Page 21 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 21
The Gold Bug, Dec. 7, 1956 New Marching Band Christmas Traditions Through The Years At WMC Compliments of Performs As ROTC By VIOLET FONNER students went to McDaniel Lounge. Snader the choir presented old French J. R. EVERHART And Concert Band NEWS-FlllDU"'i¥mEDITOR Sever~l years after the ~rumpeters car~ls. !he girls originally. dressed COLLEGE BARBER Christmas season 1956-but let's organized, they were locking for a all In white, but now the style 15 pastel At the Forks Western Maryland College has had turn the old clock back and see what useful activity to incorporate into evening gowns. Today the choir no Concert Band previous to this year. traditions were popular on the campus their program. It was suggested that consists of men and women French The marching band functioned main- in the age of the roaring twenties. they take charge of the Christmas students. ly as a unit in the ROTC program. One 'Of the lasting and oldest banquet. In 1946 they wrote it in We modern students have been ac- This year, however, the marching Christmas traditions on the "Hill" is their minutes and have since that date eustcmed to the annual Snow hops or Rasinsky's Pharmacy band is performing as both ROTC the familiar carol singing at dawn decorated and presented entertain- Christmas dances held in Gill Gym. Band and Concert Band and is open usually presented by the senior class. merit for the annual dinner in the din- But listen to the other side-way back ''Reliable Prescriptions" to all members of the student body. In looking back through periodicals ing hall. when dancing wasn't permitted on Though the band at present has only and yearbooks one might find some of Nativity Pageant the campus. When dances finally Drugs and Everyday Needs twenty-eight members, Mr. Donald the favorite activities which were in- The choir and drama service pre- found their place on the "Hill," the Key, the conductor, anticipates rapid troduced and proceeded to become eented in Alumni Hall at Chri-stmas only SPDt available for holding them 30 W. Main St. growth in the future. traditional through the years. In the time has had the most complicated was the dining hall. If you're Inter, Westminster. Md. On November 29, the band held an 1920's when most of the professors struggle for existence to become a ested in the high cost of living, tickets election of officers fer this year. The lived side by side on Ridge Road, ru- popular tradition. It began as a serv- in 1940 were only $1.10 per couple. Phone 101 elected officers of the band are: Rich- mor has it that the seniors travelled ice with the Christmas story, read- Since 1932 Tri-Beta has held in- ard Humbert, westminster, Presi- up there and through the streets of ings from the Bible, and several teresting Christmas parties. Or-ig-in- dent; Jean Murray, Salisbury, Secre- Westminster and sang carols. Junior carols. In 1929 the Westminster The- ally it was Professor C. L. Bennighof tary; Donald D'Angelo, Baltimore, classes have been known to awaken ological Seminary, under the di rec- who annually played Santa Claus and Librarian. in the wee small hours of dawn and tlon 'Of Miss Dorothy Elderdice pre- gave 'Out the Christmas gifts to all It Pay, To Look Well The band is planning two concerts prepare coffee and donuts for the sented their annual Nativity pageant. the members. this year. Its officers will meet with seniors, but before this tradition For this occasion the gold cross on the Although the girls' glee club usual- President Ensor to discuss the poaei- flourished, Professor and Mrs. Dean Seminary building was lighted to an- ly presents a Christmas program to Vi,it The bilities of new band uniforms and White Hendrickson invited the carol- nounce the production. The chimes the students, there is one Christmas band letters to be awarded to mem- era into their home annually for re- of "Holy Night" served as a prelude program which they have been giving Avenue Barber Shop bet-s on merits of participation and co- freshments. to the performance. Advancing over year after year to the AAUW which operation. Christmas Breakfast the years the programs combined or isn't publicized because the student Where The Students Go The present custom is for the junior held their services on separate nights. body isn't invited. PATRONIZE class to prepare refreshments for the These have come to be beautiful and Now that we have mentioned all 8' Pennsylvania Avenue OUR senior class at 3 a.m. before they em- inspiring under the direction of Pro- the Christmas traditions through the ADVERTISERS. bark on their journey. Upon their feasor- Alfred deLong and Miss Esther years, let us remember that many return breakfast is served in the din- Smith. more will have their origin during ing room and all the seniors sing to About 1942 the William G. Baker these school years of the present. their classmates from juniors to fresh- Sunday School presented 'One'Of their Last Sunday, Western Marylanders Compliments of men, concluding the program with first services which was a tableaux, witnessed a beautiful performance, the Alma Mater. along with backgrounds of poetry, which