Page 46 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 46
The Gold Bug, Apr. 10. 1956 HOFSTRA DEFEATS GOLF TEAM WINS Med Urquhart, W... t, Md., 76. SIDELINES TERRORS BY 7V2·1¥2 FROM HARTWICK W~'i'::oSI). Low score-Hal'(.. Maryland's western 1956 golf team With Chuck Smith defeated by Hofstra College at Her- started off their season on the bright Maryland's golf team was Western Sports Editor shey, Pa. by a SCOfeof 7lh to 1% on note by defeating visiting Hartwick April 6. The only winner for the Green Col!ege (N.Y.) by a score of 6'h to Terrors wa-s Ted Klenske, who defeat- 2%. Medalist for the contest was Rain and inclement weather put a damper on what was to have been a ban- ed the No. 1 man of Hofstra, Fred Western Maryland's Andy Urquhart ner week-end on the spring sports scene. Baseball contests scheduled with Grieve, by a score of 4·2... with a score of 76. Syracuse and Penn State were both rained out. Also a track meet was cancel- Neil Blake of Western Maryland Pete also won 7-5, to Andy's brother led due to the slushy eondttlpn of the track at Gettysburg. The track meet halved his match with George Byrne, give us a 3-0 advantage in their four- was re-scheduled for this Wednesday, but nothing can be done about the base- and totals llh-l¥.z. Both Pete and some. Ted Klenske and Neil Blake ball contests that. were called off. Andy Urquhart lost their matches to halved their matches, with Western put us down 4lh~I¥.z, and Dick Braw- Maryland taking best ball 2-1. Dick Baseball Team Loses Experience ley and Rick J ones were defeated 71k to to Brawley also halved his match and the final measure, give Hofstra was defeated 1 down to Rick Jones It,was very unfortunate our baseball team was not able to pJay the ~ame'!! 11k. ' account for the scoring. Western scheduled this week-end. You don't realize how much this can hurt you, but Western Maryland's next golf Mar-yland also captured best ball in don't ever believe that it doesn't make a difference. By having these two con- match is Monday, April 9th, against the Iatter match, 2-1. • tests rained out our diamond warriors l-ost 18 innings' in which they could Albright. The next home meet is Sat- Low scorer of the afternoon for work together as a team, find their weaknesses both II.t bat and in the field, urday, April 14, against F & M. Hartwick was Covey Winsor, who and gain the all-around unity and spirit which only comes under fire. Intra, 1. K!;', w ....t. Md., d.feaU'd fired an 80 for the 18 hole distance. Grieve. 4_2. squad games are beneficial, but nothing can take the place of actual competi- 2. Blake. W ... t. Md .. halved Hofstra 1'I.t tion. Thi~ coming week we start playing against Mason-Dixon foes, and the Byrnel to Be.t ball_Hof_ West. Md. 1'I.t I. Klenake.,West. Md., halved Win"or.O_O. sharpness we could have developed in the capcelled contests will never be re- 2. Blake, West. gained. Another reason why it hurt us badly is the fact t1;tat the competition 4. provided by Penn State and Syracuse is of much higher caliber. Both of these schools are universities, and have a wealth of material to draw from in ehoos- 6. ing nine men to represent them in the baseball wars. Naturally, the quality 6. 5. Brawley. of play of these men is going to be high, and faced with the keenness the op- . Hofstra, b_4. B03en.O-O. 1'<" defeat.ed Hartwick. Hof8tu, position displays, it's bound to have a pronounced effect on the ability we dIs- w ...t. Md. low."or..-Klen_ H. 6. Finigian, I down, Best n ..lI- Medalist-Maer, Jon"". play. "If you don't have the competition, you can't have the team" a famous 5ke.75. West. Md .. 2-1 1'I.t sportsman once said, and we have to go along with tllat 100%. But in our ease, its not a question of having the competition, but merely being able to Compliments of get outdoors long enough to play them. Great teams prove themselves against all obstacles, and I'm sure our baseball team will come through, but just -J. R. EVERHART think how much it would have helped to play the games just for the experi- COLLEGE BARBER ence. Win or lose, we could have (I quote a. famous Western Maryland ex- At the ....Forks ~h?~O:p:,yu~n! I' pression) {'separted the men from the boys". Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. Evenings 9 p.m. of friends horne- . ward bound you tiom 2 p.m. Weather Also Hurts Track Team Continuous Shows and Holidays on tanmakeita Saturday Our track team can't seem to get a break either, as they have had two of 'I'ues., Wed., April 10-11 Rasinsky's Pharmacy "parry" all the way. There's their meets cancelled. A meet with Johns Hopkins and Towson was called off HELEN OF TROY ,"Reliable Prescriptions" ~?~:\~Ovi~~t:~~d ,,'.0 '" ,e because of the .snow~torm we were blessed with before vacation, and Getty,s- RoaannCin~::S~pe_TeChnf:~I~r Sernas ~:~;~r'""h",;,« nothing to worry about. Drugs and Everyday Needs ~~;dU~:Ss ~a~~! ~~ul~s;:~~~:d~J~d~::;,g~heth;:k~:~~ l:~:fft°wi~:~~ Thur., l;:ii ~~:i'3-~~~i5-~~~~7Tues. meet hurts. In track you must train constantly in order to produce a top- I CAROUSEL 30 W. Main St. More Comfort! notch performance in competition, and a day without running begins to cost Shirley ~ones Gordon ~acRae the razor-sharp condition you've worked so hard to attain. Anyone who has CI~emaScope-Techmcolor Westminster. 