Page 20 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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The Gold Bug, Dec. 7, 1956 Dear Son ... Future Events Highlighted A Letter From Home Those who find enjoyment in the The bitter cold of the night air cast through the snow, his big ears flop- fields of music, drama, and art will an aura of desolation on the snow-cov- ping in the wind. Mary Lou has find much variety offered in the area MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS ered battlefield. The piercing wind made him a big, red bow, but Johnny of Baltimore and Washington during Subscription Price $2.00 Per Annnm alone broke the solemn stillness 'Ofthe won't let her put it on-e-says it's "sis- the next few weeks. These offerings scene. The sky was black and empty, sified." include fine exhibits at the Baltimore except for a solitary star shining bril- Mary Lou is in the Christmas play Museum of Art, a production of WILLIAM:F. MUll LENFEW, Ediwr--in-Chief liantly in the East. Here and there at school. She plays the part of an Tennessee Williams' "Cat On A Hot CLARENCEL. FOSSETT,JR., Busine88 Manager a cannon, hidden by mounds of snow, angel, and I'm making her a white Tin Roof" and the presentation of a marked the battle sight. Widely robe out of the old sheet on your bed. rarely performed Greek play. Tnling Editor ':"__.__ Deloren J. Goode Photogral'hy_. Henrietta. C. Essom scattered in mock disarray were the I've hinted and hinted for a new sew- In Washington, the Catholic Uni- Exchan""e .._Lynnd .. L. Skinner bodies of men and boys, broken and ing machine fur Christmas, 'cause Circulation _ .. Lynnda L. Skinner versity Theatre is presenting Leo Advertising Manager __ Raymond wright twisted, the remnants of a once mine is in bad 'shape. I broke three Brad's adaptation of The Oresteia by mighty company. A vast nothing- needles this morning, and on top of Aeschylus. It is being played cur- ness prevailed over the domain, bleak that I ran out of thread-white rently from November 30 through New Tradition Time To Act and isolated. Just below a tiny hill- thread. Can you imagine! December 15. Evening performances ock lay the body of a young soldier. Aunt Ethel and Uncle George will There are no Sat- begin at 8:30 P.M. His right leg was twisted badly out be here for Christmas dinner, and urday performances. Student admis- Traditions are permanent and Student interest has run high of shape, and a dark bloodstain col- Sally and Bruce are coming all the sion is $1.50. For further informa- formidable affairs, and beginnings either for or against the Ontstanding ored the front of his uniform. In his way from Oakland. We bought a 25 are apt to be shaky. Dewy eyes and Citizens List since its inception. The frozen hand he tightly clutched a let- lb. turkey and a ham too. I think tion contact Dr. William Riding-ton. misty looks a dozen years hence are issue has been thrashed out by stu- ter, as though it were, hi-s most pre- I'll whip up a nice plum pudding for Ford's Theater in Baltimore pre- dependent on the beginnings. A few tents in the dorms, in the Reo Hall cious possession. The sweeping hand- dessert. You remember how Uncle sents, beginning Dec. 10, Tennessee jitters and mishaps are expected and and in the Grille. More recently, it writing was surprisingly legible. George loved the one we had last year. Williams' "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof." usually occur. has been argued over the boards of Oh dear! I smell something- burn- Members 'Of the cast include Thomas Marjorie Gomez, and Alex Steele The tree-lighting ceremony last the S.G.A. meetings by faculty and Dear Son, ing and I do believe it's the cake. I Nicol. Also at Ford's opening Dec. Sunday night was no exception. The cabinet. They arc ready to give up. r hope this letter reaches you in asked Mary Lou to keep an eye on it, 25, is "Arsenic and Old Lace" by lights went on as scheduled when They feel that student interest is time for Christmas, 'cause I know the but she was so busy talking on the Joseph Kesselring, starring Gertrude President Ensor extended his hand against the plan, or that the students packages won't. You sec, Mary Lou phone that I guess she forgot. Berg. but a few minutes later, the top are simply disinterested. forgot to mail them last week. Laws, We miss you, Soon, and can't wait Baltimore Opening