Page 18 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 18
4- The Gold Bug, Nov. 16, 1'956 - Lafayette College Rolls OverWMC By 43-7 "- Bob Butler Named To Weekly \All-East Fo~tball Team Terrors Lose Grid Captain To Relentless Cited For F&M Ground Game Performance EASTON, PA., Nov. lO_Lafayette Bob Butler, Western Ma-;:yland cap- College, scoring two touchdowns in tain, has been named to the All East- each of the first three periods, proved ern College Athletic Conference Foot- to be too strong for a Terror team ball team for the week of October 27. and routed them, 43-7, here today. He gained tliis honor because of his Western Maryland, unable to gain splendid defensive plays in the Frank- on the ground, went to the air and lin and Marshall game. Butler is the featured passing by Dick Holbruner. first player from Western Maryland The Green Terror quarterback found to receive this honor. This is the the open -arms' of Lou Fischer three first year that the E.C.A.C. weekly times and Jim Lewis twice. TM Ter- team has been named. rors' only touchdown carne in the last Robert Butler The Terror captain joins the team quarter when Holbruner passed from Terror captain, who closes his grid that includes such notables as Syra~ the one yard line to Lewis. career tomorrow, made the headlines cuse's Jim Brown and Princeton's The Terror pass defense held up as last week when he was cited in the Hewes Agnew. The only players Lafayette did not complete a pass all All-Eastern team of the week. that have been named to the team on day. However, on the ground the two different weeks are Brown, Joe home team averaged seven yards per Drexel Rallies Walton of Pittsburgn, -and Sam Val- entine Both Brown State. . In Second Half and Walton were named for the week of Penn of October 27. .. To Triumph, 20-6 na 5_19 c PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 3-Quarter~ Catholic University 7_26 , back Sal Zador passed- for two touch- lead Hands Soccer Team e downs and scored another to (l-G) on the mud- First Loss 6-3 AMERICANU. Drexel (3~3) to a 20 to 6 win over Western Maryland KEN McGRAW BOWS TO BOOTERS dy Drexel field. WASHINGTON,D. C., October 27- Johns Hopkins tackle is co-captain and 60-minute performer for Blue Sal Zador tossed 10 yards to half- The Western Maryland Green Ter: from Baltimore, Jays, candidate for Little All-American mention. BY 7·0 COUNT back Al Rosenstein, for the tally, to rors dropped their first soccer contest who went 20 yards of the season by a score of 6 to 3 to Western Maryland Faces Rival Western Maryland Green Terrors de- give the Dragons a 6·6 tie with two Catholic University. viewed A sparse game WASHINGTON;D. C" Nov. 13-The but minutes to play before h~lftime. the crowd activated University his g-yard pass In the third frame Hopkins As Campaign Closes feated American soccer contest 7-0 in a to John Lesniewski in the end zone played on the winner's a muddy turf and field under ad- on the Mason-Dixon verse conditions - aiternoon. Sparked Western Maryland's Green Terrors BOOTERS PREP FOR loser's field Tuesday booting of capped a 64~yard advance and put drizzling rains. was scoreless al- by the accurate Drexel ahead to stay. - The first quarter return to the friendly confines of their captain, "Denny Harmon, West- In the final quarter, the little All though Catholic U. controlled the ball Hoffa Field tomorrow afternoon to JOHNS HOPKINS ern Maryland tallied in every period. American candidate .....returned Terror most of the time. The tables turned wind up the 1956 grid campaign In the first quarter the All Amert- fullhack Dick Hersh's punt 45 yards in the second though and Captain against arch-rival J ohns Hopkins, The Western Maryland eoeeer can center scored -three times, the to score. Zador's TD passes were Denny Harmon scored twice for the which will be seeking its first Mason- tram ends its scheduled season at first goal being set up by Stan Ent~ his eighth and ninth of the season, Terrors, once on a penalty kick. Dixon football championship in eight home tomorrow morning when they wisle. Harmon' notched up one more tying his mark set in 1955. The years at the expense of Charley face Johns Hopkins at 11:00. This early