Page 19 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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Yearly Terrors Christmas Win Traditions Opener Page 3 Page 4 Vol. 34, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND December 7, HI56 FrenchStudents SnowAndHolly Annual Vespers Tree Lighting Service Celebrate Noel ~h,~~!9t,!?~~t\~Feature Songs Held On Presidents Lawn in Ll\~e~:~e~eL::~~;v~~ ~~o~~:~:·a~:~ annual Christmas Dance in Gill Gym- And Pageantry ~~.:!e~s ~~0~:or~~O~yPL~\;b:7;sF;'~~: ~~;~u~~ 0;1 ~;~~rday, December 8 from Western Maryland's annual Christ- cais under the direction of Mademci- Don Zauche and Don Lotz are gen- mas program will be held this Sunday salle Margaret Snader. eral chairmen for the dance. The afternoon, December 9 in Alumni Hall The program will be opened by Mr. decorations, under the direction of at 4: 15. As in previous years the Philip Royer of the music department Erich Willen, promise to be quite program will be presented jointly by who will play Schubert's "Ave Maria" elaborate including trimmings of pine ~1~a~~ltl,.~geA,CthdO~lp'Qal~tdm~ntUt.dents'Of the accompanied by Margaret Whitfield. and holly and a "snowflake sky." .. " ....." Mademoiselle Joan Luckabaugh will The traditional Christmas tree will The Nativity story, told in a pageant read the Christmas story from the be there, decorated with specially entitled "Stained Glass Wnidows," French Bible. Following will be the il~~;t(~:c!~·::~:~t~Vi~;~~:enb~· us;;e:: ~~l:h:: S~~~~l: !~:o:i~;ect~ol~of::so~~i~~ ~il:~~:~ ~~:~:ll~m~~:1~~e:C~s~~~:I~t:'y dance favors. Dramatic Art. Bob Christian will Among the many students are Ch::eK~il::~ :~1~~h!:~S p~:;: oCI~~:es~ ~~~~~at:p~Sr:p~~l~~O~a~~:~U~l~Oi:~;~~~ !~:;edn~~:~~~~~il~l~~~~i~;:~~~~~~S:I~~ tra as the musicians for the evening. The Virgin Mary will be portrayed by ri~::~::;~::;J!~;:;;~::il~:~~:Er1::;;~::'£:~~I;:;~::,;;,'i::I;:t:~i:ri:h~~~~:f~;:~~!~I~:f,~~~":~~ ~::~~~~~i~~~ie~[:nl\:i:~Il~~e~a~~onsieur an~h~c::;I':~~:i~~~C~v:;~sf~~~~~:IYham ~~see~~h~r~~~~~~g:f:~::t~::e C~iI7::~ The end of the program will be and cheese sandwiches and several del' and Richard Graham. The evil highlighted by Mndemoisalle Quincy kinds of soft drinks. These will be ~~~~e!~;~~ i~~~e~e!:~~:~~b: ~~: f ~~~~:" who will sing "Cantique de .~e:~I:~ ~:~:tl~:!:d s~lecail~.ythoeutg~~~ cast 'are Walter Bloodsworth, Luther Christmas theme will surround the Martin, and Buddy Pipes as shep- dance floor. herds; and Carol Burton, Pat Cooper, Students Conduct This gala Christmas event is semi- Marianne Shears, Patty Garcia, Musical Program formal and non-corsage with tickets Jeanine Lee, Pat Lunak, Millie Mack- costing $2.50 per couple. ubin, Marsha Reifsnyder, Pat Shaefer and Joy Gowland as angels. in Public School Music, Open House To Eight senior students, six of whom The College Choir as a group will are majoring sing Norman Lockwood's Carol Fan- will appear in a concert on Monday Follow Service tasy, which is a modern adaptation of morning, January 14, in Alumni Hall familiar carols. The music will be at 11:30 A.M. The student conduc- Open House will be held in the foul' directed by Alfred deLong with tors present this concert as a culmi- dormitories on Sunday, December 9, Margaret Whitfield accompanying. nation of classwork in the Course in from 6:30 to 8:00 P.M. This is a The program will take the place of &111'Qll1ristmas ~tnry Conducting with Prof. Philip Royer. deviation from the usual all-college the regular chapel service. Parents The following program will be pre- Open Houses which are normally held and friends are cordially invited to at- ... And there were in the same c01mtry shephel'ds abiding in the field, sented at that time: only on Homecoming and May Day. tend. Per this evant students will be keeping watch ove'r their by night. It is hoped that the many visitors to "The Star Spangled Banner" with the campus for the Christmas pro- allowed to sit wherever they wish. And 10,the of Lm·d came U1)onthe1>~,aId the glory of the LOI'd assembly participation, conducted by gram will stay to see the Christmas shone round about aml they were sore afraid. Betty Ely May; "Light Cavalry Over- decorations in the individual dorms Trumpeters Present And the allgel sal'd unto Fear -not : [or, behold, I bri?lg yo!