has possibilities of becoming an Rice's Bakery Mar-t Another popular tradition is the reading and music. Choral numbers annual tradition. The president, Christmas dinner presented by the were sung by the Sunday School Lowell S. Ensor, opened the Chapel Trumpeters. A long time ago (1924) choir. In 1951 the Sunday School service 'On his lawn by lighting the the style was to come in formal at- and the Student Christian Association huge evergreen which faces McDaniel tire. At this dinner the faculty and decided upon a Christmas communion Lounge. After a few remarks con- Christmas Delicious their wives were also invited. Long service. This after wae Dr. instituted about cerning and the choir joined season, stu- Crain Charles about 1942 the faculty ceased coming in to sing dents two years Christmas Foods because of the crowded conditions in came to the campus. dorm councils served refreshments the in Afterwards Carob. French Club the dining hall. At various times be- aud Candies tween the years of 1920 and the early Cantiques De Noel, the traditional Mcffaniel Lounge. 1930's all the girls wore white dresses French Club Christmas program pre- New Traditions AT and after dinner went to Baker's sented every year, was formerly given The Inter-sorority council initiated Chapel for an evening vesper service. as a program after the Christmas din- another new feature. They had mem- Griffin's Long about 1932 the faculty had their ner for the faculty and students. Un- bers from each of the four sororities a der the direction of Mlle. Margaret Garden Robinson transform annual into party in Old Main, while the Wonderland. The tradition- Winter G. C. Murphy Co. LAUNDROMAT ally famous wishing well wouldn't be well makes The today. recognized 5 Locust Street an interesting base for the present The Friendly Store Opposite Parking Lot chimney with Old Saint Nick descend- ing. DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 Along with all the traditions which Dormitory and Clallroom have lasted over the years we must FRIDAY UNTIL 8 :00 Supplies not forget the annual sorority and Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon fraternity parties, the cards shuffled Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. Westminster 1287 under doors at the last minutes, the Evenings 9 p.m. 6-10 West Main Street Continuous Shows from 2 p-m- on FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Christmas presents exchanged in the Saturday and Holidays Wesnniruter, Md. TO COLLEGE dorms and last but not least the wee hours in the morning reserved for packing those last vacation bags. Fri., Sat. Dec. 7-8 TOWARD TIlE UNKNOWN Then for two weeks we're homeward William Holden Virginia Leith Baugher's Restaurant bound only to sit and dream of that Technicolor VistaVision bright January day when we can see our favorite boyfriend or girlfriend GO BY' JUST OFF THE CAMPUS again on the campus of Western Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. Maryland College. Dec. 9-10-11-12 THE SOLID GOLD CADILLAC FOR A MEAL OR SNACK TRA\Nt Judy Holiday Paul Douglas I Heagy's Sport Shop Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes Now Located Thur., Fri., Sat. Dec. 13-14-15 I 16 W. ]\fain IT'S COMfORTABLE! HIGH SOCIETY OPEN EVERY DAY Phone lS50-W Grace Kelly I A Complete Sports Line IT'S fUN! Frank Sinatra Bing Crosby ,'--,----- --- Technicolor Vista Vision Tues., Wed. Jan. 1-2 FRIENDLY PERSUASION ~ Gary Cooper Dorothy McGuire Technicolor Cinemascope ~ 'I'hur., Fri., Sat. Jan. 3-4-5 TEENAGE REBEL Ginger Rogers There's Fun-filled confusion You'll have more fun when the Cinemasccpe Technicolor ~~g~~o~~\t~~~t~:ffi:hd~i:~:~ when the campus empties You can stretch your legs ... into cars, trains and planes visit with friends .. really relax as Christmas holidays while you speed along your way! And here's the way co stretch begin. Heading for good your allowance! Team up with two or more friends bound for times? Pause for a Coke Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- b~~~h~v~;s~oO~T~~~~l[~rtlh~ day shows continuous from 2 p. m. and go refreshed. miles or more, you'll ea'k save Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. 25% on round-trip coach tickets F,vening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows using GROUP ECONOMY continuous from 6:45 p. m. FARES!· Or bener still ... COACH PARTY FARES! Round up 25 Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Thur. or more co travel long_distance LOVE ME TENDER tosether on the sam~ homeward Elvis Presley Debra Paget traIn. Then return slflgly or to- Technicolor Cinemascope gether and you each save 28% of the regular round.trip fare. Fri., Sat. Dec. 14-15 *Ex"Plfor I_I "'''',f btlU'"n N.w Y.r1. PIJ. W.uhin&l.n "napo;nt",,,,.{Lan«,,",. (Double Feature) MEN OF SHERWOOD FOREST Sea your '.avel ... ticket agent NOW! -also- Alkaboutlh""e big money-savingplconl. FRONTIER WOMEN BomED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA_COLA COMPANY BY WESTl'tIINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. EASTERN Fri., Sat. Jan. 4-5 © 1952, THE COCA..cOLA COMPANY RAILROADS BEAST OF HOLLOW MOUNTAIN
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