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College Bennett 1 S.G.A. Succeeds Takes Speaks Stock Page 4 Page 3 .vol. 33, No. 13 WESTERN MARYlAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 15,1956 Varied Program Scheduled For Buffet Dinner 'Grass Harp' To Begin Week Sunday Night By College Choir Heads List Of Of Commencement Events Next Eyes". "Smoke Gets In Your On Sunday night, May 20, at 7 :15 the choir will do a modern syncopated Senior Events The Commencement weekend activities will begin Friday, June in Alumni Hall, the College Choir will 1 at 8 :15 p.m. in Alumni Hall with the. College Players' presenta- present its annual Spring Concert of ar-rangement by Margaret and Travis A buffet supper in honor of the tion of The Gross Horp, a play in two acts by Truman Capote. The secular music' for the student body, Johnson of "Grandfather's Clock". class of 1956 will be given Sunday, play is under the direction of Miss Esther Smith. the faculty and friends. The choir has The finale number will be "Great June 3, in the college dining hall at The Grass Ha.rp is considered a comedy, but since one scene been working with Professor Alfred Day" from the musical play of the p :30 p-m- Members of the college fac- takes place in a tree house, it may also be considered a fantasy. The de Long, their director, and Margaret same name. ulty and their wives will be asked to play is taken, in part, from the life of the author, and he has in- Whitfield, the accompanist, on a pro- This Spring Concert is planned as be hosts to students and their fami- cluded in it the rich color of simple affairs in a small town. ". gram which will be inviting and of the last chapel of the academic year, lies at this supper following the choir The early household scenes are filled with comedy, due for the interest to the student body. The pro- and attendance will be taken as concert. This is the first year that most part to the domineering personality of a colored woman with gram will be divided into three sec- usual. such a function will be presented. a big hear-t and sharp tongue. Dis- tions including an opera group, folk- Events scheduled for May and the mayed at discovering that they are songs, and popular music. commencement week-end are: Presi- regarded as eccentric by the towns- will include five GraduateAward The opera group dent's reception for the class of '56, Fulbright Awards folk, a shy spinster and the colored selections, the first of which will be, and the annual student art exhibit, woman, together with the young boy "If Here, Where All is Dark and Earned By Gipe both on May 16; Rose Cup and Students interested in apply- that they have been raising, retreat Silent" from Orpkeue, by Christoph Trumpeter ceremonies on May 17; ing for a Fulbright scholarship in panic to a tree house in the- woods. Gluck. Dave Reifsnider, as Orpheus, The International Educational Ex- alumni dinner in honor of the senior for the academic year 1957-58 Here the wind rustles through the will sing the tenor lead. The women's change Service, a program under the class, May 30; the commencement should contact Dr. Ridington grass sounding like the "grass harp" section of the choir will sing "The Department of State, has awarded a play, June 1; Alumni Da.y on June 2, before June. The summer 'of the title. They are joined eventually Chorus of Cigarette Girls" from the scholarship under the Fulbright Act including a senior picnic, the alumni months are necessary for pre- by a retired judge who becomes their well-known opera, Carmen, by Georges to George Albert, Gipe. George com- reception, the Baccalaureate Service, paring the application which counselor and ally. Bizet. Hugh Howell will sing the bari- the secular concert by the college must be submitted by October. As the townspeople cannot tolerate tone solo in "Rata plan" from The choir, and the senior buffet supper. such a br-each of custom, a mob forms Da1~ghter of the Regiment by Doni- The 86th annual commencement will to harry the small