Page 48 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 48
The Gold Bug, Apr. 24, 1956 _John_HortPacesW.Md. Track Team To 79§-41~Victory Cindermen Trounce Washington DARKNESS HALTS W: MD. TENNIS TEAM As League Competition Begins WASHINGTON, April 12- Western Maryland appeared on the road to vic- John Hort proved unstoppable as he tory only to see their objective took first place honors in 4 events to snatched from their grasp by dark, pace western Maryland to an easy ness. Sam Reed and John Gunderson 79 2/3 to 41\ 1/3 victory over Wash- MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS were tied up with Bill Thomas and ington College on April 21 at Wester-n I Snbscription Price $2.00 Per Am .. Jack Munsey of American University Maryland" Hort dominated the hurd- when the contest had to be called be- les, winning the high's in 16.5, and cause of darkness. The score ctood at copping the lows in 27.2. Teammate WILLIAM F. MUHLENFELD,Editcr-in-Ch.iej 8-8, but by their spirited play, Reed Dick Holbruner ran second in both ROBERTG. CRUSH, Business Ma:na.ger and Gunderson looked as if they had events, and also trailed the versatile just acquired that all-needed spark Hor t in the high jump, in which the _.Delor"" J. GOIlde Feature Editor...._. ... Floren"" A, Fay Typinll Editor __ ._ _.Henrietta C. Eaaom when the match was halted. latter took first place with a leap of Photoguphy ~:~F~:f~~-idltOr"~~~t";"ol~i ~~~~~:~ Exehanli:e._.__..._.... Lynnda L. Skinner Wray Mowbtay continued his win- 5'6", Hort also led the Terror forces News Editors Flon'!M"A. Melli Cireulation '__ "' !rl;~:!''!.':.1i. SA~~~ii~ COpyEdito...~ Naney V. Willi. AdY"rtlainli:M.nali:er__'----_C. L, FOMett.Jr. ning ways in the singles, and teamed in a complete sweep of the 880 yd. N ..noy J. Banko Lee- in Bruce were run. Bob Passarello up with to win their Runner-ups doubles match. Other winners for the second place, and Roger Wolfe hold- Terrors were Passarello in his singles ing down third, The winning time in match, and the undefeated Sam Reed, this event was 2.09.2. SIDELINES playing out of the No.3 position for also took two first places in his events, Smith Vaughn Miler and two-miler the Green Terrors, He took the mile in 4.46, and came With Chuck Smith ~:":~;:I~n( tL 6i!i, t~: back in the two-mile to coast 00 an 9'6" Broad Jump-Won hy Hall, Western Mary_ Reed (WM 6·8,7·5. land: "*'Cond,C. Smith, W""tecn Maryl..nd: Sports Editor Munsey (A ) 7.5, 6·~. easy victory in 10,52.2. Other winners third, Landis. Wa.hinlflOn.Di.tance-19'9". Nod~~t ( (WM) 6.3, for the Terrors vlere Bob Butler in HirBch(A) defen\)iJ~t~s (WM) 6·S. 6·2. the 440, Larry Hall in the broad jump, WESTERN MARYLAND There has been no lack of activity in any of Western Maryland's four Mnwbrayand P.....arello (WM)defeated Horn and Bill Spaur in the discus. varsity spring sports since our last issue, as was the case at that time, How. Owensand Nadanyi (A) deteated CruBhand Washington's College's lone bright . NETMEN TRIUMPH ..nd Chung (A) 6.1,6·1. ever, not all the activity turned out exactly as a loyal Terror rooter might Baker'(WM) 6.1, 6·2 spot wa.s the brilliant sprinting of Jay desire. As of the 21 of April, the only winning team we support is the tennis Reed and Gunde.. on (WM)tied wIth Thomas Cucchi. He won tbe 100 and 220 yd. EMMITSBURG, Mo" April 5 _ and Munsey (A) 6·4, 8.6, 8·8. stellar court team team, which currently sports a 3-1~1 record. If you take a moment to recall, events running- into a wind all the Western Maryland's Mary' today by a defeated Mt, St. ~:i~~i:~ :::s~;u::ea;'t~:r yO:a~:,e;:~sp::t7~0;u;~vt:~~nt~~n:!Yi:o~:i:~t~~t~ \ W. Md Golters Bou: way. Western Mar-yland's Roy Ken. score of 7-2. Winners for the Green given where To Gettysburg, 7-2 nedy trailed Cucchi in both events, Terrors were Wray Mowbray, Bob :;e~i~oi: ~~~:~~~sisd~:~~.:~~~! ~t~s:;;c:~rc~:~~i:St::~. always with Bob Butl~ picking lip a third Paesarello, Sam Reed, and John Gun- place in the 220. derson. GETTYSBURG, PA., Greyhounds Tough For Netmen Western Maryland's inconsistent 13 golf - mile The final event of the day was the doubles department a sweep Mowbray April made of the The Terrors in with relay, the which Shoremen The only defeat suffered by our netmen this year was at the hands of a team was taken the measure of today came through to win the fast time of and Passarello winning their sets, strong Loyola club. It seems the Greyhounds have consistently been a thorn by a fine group of linksmen from 3.39,a. Western Maryland now has a 6-3, 6-0, and the other Terror netmen, in the side of Prof. Frank Hurt's