Page 26 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 26
The Gold "Bug, Dec. 6, 1955 High On The Hill Flat And Sorori~y Sponsors Are Active In qub Affairs Warren IPrexyl Of Sigmas & activities concerning hearing' about the Eleanor children, Daniel, Alan, April, The "Iotes" are privileged to have four H. Adkins, Iota Gamma Chi always and raise We are young the various so- rorities and fraternities on the hill, and Lise. On the spur (?) of the mo- a former member of the sorority as Dorm; Tribby Edits '56 Aloha but do we hear mentioned the spon- mant he decided to give the press his their sponsor. She is Miss Margaret and choice statement, which we now quote: of W.M.C. Snader, graduate sors who give .....of .their time to help these organizations perform their "Preachers' are a good example of French teacher. She also did work in By Bob Crush and Hugh Howell By Jan Kapratm functions and participate in other ac- beneficial influence that fraternities dramatic art at Hood College and in tivities with them? We have decided to can have---if properly operated---on a France at the Sorbonne in Paris. William Livingston 'I'eibby, a coun- If you should go to 401 Blanche dedicate a portion of this issue to college campus. Further, the mascu- Miss Snader's favorite pastime is try gentleman from Pu~cellville, Vir- ;Ward looking for Mary Warren, your these sponsors. ,line emphasis of Delta Pi Alpha is cooking-French style-c-of course. She ginia, hit, the WMC campus in the chances are less than 50-50 of finding Alpha,Gamma Tau particularly good for Western Mary- also enjoys travelling in France and wild college-rush days of 1952. During her there. She is probably out trying Professor Frank Hurt, the little land College at this time." says there's no way to travel except his first (and only) quiet and subdued to attend two or three meetings that man seen most often with the neat Delia Sigma Kappa • by airplane. year he earned the rank of "fh"st are being held simultaneously. suits and bow tie, sponsor of the A new patroness this year brings She works closely with the "Ictes" \ Thj_s senior from Silver "Bachelors", has been a. charter mem- Mrs'. Marcia Hovey as sponsor of the on all their projects. At the moment ber since 1933. Professor Hurt comes "Delts". ~The wife of Dr. Richard Ho- she is helping them with their Christ- for underprivileged mas party chil- from Ferrum, Ffanklin County, vt-, vey, she was born in Warren, Pennsyl- ginia, and is married to Mrs. Mary vania, and received her A.B. from the dren. Her comment about the girls is Ann Hurt. He received his A.B. degree Allegheny College, and her M.A. from "I am more interested in my girls be- from Randolph-Macon and his M.A. the Universrtv of Pennsylvania. ing good homemakers than career in Economics at the University of Vir_ She is replacing Mrs. Joy Winfrey women." Phi Alpha l\1u ginia, also his M.A. in History at and has only been attending meetings The cute "Yankee" mentioned above Princeton University. Professor Hurt since October. is Mrs. Eleanor H. Adkins, sponsor of says the frat was founded in 1925 and Gamma Beta Chi the "Phi Alphs." She is from Yankee has had a continuing influence on the Another neat guy with the famous country, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Hill. Its members have sought to up- "bow tie" is Dr. William A. Mecuon- hold the standards and ideas of the aid, sponsor of the Gamma Bets". He She is married to the psychology pro- College Community. was born in Loraine, Ohio, and re- fessor Robert E. Adkins. Her school- high ing town includes her home Delta Pi Alpha ceived' his A.B. in art and archeology school and Traphagen School of De, The "Eaaternshcreman" 'himself is at Oberlin College and then received sign, New York. She says she "thinks Professor Robert E. Adkins, hailing his doctorate in one year from Johns sororities can add much to Western from the Eastern Shore territory of Hopkins University. Maryland College campus life. The Salisbury, Maryland, who was just He is stage manager of the "Gam- education a girl gets in living and chosen last year as., sponsor of the ma Bets" Christmas play. A faithful working with her sorority sisters may "Preachers". This psychology prof has follower is his dog, "Pamela", who be- be as valuable to her in life as her taken degrees of A.B. and M.A. in lieve it or not even follows him to academi'a education. I like the enthu- psychology at Columbia University. frat meetings not to mention the siasm our Phi Alphs have for their Of course he has also found time to be trips around campus and around his sorority. This should carryover into Mary E. Warren married to that cute "Yankee", Mrs. class room. their