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college YINGLING HORT PACES GYM TRACKlIfEN FALLS Page 4 Page 2 Vol. 33, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 24, 1956 ROTC Summer Training FAC STRUCTURE Traditional Pageantry ALTERED TO MEET Camp Period Reduced FRESHMAN NEEDS To Be Highlighted By Thc Freshman Advisory 'Council has undergone a change in organiza- 'May Day USA' Theme FORT MEADE, MD.-Reserve Office!' at a Second Army installation. tion in the formation or its plans for Tra·ining Corps students will have a Specializing in General Military next year. It has been felt that the .:lA-hour duty week during their SUIll- Science, Fort Meade will be host to F AC was doing a satisfactory job and in the various fraternity and so- mer training this year, it was revealed 1,605 atudenta from 36 institutions. .May Day, U.S.A. will be the theme here today aa Second Army Head- These will include all GMS students during Freshman Orientation Week, ()f this year's May Day fest.ivitdes on rct-ity rooms. quarters announced its training sites eligible for encampment in the Second but that its influence dwindled steadi- May 5. The traditional pru-ede, the Persons serving on the May Day ly after that period until it W:lS doing for the six-week encampment. Instead Army area, except those from Ohio nothing of i III P 0 r tan ce midway crowning of Queen Peg Artigiani, and committees are: Priscilla McCoy, of the previous 4S-hour week in opera- who will train in Third Army. the May Day Dance will highlight the General Chairman; Judy Corby, Pub- tion, the camp period will be reduced Other major training' sites are Fort througbtbe year. Next year the coun- activities. licity; Jo Par-r-ish, Parade; Mary from a total of 288 to 264 hours. Belvoir, for the engineers; Fort Lee, cil will consist of twenty-one seniors The parade route will be the same Warren, Entertainment; Mary Lee and approximately sophomores. forty Purpose of the shortened week is to Va., for the Quart.ermaster Corps; Marian Scheder and Harold McClay as fermer years, starting at the Hodsdon, Invitations and Programs; enable ROTC cadets to have more time Fort Eustis, Va., for Transportation; will'be co.chairmen. The sophomores a r-mory at 12:30 and proceeding to Martha Lee \Villiams, Flowers; and to gain a broader view of the Army, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., for the college along Main Street. The Frances Chirichillo, Properties. dur- including its off-duty activities, Time Ordnance, and Fort Knox, Ky., for will continue to be tl}e advisors helping senior class float. will lead the parade Circus Theme for Dance ing t.he orientation period, also is being allocated in the training armor. their advisees to move in with ease carrying- Queen Peg and her three schedule to permit them to visit troop Most of the ROTC cadets in sum- and get to their tests given during class attendants, who are Mad lee Pi-om 8:30-12:30 coupl~s will dance units, receive orientation "'on the op- mer training will have completed that time. The senior counselors will Hodsdon, duchess: and Sharon Al- to the music of Carl Hamiltcn a;td his porturrities of a Regular Army career, three years senior ROTC instruction baugh and Claire Gates, attendants. orchestra. The theme of the dance and to observe routine operations of at their respective colleges and uni- attempt to cope with more personal Th~ other class nests will..:follow in or- this year is The Big Top Ball, and the Army installations. verstues before going to camp. Sue- problems of each of their ten advisees. der: Junior, with Joan Durno, duchess gym will be decorated to resemble the freshman that a It was suggested ROTC units from 52 colleges and ccssful completion of the summer might respect a senior's judgment attended by Marilyn Eccleston and inside of a circus tent. 'I'he ceiling will universities in the Second Army area training course is a prerequisite for Dot Snider; Sophomore, with duchess be made up of foul' foot multi-colored will begin their six weeks of encamp- appointment as a second lieutenant in more and heed it, in view of the fact Lori Jones and attendants Anne Acree balloons. After the coronation, the that the senior had obviously success- ment on June" 23 at six major training the Army Reserve. fully weathered similar problems. A and Nancy Willis. The Freshman float Queen will pull a string releasing 500 camps. Anticipated total attendance ~ senior could perhaps use his influence will have Donna Brown as duchess self-autog-r-aphed ballons. with Jan Roberts and Pat Schaefer as 'Fra nklin Papers' about how to make a good start in col- The band will play rrorn a merry- :!(l!