Page 55 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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The Gold Bug, May 15, 1956 JUNIATA GOLFERS NETMEN TRIUMPH TENNIS TEAM SCORES SIDELINES ROUT LOCAL TEAM OVER GETTYSBURG MASON. DIXON WIN JUNIATA, PA., May 11- Western GETTYSBURG, PA., April 20-West- WASHINGTON, April 25__":"Western Witl! Chuck Smith 1- Maryland, in spite of the Urquhart ern Maryland defeated Gettysburg in Maryland defeated Catholic Universi- Sports Editor "point getters", went down in deieat- a rather easy style in coasting to an ty 6-3 in a tennis match played 'Be- to a strong team of Juniata clubsmen 8-1 triumph. The Green Terrors cap- tween the Mason-Dixon rivals today. by a score of 7%·1%. Andy was able tured every doubles match, and came winners for the Green Terrors were Jim Boyer, Western n-1aryland's sweatshirt, which would cause the to tie his' match for a "'h point count out on top in all of the singles except Wray Mowbray, Bob Passarello, Sam colorful coach, is sporting an ear-to- white horsehide to be indisinguishable after being four strokes down and one. Reed, and Bob Crush. The Terrors ear grin this week, and f(lr a good as his arm came through in pitching only four remaining. The other Urqu- Western Maryland's two undefeated also had the advantage in the doubles reason too, as a double-barreled 'de- 'motion. Rock finally consented in such hart golfsman, Pete, who was low netmen, Sam Reed, and freshman Bob department sweeping two of the three feat of the now low-flying Blue Jays a grudgingly manner one wondered if scorer for W.M, won his match on the Pasaarello, kept their fine records in- matches. of Johns Hopkins is a congratulatory he-thought the effort of removing his 18th hole firing a brilliant score of tact with victories. Reed, playing the Mowbray and Passarella won their measure for any coach and his teem. shirt and adorning r.. new one would 83 for the day. The-results. No.3 position, whipped Charlie Moyer doubles easily 6·3, 6-0, and Sam Reed There isn't sweeter victory meat for be such a burdensome task it might of G-burg 6-1, 6-0. Passarella, the No. and John Gunderson followed suit any Western Maryland athletic team a:; Loyola Nine Tops 2 man, had a little more trouble with with a 6-4, 0-6, 6-4, triumph. than prime roast (If Blue Jay, and ,~v~:~~erh~op~~~:l~:::edid~i,~c~~nv~ Bill Smith (Jf the home team, but still connoisseurs of this delectable dish Western Maryland managed the victory, 6-4, 6-3. 6_2,":owbray(WM) defeated Edmond. (CU) 6_1, will confirm the fact. In this manner ~l:r;:~~:~:s:;~:;~ ~~t~~eB~~:~a~P'~~I~ SINGLES Mowbray (W.M) defeated Rice (G) 6_2. 6_2. our baseball team enjoyed the perfect 6_I.assarello (WM) defeated Smith (G) 6_3. 6_iassarel1o (WM) defeated Loren. (CU) 6_3. 6_2~eed(WM) defeated Carey (CU) 6_4. 3_6. feast Saturday afternoon. banging ~~~ ~~~::i~~.tW~~sfi;~~~g:~;:i!~~e~~~ , fe~urt::e~-r~nhO~!h:~n i~ni~;st_~:l~~~ Reed (WM) defeated Moyer (G) 6_1. 6_0. out 23 hits through a perforated Hop- Cru"h (WM) defe..ted Yingst (G) 6-~. 6·(. G.frush (\VM) defeated O'Connor (CU) 6-2. GunderSon (WM) defeated Robbin (G) 3_6. kins infield and outfield for a total of f:;leth~l"o~:::e~~u::m,~~e~oo~eodp~~~ n:a~. AI ~illel", was notYenough as 6-1. 6_~. Cer~m""ck (CUr defeated Gunderson (WM) 20 runs including 5 home runs. scored 6 runs in the top of the second VISIting Loyola took. the measure of Houser (G) defeated Finley (WM) 6_3. 