Page 49 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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The Gold Bug, Apr. 24, 1956 Baseball Team Registers Easy WESTERN MARYLAND SANDERS, KAUFFMAN WESTERN MD. LOSES TOMT. ST. MARY'S Triumph Over Drew By 12-2 HARRIERS FINISH 3RD HURL TERROR TEAM BY MARGIN OF 8·3 TO BASEBAL~ WIN IN D. C. INVITATIONAL WASHil'iGTON. April l4-Western By CHUCK SMITII, Mt. St. Mary's baseball team COIll· ",::i:y~~':n:~7t~':"~~~~:'~,,~~:;LOYOLA SCORES Maryland's track team scored 29 Western Maryland got back on the bined 11 hits and 5 Western Mary- jumped on Drew pitcher Tom Ogden 17th STRAIGHT WIN winning trail today as they .Iefeated land errors to easily triumph over the for 12, and mesmerized the Jersey- BALTIMORE, April 13 - Loyola ~o~~:;r:~tyPi:~t:~::~Il:ntr:~~ ~a:~ Dickinson in a tight squeaker, 3-2, Green 'Ter-rors, 8-3, last Friday in a ites, 12-2, in a baseball test played day. Western Maryland's one winner Saturday afternoon in. a home game. home game. Walt Sanders went all the April 19 at western Maryland. Drew's College's tennis team continued to be was John Hort, who led the field in Walt Sanders and John Kauffman way fOI' Western Maryland, giving downfall was the commitment of 11 the class of local circles in defeating the 120 yd. high hurdlea. Hart also combined their talents to pitch three up 11 hits, walking 7, and striking This was the errors, which proved far too costly to Western Maryland 6-3. in a row over a took a second in the 880 yd. run, and hit ball, and adequately throttle the out 5. Only 4 of the totaled 8 runs seventeenth victory overcome. western Maryland was at two- year span for the racket-men anchored the second-finishing Terror Carlisle, Pa., Red Devils. scored by the Mount were of the its best afield, coming through with from Evergreen. mile relay team: Kauffman, the starting pitcher, was earned var-iety, a~ walks combined 'Only two boots, and their potent bats Waide Howley, No.1 man for the Catholic University scored 62 points never better as he set down the Dick- with crucial fielding lapses proved to provided more than was needed for Greyhounds, defeated Western Mary- to win its own meet. Second place inson batters in order until the top of be the difference. the SCOl"- Western Maryland the margin of victory. land's Wray Mowbray 6-0, 6.0, to went to Bridgewater~1hird to the Ter- the 7th inning. Kauffman had the op- in.g in the first, getting opened two runs on Dr-ew scored only 'Once in the eighth start things off for the Loyola team. rors; Loyola was fourth and Galludet position completely baffled with his 'singles by Buzzy Lambert. Al Miller and again in the ninth in what was a From here they managed to take the placed last to round out the five en- various assortment (If pitches. The and Brad Jones, and an er-r-or- by the futile comeback to no avail. III the remaining single matches with the tr-ies. The Terrors' excellent distance only Red Devil to reach base was cut Mounts meantime, Western Maryland had the exception of Sam Reed's and Bob Pas- man, Vaughn Smith, lost a-doze race down when Buz Lambert grabbed Mount. top The of the fourth took 3·2, the lead the in the but gr-me tucked away with fQur runs in sarella's victories in the No. 2 & 3 to Loyola's Ken Billup to take runner- Dave Woodruff's pop fly, and doubled Ter-ror's tied up in the bottom half on the first, three each in the thir-d and positions. Reed and John Gunderson lip spot in that event. Most of the John Wiberg, off first. After