~;'~~p~0~~i~:~;;:n::~e~u\!d7;! lege, how to study, and -how to get attendants. go-round and will furnish four hours in the parade Also participating have the largest number ever trained New Assembly Topic satisfaction from this college, where- will be the college drill team and decc- of continuous music. Couples will eat outside refreshments another under as the sophomore might ..,till be learn- Dr. Whitfield Jenks Bell, Jr., will ing himself. rated cars from the eight fraternities circus tent. TIME FIDGETS speak at the on April assembly of the Seni6r FAC Members and sororities. Tickets are $2.50 per couple. last 30 in Alumni school year The Class of 1957 has an- Hall at 11 :30 a.m. In the coming lec- The senior members of the Council Crowning of the Queen Committee Heads nounced that the Junior Follies ture Dr. Bell will relate some of his will include Marian Scheder, joan The coronation will be held at two The conlmittees for the d:ll,ce are: will be held May 4th at ,8:15 experiences while assembling the Durno, Betty EI,', Anne Gettings, o'clock in the amphitheater with Dr. Chairman: Skip Amass and I\Iichael 'p.m. in Alumni Hall. Everyone papers of Benjamin Franklin, and Anna Janell, Joan Luckabaugh, Betty Ensor officiating. Following this will Leftwich; Decorations, Daniel Yoe- is invited to what promises to be tell 01 some important events of Nicklas, Janet 'Perkins, Ruth Ridin- be the traditional May Pole dance and man; Lighting, Erich Willen; Publici- an hilarious production called Franklin's life. ger, Harriet Stevens, Mary Jane the singing of Relected Negro spirit- ty, David Bailey; Tickets, Phil Jack- Time Fidgets. Dr. Bell is curren,tly an assistant Thol'ney, Harold McClay, Lee Bowen, uals. A special program corresponding son; Finances; Dick Buterbaugh; amI. editor of the Papers of Benjamin Stanley Entwisle, Ronald Graybeal, to the theme will also be presented. Refreshments, Hal Gendason. Drs. Makosky, Crain, Hovey, Lock- athletic Two baseball Franklin, a project sponsored by the Larry Hall, John Kauffman, Ted game and a tennis events, a have been wood, and Price are sponsors of the Scott and match, Sam Reed, John Klenske, Club News American PhilosopllicaJ' Society. The Brantley Vitek. D~tailed plans are • scheduled to add to the day's activi- dance. Pa.pers will include official documents still in the embl'yolllc stages and are ties. Open house will be held in botl] have never before been published. The Argonauts and letters of Franklin, some of which developing slowly, but the main ideal the boys' dorms and the girls' dorms Goode, Ridinger, The Argonauts held their annual project commem{lrates the 250th an- is that the FAC influence might be prominent the academic all through banquet on April 16 at the Church of niversary of Franklin's birth, and has year and thus of more benefit to the Inspection Held ~ Dorm Presidents the Brethren. The speaker of the eve- gained world-wide fame and support. ning was Dr. May Russell, the presi- Receiving his AB from Dickinson freshman class. For ROTC Unit Elections were held in both women's dent of St. Mary's Seminary Junior College in 1935 and his MA from the dormitories for the members of the history in several Campus Artists College. The recently elected officers University of Pennsylvania in 1938, house councils for the coming year. were installed and introduced to the he has since taught In Blanche Ward Hall, Jean Goode group. Hugh Howell, William Tribby, colleges, including Dickinson and Wil- The 1956 Formal ROTC I_nspection will replace Mary Wan'en as d{lrm Dr. Bell To Decorate Margaret Artigiani, Shirley Gootee, liam and Mary. In 1947 he received at Western Maryland College was president. The representatives of their Janet Reck, Barbara Sheubrooks, Bar •• his doctorate in philosophy. h~ld today. The Board of Inspecting respective classes on the house council bara Stanton, and Mary Warren were and is a membcr of Phi Beta Kappa. College Grille Officers was composed of Lt. Col. Wal- will be Pat Dixon, senior; Ardella is included in 'Who's Who in America inducted as Fellows. lace J. l\1artin of the University of Campbell, junior; and Marjorie Wood- Wesleyanettes Cincinnati, Lt.· Col. John A. Hodgson ward, sophomore. The freshman repre Officers have been elected for the At all SGA meeting on March 27, of the University of Delaware, Lt. scntatives ,yili be chosen next fall. coming year. Mildred Mackubin is chosen to serve in the BSU next year. sophomore representative, Judy Cor- Co]. Tiller E. Carter of Marshall Col- Harriet Stevens will be fire warden. the president. Other officers will be; Betty Edington is the new president. by suggtlsted that caricatures of out- lege, and CW2 Eugene P. Smith of vice-president, Grace Fletcher; secre- Firat vice_president_enlistment will standing campus personalities and Pennsylvania State University. McDanielOllicers tary, Marge Hull; and treasurer, Jane be Thomas Miller; second vice-p:resi- sketches of college scenes be used to The Board observed the ROTC unit The new president of McDaniel Roeder. I dent-social is Betty Reid; third vice- decorate the walls of the campus during the ent.ire day. At the close of The present project of this group is president-devotional is Teresa Man- grille. After. discussing this plan with their inspection, they met with the Hall will be Ruth Ridinger, announNd stuffing animals for children's homes. euso. Other officers include secretary, President Ensor, Judy reported that officers of our unit and made several Fran Chil'ichillo. the out-going presi- Any old stockings would be appreci- Barbara Patterson; treasurer, Mary this program will go into effect in the suggestions' and approvals. The com- dent. Members of the house council ated donations. Barbara Chapman; missions chairman, iall with Presider.t Ensor's