Page 22 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 22
The Gold Bug. Dec. 7. 1956 Terrors Drop Rutgers Of South Jersey By 70-67 Bill Sanders Another Booters Drop Terrors Edged SIDELINE Season Finale By Blue Jays High Scorer In With Al Spicer The Western Maryland Green ter- The Johns Hopkins Blue Jays de- Clower Debut rors dropped their final soccer game feated the 'Western Maryland Terrors to Johns Hopkins by a score of 4-3. by a score of 7-0 in a game played in Coach Dick Clower's '56 edition of fill" George Kirchner of the Lan- jf it hurts. . as it must when the Western Maryland College's basket- caster Daily Paper paid a fine tribute visiting team scores ... they provide The Terrors moved into an early lead a rainstorm at Hoffa Field on Ncvem, ball squad opened its season Sat- to Western Maryland College. Mr. the details accurately. . It's the hope when Don Tankersley passed to Den- ber 17. Blue Jay fullback, Ernie Bates, urday night at Camden's Convention Kirchner said, "Of all the press boxes here that this gets back to the west, ny Harmon for the only score of the squirmed over on fourth down with Hall with a thrilling 70-67 win over visited in the travels of the F and M ern Maryland authorities, who owe first period. Manuel Garcia scored in three minutes gone in the third per- Rutgers of South Jersey. football team, the boys at Western these students the vote of thanks the second period for the Blue Jays iod from the I-foot line for the game's The first half opened as Rutgers Maryland do the finest job. Facili- which, I know, they'll be getting from to tie the score 1-1 at halftime. The only touchdown. Tailback Cliff Hard- grabbed the lead and held on dogged- ties aren't too good and the box is all who 'cover' games there." Jays moved into the lead in the third ing converted the extra point to make ly until the Terrors managed to start and period on two goals by Bernstein located at one end of the field, but The GOLD BUG wishcss to thank one by Garcia. All-American Denny the score Johns Hopkins 7 - Western their attack. The Terrors managed to what they lack in this respect they Mr. Kirchner for the praise that he Maryland 0. Hopkins threatened early ease ahead at half-time by a shaky make up in courtesy and service. expressed in his column. Your Sports Harmon scored one goal in each of the as they took the opening kickoff and 34-33 margin with an attack that fea- They even had two nifty-looking co- Editor wishes to pay tribute to Rich- last two periods for the Green and moved to the Terrors' three and a first tured the fine shooting of frosh Bill eds on hand to keep the coffee cups Gold. down on a series of plays. However, Sanders. filled on that damp and chilly after- ard Plaskct, the Western Maryland The game was on a field the strong W.M.C. line was able to In the second half the Terrors came noon of last Saturday .. But the Sports Publicity Director who is in swept by rain before the keep the Mason-Dixon champs from alive and began to pull away from important thing is that they never charge of the W.l\I.C. Press Box. Keep season's largest crowd. The loss cost scoring. The drive featured tailback the Pioneers. Bill Spaar's rebounding lose sight of their duty and no matter up the good work, Dick. Western Maryland a chance to tie Cliff Harding's end sweep for 28 Drexel for the Southern Division yards. The teams battled in the center off enemy boards proved to be a real cog in Rutger's plans for a win over Preachers Instill Enthusiasm Conference and dropped the defending of the field during the rest of the first the squad that beat them so badly last Championship of the Middle Atlantic quarter most and following of the Mason-Dixon Conference titlists into period. year in their inaugural contest. With Thursday night, November 15, Gill Mr. Philip Uhrig, Bob Butler and All- a fourth place tie with Roanoke. The Terrors Threaten nine minutes remaining in the game, Gym was the scene of the year's best American Denny Harmon. The large Green and Gold concluded the season Western Maryland jumped to a 60-49 pep r a II y. Brant Vitek and the crowd cheered lustily and gave much with a conference record of 4 and 2 The Ter-rors made their first threat advantage which eventually proved to Preacher fraternity put together a impetus to win to the soccer and foot- and an overall record of 7 and 2. when they marched to the Hopkins be too much for the hustling Pioneers. most enjoyable program. Abdul Fu- ball teams which concluded their sea- Hopkins WMC 10 with only seconds left in the half. Bretschneider and Larsen with 13 and From that taih delighted the crowds with his stu, sons two days later. The GOLDBUG ~;!