this, Denny Harmon's walk. and two errors fourth and singles in the fifth and teamed up for victory in the second other points scored by the thindads Kauffman began to lose his touch by the Mount which enabled him to eighth. Bob Yocum led the hitting doubles match, 6-4, 8-6, to spark the were made cp of third and fourth somewhat. An error, a walk, and barrage on three Drew pitchers, col- Terror's efforts. places. Instrumental in gaining these Kauffman's fumble of Bob Koontz's The game broke wide open in the SINGLES lecting 3 singles and a booming triple. Howley (L) defeated Mowbray (\VMl £.0. £·0. were Bob Butler, Dick Hclbruner, Roy sncrifice loaded the bases with none fifth, in which Bill Hessler, Bill Ross, Andy 'I'afur-i spelled Clem in the ninth pa""£~4e.llo(WMI defented Dickson (Ll G·3. -Kennedy, Jim Lewis, Jack Sheridan, away. Kauffman worked the next bat- and Charles Custenbader had success- inning, and he loaded the bases on Reed (WMI defeated Schatd (L) 6-3. 5_1. 6·'. and others. ter to a 2 ball, 1 strike count, when ive singles, Hessler scoring. Sanders walks before he managcd to get Ken O'Connor (L) deteated Cru.h (WM) G·3. 1·5. 100_YardDash-Won by Libert. Catholic U., Coach Jim Boyer lifted Lim for the picked Ross (Iff second, but Joe Moh~~. (L) defeated Gundenon (WM) 6·2. Hellman to hit into a double play. Cumming" (L) de~o¥fB[~~ey (WM) ~·I.e.i. .""ond. McKenna. Loyola; third. Carter. U•. more experienced Sanders. Maroney reached first on an error, Bridgewater; fourth. B""ker. Catholic Although one run scored, he allowed Time--lO.2•. Sanders walked the fir~t batter to and Joe Marcey singled to load the by Libert. Catholic 220.Yard Dash-Won no hits, and the Western Maryland Howley and Dickson (Ll defeated Mowbray U.; .econd. Matthew•. Catbolic U.; third, Me· face him, then settled down and struck sacks. Sanders issued two bases on and Reed (WM) 6·4. 2_6. 6-3. one-hitter was preserved. Reed and Gundenon (WM) defeated O'Connor Kenna. LoYOI,,; fourth. Kennedy. Western out Bob Myers, and AI Miller grabbed and Moblet (Ll 6·4.8·6. Cnmming... nd Schare (L) defeated Cru.h and Maryland. Time-22.9 •. a bunt in the ail' and turned it into balls at this point. forcing in two HO_Yard Dash_Won by Matthews, Catho. aaker (WM) 6·1. 6·1. a double play to snuff the r-ally. runs, and this was all the Mounts g~a~d~!.6~~d:'e"~~te~l;y~~~r3,~oao~~lef'-1~~7~ needed to eventually go on and win Maryland. Tim......-l)1.7•. The Green Terrors drew first blood SSO.Yard Dub_Won by Madison. Catbnllc as Al Miller, after fouling off several the contest. U.; 6eCo>nd.Hort. Western Maryland; third. B. Flynn. Catholic U.; fourth. Smith. Bridiee. pitches, found one to his liking and water. Time-2.Ul. hoisted it over the right-center field NEWARK, April 14 .....:...Western Mile Run-Won by Mosse,,,mith.Catholic U.; fence to send the Green Terrors into Maryland's top-notch tennis team """ond. llilleh. LoyOla: third. Rittenhouse. the lead, 1·0. They held on to this lead J~~~.ewater; lourtb, Dodd. Loyola. Time- nosed out a close victory over the Two-Mile Run-Won by Billeb. Loyola; ."". Blue Hens of the University of Dela- and. Smith. W""tern Maryland; third, Goode. until the fateful 7th inning when ware today. The contest was decided ~a~~~Ti~~;1O~J'1~~:h.Wood. W""tern Mary. Dickinson tied it up. However, the came back in their in the 'doubles matches in which Wray l20_Yard High Hurdles-Won by Hort. Terrors inning to tally another half of the same marker Mowbray and Bob Passarella took one W""tern