appl'oval mittee will send a detailed report of will incrude Quincy Polk, seni{lr, Canterbury Club Ruth Ann Wilson; publicity, Richard of the sketches. Commissioned for this the inspection to the Depnrtment of Claudia Payne, junior, and Carmela The Canterbury Club visited the ,Shenton; and alternate officer, Melba project are campus artists such as Pat the Army in Washington, D. C. DeFlora, sophomore. Audrey Braeck- Convent in Catonsville, Md., on Sun- Lou Nelms. Ellis, who will contribute caricatures Today's inspecti{ln schedule began lein and Janet Perkins will be co-fire day, April 8. On Sunday, May 13, the There will be a State BSU retreat of teachers, Peggy Simon, who is at 8:30 a.m. and ended shortly after chiefs. group will visit the Washington Ca- at Camp Wabana in Mayo, Md. on noted for the scenes of Western Mary- 3:0Q p.m. The inspecting officers ob- thedraL April 27, 28, 29. Our group will' be land on this year's calendar, and Gail served teaching methods of the classes Trotter Heads List of Lutheran Student Association responsible for the special' music on l\fercey, who will coordinate the held this moming. They met with The new officers for next year will Friday night, studies with caricatures of well-kn{lwn various ROTC classes and asked oral Officers For Sophomores be Jeannette Anderson, president, and William G. Baker Sunday School individuals on campuS. questions on the material covered thus At a recent class meeting, the Class Ruth Ridinger, secretary-treasurer. "Our Miss Brooks" is being shown far this year. At 1:15 p.m., the visit- of 1958 elected their officers for the Last Friday night, the LSA gave a at the Carroll Theater on Wed. and New Project ing officers watched a parade and coming year. The results of this elec· spaghetti dinner. Thurs., May 2 and 8, sponsored by the An interesting sideline of SGA ac- made an inspection of the ranks on tion are as follows: president, George Methodist Student Movement Sunday School. All proceeds will go tivity is a money-making project for Hoffa Field. A conference with Col. Trotter; vice-president, Flo r e n c e The results of the officer election to the Lee Fischbach Memorial Schol- May Day, May 5th. A committee, Robert J. Speaks closed the day. Mehl; secretary, Jane Roeder; and for next year are as follows: presi- arship Fund. headed by Mary Bond, plans to gather treasurer, John Gunderson. Re-elect· dent, Buddy Pipes; vice-president, Young Women's Auxiliary bri~ks from McKinstry Hall and paint ed as the SGA l'ePl'esentatives were Mary-West Pitts; secretary, Marjorie The YWA is a recently formed them gold with green lettering. They SPEAKS ANNOUNCES Judy Corby and Wray Mowbray. Woodward; treasurer, Donald Hale; group under the auspices of the BSU. will be sold as souvenirs during the worship chairman, Robert Christian; It studies mission work, particularly May Day festivities. NEW PROMOTIONS John Gunderson and Florence Mehl publicity chairman, Stephen Callen- tllat of local missions. The officers of The ROTC unit at W.M.C. has were selected tD head a. committee to der; recreation chairmen, Luther Mar- this group are Teresa Mancuso, presi- named cadets who have been promoted begin work on the 1957 Junior Follies. vice-president; New Porn-Porn Girls tin; and co_membership chairmen, dent; Betty Edington, by the PMS & T, Col. Robert J. Billie-Mae Gill and David Harper. Barbara Patterson, secretary-treas- Speaks announced recently. The fol- The MSM will participate in a urer; Ruth Ann Wilson, missions New members of the 1956-57 porn· lowing cadets have received a promo- state-wide retreat at the Methodist chairman; Anne Hisley, program pom team were chosen on \Vednesday, FISCHBACH FUND camp on the 'West River in Church- chairman; and Betty Reid, representa_ April 18th in the Blanche Ward gym- tion in the ranks: to be Cadet Ser- The scholarship fund in mem_ ton, Md. The dates for this retreat tive to the BSU and the SCA. nasium. The girls, who attended prac- geant; Cpl. G. Brooks Euler, Jr., Cpl. ory of Lee Fischbach, J 1'. has Clarence L. Fossett, Jr., Cpl. Dickin- are April 27, 28. 29. Our group will SCA tices on Monday and Tuesday, were son E. Gardiner, Cpl. William B. Hol- now reached $1975.78. be in charge of the recreation. The SCA will sponsor a double selected on the basi:s of ability, pep, bruner, Jr., Cpl. Wayne V. Holter, Contributions are welcome There will be a retreat for the new- benefit movie on Wed. and Thurs., and poise. and may be given to any of the ly-elected officers on May 6 during April 25 and 26 at the Carroll Thea_ The girls are Judy Board, Joy Gow- Cpl. Richard L. Pl.asket, Cpl. C, Wil- committee members or mailed to which plans will be made for next ter, The ·two movies will be "Animal land, Arleen Kennedy, Leanne Man- liam Slade, II, and Cpl. Nicholas Spin- Box 500, Western Maryland Col- year. Farm" and "The Hunters Of The ning, and Anna JarreiJ. The _alter· nato; to be Cadet Corporal: Pfc. Gene lege, Westminster, Md. Baptist Student Union Deep". The proceeds will go to the nates are Kay Payne and Pat Schae- L. Michaels, Pfc. Daniel E. Miles, Pfc. In a recent ejection, officers were SCA. fer. S. Scott Phillips, Pfc. &..gel' L.
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