Dec. 2, at the strings blinked out. The choir as One last attempt has been made to that girl will be the death of me yet. till you get home. Christmas won't Museum of Art are exhibits of three usual gave a top-notch performance, cope with the problem. The forma- Dates and parties seem to be the only be quite the same this year without but the students faltered on the sec- tion of a committee of students (who things she has on her mind these you, but it won't be long till you'll be Maryland artists, several of whom are ond stanzas of the Christmas carols. are not representative of the S.G.A.) days. But she's gotten so pretty-al- home for good. familiar to students at W.M.C. They include Shelby Shackelford, some of These mishaps were expected and has been urged. Students for and most as handsome as her big brother. Mary Lou and Johnny send their whose works were shown here in a were certainly minor. They did not against the plan are invited to serve You'd be real proud of her. love, and your father said to tell you group exhibition; William Waller, and state their opinions. detract from the success of this Why go into the relative merits or How are they treating you over he needs you to shovel walks fool'him previously exhibited in a one-man Christmas venture. The epirif was there? We miss you so, Dear, hut in this winter. Take care of yourself, show here; and Gradys Goldstein, there and the tree lighting ceremony weaknesses of the plan? Everyone a few months you'll be home. We're and don't catch cold. who will exhibit at W.M.C. in Febr u- is on its way to becoming a hallowed has his own opinions. Now is the right in the middle of decorating the Have a very Merry Christmas, and ary. them. time tradition. bring to state discussions It is time the to house for Ohriatmas and you should don't forget we'll be thinking about The "Theater Arts Series" spon- the of out The reception in McDaniel Lounge dorms and the Grille. It is time 'to see it. Your father picked out the it Y'Ou. I'll be praying for you in church se-ed by the Women's Committee of tree all by himsel'f this year-says provided an appropriate ending to the speak f'Or what you believe, it doesn't just doesn't seem right without you on Christmas Eve and thanking God the Baltimore Museum of Art, will evening with students and faculty matter if you're for or against the here to help him. It's a real pretty that we have such a wonderful son open Thursday, Dec. 6 at 8:40 P.M. joining in the traditional songs. The list. It does matter that you care who'll be with us soon. The program for three evenings of Alma Mater ended the affair and the enough about your campus to be a one too, nice and big. We got some the series includes drama, dance, and night faded into a memory that part of it. Larry Hall, S.G.A. presi- new lights for the tree and a great we love you, modern rhythmical jazz. First in the Remem- big silver star for the top. Mom "round our hearts shall cling." dent, is in charge of organizing the ber the year Mary Lou broke the first series will be a dramatic interpreta- Silently and gently, tiny snowflakes committee. Won't you see him and one we had? began to fall from the darkened sky. tion entitled "The Best of Steinbeck," been Guest Editorial serve? year about Christmas. Guess it will The piercing wind had ceased, and featuring Constance Bennett, Tad rather quiet this Johnny's Andrews, Frank McHugh, and Robert Little Christ Child seem strange-forjhim, this being the all was still. The bitter cold of the Strauss. and in it'S By Chuck Smith, '57 first Christmas hOohasn't believed in night air had disappeared, and peace A permanent exhibition at the place a' strange warmth With the Christmas tree lighting In The Manger Santa Claus. His Cub Scout troop is covered the battlefield. - The star Walters Art Gallery includes objects ceremony which took place on the collecting canned. goods to send to shone more brilliantly than ever, di- illustrating the art and history Qf the President's lawn, you have to con- Our Christmas poem was contrib- needy families in 'Europe. He's real rectly over the spot where the young wor-ld's most outstanding civilizations. sider the Yuletide season is fast ap- uted to the GOLDBUGby Dr. Hendrick- enthusiastic about it-Says it makes soldier lay. Its light illuminated his For music lovers, the Baltimore preaching. As those of us who