Page 56 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 56
The Gold Bug, May 15. 1956 West.MarylandJ3e~tsRivalHopki~sTwi~e,11-9ancJl0-l Terrors Assault Hopkins Pitchers Terrors Rally To Terrors Score 5th Cindermen Top As Sanders Hurls Both Contests Nip Mounts By 9-8 In League Tourney Loyola College Iron-man Walt Sanders hurled both Sanders had retired the first two bat- EMMITSBURG,MD., April za-cwest- BALTIMORE, May 13-Western ends of a double defeat of Johns Hop- ters via the strikeout route. Jones ern Maryland scored five runs in the Maryland scored a total of 8 points to BALTIMORE, April 27-Western kins as Western Maryland went on a played his usual dependable game, eighth inning to come from behind for place 8th in a 13 team field in the Maryland easily defeated Loyola in a hitting rampage to drive the Blue banging out a double and triple and the second time in the game and de- twenty-first ann u a I Mason-Dixon track meet at Evergreen by the rath- Jays into submission by scores of 11-9 picking up 2 RBI's. feat Mt. St. Mary's, 9-8, today. The track and field championships held at er lopsided score of 80% to 36%. The and 10-1. Sanders picked up his 6th Sanders was at his brilliant best in Green Terrors were trailing, 6-4, go- Johns Hopkins. The meet was high- Green Terrors rolled nine firsts and and 7th victories a'S he weathered the second contest, holding the Blue ing into the eventful eighth when they lighted by seven record.breaking per- numerous seconds and thirds to coast some anxious moments in the :first Jays in the palm o(his hand, allow- tallied 5 runs on- just three hits. They rormances, but unfortunately none of to their second Mason-Dixon victory. game, then pulled himself together ing one base on balls and striking out were aided by two Mount errors, a these were by Terror compe~itors. The John Hcr-t once again paced the and pitched beautiful baseball in the 5. Bua Lambert, leading hitter on the walk, and a passed ball. championship was taken by Roanoke troops with three firsts, taking the second game, scattering seven hits Terror squad, showed his form to best Mount St. Mary's went ahead, 2-0, College, followed by Catholic U., Johns 120 yd. high hurdles, 220 yd. low and allowing only one run. advantage in this' game with a 4 for in the first, but Western Maryland got Hopkins, Hampden-Sydney on down. hurdles, and winning the 880 yd. run. Bob Yokum and Hank Schorreck 4 showing at the plate. His hits in- (one back in the fourth and went The Terrors thinclad ace, John Other winners in the much-improved led the assault on two Johns Hopkins cluded a home run and a triple, and ahead, 3-2, in the fifth on Buzz Lam- Hort, turned in an outstanding per- field events were Bruce Lee in the pitchers in the fir-st, game. Hank he batted in four of the Terrors 10 bert's two-run round-tripper. The - formance in taking a third in the 88Q broad jump, Dick Holbruner in the blasted a home run at a most oppor- runs, scored one himself, and collected Mounts regained tbc lead, 5-3, in the yd. run, and a fourth in the 120 yd. high jump, and Jack Sheridan in the tune moment in the sixth inning to his second stolen base of the after- sixth and each team scored one run high hur-dles. The remainder of the shot. The pace was set in the running give the Terrors their insurance run noon. Hank Scher-reck duplicated his in the seventh inning. points scored by the Terrors were events by Bob Butlcr in the 440 yd. in the decision, and also picked up 3 for 4 performance of the first game, Lefty Walt Sanders pitched for the garnered by Western Maryland's mile dash, and Vaughn Smith in the mile two singles for a three for four day banging out a double and two singles. Terrors, and received credit. for the relay team composed of Hort, Roy and two-mile events. at the