career or marriage to some scholar" inhis class and also a lasting lucky boy." alias "Tarantula T" from his cohorts Maryland, has shown quite completely Pi Alpha Alpha of Old ward's "Tammany Tunnel". ~~~l~a~:~~i~a~n:a:~:~~~:~~e~: 0;:;; Another graduate of W.M.C., Dr. Between s.tudies and trips to Wil- Yearley'sRestaurant (Continlwd on Page 2, Col. 3) liam & Mary College, Bill has man- activities during her collegiate years. aged to be an active GOLD BUGwriter Her junior and senior years find HOME COOKING and also co-writer-director of the Jun- her a nfember of the Argonfuts, Tri- ior Follies of 1955, Scalping the T.P. Beta and the Choir. At present she It Pays To LO,?k Well Many of us may recall his roaring holds down the presidencies of both Submarines A Specialty , number, "A Couple of You-Know- Blanche Ward dormitory and her so- Visit The Whats" from that production. This rority, Sigma Sigma Tau, and is a Route 7 - Taneytown Road and his numerous appearances on the member of the SGA, Women's Coun- Avenue Barber Shop stage especially hia.recent role in The cil, Intersorority and helps as fresh- Phone 129R Kind Lady, are illustrative of his man lab. assistant. Mary also served "Barrymore" instinct and skill. as Alumni Secretary and Sergeant-at- Where The Students Go His responsibilities as last year's Arms for the Sigma'3 during her jun- FAC Chairman have been transferred ior year and was a member of the Delta Pi Alpha 85 Pennsylvania Avenue and augmented to the editorship of the freshman Advisory Council. 1956Aloha. His qualifications for this Her major achievement this year in- presents job is evid-ent every Tuesday night as clude her beirrg received as a member he takes his post as secretary of Gam- of "Who's Who Among American Col- WINTER FANTASY ma Beta Chi Fraternity, slips on his leges and Universities, and reccgini- Stationery robe (and dignity), and begins his ten tion as a Campus Citizen and Trum- featuring and minute oration of unccrrectable min- peter. utes. These and other activities have Mary has shown that sports also Frank Welsh Greeting Cards helped him earn not only the respect hold a place in her schedule. She has Saturday, December 10 8:30 - 12:00 of his fellow student'S but the privilege played hockey, badminton, basketball, at of being selected for wbo's Who and volleyball all through her college $2.50 per couple Among American Colleges and Uni- career. P. G. COFFMAN versities. I think it is evident that Mary is a Bill's future is torn between the person who can assume responsibility Times Bldg. U.S. Army, further study in English, and can do a thorough job in all she and marriage. Those who know him undertakes. I personally feel that she Baugher's Restaurant feel certain that he will meet success truly deserves to be "High on the Hill" in each of these endeavors. for in Mary you'll find someone really JUST OFF THE CAMPUS worth knowing. FOR A MEAL OR SNACK G.C. Murphy & Co. J. WM_ HULL, Jewel er Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. For Over Half Century Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. The Friendly Store Expert Watch, Jewelry Evenings 9 p.m. and Eye-Glass Repairing OPEN EVERY DAY' Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on Dormitory .nd Cl... room 105 W. Main Street Saturday and Holidays SuppUa TTli'RE~edSTRIPES IN THEDesiJ~-7 Aldo Ray Camille Janc1aire 6-10 Wellt Street Thurs., Fri., Sat.. Dec. 8-9-10 Watmirukl', Md. THE'TENDER TRAP Frank Sinatra Debbie Reynolds Technicolor - CinemaScope Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. Dec. 11_12_13_14 LAUNDROMAT There's fun-filled confusion THE DESPERATE HOURS Humphrey Bogart Frederick March 5 Locust Street when the campus empties Opposite Parking Lot into cars, trains and planes Thurs., Fri., Sat., Dec. 15-16-17 HEAD A VIEW FROM POMPEY'S Dana Wynter Eagan DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 as Christmas holidays Richard Technicolor - Cinema Scope FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 begin. Heading for good Closed Wed. Afternoon times? Pause for a Coke Westminster 1287 and g.orefreshed. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- day shows continuous from 2 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Delicious Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows continuous from 6:45 p. m. Foods Fri., Sal' GUY NAMED JO~ec. 9-10 Spence'1- Tracy Irene Dunne AT Sunday Dec. 11 THAT LADY Gilbert Roland Griffin's BOTTl£D UNOEl AUniORllY OF THE COCA-COlA COMPANY BY' Technicolor - CinemaScope Olivia De Haviland COCA-COLA BOTTLING WESTMINSTER COo. INC_ Fr~H~tRIVER OF NO R~ul~-17 "Coi..... a~redfrrl
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