lis- son, English professsor here on the him feel like he's helping you. He tranquil face, and revealed a celestial Symphony Orchestra is presenting an ten to the radio know, there are only Hill, and was written by his wife, really misses you, Son. Can't stop smile. It was not the face of a sol- evening of Favorite Ballet Music on fourteen shopping days left until the Mrs. Mary Humphreys Hendrickson. talking about all the things he's dier killed in battle, but rather tho December- 8, Remo Balognini conduct- Patman in the red suit, (not to be Her poem for this issue was in- planned 'for the hto Iof you to do this countenance of a man redeemed in ing. On December 12, the symphony confused with the one who sings spired by a Christmas play produced Spring when you come home. Heaven. The sky laid its warm is featuring Agi Jambor, pianist, "Blueberry Hill"), comes down 'Our and directed by Miss Esther Smith I've been doing nothing but baking. blanket of snow over the still figure, with Vladimir Calschmann as guest chimneys. Christmas, among other during the first year 'Ofthe Hendrick- There's a great bi~ cinnamon cake in and only the letter remained visible conductor. things, brings the longest vacation of sons' residence in \V estminster, The the oven right now and it smells so under the gleam of the star. It was "The Petrified Forest" by Robert the year to the students of Western play, A Night In An Inn, was cli- good. I declare, it seems like ages Christmas Eve and all was well in Sherwood is heing presented by Johns Maryland, and that, if nothing else, maxed by a nativity scene in which since r baked one. 'specially for you. Good'sworld. Hopkins undergraduate students on is certainly worth looking forward light emanated from the Christ child's Mary Lou and I are going to spend Friday and Saturday, December 7 and to. The holiday season is a period face. This closing scene brought into all day tomorrow baking Christmas Night-time 8 at 8:30 P.M. These performances of diversified activity. Some of us being the following poem which we cookies. She's having her teen club are open to the public free of charge. take on the role of the mailman, while offer as truly heing in the Christmas in for refreshments after the caroling It's night-time on the hill. others tackle term papers which have spirt. next Friday night. They've been Look, the sky and town Critic's Corner been reserved to circumvent our holi- Little Christ child, sweetly sleeping practicing for weeks, so by now I told Are upside-down! day. Others go to Florida, while In YOlLr lowly manger-bed. ~:l~,:~:iI :::t: g'veS~~~~e:;:~ u~~~~: smrs A million others go to parties; still more go to Do you know that life is keeping AmI even Mars By Marianne Shears parties .. in fact, everyone goes to A crown of thorns for your prccuncs but she had a record made of your The Dramatic Arts Department had parties. . to be truthful, for some headl favorite carols that they sang 'special. Has vent1tred down a triumph on its hands Friday, No- To look around the holiday is one continual party. Do you know that men will slay you ly for you. It's in the package with When the cruel, cold breese vember 16, 1956. You Can't Take I~ Certainly it is the season of good In an effort cruel, vain, the fruit cake'. I wish she'd retuem- Made .0, prison of the treee. With You was warmly received and cheer .... the season of meeting old To quent;h witl~ you the Light Eternal bered to mail them. See, the air is glas8 with good reason. friends, Christmas cards, holly that it may not 8hine again? The Christmas Eve service at Mechanically and technically the wreaths, carols, egg nog, the Bowl Bl~t that light shines on forever church will be real nice this year. And cold as brass. production was so well planned that games, New Year's Eve, hangovers ... d'imming sums and stfLrs above The new minister preaches SQ well, Let's whisper a bit there was no feeling of obvious con- While in its beams tita message gleams and the choir has' ten new members. 