Page 17 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 17
The'Gold Bug, Nov. 16, 1956 Elvis On Campus \ FOR FLOWERS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1. COL. t) Future Events Military Awards STATISTICS (CONTINUED PAGE FROM UNIV. ArtisticalJy arranged for Chapel. In fact, he has faithfully Highlighted of the award presentations, I, COL. 2) A.!llERICAN ~~_G_~ RF W • .MARYLAND Hemenway the cadet Schreck Furman R... attended all college functions. His battalion marched in review in the Ru_ll ~ __ LF Karrer each different personality loyal support of campus activities de- traditional parade ceremony. Pereil'1l __ RH~~_ Walsh L~ CH Sw*ney serves high recognition as' a real November presents another month Following is a list of awards: Fit%gibboIlll ~_LH 0 Entwi.le Quinonez entertainment full of interesting oUTTERER 'S - campus citizen. was becoming ad- ,the fields of drama, lectures. art, and in Ribbon fool' academic achievement in Iv ..nchukov __ CF IR __ Tanke .. l..,. The Officers' Reserve Association 'L a ..rmon V''''' Just' as Elvis 114 Pennsylvania Ave. justed to college life, the law closed theaters. of the season Military Science and Tactics for the OL -g~ruhart One of the highlights in, and Elvis was behind bars again Westminster 350 ... this time a two time loser. As is the production of "Song of Nor- school ear of 195~-56: Robert W. But- tory. Kahn. MUllllelman. John W. Kauffman, ler, (2nd award), the news flew from tongue to tongue, way" to be presented tonight and III (2nd award), Delbert E. Kohl, G. the student body was up in arms and' Saturday, November 17, at 8:15 p.m. Eugene Krantz, Brantley P. Vitek. the cry of "Save Elvis" resounded at Baltimore City College. The Ala- The Western Maryland College Rib- over the Hill. The pound was be- median Light Opera Company's pro- bon for academic achievement in-Mili- Rasinsky' 5 Pharmacy sieged with calls, all trying to rescue A duction will include the Grieg "Piano "tary Science and Tactics for school" Concerto" to be played by Louise Mar- a lonely, disillusioned cocker pup. hero in shining armor appeared at burg. Other songs in the show in- year of UI55-56: Jack H. Anderson, "Reliable Prescriptions" last, and Elvis was saved. clude "Freddy and His Fiddle," fea- John C. Gunderson, James R. Hayes, In case you missed his triumphant turing violinist Theval Kolibar-, and John -H. Hort, Stanley F. Howell, Drugs and Everyday Needs return one Sunday night, you knew "Strang1! Music", "I Love Thee". Lawrence James E. Hyatt, Lewis, Manfred K. James I. Joeres, E. 30 W. Main St. \ for sure he was back by the mourn- "Midsummer's Eve", "Now", "Hymn Lightner, L. Thomas Miller, III, Rich- ful barking outside of Alumni Hall of Betrothal", and "March of the ard L. Pjasket, William J. Spaar, Westminster, Md. during Monday's assembly. Trolgers". George H. Thomas. Yes, Elvis is back, by popular de- Also on Saturday, November 17, the GETTYSBURG G WEST. MD. Byrne Hemenway The award to the outstanding basic Reed Phone 101 mand. Long may he reign on, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra will ROTC cadet from each unit for the Crain LF RF Kart'('r Hatbaway MaMlden hill. present a night of Viennese Music, month of October: Smith ~~ __ LF CH __ ~_ ._ Wal.h L~ ~INKIE RICHMOND accompanied by our College Choir. Steward M. Dodson-Co. A Gutekl'lnat RH __ ' Entwi.\e MI<:hBcla Parson. OL They will sing "Wiener Blut", "Play Stanley F. Hqwellc-Oo. B Hcnchen IL~~ __ Kohl CF aarmon Gypsies Dance Gypsies," "Vilia';'" Donald D. Haas-Co. C FarQ.uhar ._ IR~_ Tanke .. l.., Emlch Delicious Players Present Play and selections from "welte Dream". James S. Goldring-Honor Guard SlIllt.h ~~ OR~~ n 1 n UrQ.uhart 0-1 Getty.burg (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1. COL. 5) They will give this presentation at Dorsey' O. Hawkins-Band W""tern MUl']end 0 0 2 0-2 W""tern Secrln,.., Foods ../ Robert Christian and Gene Michaels. the Lyric Theater in Baltimore. The award to the outstanding basic land-Urquhart. GcttyaburR'-Emleh. Sub.Ututlona, Mary_ Harmon. Get- Bowen. - Traditionally, the College Players In the near future the Lyric will cadet in the ROTC Battalion for the ty.burg Mechen. W""tern Maryland _ COle. Vitek. will charge an admission of $1.00 per also present Fred Waring, in "Must- month of October: AT person for the Thanksgiving Play. cede". The date is set for December James S. Goldring-Honor Guard. Firet downs LAFAYETTE w.wm, ( 27 37 This is the only time throughout the 13, at 8:30. Keep this in mind. It Yarderu$b!nlO' __ 525 0 5_19 Yard.paMin,.._~_ 122 in Washing- KARL O. SHADE Griffin's year that the group charges admission ton Arthur Miller's play, "View from IS PRESENT AS P?".