~.~a;--=~===L~====-_~~~ert:.:~ point, Dick Holbruner at, 19 points respectively looked good for pendous weight-lifting. Nick Spinnato bends a knee to the Preacher Frater- Leasure . RF . Karrer tempted a field goal which was the losers while Sanders and Spaar more !\t¥&:~~~~~~~==--=;~~~:~~11 was featured on the drums in a epc- nity for the encouragement that it blocked by the center of the Blue garnered 15 and 11 markers to lead cial skit. The college band, cheerlead- gave to both winning and losing Jays' line. the winners in their first fray. Tom ets, majorettes and Pom Porn girls teams in helping to arouse The Blue Jays' touchdown was set Riggin's rebounding also was of great added color to the program. Speeches school spirit ill the western Maryland ¥:~~"t~i.~_ ..:.::.==--==-?~===::.-=-_ ..H3V'rr~k up when Harry Winfield intercepted value in the team effort that saw most were made by Mr. Charles Havens, student body. ------- O~=-r-J--~~~tnn a deflected pass and returned it to the of the points evenly distributed. Whitlock Tenor 42. Harding took the ball on 'r Basketball Rule Changes cia (2). Bernstein first down and moved it to the 29. On Sande", ... . F F F Ii 27_59 7-515 Riggin (3). Subs~;_ Pas.arello fourth down with the ball on the 30, . • Kohl. Meredith Harding passed to Bob Edwards who Cole _. . F 32_28 1_13 l Basketball fans may be interested A third major rule change deals with Spaar . C C 311-511 Dailey to know that there are several rule the interference of a ball on the down, was dropped on the 12. Harding car- G , ~~1i The Riflemen Defeat ried to the 7 and Bates went to the 1. r~::;;t-=-====:~__-= g changes in the 1956-57 rule book. This ward flight toward the basket. Truitt ._. .__ if the defen- Gettysburg College year, any throw in from the end line rule as stated in 1954-55 provided that Harding carried the ball on third will be made from outside the foul two points are awarded down and gained only two feet but Dretschneider . . .__ F F 4-313 __ Setzler 8_13 lanes extended. This rule will help to sive team touches the ball on the The W.M.C. rifle team defeated Bates was able to score on fourth Doherty F 11-68 eliminate the ball hitting the back- downward flight toward the goal. This Gettysburg College 1367 to 1302 at down. Larsen _. C g 12_719 5-39 board on the toss-in. Another change rule still holds but something has Western Maryland on November 14th. The Terrors came back to threaten ~iii~mo~_d_=__=_=== 3_17 is "on a line-up for free throw, the been added. If the offensive team Ron Graybeal, the W.I\f.C. captain, again. Starting on their own 45, they ~hl:~s-====-.:.::.~~-:-..::g 0_06 0-02 two spaces adjacent to the end line touches the ball on the downward scored under his normal par, but the moved down the field on Jerry Miller's must be occupied by opponents of the flight, no points can be scored and the sprints up the middle, catching Hop- free thrower. Teammates of the free ball is awarded to the opponents for high scoring of Holter and Nickules kins completely off guard with a thrower are entitled, but not required 11. throw-in. The second and third rule led the W.M.C. team to a victory. The changed offense. Chuck Smith went Grads Triumph to occupy the second positions; op- changes as stated above will help to high score for the match was 282, to the Blue Jays' 46 on a pitchout, made by Holter. ponents the third positions, etc. .." eliminate "cheap" baskets. then J. Miller carried twice to the 38 Bulletin: The Western Maryland On November 30, the team had a on the draw play. A 15-yard penalty College Alumni came from behind to Bouquets Given To Many postal match but the results will not for holding. set the Terrors back to defeat the Varsity 76 to 74 at a game be known for a few weeks. their 47, but Holbi-unei- passed to Jim playcd Wednesday, December 5 in Gill WMC Gettysburg Lewis on the Hopkins 45. J. Miller Bouquets are presented to the Soc- Chuck Smith have played their last Nickoles 282 Longacre 26~ Gym. The home team lead by 8 Holter _._. cer team for winning seven of nine football game for old W.M.C. 281 Pritsche __ .._._ 265 went twice on the draw to the 30, and points, 41-33, at half-time. games. An extra large bouquet must The soccer team graduates seven ~r:d0:~~==m re~~f:k;;-==-::::=m Smith carried to the 19 on a pitchout. Bill Spaar, Terror center, scored be presented to Denny Harmon for team members: Denny Harmon, Sam On the next play, Smith