7_5. 6· Whaley (CU) defeated Finley ~WM) 6_2.6_2. Never have the Terrors played ball inning, but the Terrors showed they the .Green Terrors a 7 to 6 count (WM) defe81ed with such determination, never have ~:; ~all~t bot t~:al~~i;;,t a~~nitth~a~O: A~~l t~~:il~:;s::~~l~:l~:y~:r;:~r came WM) defeBtedra- 6_3,6_0. they stepped up to the plate and ) ddcated MOYor b_~~f:~l~Cer<>m_ swung their bats with so much gusto, ~l~~v~::.~.o~a~c:r:~~s t~:e70uar~~eda~~ ~:!hbee;t~~I:nO: aa~9.Ueb;;0~la:y byC~~;~~ ) defeated Crush and never has the team hit as a whole the way they teed off against the ~!:~~a;:y~v:~~:~e t~::.~;~nP~~!t~~:~~ ;:~rea\V~~~~i~~! ~~k b~au~~~donJ~~:: unfortunate Hopkins hurlers. WESTERN MARYLAND COURTMEN TROUNCED It was an unusual afternoon at the the sixth, and the superstitious Boyer. ~:~I~!bu~~~:;dMi~I:;~~;~ad;dh::ot~~; TOPS CATtIOLIC U., 9·8 baseball diamond. Boyer started off ~~:e, b:~~ ~v:~b~t:::~~ino:tth~i~s~l~::~ circuit clout tc bring the stocky BY HOPKINS NETMEN the festivities when he announced his coaches box for four-leaf clovers when WASHINGTON, April 30 - Western BALTIMORE. April 28-W est ern Uni- by Catholic squeezed • diamond war-rior-s wouldn't bat Walt Sanders finally whiffed the last RtUS~~~~LaAhead of him. WEST. ~1D. Maryland 9-8, in a nip-and-tuck Mason- Maryland's tennis team absorbed its Ah.H.O.A. Ah.H.O.A. versity, today against Tom Rock, the Hopkins pitch- man of the inning. who had the poten- ~~\k·e.s·~f. ~ 1~~ E~~~ ~1: :\ Dixon Conference baseball game to- second defeat Terrors as Johns Hopkins handed setback. a 6-3 the er, unless he removed his white tial of the winning run for Hopkins. Joh·son. If. 4 1 0 0 lMoy!" ., 0 0 0 day. The teams were neck and neck , Hsmper. ab. 4 121 31100 throughout the first six innings, and Winners for the Terrors were fresh- , 130 5050 3 130 DiPlno. e. Quinn.2b. 2126 Gunderson, man Bob Passarel!o, John of Pcssarello Baseball Team Exhibits Color ~:,9;;, ~ ~'1°g Scbor·ek. BS: n t ! thes~ proved ~o be the big inn.ings this ~s and the Wray doubles team Mowbray and durmg occurred all of the scormg Feeser. c. 4 0 4 0 Mowbray. and H~n'man. p. 5 0 o 2 Clem. 4104 p. Total. 39102711 Totals 3592713 time. Bob Yokum led the local forces, Passarello have been very successful This demonstrated a fact that every. shook Joncs's hand. and everybody IRan for Lambert in eiOl"hth. belting a two-run double in the fourth, in the tennis wars .this year, being one had known all year; that Sanders ;~~~:~d thinking about the second Loyal...... _..__._._._._ .._ 140 I 0 0 I 0 0-7 and garneri,p.g a single to collect a defeated only one time. ._ 1020 0 ~ 0 3 0--6 W...t. Maryland SINGLES is best when the pressure is on: Boyer Run9--Foote. Hartwick" (2). Quinn. MeCar_ pair for the day. Tony Johnson almost Greenberg (JHI defeated Mowbray (WM) added a little more color in the sev- The second game proved to b~an Moylan. 6_4.6_2. F_r. enth when the umpire behind the anti-climax, as a dejected flock of had the cycle, as he drove in fOUl"runs 6_[a.... rel1o (WM) defeated Squair (JH) 6·1. triple, and a home run with a single, Rutler (JHl defeated Reed n_3. (WM) 9-7. plate announced "Abata hitting for Blue Jays never showed anything even blast. 