in the second period. The score senior co-captain has two games yet Toral shot successfully for the Cardi- Havens' bittle weary charges. game is considered both a Mason- at the half was made 5 to 0 on a goal to play. nals on a direct kick near the end of The Jays, fresh from a resounding Dixon contest and a Middle Atlantic off the toe of wing Bob Cole. The losing Terrors scored early in the period. The score at the half was 40-0 trouncing of Dickinson last Sat- meeting. Although the Terrors have The scoring pace slackened in the the second quarter, Hersh's 5 yard 2-1 favor W. Md. Catholic U. booted in 3 goals in the urday at Homewood, will arrive in no chance' to win the Mason~Dixon second hali as Ooech Phil Uhrig used end sweep capping a 74 yard advance, top-physical shape, except for the loss Conference title, they are still unde- all available substitutes in oompleting featuring quarterback Dick Holbrun- third quarter to take the lead. From of Jerry Carr, stellar blocking back feated in the Middle 4Jlantic Confer- the contest. One goal was tallied in er'a passing. . this point, they never trailed. In and ex-Forest Park luminary, who is ence and can tie in the Southern dt- the third period i?Y Denny Harmon, In the series, begun in 1920, West- spite of flashy defense work, especial- sidelined with kidney trouble for the vision for the title with Drexel. thus raising his season total to 72. ern Maryland lead'S 6 to 3, Drexel lyon the part of the goalies, Pete remainder of the season. ' Ready for the tilt is All American Ed Lukemire, substituting in the cen- having won the last three years. Hemenway and Frank Robey, who This will be the fourth time the Denny Harmon who is rebidding 'for ter position, scored the seventh goal No one scored in the first period, made 22 saves between them, the Oee- Mason-Dixon crown has been at stake the honored berth he clinched in 1954. dinals scored twice more in the final in this traditional season finale for He has scored twenty-two goals al- in the final quarter. taking no chances with the heeardous period. Center Harmon- tallied once both teams. In 1948 Hopkins scored ready t~is season which is more than Cooperative efforts on the part of footing and punting on third down. more for the visitors, chalking up a all the players a fourth quarter touchdown to win, he has scored any other year with score and increase enabled Harmon to Not until the final play of the quar- find score of 6-3. ter did the first down occur, the Ter- his chances to re- 7-6, as both teams entered the game Coach Uhrig's team. gain the All American berth he won The Terrormen now have a 3~1 rec- with unbeaten conference recorda, In Pete Hemenway, the colorful goalie rors getting it on Drqel's clipping ord in the Mason-Dixon Conference 1949 Western Maryland took the title of the t(am, has had a great season in 1954. Pete Hemenway and Lloyd penalty,. and an overall mark of 5~1. They are Charley Havens' charges finally got with a 35-7 win, and, two years later, in spite of illness. The Green and 'Musselmann handled the comparative- and moving and witli Holbruner passing undefeated in Middle Atlantic Confer- ly few chances with spectacular Gold are mis-sing the services of two' ence play. Catholic U. remains unde- :n::~~h:ri~o~~~dg~::~hee ~:~::~ ;~ starters, Frank Robey and Delbert colorful saves. wen to end Don Haas and halfback feated this season. an unbeaten season as well. Kohl, who are student teaching but Al Miller, Hersh capped the play, a five This yea r, Western Maryland able fill-ins are doing a good job. 'I'his Riflemen Defeat 74-yard advance, scoring from came Franklin &"Marshall . opened with a 12~6 win over Dickin- will be the last game also for steady yards out. Drexel immediately son-the same squad which last week Sam Reed, who along with fres~man Morgan State College back, going 4.