Page 50 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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The Gold Bug, Apr. 24, 1956 Campus Bids Farewell To Yingling Gym Ancient Building Demolished while McDaniel continued to direct dresses which trailed the floor. Sever- music hall and later programs in the They held their Inter-col. al years later the Maryland moved to Ying- women. It was not until 1890 that an the officers recently In Interests Of Progress _ assistant was named director of the legiate Athletic Association was form- ling gym. Until personnel have been -in began to broaden of all military ed, and all sports wOmen. were that gym; also meetings held competition." into general A large red building made of bricks By VIOLET FONNER and shingles, now stood prominently For five years sports were encour there and all the equipment was stored Timber, bricks, steam shovels, and in the Nineteenth Century", that two on the hill with the three other build- ings, Old Main, the presi- namely: finally a desolate spot marks the site items of interest concerning the donor dent's new home which had just been of the former Yingling gymnasium, were: first, she took highest honors completed also, lind Levine Hall, which has had a history surprising to among=the young women in the first which had been used as a preparatory many of us. class to be graduated from the col- school. The new gym was designed by The recent demolition of the gym lege, excelling Mary Ward, daughter Gctt of Baltimore. It was unique in ,.......~"'~~_c~~_ proved a sight to most students ob- of the first president and wife of the design and carne well equipped with serving the process. l\Iany were seen second. Again the generous Miss ladders, rings, bars, ropes, and mats. A main attraction was the famous in. door running track, thirty-three laps to the mlle. In 1904 the gym was renovated fOI: use as a science hall and continued to be so used until it was razed to clear the space for Lewis Hall. In 1!l13·14 a new gym was erected in the rear of Old Main. It was attached to the Young Men's Christian Association building, which had been constructed in 1893. An "L" shaped building now appeared which housed the YMCA in the front. with the boiler rooms in .the basement, which furnished the heat Chimney Beware-Uhrig caught this shot just as th~ chimney on the gym was and power to the college. about to fall. This was formerly the location of the Military Science depart- ment. mi~.~i~l~~~~k~h:l~:l~:: ~~~t :b~yt!~ Razing-This photograph was taken by Philip Uhrig during the demolition nasium, large and better equipped aged and participated in regularly. in the gym. process. The view is south over the hill from Old Main. The new Baker Chapel than any in the state; baseball was a Then in 1916-17 the exercise of the From the large red brick building will be situated roughly in the area formerly occupied by Yingling Gymnasium. sport of long standing, and football men was directed by the military de- to the "L" shaped yellow brick to a a thriving newcomer; there were in- partment, which, as a unit of tho desolate spot of 1956, we see Progress taking snapshots of the last of the old Yingling lived less than a year after Student's Army Training Corps, was Moves Onward. building or walking, or reminiscing the erection of the gymnasium, pass- tramural activities in tennis, begun in that year, introduced into the col- among the ruins. Since we are in the ing away August, 1890: many-year-s before by Prof. McDaniel, lege, to be succeeded after the war and track athletics, and century of progress at WMC, it is not Until 1889, when the gymnasium in gymnastics for both sexes, the young closed by the Reserve Officers 'I'rain. English Bicycles for Rent in basketball the first time such a thing has hap- was built, all gymnastic and calisthen- (Men's & Women's) pened or will it be the last. ic exercises were conducted in rooms women competing in long sleeves and ing Corps .. Heagy's Sport Shop Anyhow, suprisingly enough to of the college buildings. The first in. many, the first Yingling gym had not structor was William R. McDaniel. 46 Penna Ave. Phone 1350W been situated at .Its recent location. After the gym was completed H. G. For Your Yingling gym was first built in 1889 Watson, '89, was appointed the first Rasinsky's Pharmacy MAY DAY and stood where Lewis Hall-stands director. He directed only the men CORSAGE today. Funds were appropriated by "Reliable' Prescriptions" Order From Anna R. Yingling, class of 1871. What's Dr. John D. Makosky says in his Drugs and Everyday Needs DUTTERER'S booklet, "Western Maryland College 30 W. Main St. j Ld.Pennsylvanta Ave. Compliments of Westminster, Md. Westminster 350 her J. R. EVERHART Phone 101 Earle Finley SEE (Campus Rep.) COLLEGE BARBER line? At the Forks STEW DODSON FRANK NOVAK 'kI~MJ. Our New Addition 231 A.N.W. 233 A.N. W. The Colonial Dining Room CAMPUS AGENTS Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. Evenings 9 p.m. Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on Have dinner before For The Saturday and Holidays Tues. April 24 the Big Top Ball THE KETTLES IN THE OZARKS Modern G. I. Laundry Marjorie Main Arthur Hunnicutt AT wea., ThuANlMAL FARltt pril 25-26 223 E. Green St. Westminster 1478 also I HUNTERS OF THE DEEP Griffin's All Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work Technicolor is Guaranteed Fri., Sat. April 27-28 I - She has an important job. FORBIDDEN PLANET she uses her college back- Walter Pidgeon Anne Francis ground to good advantage. Technieolor-CinemaScope \,. she's made exciting new friends Sun., Mon., Tues. April 29-30 May 1 ... she's delighted with her SONG OF THE SOUTH paycheck. Walt Disney Technicolor Campus capers Yes, she works for the tele- Wed., Thur. May 2-3 phone. company as a Service OUR MISS BROOKS Representative. That's a fasci- Eve Arden call for Coke nating public relations job Technicolor where you help your own Fri., Sat. :May 4-5 group of customers with orders MIRACLE IN THE RAIN Van Johnson Jane Wyman Parties click when the for service, directory listings, Technicolor mood is right. With bills, special requests-the kind of job where poise, tact and Sun., Mon., Tues. May 6-7-8 enough Coke on hand initiative really count. SERENADE Mario Lanza Joan Fontaine you can set the scene And for you math majors, Technicolor for a gay session ..• there are excellent openings anytime. in the company's engineering department. • The C & P Telephone Com- pany of Maryland can offer Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holl- yon a challenging, interesting day shows continuous from 2 p. m. job. For more information- Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. and to aTTange a personal inter- Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows view-see your College Place- continuous from 6:45 p. m. ment Counselor-c now l Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. April 27-28-29-30 May 1-2 THE CONQUEROR John Wayne Susan Hayward 'I'echnicolor-Cinema Sccpe BOTTLED UNDER 'UTHORlTY Of THE COCA·COLA COMPANY av Fri., Sat. May 4-5 WESTMINSTER COCA.COLA BO'ITLING CO.• INC. THE C & P TELEPHONE THE YEARLING COMPANY OF MARYLAND Gregory Peck Jane Wyman "Coke" isa registered trode_mark. © 1953. THE COCA·COLA COMPANY Technicolor
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