talented array, for their two victories over Gettysburg by a score of 7-2. Neil 1-0 rec-ord in Mason-Dixon play, but consisting of Reed and Crush, and us proved to be the only defeats administered to our racket-swingers last year, Blake was the only winner for the stands 1-1 for overall competition, Gunderson and Skilinski, following The team has a chance to avenge this defeat in a home match with the Grey- homesters, defeating Jack Spillinger having lost to Gettysburg earlier. the former's example. The results: SINGLES hounds April 26, and you can be sure they will be pointing for this one. 6-4. Ted Klenske, shooting from the (WM) deteated ~'laniga" Some may glance at the record of this group with wonder, as ties in ten- No.1 spot, was turned back by Tom nis matches are unusual, but a tie was the result of our match with Ameri- Maglauchin 3-1. However, Blake's )6.1, can U. Sam Reed and John Gunderson were all even in the final doubles con, performance gave Western Maryland test when they decided it was a little too dark to see the fast-moving ball, best ball, 1 up. The 'Derrors failed to 6·0. and everyone went home. Quite a few of our team members and loyal sup- come up on top in any of the other Gunde.. "" (WM) defeated McNeila (MSM) honors were Sanders Shuts Out 6_3.6·0. porters feel we could have come through. in the contest if it had not been matches, but co-medalist Eag~~4.(MSM) defeated SkiIenBki(WM) 6_2. halted, but this is a debatable question we don't want involvement into. shared by Blake and Hugh Van Dyke of Gettysburg, The results: Catholic U. By 6-0 Baseball Team Is Looking Better 1. M(~MUtbJ~L(G) defeated Klenske WMG With Four-Hitter Our baseball men got hooked with a team that makes more errors than' 2. B~~:.e(WM) defeated Spillinger (G) we do, and managed to come up on the winning side of a 3-2 count. Hats off e. MillerB(G~Bd~l~urJ;q~~art Pele Steady-working Walt Sanders was to John Kauffman for some mighty fine pitching the first six innings against (WMM3.1 I at his brilliant best as he put cown F&M Hands Terrors team. 4th Links Setback Dickinson. Big John never looked better, and when he gains the much-needed 4. vA';.d~Yr~~f)o.teteated Urquhart, the Cardinals of Catholic University experience and ~on~dence, look for one of the best twirlers Coach Jim Boyer 5. Cole lb'itde~:~~~GB~~".!ie/·lWM)1.6. with four hits while his Terror has come up with m recent years. You can't knock his strategy in moving E.Lauffenburller (G) defeated Jon"" mates squeezed six runs out of six Franklin and Marshall's talented the ever-ready and always dependable Walt Sanders in at the crucial moment. ~(WMd",,1·5Ball_G.burg.8.6 hi ta for a 6.0 Mason-Dixon Conference linksmen handed our Terrors their 4th Walt didn't Have enough warm-up pitches, and gave a free pass to the first baseball victory, The game was played loss, April 4, at Western Maryland, April 10 at Western Maryland. 6%-2%. Neil Blake and Ted Klenske :~~:~ t~a::e~;ba~~:r,t:~sd ~:~~:~'t~e ~~i:rtoe~~;ri~;~:e~!u~~~~=;~' I~sW~I~ Co-M~k~i·,WM) and Van The Terror baseball warriors got 4 halved their matches, while Pete Ur- runs in the first inning on two walks, quhart defeated Bob Bostic, 1 up, to ;~r ao~;n~~~~~~_::;e~:!~ ~::d~:;\::r:e ;:~t ~e: ~i~!~~in!a;,i~:~~ Gettysburg Triumphs In t;o singles and two stolen bases. account for the Terror scoring. Men_ Baltimore, Md" and is still uncertain as to the future after his tenure with Track Meet With W. IUd. Brad Jones drove ho:ne two of the tion should be made of the fine golf Uncle San(. runs with his timely single. Insurance Western Maryland's No.2 mall, Neil It did Terror fans good to see Al Miller connect Saturday. His big bat GETTYSBURG,PA., April ll-Com- l'uns were added in the second and Blake, had been playing. In the pres- has been impotent as to the long ball, although he has been collecting 'singles plete domination of the field events sixth innings. Sander'S did his part in ent campaign, he is the only golfer and doubles to show an average into the 400's. Many baseball observers be- gave Getty:;burg the margin of victo- winning his own games, singling in on the team who is undefeated. West- lieve our ball club over the hump, and look for a bang-up club to finish the ry in a t~ack meet with WCEtern the sixth innings, and scampering ern Maryland's weakness continues to season. Even the casual observer can see the improvement in the infield, and Maryland to the tune of 67·50. The home on Mike Savcrse's double. Mike's be in the _lower bracket, where we the number of errors at the declining rate witnessed the last game will back