plate. Yokum's potent bat ac- The Terrors collected a total pf 10 win, hiking his season total to two Kennedy, Fred Walker, and Bob But- Smith's victories were particularly counted for three singles, and his hits including Nick Rausch's circuit while losing the same number. Walt ler. The only other qualifier for our outstanding as he beat the only man chatter and hustle kept the Terrors blast to complete a perfect afternoon seemed to tire in the late innings as cindermen was Jack Sheridan, who who ever defeated him in college com- sharp throughout the contest. Denny for Coach Jim Boyer. The baseball the Mounts hopped on him for six threw 39 ft. 6 in. in the shot to place petition, Loyclu'e fine distance man, Harmon and BUll Lambert also belted team has one game remaining with Tuns in the last four innings, but in sixth. Ken Billup. Another outstanding per- out round-trippers in the high scor- Baltimore UniveTsit'y on May 15. the clutch he was unbeatable and pre- The Mason-Dixon Track Meet formance was turned in by Western ing game. Maryland's freshman sprinter, Roy The game ended on a spectacular JOHNS H~f.~~?~. se;~! th~a~~~he ~~u:e'Buzz Lamb:rt wound up the season for tho Terrors. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 5, COL. 5.l WESTER:b.~~.A. catch. by left-fielder- Brad Jones after Carr,2b. 3241 S..v·... paced the Terrors with three and two Lambert.2b. 2 I 82 S 11 0 Yocum. Salem. rf. JOHNS nOPKINS Alfandre.If.(3 0 Miller. lb. c. 3322 hits Tespectiv€ly. Lambert's hits en- Harriers Split Two Meets A~ 2160 I Ah.H.O.A. Ah.H.O.A. Newton. lb. 4050 Jones. If. 4210 abled him to take over the team bat- 2012 S..v' Wyble.3b. 4212 Ro-nach. rf. 2020 2100 Lambert. 2h.4422 Hyde. d. 421 (l Scb·reek."•. ~ 3 2 3 ting lead with a .403 mark. Vaughn Smith, Hort Pace Team e. Miller. lb. Sand',"•. p.4101 If'nn Jon ..... If. 2030 Rock. p, 21 1000 ij 4 ference r-ecor-d and a 4-5 overall rec- . 4121 Yocum. 2 (l 4 2 DIlv'". c. 3043 Hannon. 3h. 3 I 2 I Western Maryland has a 2-3 Con- 1 0 (I 0 2Ah"ta 3090 ~ 1 S ij rf. 3120 ILiko Ib 2130, S·hYck ..... 4302 Oursler. p. 0 (l 0 0 ord for the year. BY ClIARLES F. C~IITH.JR. Harmon'.3b. 3 0 0 3 1000 3Marka Hyde, d. 313 ij Sanders.p.3101 MT. ST. MARY'S Lynn. abo 20 S 0 Moylan.rf. 0 o 0 0 Totals 34131810 WEST. MD. MT.ST. ~t.~~~~A HOPKINS Radek. p. 3003 Ab.B.O.A. P·rch·.k. d. 100 (l ll-'Jiedout for Rock in fifth. Sav·""".cf.4020 Marcey. If. 62 S 0 Paced by Bob Butler, John Hort, BALTIMORE,May 5-Western Mary- 2Struck out for D..vls in seventh. Fang. If. 1000 3Flied out for O"rsler in ,,,,·cnth. ~i~! Shuck..... 5232 and Vaughn Smith, Western Mary- land .came out on the short end of a Smith. 5130 Hopkins ....._.__. . .. 0600030_9 ~:2irt·11b. Sta,ke. d. C. S 2 8 0 land's track .team performed in excel- 7f-50 count as Johns Hopkins defeat- ISingled for Cox in fifth. Weswrn .Md. 1 I 4 221 x-II Miller. lb. 4061 'Om"," "i !I! lence May 1 as they handily defeated ed the Green Terrors today at Home- Jones.rf. 4020 2Shuek out for Liko in fifth. ~~'i,"·:t~'.~~.~l~i a weak Mt. St. Mary's team, 811/3 wood. The mect was the final one for Feeser. C. SO 41 to 26 2/3 at western Mar-yland. both teams as they get ready for the 2Mo)' 1 000 Sander •. p. SOlI Terror John Hort won the 880 yd. Mason-Dixon Championships to be run in 2.06.6 and the 120 yd. high held at Hopkins on May 11 and 12. Total. 2892710 Total. hurdles in. 16.5, and finished in a Vaughn Smith and John Hort once ISingled for Sa"ar.. e in dghth. three-way tie fOT second place in the again paced the Terrors, with Smith 2Safe on fielder'. ehoi~e for Feeser in eighth. high jump. winning the mile and two-mile events, 3Ran for Ross in ninth. Other two-time winners for West- and HOTt taking- the 120 yd. high 4St.ruckopt for Pro""r .. in eil
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