group. In the zetti. A spe'/;ial feature of this number take place on Monday, June 4. scuffle the boy is wounded bringing will be a drum accompaniment ex- . The Rose Cup ceremony, to be held Graduate Records the crowd to its senses. ecuted by Dick Shenton. Then "Hail, May 17 at 4:15 p.m. in Robinson Mrs. Joy Winfrey has designed the Bright Abode" will be sung. It is a Garden, will be open to the entire Show High Levels setting for the play, assisted by Mr. triumphal chorus from Richard Wag- student body. An imitation of each William Tribby, and Mr. Erich Wil- ner's opera, Tannhiiuser. To end the senior girl will be given and poems Of Accomplishment len is in charge of the lighting. opera group, Betty Ely and Charlotte dedicated to each will be read. Mary By John D. Makosky Ad;'ission will be $1.00 for the gen- Ridgely will join in a duet from Puc- Jane 'I'ho'rney, vice-president of the DEAN OF THE FACULTY eral public. Student and faculty tick- cini's Madame Butterfly. junior class, will pass a silver loving Returns for the Advanced Tests of ets may be obtained from Mrs. Jef- The folksong portion of the pro- cup to each girl, and Jeanne Blair, the Graduate Record Examination, ferson in McDaniel Hall with the gram will feature three Deems Taylor secretary of the junior class, will pre- taken April 21 by all seniors, have presentation of an activity card. arrangements. The first, "Waters Rip- sent each girl with a red rose while a reached the College. The average per- The main characters of the play ple and Flow", is Czechoslovakian. song is being sung to her. In case of centile for all students is 60, well include Charlotte Ridgely as Dolly Betty Ely and Hugh Howell will sing rain the ceremony will be held in above the average of students in all Talbo and william Tribby as Collin the solo parts. Then the choir will McDaniel Lounge. the colleges which give the tests on Talbo. Margaret Janney takes the sing "My'Johnny \Vas a Shoemaker", The Trumpeters will hold their tap- an institutional basis. Most depart- part of Catherine Creek, and Yerena an English novelty folksong with a ping ceremony after supper on May ments averaged above the score which Talbo is played by Janis Stowell. The surprise ending. Another Czecho- GEORGE A. GIPE 17 on Dr. Ensor's :",WIl. The present in their subject was 50th percentile, rest of the cast includes Frank Benson slovakian selection, "Wake Thee, Now, He wins Fulbright. 'Trumpeters, Priscilla McCoy, Janet or middle score, for the colleges which as Judge Charlie Cool; Leslie Werner, Dearest", will be sung. A beautiful Reck, Charlotte Ridgely" and Mary use the tests. Almost without excap- Dr. Ritz; Nancy Kemmerer, The Rev- Russian Folk-Melody will be included pleted his studies here at Western \Varren, dressed in caps and gowns, er_end's wife; Robert Christian, The average scores departmental with the soprano solo sung by Char- Maryland College in February of this will perform the service. The 1956-57 tion, as, high as could be predicted Reverend; Richard Graham, The were year end is now in the Army. He will lotte Ridgely. This song is "Yonder, Trumpeters will be chosen from the from the past record of major stud- Barber; Nancy Pennypacker, The Yonder". be released in September so that he girls of the junior class on the basis ents, and in one or two instances very Baker's wife; Jack Turney, The Post- The popular group of songs will will be able to benefit frm"n his award. of leadership. Miss Cora Perry will master; Jack Anderson, The Sheriff; start with "\Vhen Day Is Don~", sung This scholarship will enable him to replace Dr. Isabel Isanogle as the much higher. honors clearly , went Janet Kapraun, The ChoIT Mistress; Departmental Literature by an octette of girls from the choir. study English Glascow in .the at the Uni- sponsor of the group. to Economics. Fifteen students took j;eorge Trotter, Big Eddie Stoyer; versity of United They will sing two other numbers, Kingdom. Mr. Homer Elseroad, '40, will speak the examinati'mt in this field, of