~ good ture," von Suppe, Mary Jane Thor- as well a'S on campus. tidings of oreat joy, which shall be all people. ney ; "Turkish March" ("Ruins of Christmas Banquet Fo-r unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviow', which is Athens"), Beethoven, Felicity R. Christ the Lord. Fletcher; Two Arias from La Boheme, Correction The annual candlelight Christmas AId this shall be a sign unto YOlt; Yo shall find the babe Wl'al)ped in Puccini, Mary-West Pitts; "Vissi Banquet sponsored by the Trumpeters swaddling clothes, lyillg l~n a mangel'. d'Arte" from Tosea, Puccini, "Alle- In the November 16, 1956 will be held \V ednesday evening, De- And suddenly thel'e was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host gretto" from Ballet Egyptien, Lui- issue, under the 'Vho's Who cember 12 at G p.m. in the dining hall. praising God, and saying, gini, Patricia 'Verner; "Entrance and awal'ds article, the GOLD Buc The Trumpeters, an honor society of Glory to God in the highest, and on earth lJeaCe,goort will toward llwn. Mnrch of the Peers" from Iolanthe, senior women, includes Joan Lucka- A1l\d it ca·me to pass, as the aI/gels were gone away froln them into Larry Sullivan, Patricia Richter; "One Fine erroneously stated that of Argoll- baugh, Joanne Parrish, Marion Sche- heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let 118 1WWgo even unto Bethlehem., Hall was President Day" from Madame Butterfly, Puc- auts. It has been brought to del', and Mary June Thorney: This and see this thing which is come to pass, whieh the Lord hath made "'?lOUin cini, Quincy A. Polk; Themes from our attention that Patricia Pat- year for the first time the parents of unto 1<8. "Romeo and Juliet," Tehaikovsky, terson is president of this soci- the girls have been invited to uttend And they came with haste, and found lIJary, and Joseph, and tlw babe Betty Ely May; "Americana, Medley ety, assisted by Larry Hall as this banquet. lying in a manger. of American Airs," Herfurth, Dorothy Vice-President. Under the guidance of their ad- -ST. LUI(E, CHAP. 2:8-16 V. Clarke. Students faculty, visor, Miss Cora Perry, the Trum- dressed in the Chl'istmas spirit, gath- and warmly peters will decorate with pine boughs Dean Howery Takes Leave Of for the occasion, and have planned an S.C.A. Communion ered expectantly home for the first tree- on the lawn of Presi- To Follow Banquet evening of entertainment in addition dent Ensor's of Western lighting ceremony Absence; To Study Abroad to a special menu. An interdenominational communion land College. The actual lighting Mary- of The octette will render several carol selections, the wf'.iters and waitresses service will be held in Bakel' Chapel the Christmas tree, the initial event Dean Helen G. Howery recently an- parades of characters from the plays, will entertain, and Mr. Alfred deLong after the Christmas Banquet on De~ of the evening, received a lllurlllur of nounced that she has been granted a horse races, fire-works displays, large plans to lead group singing. Santa cember 12. Dr. Ensor, assisted by approval. This enthusiasm resound- Sabbatical leave of absence for the banquets, and other ceremonies. The will also be on hand to present gifts Dr. Crane, will serve the communion. ed throughout the ceremony as the second semester to study and travel first festival had many humorous to everyone. Appropriate Christmas hymns will Hill echoed with Christmas songs. in the British Isles. She will sail for aspects. The people of Shakespeare's be sung by candlelight. The Christ- The highlights of the evening included England on February 27, 1957, and home town were distrustful of the mas Story will be read from the com- a speech by Dr. Ensor and the solo, expects to return in the early part of actors and other city people who de- New Staff Heads ing of the angels to the coming of the "Cantique de Noel," by Mrs. Betty September. scended by the thousands on the quiet Wise Men. Ely May, accompanied by Mary Jane President Ensor has announced that town. Unfortunately, the festival Christmas Issue A