Maryland; """"nd. Pence. Bridgewa· on back-to-beck singles from Walt ter: third. Andr.... Catholic U.; fourtb. Hol_ IStruck out for Slacum in eigbth. match, and John Gunderson and Sam bruner. Western Maryland. Time 16.2s. 2Walked ror Hellman in eighth. Reed teamed up on the other to bring 229.Yard Low Hurdles- Won by Hyl~ton. Sanders, Hank Schorreck, and Buzzy Totals U 1127HTol.als Drew 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 2 Bridgewater; second. Andr.... Catholic U.; Lambert. This sent the Boyermen in- lGro>undedOUtfor MBrtlnel! in sixth. West. Maryland , 0 3 3 1 the Terrors the dose margin of vic- third. Hill. Catholic U.; fourth. Bryan. Loy. to the lead 2-1. 2Popped out for Sa,'arese in ninth. tory, 5-4. Mowbray, Passaeello, and ola. Time--27.4•. by Lehman. Bridgewater; Mt. St.,Mary·a 0 0 2 I 3 0 0 0 2-S Shot Put-Won Reed all won their singles' matches to second. Smith. Bridll"eW8ter;third, Sheridan. Sanders put down Dickinson in West. ldaryland 2 c 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-3 W""tern M~ryland; fourth. Crawford. Westero send 'Our nettars on their way to vic- Maryland. Distance-38·S"'. order in the eighth, and the Terrors tory. This WIIS the' 2nd victory for our Pole Vault-Won by Pence. Bridgewater. garnered another marker in their half tennis team inlour contests; llowev~r •econd. Mutrovito. Catholic U.; third. Demma. of the frame to gain a 3·1 advantage . fo.:~~a. and Bryan. LoyOla (tie). Distance- Danny one of the contests ended in a High Jump-Won by Pence. Bridgewater; to center Moylan lifted a high fly ball field which was dropped for U. 8. Haoes with American SINGLES """ond. Lewis, Western Maryland; third. Hol_ a two-base error, and Bob Yocum 5. Lonn_ braner. Western Maryland. and Maxwell. Gal_ 1. Ogden Mowbray (WM) defeated Kohler (D) 6.2. 6..:1. h':";.~~t.and Kauper. Loyola (tie). D\1;tanec- Tarur! 0 tllt who had' previously gotten on via an 3. M.m· ~::rJ.~J~jfe'!.~~e:kl;:~pp(~r) Broad Jump-Won by R. Flynn. Catholic error, -scampered home with what Clem 1·0. U.; second. Draber. Catholic U.; third. M.,.. ~. Mantel Harmon ::j~t:.(~)(d;:ea;~ca:UB~u~::o:·:·wl~6; Pal!"nd~~~~tat.:~2:1.~?~rth.Lee. Western Mary_ pr~~~i:O~~S t~r:~n~ngm~::eJli met ~ ~&hr£:~~~~~ii-~~~~~~~'r~i\:;~Jr~ Pa.oed Discus-Won by Pence. Bridll"ewater;."""nd. BaUs_Johnoon 4. Winning _Clem 7·5.6-0. Gr..v"",, Bridgewater; third. Smith. Bridge- Sanders in the rep of the ninth with II"le.Time-2.15. (1·1). LOI!inlt"Piteh",.._Oll"den (2_1). Umpires Ca",on (0) a round-tripper to narro," the ~dge, _Woodhead. R..nkln. Time--2.45. 'i't"6~0~'"fourth. Becker. Catholic U. Diotance-- Mowbray 3-2. But Walt slammed the door after LOYOLA IS VICTOR SChUllP Mile Relay-Won by Catholic U. (Dachery. Reed and Hill. Mathew". B. Flynn). Tim~.33.3. Jolm8 HopkhJ.s Wins, 6~3, C.,.,.~~If·RJd der!y. Madi"on. Dor""c. Libert); second. West- this, getting the next batter on a pop· IN DIAMOND TEST Two-Lap Relay-Won by Catholic U. (Pow. the final two men to up, nnd fanning [n Golf Match With WM Howell ( ",." Maryland: third. Bridgewater: fourth. face him. BALTIMORE, April 14-Loyola Col- Loyola. Time--l.27. . BALTIMORF.. April 18--Johns Hop· Linksmen Succumb DICKINSON WEST. MD. lege baseball team squeaked by West· ern Maryland today, 6-5, in a Ma~on- kins dcfeated Western Maryland in In Albright Match Ursinus Defeats Terrors Weaver. 88. A:·~·~·t Sc.h·eck.N. A\HjOi/5 Dixon Conference game at Evergreen. their golf match today by a score of By 12·7 III Diamond Test ~;r~.!Ji. ~l~!r:e~:~t,n.