whom Jack Turney, Brophy: William Stein, "Nursery Tune" with variations, and at the Alumni Senior Banquet on May fourteen were majors. Half of these Sam; Marina Xintas, Maude Riodan: "It Might As Well Be Spring" from Approximately one thousand grants 30. He will .presant alumni campus fourteen scored 90th percentile or and Janet Seymour, Miss Baby Love the show Suue Fair, The girls com- for graduate study abroad are being citizen awards to an outstanding sen- better in the examination. Several Dallas. posing the octette are: Carol Bing- awarded by the International Educa- ior man and woman. Mr. Elseroad is a ham, Anna Jarrell, Joanne Pnrrtsh, tional Exchange Service for the aca- superintendent in the Baltimore Coun- others were also high. group The average Sororities And Frats score for the entire was 86th Mary-West Pitts, Marian Scheder, demic year, 1956·57. The Fulbright ty school system and the director of percentile. This is the outstanding Mary Jane Thorney, Mary Ellen Act provides that all students are se- secondary education. achievement by any department in the Elect New Officers Weber, and Pat Werner. lected by the Board of Foreign On Alumni Day, June 2, class re- The choir will sing a medley of Scholarships, the members of which unions of the classes whose years end history of the Graduate Record For Fall Semester songs from Jerome Kern's famous are appointed by the President of the in one and sii: will be held. At this Examination at Western Maryland . show, Roberta. Included in this med- United States. Recommendation of time Daniel MacLea Hall will be dedi- College. Dr. Price and the senior ley will be "The Touch of Your students comes from the campus Eul- eated. students of the Economies Depart- Four sororities and three fraterni- Hand", "Yesterdays", "Lovely To bl'ight committees and the Institute The Baccalaureate Service on June mont are to be commended for an ex- ties recently elected officers for the Look At", "I Won't Dance", and of International Education. 3 will be held in Alumni Hall at 10 traordinarily powerful performance. fall semester. The pur-pose of this program is to a.rn. The faculty procession will form The College requirement states Members Delta Sigma Kappa Kappa of Delta Sigma Seniors Awarded i::i~::e ;t:t~:e:~::!~rS!~~di~g~!t~~~ at 9:30 a.m. ' that candidates for honors must reach elected the following officers: presi- national (the 50th percentile the Janet Assistantships To ~~:e~~~a:~~p~e bo~t\:::nnt:i~: ~~!~:~~Devilbiss To Give middle score) in this examination. All dent, Richter; Perkins; vice-president, secretary, Sue Pat Blair; exceeded this candidates score. Very Audrey Braecklein; Four Gt'ad Schools !:~:rou~sec:::~!O~~:~i~!~IO;n~h~oS!~~ Graduation Address few students indeed had scores ncar treasurer, representative, Ann inter- sorority Voor- and the bottom 'of the distribution, several of these were people who were hees; and chaplain, r.Iildred McDon- Kay Holt, Mary Warren, Hugh emplify the best of the United States,' The annual (ommencement· cere- taldng the test in their second major. ald. Howell, and Jim Pearce have been as well as keep up the studies. mony of Western Maryland College A listing of s'Ome seniors who made Iota G:unma Chi awarded assistantships in four differ- George was selected on the basis will begin at 10 a.m. on Monday, high scores follows; the numerical Officers of Iota Gamma Chi are ent leading graduate schools. Kay of h!s personal qualificatio'ls, his aca- June 4. Dr. D. Wilbur Devilbiss, the score is an indicatIon of the number president, :Martha Lewis; vice-presi- Holt, a biology major, has accepted an.......demlc record, the value of his pro- President of State Teachers College of right answers, but percentiles vary dent, Patricia Patterson; recording a._ssistantship at Mount Holyoke in posed study, and his suitability for in Salisbury, Maryl!'