Page 54 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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The Gold Bug, May 15,'1956 Bennett To Succeed Speaks As Professor Of Military Science Weekday Sbows 7 and 9 p.m. 2 and 4. p.m. Sunday Matinees; Evenings 9 p.m. Lt. Col. Dayton E. Bennett reported duty in China, Bennett served with Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on for duty to the ROTC unit staff here the Headquarters Kobe Base Cern- Saturday and Holidays on April 10,1956. He is to replace Col. mana in Kobe, Japan. Tues., Wed. -- :i'ilay--15-16 Robert J. Speaks who is leaving West- When Col. Bennett returned to the THE MAN ern Maryland College because his states, he became connected with the IN THE GRAY FLANNEL SUIT Jennifer Peck three year assignment here will be Army Intelligence School at Fort Gregory CinemaScope-Technicolor Jones completed at the close of this school Riley, Kansas, where he remained for ....Thursday -- May 17 year. a period of three years. In 1950, he 'Walt Disney's CoL Bennett was born in Burling. received hi'S commission as Lieutenant MUSIC LAND ton, Vermont, in 1912. He attended Colonel. In 1951, he went to Korea FI\i., Sat. May 18-19 the local schools there and graduated as a member of the Army Field Ob- COMANCHE from high school in Burlington in servers Team. From 1953 to 1956, he Dana 'Andrews Linda Crista] CinemaScope- Technicolor 1930. He entered the University of was in Japan with the 1st Cavalry Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. Vermont'and received a Ph.B. degree Division. One of the highlights of the May 20_21_22_23 upon his graduation in the spring of assignment was that he was a Bat- THE SWAN 1934. While at Vermont, he was en- talion Commander in the 7th Cavalry Grace Kelly Alec Guineas CinemaScope-Technicolor rolled in both basic and advanced Regiment for nine months. For the reo Thur., Fri., Sa-t.-- May 24-25·26 ROTC courses and was commissioned mainder of his three year stretch BACKLASH as n 2nd Lieutenant' in the Reserve with the 1st Cavalry Division, CoL Richard Widmark Donna. Reed Corps of the United States Army. Bennett served as a Dlvlsicn Intelli:.- WON'T THE BOYS LOVE THIS-Colonel Robert M. Booth, (loft) PMS&T at Cjnema Scope-Techniecler- May 27-28-29 Tu~ From 1934 to 1941, Col. Bennett gonce Officer. Upon returning from Duquesne University and S-3 for the 1956 ROTC Summer Camp at Fort George Sun., Mon., BIRDS AND THE BEES THE was connected with a local insurance overseas in the earlier part of this G. Meade, Maryland, discusses camp plans with Lt. Colonel Frederick V. War! George Gobel Mitzi Gaynor Fort Meade S-3, and Colonel John E. Boyt, PMS&T at LaFayette ren, (center) agency in Burlington. He was mar- year, he was assigned to the ROTC Cinema Scope- Technicolor ried in 1937, and his wife has ac- staff here at Western Maryland Col- College and Deputy ROTC Camp Commander, at a pre-camp conference. companied him to his new post here lege. His assignment here is to last at western Maryland College. his basic and ad." Fellowships English Bicycles for Rent Col. Bennett was called to extended fO~!~r~:~:::ttook . (Men's & Women's) active duty in 1941. Upon reporting vanced courses at the Infantry School (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1. COL, 1.) Heagy's Sport Shop for duty, he was commissioned as a in Fort Benning, Georgia. He has at- work in government or industry. 46 Penna Ave, Continuous 1. p. m. Saturdays. Holi- 1st Lieutenant. He received his cap- tended the Command and General Jim Pearce, a physics major, will Phone 1350W day shows continuous from 2 p. m. taincy in 1942 and became a major in Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, study nuclear physics at George Sunday Matinees; 2 and 4 p. m. 1943. Until his release from the Army Kansas, and the Army Intelligence Washington University. He is presi- Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows in 1946, he served at various stations School at Fort Riley, Kansas. dent of Alpha Gamma Tau and is continuous from 6:45 p. m. here in the United States. When re- from Baltimore, Maryland. Tuesday May 15 leased from active duty, Bennett was Club Officers NOT AS A STRANGER employed with the Veteran's Insur- (CONTINUED FRO~( PAGE L COL. 5.) If a fabulous May Day is your Robert Mitchum Frank Sinatra ance Service in Oakland, Califernia, Hull; and alumni secretary, Margaret