8-5~re.mer (JH) defeated Crush (WM) 6_3. Hopkins" Boyer's classic comment resembling a threat, and Sanders ~o 6_;,:nd"rson (WM) defeated S..vitz (JH) 7_5. was "A batter huh, just so he's not a adequately throttled any attempt, tile hitter." Even the pinch-hitter Abata Terrors had it wrapped up in the Loyola Bows 6_t."nder-aon(JM) defeated Finley (WM) 6-1. DOUBLES • anickered at this one, and seemed to third inning with a 7-0 lead. Buz Mowbuy and Pa.,.lO.rello (WMI defeated (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6. COL. 5.) be still laughing when Sanders threw Lambert and Nick Rausch hit round- Kennedy. Kennedy ran the 100 yd. Greenberg Bnd Bower (JH) 6_0. 6_2. SQuair and SWlti!,<-t(JH) defeati!d Reed and a third strike past him for the second trippers in the second game, and Buz dash in 10.1, and the 220 yd. dash in Gunde!"!IQn(WMI 6-1. 6_4. Cremer and Pedorella (JH) defeated Crush Hopkins out of the :;eventh and final had a 3-bagger to up his team-leading 22.5, but finished second in both and Finlel'...(WM) 6-2. 6-3. inning. The final out was'a real Frank batting average to 0418. And last but events to Loyola's Hugh McKenna, not least we have to say something MelTiwell ending as Brad Jones who covered the distance in 10.0, and TOWSON STATE BOWS trip. leaped high in the air in the middle about Hank Schorreek's Henry round was pos· RIFLEMEN CLOSE 22.1 respectively. per in the first game. of the 7th green to pull down a tre- ing fQr toothpastE) ads all the way 4·6 RANGE CAMPAIGN TO WEST. MARYLAND mendous blast from thc bat of Stu round the bases. and went on to en- TOWSON MD.. May 8-Western Marks. Sanders, a little w(Jbbly in the joy his best day at the plate of the The Western Maryland rifle team Maryland's topnotch tennis team con- knees after that blast, appropriately completed its season with a 4-6 won- tinued their winning ways today as loss record in shoulder-to-shoulder they deieated Towson State Teachers matches. It was a f:;irly successful College 6-2. Winners for the Green Sanders: Athlete Of The Week season returning lettermen on the only 12- Terrors were Gunderson, Mowbray, Sam were there consideTing Wray four Fin- Reed, John and Earl man team. ley. There's no question as to the "Ath· he acquired a little less than two The team owes a debt of gratitu)te Thc Green Terrors also came out on lete of the Week" for this issue, and years education. In the past three especially to Ron Graybeal, ne:xt top in the doubles matches, sweeping this in a sense is overdue, as \Valter years he has carried the burden of year's team captain, and Jack Turn- 2 out of 3, as Mowbray and Passarello Ma:xwell Sanders has been an out- the pitching staff vf the Western ey, who graduates this year. They triumped 6-2, 6-3, and Reed and Gun· standing athlete every week since the Maryland club, and has always been provided the necessary experience derson won 6-2, 6-2. start of the baseball season. Jim Boy- a "tight-spot man" and is known t(l and high scores for the team to win SINGLES er looked into his crystal ball Satur- be best when the pressure is on. Walt in some 01 the close matches. Mowbray (WM) defeated navi. (T) 6_3. 6·3. day, and let himself in f(Jr a lot of is a native of Baltimore, Maryland, The awards for the 1956 rifle team M. Kennedy (T) defeated PR!!8arello(WM) ridicule when he announced Sanders and a graduate and baseball player are as follows: :J~:~(7~)d~;!:~ C~~;hol~vJ~\ ~tt~: would pitch both ends of the double- from Forest Park High School in Bal- Beckett. sp<>rlJ!letler. ribbon. header against Hopkins. Quite a few timore. This year Walt has been l.Iuterbaugh.sPQrt.slett.:r. Dodson.