late Hans Kindler. For Service. thought and meditation. en's Athletic Association. tings; Recording Secretary, Pat Pat- many years, it has been one of the Bazaar chairman for the Academically, Flo is an Argonaut, terson; Corresponding Secretary, Peg outstanding major symphony orches- event is Mar-g-e Hull. Receipts MILITARY DEPT. stgniflcaut of noteworthy achieve- Whorton; Treasurer, Gail Armstrong; tras in 'the United States. Dr. last year totaled $116.65. ments in scholastic endeavors. Spirit- Chaplain, Margie Pott. Mitchell has been conductor aince PRESENTS AWARDS ually, she is an active member of the Phi Alpha Mu-President, Betty 1948 when he succeeded Hans Kind- SeA, the directing organ of campus Nicklas; Vice President, Pat Dixon; Ier. Another landscape which grew out In its monthly awards presenta- religious activities. Secretary, Helen Boardman; 'I'rea sur. Tickets may soon be obtained in of the Hudson River school is George tions, the Department of Military Sci- And, for the purpose of the record, er, Pat Doub; Sergeant-at-arill"3, Jean McDaniel office. Inness's "Coming Storm, Montclair, ence and tactics presented the follow- Flo Mehl is from Riverton, Maryland. Lambertson; Intersorority Represen- New Jersey," painted in 1876. His ing citations: This will mean nothing to non-habit- tative, Norma Fulgum; Chaplain, FTA Schedules painting, however, shows less empha- 4 December 1956 ants of the Eastern Shore, but for Betty May. sis on minOI' detail and more on the 1. The award to the outstanding basic purposes of amplification, Riverton is Sigma Sigma Tau _ President, mood of the landscape. ROTC cadet from each company a suburb of Mardella Springs, which Mary Ellen Weber; Vice President, Future Meetings "Moon Mystery" painted about 1870 for the month of November is itself is a suburb of Salisbury, and Marian Schederj Secretary, Sara- by R. A. Blakelock is an example of awarded to: Salisbury is the capital of the Del- Ellen Price; Treasurer, Anna Jarrell; The Future Teachers Chapter has the st.yle of a romantic painter. Band-Donald V. D'Angelo. marva Peninsula. Chaplain, Eileen Galvin; Sergeant-at- several important meetings planned Eastman Johnson, another Amed- Company A-Lawrence E. Hyatt. In accordance with a new policy ef- for the future. On Feb. 11 at 7 :00 can artist represented in the group Company B-Nelson E. Luke- fective last February, the post of Bus- arms, Winifred Walsh; Intersorority p.m., an N.E.A. movie, "A Desk For by hh "Boy Reading," was referred mire, Jr. iness Manager is no longer rotated at Representative, Marge Hull. Billie," will be shown in McDaniel to as an "Independent." He did Company C--Raymond G. Asay. Le- Alpha Gamma Tau-President, mid-year. Jack Fossett, who succeeded roy McWilliams; Vice President, Bill Lounge. The movie concerns the dif- much to make American painting Honor Guard--Samuel L. Cook. Bob Crush last June, will continue in ficulties of a migrant girl in obtain- more impol·tant in competition with 2. The award to the outs._tanding basic his present post until June, 1957. Muhlenfeld; Secretary, Pete Urqu- ing an education and shows how she cadet in the ROTC Battalion for hart; Treasurer, Ted Klenskej Chap- finally succeeds. The story appear- European painting. paint- the month of November is awarded Examples of impressionistic Inter-sorority Grads lain, Jack Pi Fossett. John ed in Reader's Digest I·ecently. The ing are Childe Hassam's "White to: Samuel L. Cook Alpha-President, Delta movie is open to the entire campus. Kauffman; Vice President, Mike Sa- On March 4, a special guest speak- House, Gloucester," and Jonas Lie's 3. The award for the best company To Sponsor Dance varese; Secretary, Brallt Vitek; er, Miss Violet Davis, president of "The Western Slope." for the month of November is Treasurer, Tony Sarbanes; Sergeant- the Maryland State Teachers' Asso- Othl'rs represented are Albert H awarded to: . The annual dance sponsored by the at-arms; Allan Mund; Chaplain, Har- ciation, will discuss the values of Thayer who painted about the same COMPANY"C" Western Maryland College Alumnae old McClay. N.E.A. and M.S.T.A. and will answer period as Eastman Johnson; Fred- 8 January 1957 Jntersorority Council will be held on Gamma Beta Chi-President, Ernie auestions on these phases of educa- erick J. '\Vaugh who was a twentieth 1. The award for the best company of Saturday, February 16, from 9 until Ramirez; Vice President, Denny Har- tion. Following the talk, a short century painter specializing in marine the month for the month of Decem- 1, at Edmondson Village HaiL man; Secretary, Dave Merl'dith; business meeting will be held and re- paintings; Charles Hawthorne, found- ber is awarded to: The cabaret style dance will have Treasurer, Carlos Gosnell; Chaplain, freshments will be served er of the Cape Cod school of art; Eu- COMPANY"C" St. Valentine's Day as its theme and Bill Martin; Sergeant-at-arms, Dave gene Speicher, an important twentieth Because of inclement weather and will feautre Gil Monroe's orchestra Downesj Beta Pi, Jim May. century artist; Guy Pene du Bois, a the length of the Christmas recess, Proceeds will be used for present and Pi Alpha Alpha-President, How- Treasurer, Erich Willen; Chaplain, painter of the early twentieth cen- no other awards presentations were future building projects at Western ard Gendason; Vice President, Joe Ralph Meyer; Sergeant-at-arms, Bird tury; and more recent artists, Phillip made, and consideration of individuals (Continued Pa_go 2, Col. 2.) Glorioso; Secretary, Dick Shenton; Towson. Guston and Maurice Sterne. was eliminated for January.
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