solo, "0 Holy Night," will be Thomey. The choir, under the di- during Dean Howery's abSe!lCe from dates were in early September when sung by Miss Quincy Polk accompa- rection of Mr. deLong, heightened the campus, Mrs. James P. Earp will rain is even more characteristic than Juniors and sophomores have nied by Dave Harper. the mood with their selection. The serve as Acting Dean of 'Vomen. usual of the weather of Stratford. edited this issue of the GOLD All students are cordially welcome progl'am was led by Sam Reed. Joan Mrs. Richard Hovey will instruct Dr. Finally the usually placid Avon River BUG. Traditionally the Christ- and invited to attend this service to Luckabaugh, president of the S.C.A., Howery's regularly scheduled classes. overflowed its banks and almost com- mas issue is written by the un- help usher in the Christmas Season. offered the prayer. Tentative plans for Dean Howery's pletely ruined the great banquet derclassmen. Reception in Lounge leave include a month of research in where the most important literary and Acting editor-in-chief is Flor- Student To Sing Following the ceremony, a recep- London, attendance at lectures on lit- theater people of England were gath- ence Mehl; managing editor, tion was held in the lounge. Cider, erature at Cambridge University, and ered. Nancy Willis; make-up editor, In Washington coffee, and a variety of cookies possibly a summer course at Oxford This fiI'St festival lasted about four Albert Dawkins; news editors, awaited the crowd. The holiday spir- University. days in 1769; it has now grown into Ellen Richmond and Patricia ]\[rs. Betty Ely May has been cho- it again echoed from the Christmas The main purpose of the leave is eight months of presentation of Shaefer; news-feature editor, sen to appear with the National Sym- decol'ations and the merry tones of to allow Dr. Howery to further her Shakespearian plays at the Memorial Violet Fonner; feature editors, phony Orchestra in 'Vashington, D. the group. research on the first Shakespearian Theater in Stratford. Joanne Trabucco and Joyce C. on February 8. She will sing the Behind the scene credit goes pri- festival ever held in Shakespeare's Cook; sports editor, Allen Spic- alto "Rhapsody" by Brahms. A marily to Joanne Parrish, who initiat_ home town, Stratford-on-Avon. 1769 by Frosh Election er; and copy editor, Katherine chorus of fourteen men selected from ed and coordinated the program The festival was originated in Bond. the Western Maryland College Choir through the S.G.A. The Women's David Garrick, whom Miss Howery At a class meeting on Tuesday, No- The business staff is headed are to perform with her in this num- Council, headed by Marti Williams, describes as an 18th century Orson vember 20 the Class of 1960 elected by Clarence Fossett as the busi- ber. Although she has done solo was responsible for the refreshments. Wells. Garrick was the most skillful officers for the remainder of the year. ness manager. Raymond Wright work for churches, women's club and The House Councils and friends as- and popular actor of his time. The Norman Davis. president, will be as- is advertising manager. choir programs, to sing with the Na- sisted. The Men's Council was re- research will center around private sisted by Carol Anderson, vice presi- Other members of the staff tional Symphony is quite an honor for sponsible for tllC newly acquired ever- papers which he left to the British dent, Joy Keller, secretary, and Ted include Lynnda Skinner as ex- this mezzo-soprano. green, and Larry Hall had charge of 1\1 useum in London. Farrell, treasurer. The women's rep- change editor; Virginia Pott, Betty is a senior music major. She the lighting. At the first festival, not one word resentative to the S.G.A. will be Bea circulation editor; and Jean belongs to the choir, the women's glee Dr. Ensor has expressed the hope from Shakespeare was spoken and no Gill, and Jim Gibrron will be the male Kuhlman, typing editor. club and takes voice training from that this ceremony will mark the plays were presented. There were representative. PI'ofessor Alfred deLong. founding of a new tradition.
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