.nd, will address for the same score in different depart- secretary, Marjorie Pott; correspond- South Hadley, Massachusetts. Kay, a placement in an f-jnstitution of higher the members of the class of '56. ments. ing secretary, Mary Lease; treasurer, member of Iota Gamma Chi, the Ar- l~arning abroad. The award covers Dr. Devilbiss, who is from Union Anne Gettings; chaplain, Margaret gonauts, and Tri Beta, will work to- the costs of transportation, the ex- Bridge, Maryland, received his A.B. \Vhorton; and inter-sorority repre- ward her master's degree in phys- penses of a refresher course in the from \Vestern Maryland in 1925. He sentative, Barbara Lawrence. iology. As an assistant she will in- language of the country or an oTien- was a teacher and principal in several Phi Alpha Mu struet and aid in laboratory work. tation program abroad, his tuition, Maryland high schools until 1942, dur- Phi Alpha Mu officers arc: presi- Her goal is teaching. his books, and normal living costs for ing which time he~received his M.A. dent, Harriet Stevens; vice president, Mary Warren, a biology major, will one year. The funds used are part of from the University of Maryland. Joan Durno; secretary, l\farilyn Ec- study at Duke University. There she the foreign currencies or credits Until 1949, Dr. Deyilbiss was the cleston; treasurer, Pat Doub; chap- hopes to gain a Ph.D. in physiology. owned to or owned by the Treasury State Supervisor of High Schools in lain, Jeanne Blair; sunshine chairman, Mary is a Trumpeter, a member of of the United States. Other countTies Maryland, and from 1949 until 1952 Willa Benson; sergeant-at-arms, Judy Tri Beta, past president of Sigma to which scholarships for graduate was the State Supervisor of Teachers :;'°e';:~:~' y. Corby; inter-sorority representative, Sigma Tau, in the Collegiate WhQ'a studies lllay be awarded include Aus- and Higher Education. He received Fowler (a8a_Literature). (G80·Literature). (530_ Betty Nicklas; and SGA representa- Funk Sociology). HU.!irett Who, and Jives in Silver Spring, tralia, Austria, Belgium, Burma, his doctorate in education from Hodsdon 1570_Biology). Howell (550· tive, Gloria Jones. Maryland. She too plans to teach af- Ceylon, Chile, Denmark, Finland, George Washington University in Physics\. Hunt (510_Economi""). Jack_ Sigma Sigma Tau (fi40_Hi~tory). .on (6S0_French!. Kane (600·L!tel"lturc!, tel' gaining her degree. France, Germany, Greece, India, 1946. Leftwich M"d_Biology). Reck Morton Sigma Sigma Tau elected as presi- (5'10_ (S60_Pre Hugh Howell, a physics major from Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zeal- Dr. Devilbiss served as the Dean of Phys. F..d._Biol<>S!y),R"b80n (S60_Poy_ den, Mary Jane Thomey; vice-presi- Smith (510_Econom;",,). cholo!;y). Galesville, Maryland, will study at the .--...and, Norway, Luxembourg, Philip- College Education at the University Warren (570_Biology). dent, Mary Ellen Weber; secretary, University of Pennsylvania. A mem- pines, and the United Kingdom. of Maryland through 1955. He was Blake (S20·Hi.t"ry). Burkin. (fjl0_ Marian Scheder; treasurer, Nancy Psy~holo"y\. Con"eroo (460_Mu~;e), Foster bel' of the choir, Gamma Beta Chi, This is the eighth year that a person then selected as President of the Cook (5l0_Hlotoryl. ((460_Eeonom;e.). Caples; inter_sorority representative, (520_Gov_ ernment). H"dgeoek and the tennis team, Hugh ,viII work from Western Maryland has received State Teachers College. Dr. Devilbiss Luttrell (400_Matbematica). Mehl (670_ C~ryl Ensor; sergeant-at·arms, Wil- toward his M.A. after graduation. He the Fulbright award. Last year Dr. is a Mason and a member of Phi LiteT,,-ture\. M""kle (4GO_Economiesl. ma. Robertson; sunshine chairman_ Sb<>r",,(S30·B;ol. Sell (440_So.-iol""y!. plans either to teach or to do research Marshl'.ll was given the privilege to Delta Kappa, an education honor 80- OI;y). Stow ..l! 1670_Liteuture). w~x_ Anne l\laryanov; chaplain, Marge (560· (nO_psychology). ma" Werner (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4. COL. 3.) study abroad. ciety. Literature). (CONTINUED ON PAGE ~, COL. Z.)
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