Green Terrors, strength of four firsts double was the only extra·base blow up the fact. and seven seconds in eight events, of the contest .. were whitewa~ed, 3-0. The r::~l;:; built a 43-29 margin in the track l. Klenake (WM) halved Zurcher Sanders, Walt Hart Rates "Athlete Of The Week" phase, but a complete collapse in the fully and dcliberately, working struck very care- 2. make (WM) halved Mnrgan (FM) (FM) 0-0. out five field events, in which they scored only 0_0. A more diversified athlete than Western Maryland's John Hort would be 7 points out of a possible 45, brought and walked only four, Catholic U.'s a thing of exception on any track team in the country. The Terrors are for- on the defeat. only threat came in the seventh inning tunate to have such a versatile trackman on the squad, not only in the respect Vaughn Smith was (}utstandipg for when Jim Hughes doubled and Don 4 of his point-scoring ability, but in helping less fortunate cindermen to the our thinclads, scoring 10 point'3 by Daly walked. However, Hughes was ~2.IBrawley secret of his success. John is always quick to help any aspirant in the hurdles, t1l.king firsts in the mile and the two ~~~ ~~:~ e~~e~i~:e ~~P:i:~n;~x: play, 6. D~.~~(FM) defeated Miolen(WM) high jump, or hi;! specialty, the half mile. It's a redeeming factor in American mile runs. The versatile John Hort athletics to see such an excellent athlete so little affected by his own success. also captured firsts in the 880 yd. run, Jim Shrode, the Cutholic starter, Best n·aH.F" M, 4·3 0 3 In view of this, the sports staff unanimously voted John "Sports Personal- the 120 high hurdles, and a second in ity of the Week". tohn is a Physical Education major coming to Western tho 220 low hurdles, The only other ~~~e a:: r:~s.o~e~::~e~:li:!:?i~nt~: Medalist-Bo.tic (FM) 19. Maryland from Fort Bragg, N. C., although he did his J!igh school running at winner for Western Maryland was seventh by Damien Crane, who baffled Washington and Lee High School in Washington, D. C. John represents hard Howard Hunt, who shared a triumph the Boycrmen with hitless ball for SUMMER MONTHS work personified, as he usually is the first one down on the track in the after_ with Don Hailey of Gettysburg in the the remainLer of the contest. WITH A noon, and many times the last one to leave, There is no waste of time -when discus. CATIIOLICU. WEST. MD. he gets_there either, and it is nothing for John to run 4 or 5 quarter miles for HAPPY ENDING time, work ,on his hurdles, then high jump, and finish with a couple of miles running just for condition. Hort is a stickler fOl" condition, and in his case it SPEED YOUR FUTUHE; SUlll- is a necessity. The fall usually finds Hort running cross-country just for the i~iiAllH mer schedules for college stu- pleasure of it, as -Western Maryland has no organized team. Here is inspira- !~l,AO:,::H.;1:0:g,:A;<~, dents and graduates. tion for any boy who may have his doubts about participation in athletics. If 4John.on,J. OOGO Sch·eck,ee. • 8 WEEK Intensive programs _ May, rt. ~ 0 0 0 Sande.. , 1>. you don't mind the hard work, and are willing to pay the price, any normal ~':'}§~e~',2b. ~ g ~ ~ Mart'H. It. Simplified Gregg Shorthand and boy with a natural amount of co-ordination and ability can excel. This is one lJohnaon, T, 0000 typewriting. estern Mary_ sport in which it is 100% up to the individual as to the outcome. Ian ;."",ond, Wood,Western Maryland; third, 3Smith 1000 Naumann, Gettyoburg,Tim'!---4.51.0. 6 WEEKS, ABC Shorthand, Tri- Hurdl_Won hy MUB.""', 220·Yard Low GettY!lburg;second, Hort, Western Maryland; lWalked {n,.McCartneyin eighth. pIes peed texts, about 80 w.p.m. in 30 school days. 2Groundedout for Exner in eighth. The Black and Whites present :~~£a~~:aEI~;~~tr=:.~~rtJ:t~·~~7: 8'Groundedout for Cran.. in ninth. BEGIN approvcd diploma course 4Ran for Hughes in ninth. :::i'6.~~ryland: third, Apple. GettysbUrg.Time Catholic U. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 for secretaryship as a career 1 0 0 ,,-6 0 West..Maryland 4 1 0 THE BIG_ TOP BALL Maryland; """"nd, Wood, Western Maryland: field. 0 Two Mile Run-Won hy V. Smith, Western third, K"".ler, Gettnburg. Time-lll.5o.0. Shot Put-Won by Eckert, GeetlYllburg;"*'C. describing Bulletin ond. W&rd,GettySburg: third. McGrath, Get- Request program you prefer, the featuring tY!lb.urg.DI.tanee-llB'1'4". Carl Hamilton's Orchestra Strayer College 13th & F Sts. NA 8·1748 8:45 P.M. MAY 5th $2.50 per couple -Daly Losing Pit.<:her-Shrode (0_2). Washington 5, D. C. !lamAon.McLean.Time--2.30.
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