( yards to the Terror 36, Wins In Mud, 12-6 bowed to Hopkins by a 40-0 count- John Karrer have played consistently but fullback Ron Kleppinger's fumble, but then lost seven consecutive en- good defense work this season. In a shoulder-to-shoulder match recovered by Hersh, stopped the drive. WESTMINSTER, Oct. 27"':""Unbeaten counters in heartbreaking succession, held at Western Maryrand College on Four plays later, the Dragons began but once tied Franklin and Marshall the last of which was a punishing :~~iS~~naIS~n~~~s~ ~~no T:;:e~s~;~ November 9th, the WMC rifle team another march, good for 74 yards in kept up its winning pace with a sec· 43~7 defeat at the hands of Lafayette. workers for the cooperative effort. defeated Morgan State College 1363 5 plays, for a score. ond quarter touchdown splUrge good From comparative scores indications to 1229. The WMC team was ledrto enough for a 12~6 football victory are that the Terrors are in line for a Bruce Lee, Gene Michaels, and Pete victory by its team captain, Ron STATISTICS: over Western Maryland. The game real trouncing, but the charges of Urqullart have added many sparkling Graybeal, who shot a 280 which was, was played on a muddy field and as a Coach Charley Havens don't see it plays in all contests. able substitutes in high score in the match. result fumbles were numerous, and with Fortified that way. gains through the line were at a. min~ In their favor is a tough schedule the persons of Brant Vitek, Bob Cole, Graybeal_.__ ~ ZSII Co]eD1Bn '" 257 imum. Holter BOIOti~ __ Z77 filled with rugged opposition, and the Sam Walsh, Lloyd Musselmann, and B""kett __ 213 Reynolcb __ 239 Beek 267 Brawley 237 Terrors are accustomed to facing each others, the team looks in good shape Nieko]"" __. 266 Smith __~ ._ 231 The first visitor touchdown was set Saturday's tilt knowing that a top ef~ to tackle with Hopkins tomorrow, and W""tern Maryland aeorlng_Touebdownl: up when Dick Hersh had to punt for fort will be required if they mean to to end the season tasting the sweet- Hersb (5. run). Western Maryland from his own 12 Dre::nveroion.: Kleppinl!"er. 2. (45. punt return). center on the very first play for the peak for Hopkifl"s, especially after last Charley Havens was able to rest TOPS GETTYSBURG, 2·1 score. Rue Pettigrew missed the try year when the traditional rivals upset Casey during the debacle last week WESTMINSTER, Nov. S-Featuring LINEUPS for the extra point. the Terrors easily, 33~0. with Lafayette. goals by.....Pete Urquhart and All The second touchdown came with Add to this the idea that Western This will be the 35th renewal of the American Denny Harmon, the West- only 12 seconds left in the half. Maryland knows it can knock Hop~ long standing series which first start- ern Maryland Terr~rs came from be· Hesse passed to 'Bob Souders who kins out of the title chase, and it be~ ed in 1894, the log standing at"l7-13 caught it on the Western Maryland comes clear, why th€ Terrors want to in Hopkins' favor, with four ties. It hind to take it'S sixth Boccer win in 30 for the scoring romp. George win this one badly. The boys want this is the oldest traditional rivalry among .seven starts, by a score of 2-1 here Darrah missed the try for point. one more than any other single game small colleges in the state. today. / ..; Western Maryland got its six they've played this year. Gettysburg pulled into the lead with points in the fourth when DiCK HoI- Physically, in spite of last week's The lineups: a goal by Don Emich after 12 minutes bruner caught Chuck Smith on the tough game at Easton, Pa., the Ter- WEST. MD. LE __ HOPKINS of the second period. goal with a pass. Holbruner missed MartineU Edwud. rors approach their season finale with Butl .. (eBpt.) _LT MeGraw The Green and Gold tied the game the conversion. no serious hurts. Everybody' is ex- BY ~_.~ __ ~~~:~~ at 1: 13 of the third period on a goal The Terrors remain undefeated in pected to be ready, including Casey _._==:i~ by Urquhart on a pass from Harmon. Middle Atlantic ():)nference play. It was F&M's fourth win against Day, Western Maryland's first line The horne team pulled into the lead The Terrormen now have a a-1 record no losses and one tie. For 'Western guard, who has been hobbled with a mltb __ -===if~===- when Harmon dribbled straight down in the Mason-Dixon Conference and Maryland it was their fifth loss in ~_LH __ ._ bad knee most of the year. Coach Hersh ._~._ FB __ the center of the field for a,.. score. an overall mark of 6~1,.;...- six games.
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