'Md. taken part in track, and has not reached adequate condition to meet the re- wea., Thur.; Fri., Sat. Phone 101 luggage spate, '.. qutremente, will strongly suggest you do. .. April 18.19-20-21 refreshments . The golf ~am was able to brave .all the. elements Of.the a~ve, and split AN~~~I~~B~?ES and swell meals two matches With Hofstra and Hartwick. Fnday afternoon our linkamen took Donald O'Connor Jeanmaire en route. No 'On a group of duffers from Hartwick, N.Y. We came out on top by a margin Technicolor-VistaVision' tough driving on crowded highways. No waiting for of 6%-2%. We didn't favor so well at Hershey, Pa. the following day and Sun., Mon., Tu~ April 22-23-24 It's always in good taste, skies to dear. Yessir, the train is topS 'Succumbed by a score of 7%-1%. Our golf team is composed 'Of 'I'ed=Klenske, THE KETTLES AT THE OZARKS And the taste is always good in transporralion! . Pete and Andy Urquhart, Neil Blake, Dick Brawley, and Rick Jones. Hats Arthur Hunn~:c~nicolo~arjory Main off to Andy Urquhart who was medalist (low scorer) of both teams Friday What Savings! ;r~a~ 7i~' ~:~i~~ ~i: !Oa~ ~~~~~: f;;i:;\~:n:~~~n~nc::e~:;\~: ~~~:!gtate '1~ Give yourselfa Terrors on Saturday. Ted is firing this year from the N'o. 1 spot on the golf team, and we look for a great year from Skipper and all of his teammates. 'k/~, M~ ~~:~~~; ~:a~;t~y ~" twOor more friends bound foryout ' _ Continuous Holi· 1 p. m. Saturdays. College Students Take Up Golf day shows continuous from 2 p. m. Phon. 1237 home town. On Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. 'kI~.MJ. rrips of 100 miles It's interesting to note how many people have taken up the links game at Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday sbows Our New Addition or more, you'lleafh save 2,% on round. 'Western Maryland recently. On the next nice day take a look at our course continuous from 6:45 p. m. The Colonial Dining Room trip coach tickets using GROUP and see the number of students taking advantage of the facilities offered. ECONOMY FARES 1* And here's Golf is a wOl\,derful game, and once you get the bug, you never seem to quit. Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. another bargain! Round up 2~ or I wonder how many of us have sworn we're through with the game forever April 8-9·10·11 LAUNDROMAT moretotravellong.distancetogethet 'Onthe 17th hole, and then get off one of those low, whistling drive':! that carry William Holden PICNIC Kim Novak on the same homeward uaio. Then about 200 and· some yards, and decide it might not be such a bad game after CinemaScope-Technicolor 5 Locust Street retum singly or,together, and you each save 28$ of regular round· all. Then a chip shot on the green about 6 feet from the pin invigorates us to Fri., Sat. April 13·14 Opposite Parking Lot trip fare. such an extent we wonder why we are 'Still in the amateur ranks. Then a true NORTHWEST PASSAGE .ExaPII.,.If("/1r"o,/btl""'~ N"" Yor,i. putt for a birdie, and we're off on another nine before dark. By the 5th hole Spencer Tracy Ruth Hussey DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 W",hinv.n,,,,,I.!U.tu:./II1'.P,,, we're into the twenties, and it's so dark you need a flashlight to find the ball, Technicolor FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 See your travel or licket agenl but we finish out the nine with a 50 or so, and then tell all our uninterested Sun., Mon., Tues., 'Ved., _NOW! Ask about thele bfg money Thur., Fri., Sat. listeners about the birdie on the 18th hole. People have remarked to me what a April.15-16-17-18-19-20-21 Closed Wed_ Afternoon savin" plerns! , stupid game it is to walk 2' or 3 miles beating a little white ball with a stick, I'LL CRY TOMORROW and when you think about it, it is sort of silly, but I've never met anybody Susan Hayward Richard Conte Westminster 1287 EASTERN who quit golf. Instead, it goes on picking up enthusiasts day after day. Some Sun., Mon. -- April 22-23 FREE DELIVERY SERVICE of our more vigorous athletes maintain the links game is for miqdle-age and Randolph LAWLESS STREET RAILROADS Scott Claire Trevor older men, and they will stick to the more energetic sports until they attain later years. Personally, I'll not· have the pacidity in later years to take up the game. I'd rather do my cussing, club-throwing, and work out my golf tantrums in my younger days when I can take it. If you wait until your later Comfort has always years, it might kill you. been a college requirement English Bicycles for Rent (Men's & Women's) I J. WM. HULL, Jewel.r Heagy's Sport Shop II For Over Half Century And, Arrow underwear offers pure comfort in.on)' Expert Watch, position. The Arrow Tee has a neckhand that Jewelry 46 Penna Ave. ~e-Glass Repairing won't enlarge, leeets its good fit always. $1.25. Phone 1350W W. Main St.reet Boxer shorts, with contour seat, in noveltypatterns or solid colors give ·you style with no-bind wear. $).SO. Arrow Guards (knitted I briefs), offer the same complete STEW DODSON FRANK NOVAK comfort as all Arrow underwear. $ 231 A.N.W. 233 A.N. W. CAMPUS AGENTS For The Modern G. I. Laundry - All. Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work 223 E. Green St. Westminster 1478 s.!lm·TIU is Guaranteed r HAHDlUCKIEfS • UNDEl", I
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