• porto letter. ribbon. people asked why he was going to pointing toward the baseball season, ~:~::'B~p:~r\·et~~~~·ibbon. 1st plB"e trophy. ::F;;;7;~~:;e:t::a: H::i:i: ~:: :~: pitch Walt both games-it was only and began his preg_aration for the Nichol".• poru letter. rib~n} moot valuable Mowbrsy snd DOUBLES m""t meml>crmedal. PBsserello (WMI d~fCftted common sense that he would be tired crackerjack season he is e:xperiencing freshman medal. ~nd plBce medal. Davia and M. Kennedy IT) 6_2. 6_3. Slade. "pOrta leUer. ribbon. and lose a lot (Jf his stuff in the latter on the soccer field. Although he had Smith. "pOrta letter. ribbon. 3rd pla"e medal. !teed and Gunde!"!IQn(WM) defeBted Gam"" Summe..... porta ribbon. ball game, but Boyer stuck to his never gone (Jut for soccer before, he ~ili:,':?· :::;:: l:~::;;ribbon. handicap medal. Yocum Paces Terrors ant. ~,;~n:.,dy(~~:-~r~~h (T) snd Cruah snd ~~n:r.(WM). one set each when wu guns and merely stated "I want to became a candidate for the squad to win both games." WeU, as usual, Walt get himself into shape. He made the In Rout Of American came through, and seemed to get team because of his determination and Darkness .Halts Deadlock Track Tourney stronger as the innings_.l¥ore on, and hustle, and proved a valuable asset to With Hampden·Sydney WASHINGTON, May 8-Bob Yokum finished up the second gam!! giving our championship team alth(Jugh he led the assault on 3 American Uni- (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6. COL. 4.) up only 7 hits to Hopkins while strik- did not playa great deal. His will to WEST. MD. vcrsity pitchert to lead Western ity to pick up second and t!Jird places, the overall Instru- strength. showing Ah.H.O.A. Ab.H.O.A. ing out 5 and walking L Walt now win the overall drive exhibited on t.he H·p·y•. Sb-P. 4 201 Sn· ...e. cf. 4020 Maryland to a 15-2 victory over the mental in these were Dale Wood in 123 posts a log of 7 victories and 1 de- practicc field enabled the' first-string Smith. "a. I; 2 3 2 Harmon. 3b.' 7351 Mason_Dixon rivaL Yokum banged out the distances, Jack Sheridan in the feat, and maintains his position as Mar)owe. 2b.1 2 I 2 Yocum.". 63140 a single, double, and a triple, and col- weights, and Bruce Lee and Roger Miller. lb. I; 2 2 0 Cooke. If. one of the leading hurlers of the performers to gain the ,-savvy they Cox. lb. I; I 9 1 Lamhert. 2b. a 021 lected 4 RBI's in the lopsided contest. 5S20 Jones.ri. J,,>·ce. d. 30 1 ~ Mason-Di:xon Conference. needed to combine efforts for the Harlow. rf. 41 I 0 Sch· WEST. MD. Wolfe in the running events, and Dick Walt camc to Western Maryland trophy which brought to We~tern Griffin. c. ~ 2150 ri~~~~h!f.g g g g Ab.H.O.A. Holbruner in the hurdles. Cuter.p. 301(J from Baltimore Junior College where .Maryland its first soccer title. Lede. p. 1100 3HerSh. If. 2010 Sav'""e. d. 3130 M~~~i;:J~ s~~hd-:-~';:'~.'ZLKsetM",!~j.·::"t"h~~~ 1001 Tyn .... p. Harmon. 3b. I; I 0 4 Hi~kman. rf. 1 I 0 0 Clem. p. 2002 Yokum.". (350 Butler. Western Maryland. Time-lO.b. WIll·ma.3b. I 0 ~ 0 r~~~~n.pP. ~ g g ~ Miller. lb. '190 220_Yard Daah - Won by Butler. Western 1000 y·.;third. Rausch. If. Spring Sports Over This Week SanderS.p.OOOl Moylan. If. 4100 Lambert. 2b. 5 1 7 ~ 47123314 Totala Jones. d. 2210 lWalked for Moylan in .""enth. Sehor·"k.•• 4013 Sande.... p.3001 2Ran for Rausch in .e"enth. It was the same story in the Hats (Iff to John Hort, who was the 3Stru~k out for SI.
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