quest. Fri., Sat., Sun., IlIon. May 18-19-20·21 for the f~llowing seven months. Conover. Top it off at Benny's, where the ALEXANDER THE GREAT food is best. In February, 1947, Col. Bennett was Delta Pi Alpha Richard Burton Fredric March recalled to active duty and integrated The new officers of Delta Pi Alpha CinemaScope-Technicolor --- into the Regular Army. For the fol- are: president, Donald Tankersley; Fri., Sat. A DAY OF FURY May 25·26 lowing eighteen months, he "Served vice-president, John Scott; secretary, Dale Robertson Mara Corday with the Army Advisory Group in Brant Vitek; treasurer, Ronald CinemaScope-Technicolor Nanking, China. Upon eomplettng Strauss; corresponding secretary, Sun., Mon. -- May 27-28 THE SCARLET Nick Spinnato; ser-geant-at-arms, AI· ~ Carol Ohmart HOUR Tom Tryon Athletics Awards Ian Mund; and chaplain, Harold Me, Phonel2l7 Clay. Made At Assembly Gamma Beta Chi elected; president, Our New Addition . Gamma Beta Chi 'kI~MJ. Yesterday, during the regular as- Dave Downes; vice-president, Ernest The Colonial Dining Room What's sembly period, the coaches of the Ramirez; secretary, William Martin; various athletic teams gave out vice-secretary, Delbert Kohl, treas- awards for winter and spring sports. urer, Carlos Gosnell; vice-treasurer, her Letters and sweaters we._;e given to Jack Anderson; sergeant-at-arms, It PaYI To Look Well senior men. For the first time, six Robert Sandosky ; and Beta Pi; James outstanding players were presented Crowley. Visit The 'IinJ? awards. These trophies were not Pi Alpha Alpha necessarily for senior men. President of Pi Alpha Alpha is Ar- Avenue Barber Shop Dr. Ensor presented certificates to nold Amass; vice-president, George those students who are members of Douglas; recording secretary, Donald tho Who's Who in American CoUeges Zauche; corresponding secretary, Where The Students Go and Universities. Larry Hall, next Howard Gendason;' treasurer, Robert year's President of· S.G.A. and Jo McCormick; chaplain, Dick Buter- 85 Pennsylvania Avenue Parrish, the future. Vice-President of baugh; and sergeant-at-arms, Fred S.G.A. were formally installed. Rausch. Rasinsky's Pharmacy Baugher's Restaurant of friends horne- "Reliable Prescriptions" JUST OFF THE CAMPUS In the company ward bound you canmakeira Drugs and Everyday Needs FOR A MEAL OR SNACK "parry' all the 30 W. Main St. way. There's room to roam, Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes time to visit, and Westminster, Md. nothing to worry about. Phone 101 OPEN EVERY DAY She has an important job .. More Comfort! she uses to good advantage back- ... her college ground Restful coaches, she's made exciting new friends loads of ... she's delighted with her luggage space, paycheck. refreshments and swell meals Yes, she works for the tele- ~bviously, en route. No .. phone company That's a {asci- as a Service tough driving on Representative. he makes the grade crowded highways. No waiting,for nn ting public relations job skies to clear. Yes sir! The train is tops in transponation! where you help your own group of customers with orders What Savings! for service, directory listings, kind bills, special requests-the \Ve don't mean just at exam of job where poise, .tact and time, either. The comfort- initiative really count. conscious guy can tell at a glance ~1t~~;~:i,~p-~'j And for you math majors, that these smart Arrow gingham bargains! GROUP . there are excellent openings shirts. are the light-weights that ECONOMY in the company's engineering FARES·-5ave 25% make warm weather a "breeze." when 3 or more department. The medium-spread collar and bound for the The C & P Telephone Corn- fresh patterns are just right, alone same home [Own travel together or with a casual jacket. Arrow ~~or::;;lr:~~~~7=~St~~~!~:;S~~~~~: ;,::ya o:ha~:~~~~~~ f~~:re:t~;~ ginghams, in a variety of fine COACH PARTY FARES-Savings job. For more information- patterns are only $5.95. of 28%when 2S or more travel rc- and to arrange a personal inter- gether on going trip home. Return view-see your College Place- singlyortogerher forsummer school or fall semester. ment Counselor-now! •F.xrtP' f.. lor"l1Ta,",,6".JlLw~ Ntw Y.,!· WashilJ&"~ and ".ilJls"nl.fL.~cIJI"', Pa. See yOIJrfravel or IIcket ogenl NOW! Alk "boutthele big money loving planll CASUAL WEAR THE C & P TELEPHONE -first in fashion EASTERN COMPANY OF MARYLAND RAILROADS
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