01' we'll 8h.a.tter it. Everyone knows the tradition here Hush . It's night-time on the hill. trivances or staging. A light switch on the Hill of speaking to everyone "Thy God i8 a God of Love"- Mary Lou has joined and loves it. actnally caused a light to go en and you meet as you pass by them, giving They've got a huge Christmas tree in Marsha Reifsnyder fire-crackers exploded with realistic them a salutation and a friendly Do you know that in those tiny hands, the chancel, and the fifty candles on reverberation. It was gratifying to pink and curled like lotus fioioere, smile. For the holiday wouldn't it be Lie strength divine, 1'nvinciblc, it will be lit just before the service. hear a "bang" instead of a puny a novel idea to carry this tradition I walked over to the woods today LETTERS "pop." everywhere you went, speaking to all And wondrou8 mystic powers? and gathered some greens for the The solitary set was more than ade- you see, just a regular bearer 'Of glad That at their touch: the blind will house. They'll look real pretty on the To The quate; it was an asset to the action in see, tidings? Of course if you are shop- The suffering feel no pain, mantel, with the manger scene in the that it had a place for every prop ping downtown during the rush hour middle. Your father and Johnny EDITOR without seeming to be unnaturally ar- you would have to discard this good- TIt!) mute will speak, the lame will have been working on the Christmas ranged. Even the snake pit and xylo- will undertaking-people would prob- walk, garden this year and it looks better To the Editor of the GOLD BUG: phone had prominent, but not improh- ably take you for a neurotic Santa And the dead will rise again? than ever. We're giving Johnny a As a freshman at Western Mar-y, able positions. At no time did the They control the fate of nations, Claus bucking convention and not They hold the destiny of man new set of Llonelfrains, and the 10- land College, I have found our college set overwhelm or interfere with the wearing a suit, if you just stood there comctive gives off real smoke. They to be everything a small liberal arts spirit or action of the play. It was a smiling and speaking to everyone as They !mow no limitations- built a miniature general store and college should be. The faculty has masterpiece of effective planning. they rushed by during their shopping The Universa is their 8pan- two ranch houses. Dad acts like a heen m'Ost helpful in our preparation As an entity YOu Can't Take It travels. Some might try to hand you !tittle Christ Child 1'n the manger kid again. I keep telling him you're for life. There is however one ex· With You was excellently presented. pennies and nickels, thinking you this lying there in infant sleep, only as old as you feel, but when I ception to this. Unfortunately some It was co-ordinated and the separate misguided Santa previously mention- Do you know that 1wv'ring over see a hundred new gray hairs every of our departments are plagued by endcavors were integrated to produce ed, while others might not notice yon you, guardian angel8 vigil keep? day, I begin to wonder. prejudices on the part 'Of the faculty. a full evening of entertainment. we had 'Our first big Last night at all. Of course you could get a bell Do you know that from that manger snow, and the weather men are pre- Certainly everyone has a right to his use own opinion, but should teachers to attract the attentiQn of those who Down through the u,ge8, clear and dicting a white Cp.ristmas this year. valuable class time to force their opin- the issues. An educated man should wouldn't notice you. and surely br";ght Johnny and his little friends built a iQns upon their students? For in- not merely have opiniuns but should you know where Mom keeps an old Will 8hine the radiance of your spirit giant snow man in the back yard, com- stance, should a professor continually also recognize the opinions of others. As a beacon in the night? plete with a wooden pipe and a plaid Is it fair to expose the student to only kettle you could stretch s'Ome chicken A11d by that beacon ever burning criticize acts of our government to- Spotty. didn't know scarf. what wire over and put on a tripod. C01mtles8 ships will find theil' way, was all about, and he barked so till I it wards a certain class 'Ofcitizens when one side of an issue? there are clearly two sides to the is- A concerned freshman, You're all set, Boy! ! ... Good luck, Sailing on, all danger spurning, th'Ought I'd have to bring him inside. sue? Of course not. Teachers should Thomas N. Weissfeld and Merry Christmas. To the port of E11dlc88 Day. You'd laugh to see the way he runs encourage students to think through November 14, 1956
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