~,; The Green Terrors, down 4-2 at the 6-3. Conditions ,,'ere un~uitable for READING. PA., April 9-Albright's Myen. lb. (0110 Mmer. lb. • •• Leginning of the ninth innin~, jumped the links game, as the blustery wind gol! team defeated Western Maryland Ursinus College defeated Westem ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0::::.:.t·3b ~ ~ ~ ~ off Loyola's Jim HCfll'.",man for three and bitting cold hampered all the con- today by a score of 6lh-2lh. Neil Mar~'land in a sloppily.plnye.d ball ¥1E!' 21,. ~ g ~ g ~~~~~ne. A g ~ g runs, and took' the lead into the latter Bar·"r. If tenders. However, Mark Leventhal of Blake alld Pete Urquhart won, and game by n 12-7 count. The contest was 2Llk'teh 1000 4Mart'"n I 0 {I 0 I,alf of tlle inning 5·4. A L(lyola triple Hopkins managed to come through Dick Brawley halved for the Terrors, played April 13 at Western Maryland. Specht. p. 300 ( Kauff·n. p. 2102 mixed with a Western Maryland error 1100 Sande..... p with low medalist score of 80 which but losses in the vital spots were too Pitching for both teams was extreme- and a single from the bat of pinch- was only 4 over the par for tile much to overcome, and our linksmen ly weak, and the fielding of both ball Total. 3032416 Tota!a hitter Dave Hartwig proved t!.e un- IStruck out tor Ewing In eIghth. course. Low SCOl.:er for the Gret:n absorbed their 3rd loss df the season. clubs left much to be desired. 2Got On by error lor Baril.r in elllbtb. doing of the B(lyermen. Terrors proved to be Pete Urquhart, Blake dcfeated Lou Breneman of Al Miller supported the Terror ~g;'.,:~d!dr~~t tf!rH;=~ I~n.J~t~· who fired an 85 to rank a;:l one of the Albright 3-1. He also was the low cause with 3 hits, while Mike Savare- Dickln&on 000000 0 0 0 0 I OI_2-.'l-6 WEST. MD. Ab.H.O.A I x-3·8·2 AB.H.O.A. I 0 W""t. Md. 1 hVQ winners for the Terrors in the scorer for the Terrors, firing an 84. se turned in a 2 for 3 performance. Runll-Weaver. CampRnem. Yoc:um. Mmer. Lam·n.2h.p. 522 1 ~'oote.••. ~ 0 a 3 3114 contest. The other Terror victor was Pete Urquhart conquered Charlie Denny Harmon started for ·Western ~~ri·r;b.;~~g ~~£~~~:l~: (120 Gene Miolen, who defeated Tom Mor- Krick 3-1, to round out the scoring Maryland and was shelled out in the (220 315C reels of Hopkins, 5·4. for Western Maryland. third inning. t:::¥.>~~f i~:g ~~~~~. :~: 424() 3190 ~~~~%:;:nH~1~~r2.~~.. 0000 ~ 0 1 0 3002 Check this new collar-style 2Hartwig ~~~~ _IWalked for Deinlein in ninth. - the ,ARROW Glen 2Singled for Holfer.bel"lJ"Inninth xNone out wben w,nnlng run .eored LAUNDROMAT W""t. Maryland 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 3-( I 2_ 200 I 000 Loyola Here's a broadcloth shirt with features 5 Locust Street that please the college man with an eye Opposite Parking Lot for style. The collar, (button-down, of DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 course), isa short~r, neater-looking model. The fine~broaddoth cools you throughout FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 the warm days ahead. The trim checks Closed Wed. Afternoon are available in 7 color combinations, in· Westminster 1287 eluding blue, tan and grey. $5.00. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE And, an Arrow repp always sets off an Arrow shirt just Baugher's Restaurant right. Tie, $2.50. JUST OFF THE CAMPUS FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Homemade Ice Cream and Thick MiIkshakes -first in fashion OPEN EVERY DAY SHIRts· fIts. SlACKS
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