-.intercept<:dby._ 3.29 9-4 5n 3 6_22 0 0.6 should be tops. P.....,.completed At the Arena Theater Pnnt.. With of its any productions. for Fumhlea lost 4_2 these proceeds the'Dramatic Lafayette partment is able to purchase Art De- the Bridge," is being presented Yard.penalbed 13 14 18 0 8-43 Ii equip- 0 W. Maryland 0 7-7 ment needed for the remaining pro- nightly at 8:30 pm. ART EXHIBIT OPENS L ductions. The equipment, including An exhibit of floral designs in wa- spotlights, is used not only by the done for purposes More than 31 million men and wo- Heagy's Sport Shop College Players but by other clubs and men in the United States are covered ter color, primarily on Wallpaper, opened of reproduction Now Loeated organizations of the Hill for dances by some form of group life Insurance Wednesday, November 14, in the 16 W. Main and various campus activities. and the number is increasing. exhibit room .of the Art Department Phone 1350-W A Complete Sports Line in Old Main. Mr. Karl O. Schade, Compliments of who in each case did the work him- was on hand for self ill its entirety, J. R: EVERHART Compliments of the first night showing. He explained the intricacies COLLEGE BARBER Rice". Bakery Mart in attendance. of his. art to persons At the Forks According to Mr. Schade, the illus- trations are primarily of flowers, and of designs incorporating flowers, be- Fl.."t dow ... W.~D. F'~r' Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. cause of a public dictum which favors Ru$hlngyardage __ 88 220 Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. STEW DODSON flowers in wallpaper. Water color, P"""ingyardalle 2_8 33 2_9 67 P86&ea ._______ Evenings 9 p.m. It Pay. T'I1Lp~k Well hues and fa- ~=:~~--=9_27.; Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on CAMPUS AGENT because of its brilliant s.2k Saturday and Holidays cility for use in mass production of Fumbl .... lost ___, __ ali 65 , Yard.penBlbed for the VllitThe designa, is particularly suited as an F. and Ma .. b..11 0 12 o~ 0 0--12 Modem G. I. Laundry art technique in this industry. W ... t. Maryland, 0 6-6 Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. 'Aven~e Barber Shop The work is extremely meticulous Nov. 16·1718-19-20-21 in appearance, and in complicated de- 223 E. Green St. Tolstoy's WAR AND PEACE Where The Students Go signs the slighttlst hues stand out in Audrey Hepburn - Henry Fonda Westminster 1478 remarkable contrast to each other, All Laundry and Dry Cleaning 'I'echnlcclor 85 Avenue giving each picture the appearance o! Evening Shows 7 P.M.-Out 11 P.M. Work Guaranteed being painstakingly composed, with- in out so much as a single nus-stroke Matinee Saturday and Sunday 2 P.M. the entire composition. lIoOe. • Funk!!n Touchdo ..... and Ma ... hall .coring: Sunday Evening Show 9 P.M. This is a remarkable feat, accord- -H"""e (28... un): Soude .... (58, pa •• play Student Price - 60c ing to informed sources in the art from H""",,). Western pIIII. Maryland from .oonnlr' BDl. (24. play Touchdown_Smith reasons. War and Peace ONLY Baugher's Restaurant world, for two important color, unlike bruner). water The firs,t is that oils, cannot be convincingly painted Sun., Mon. Nov. 25-26 JUST OFF THE CAMPUS over, and hence, once a stroke is BIGGER THAN LIFE painted it cannot be changed. Sec- James Mason - Barbara Rush FOR A MEAL OR SNACK ond, there is no white in water colors, and this means that painting against Homemade lee Cream and Thick Milkshakes a white background requires a "fill- Tues., Wed. Nov. 27-28 in" technique, in which the color white COCK'LESHELL HEROES OPEN EVERY DAY is achieved simply by the absence of Jose Ferrer _ Trevor Howard paint. Although these difficulties seemed f Thur., Fri., Sat. Nov. 29-30, Dec. 1 LAUNDROMAT THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE / ARE FREE 5 Locust Street Gorden MacRae - Sheree North Opposite Parking Lot Technicolor-Cinemascope DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 Sun., Mon., Tues. Dec. 2-3-4 Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY FROM IT June Allyson _ Jack Lemmon Westminster 1287 FREE DELJVERY SERVICE TO COLLEGE "Save up your pennies and come to BENt'ly'S" Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- day shows continuous from 2 p. m. He's a "heevy" in the play, Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday showl but short on time. continuous from 6:.45 p. m. Busy students need quick Fri., Sat. Nov. 16-17 refreshment. That's SEVEN MEN FROM NOW Randolph Scott _ Gail Russell where Coca-Cola comes in. 'I'echnicclcr-Cinemaecope 'IU~MJ. Sun., Mon., Tues. Nov. 18-19-20 .OlTUD UHDU "'UTHORITY 0' THECOC ...·COl ... COM''''NY tY Our New Addition BANDIDO WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. The Colonial Dining Room Robert Mitchum - Ursula Thies.s ··CO.... ko ,egbte,ed trade·mark. © 1PS3, THE COC ...·COlA COM'AH'I' Technicolor
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