carried the twenty-five points, and Jerry Phipps scoring twenty-five goals during the Reed, Don Tankersley, Brant Vitek, ball over left guard to the 14, and put through eighteen for the alumni. campaign. The football team deserves Del Kohl, Frank Robey, and Stan Ent- AI Miller got a first down on the 9. The Terrors scoring was evenly a bouquet for their superb spirit in wislc. Women's Athletics The Terrors' luck broke here however, spread out except for Spaar as San- the Hopkins game. Bob Butler de- Denny Harmon, Western Mar-y, as there was a fumble on the next ders sank 15, Stewart and Riggin 12 play at the 7. The Tenors last scor- serves special recognition for playing land's Soccer captain, was named to The intramural hockey sea son ing opportunity was ruined as George apiece, and Lambert 10. all but one and a half quarters during the all Mason-Dixon team. Senior proved to be a very successful one, Schwartz intercepted a Holbruner The Terrors will meet Franklin and the season. Bob would have played Sam Reed, and junior Pete Urquhart with each class team participating pass on the Hopkins 15. Marshall tonight in Gill Gymnasium. every minute but he received a severe were given honorable mentions. and doing an excellent job. The sopho, yard- Wrestlers' Prep For leg injury in the third quarter of his The first team included four players more class claimed first place with the Western Maryland had the edge in final college game. The GOLD BUG from Baltimore University, three juniors copping second. first downs, 16 to 10, in rushing concluded the Opening Match also sends bouquets to the Preacher from Towson State Teachers College, In a playday at Mt. St. Joseph, the age 168-167 and in passing yardage fraternity and especially Brant Vitek and one each from Loyola, Washing_ W.M.C. team beat their 110st 5-0 and 58 to 45. The Terrors for the November 15 pep rally. Dick ton College, Western Maryland, and lost to Hood, 3-2. On November 30, season with a 1-8 record, with no wins Prospects for the 1956-57 wrestling Plasket receives a bouquet for his Catholic University. they also traveled to Goucher for a in the Mason-Dixon Conference. Johns team look good from the number of splendid work as Athletic Publicity game and WOll 1-0 with the only goal Hopkins finished with a 4-3-1 record experienced returning lettermen. Director. scored by Ann Clemmitt ifl the last and a perfect 3-0 championship record These are: defending champion of the rf an unsung hero is to be named, 4 minutes of play. in the conference. Hopkins 177 lb. class, Casey Day; senior 123 the GOLD BUG would nominate John STEW DODSON On November 27, the Phi Alpha Mu First Downs 1') lb. veteran Brant Vitek j Brooks Euler Coolahan who played tackle on the sorority played the Sigma Sigma Tau Ru.hint{ Yardage .__ 168 5S who will be strong in the 157 lb. class; Yardage Passing Terror team. John gave his all to the CAMPUS AGENT team. This game was played on one Total Net Ynrdage .____ 226 and Jerry l\1iller who will move into _.. games and made some splendid tack- for the of our coldest days on a slippery Pass,," intercepted ._._.. _. __ 5-14 1 the 167 lb. cless. Earle Finley, re- Pas."" by _ les during the season. field, and the Phi Alphs came out on Punt. 0-37.20 turning after a year's break from Lost The football team will lose six Modern G. I. laundry top with a score of 2-0. Fumbles Penali.ed _.__ ._ 45 I Yard. is vieing for a rebirth members due to graduation. Bob But- The intramural tournaments are grappling, A big boost is expected from at 1371bs. ler', Dick Hersh, Darryl Martin, Ralph 223 E. Green Sf. now in the process of being played off freshman Bill Machen, who with three "Dusty" Ma rtinell, AI Miller, and Westminster 1478 with no definite results as yet. The years experience in high school, shows All Laundry and Dry Cleaning 'V.A.A. sponsored a playday here on pr-omise in our traditionally weak 130 December 1, inviting Hood, Towson Work Guaranteed State Teachers College and Gettys_ lb. class. burg. 'Vestern Maryland won, win- The team 11M been hurt by an in- ning 10 of the 24 matches. Hood jury incurred during football season. As a result of a hard fought placed second with 8 and Gettysburg Halpert.. Civiletti. Bob Butler, new-comer to the unlim- game the Black and Whites de- Santa's got a list headed third with 8. Towson went winless. END_Edwards. Harrnl. ited class last year has cracked a leg feated the Preachers 14-7 to by Benny Playing for W.l\I.C. were Joan Wood, ~~1~;~GUXt%~Jol-;eir;;~
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