Page 29 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 29
The Gold Bug, Jan. 17; 1956 Mat Men Show 1-1 Record,· Meet c-u >==~============================ Terrors Need Win NevertheLES . Vitek Wins With Two Pins Away'Game With Elizabethtown Eeks19-15 Win It has been said that to be able to quote Shakespeare shows some degree C-U Brings Hope of learning. And lest someone accuse Neverthel.ea of neglecting this higher The grapplers of Western Maryland College will attempt today to get level, it might he, advisable to insert such a quote in this concluding column. back into the winning column as they meet Catholic University in an after- It will be the Western Maryland So here goes. Othello, Act III, Scene III. "Farewell! Othello's occupation's noon match at Washington D. C. Terrors vs. Catholic University on the gone!" Thus far the Terrors are spor-ting- a .500 average in over all play. But latter's court tonight. With the Green For all you Terror fans may I say that this is where I bow out and turn their record in Mason-Dixon stands at one win, no losses. and Gold unvictor ious in their last over the reins of sport column writing to Dave Bailey. But before leaving I four appearances, hopes run high that would like to take a final rundown on the sporting scene at WMC. Catholic U. will supply the WMC Last night's snow provided plenty of entertainment for the quintet with a victory, and that a win male population on campus, and I suspect most of the fairer sex were far from bored: It all began when ANW decided that DM needed some exercise. So a delegation was sent over to invite their neighbors to come out and play. They did. Result: chalk up one for the Dan McLea boys. But pelting one another can prove to be tiring unless there is some diversion. So, a truce was declared, a conference called, and a combined delegation was sent to the vicinity of Blanche Ward and McDaniel to invite the girls to join the fun. It seems the ladies, though, were busy doing the laundry and washing out their waste cans, and didn't have time to open the doors and come out. But they managed to lure the unsuspecting men to the windows with promises of better days if the boys would take the laundry and do it for them. Reluctantly the boys gave in after much coaxing and with their treasures wearily retreated, tactically, home. Rumor has it that despite the careful planning, the raid was not a surprise, and that a female counter-attack was directed by telephone from D.M. A careful survey of the premises afterward revealed a few drafts in some of the windows, some bruises, but no bodies. Thus ended Ta/uri instl'Ucts Crawford and But/e'!' another uneventful day on "the Hill." First, let's look at the wrestling picture. Coach Vic Makovitch has shaped We s t ern Maryland's wrestling a very promising squad. In Andy Tafuri he has a capable and respected cap- .1!ei q.t!.HUHe squad opened its 1955-56 bid for the tain. There ~re tw~ of the g.runt and groaners .wh0n:t I feel Mason-Dixon crown with a close 16-14 deserve some special attention. One of these IS Freshman victory over the Johns Hopkins mat "Casey" Day. "Casey" comes from Virginia where he Girls Intramural To team in a pre-holiday match on De- will initiate some type of alteration wrestled in high school before going in to Uncle Sam's Ma- cember 16th. in an unsuccessful basketball season. Hopkins was stiff competition, but which is Schedule SixGames Since the Team's initial victory rine Corps to continue the sport. In his first two matches he the Terror men led by Captain Andy over Rutgers of South Jersey they has shown that competitive spirit and strength are in order, Tafuri, took two matches by decision necessary for a good mat man. If predictions have been running hot and cold, main- look for him, as our brightest prospect, to prove himself in Girls intramural basketball prac- and defeated two other opponents by two ...._iII!"~_... ly cold. The season is now nearly half the M-D Tournament. tice began January 4th and will con- pins. Brant Vitek started the evening completed and a discouraging The other Terror is Brant Vitek. "Bip", a Junior, has tinue until exam week. Freshmen off very well when he ,handily stopped wins, seven lO'S!> record is starring won both of his matches by pins. In three years he's come a long way and practice is held .on Monday and Wed- Hopkins 123-lb. man by a pin. Ferguson in the face. here's hoping he comes out on top in every match. . nesday and upperclassmen practice Ken "Red" Day, in his initial ap- Hugh Macfntyre has Peen pacing One final note on the wrestlers, Charlie Cock has had to leave the squad on Tuesday and Thursday. Friday is pearance for WMC also came through the Terrors, but one man can't make because of a death in the family. His place will be filled by Jerry Miller. open to all classes for pr-actice. In brilliantly and scored on a pin. Char- a ball team. The injury of 'Tom Riggi" order to play on a class tea~ a total lie Cock and Captain' Tafuri cashed was a real set-back and forced a re- Turning to basketball we see that Hugh MacIntyre is one of the of four practices must be attended. in on victories by means of decisions. vision of the starting lineup. John State's scoring leaders. This is the bright spot that our hoopsters After the class tournament is com- Ray Crawford, Brooks Euhler, and Kauffman has been of great value have needed for several seasons. Hank Schorreck has shown that pleted the Honorary Girls Basketball Jerry Miller found their men a little he is on good terms with the hoop also, and has my vote forthe best under the back boards and also with team will playa schedule of six games. more difficult and suffered losses. his scoring abilities. freshman prospect. Three games are scheduled for the Each I 0 0 ked exceptionally good The return of Dusty Martinel Jim Boyer, a man I've neglected, has come up with his usual Junior VaI:'Sity also. The following though and Coach Makovitch looks sparked the team. In the Washington fine crop of freshman basketeers. They have provided some interest" games are included in the schedule. for better performances in future College game, which the Terrors lost ing action in the preliminary events. ' Feb. 17 matches. by the slim margin of 91·89, "Dusty" Moving over to the Frat league we see that the Preachers are Mount St. Agnes Last Saturday the Green and Gold chalked up 24 counters. The greatest up there again. Undefeated as of 'now, they look like good prospects Feb. 18 played host to Elizabethtown College surprise has come from a freshman to take the first round from the Bachelors who hold down second Wesley Junior College horne and lost 19-15. All of weestem Mar-y, named Henry Shot-reek. place. Last but not least is GBX who surprised the frat world a few land's points came by way of pins. Henry has averaged close to 15 nights ago by downing the Black and Whites. Scoring honors at the Feb. 21 Vitek once more looking like a sea- points per game and is a tremendous present seem to be held by the Seminary team. \ St. Joseph's College horne soned veteran downed his man in 2 man on defense and ball handling. To Skipping around campus again, I'd like to mention a couple of innovations Feb. 25 minutes and 46 seconds. date his most outstanding game came to WMC'S sporting scene. They are the Pom-Pom girls and the Pep Club. Notre Dame away Brooks Euhler roaring back after against washington College. In that These organizations were new this year and in parting I'd like to leave them March 1 his initial loss, also joined the ranks game, Shorreck collected 27 points. a final word. It is only if you have the desire to survive that you will last. Your St. Joseph's College away of the pirmer-s, raking up werner in His performance has been greatly appearance 1 hope is a promise of better things to come. Don't let your idea Towson State Teachers CoL horne 6 minutes and 26 seconds. Freshman felt and with four years ahead of him be a passing whim that will soon fade! But work to accomplish the purpose for no set (la\e Ken Day once more chipped in, mak- Henry is the man to watch. which you created yourself. If you do, I will feel that my four-year crusade to ing short work of his opponent with The bench of Ferguson is not weak. raise school spirit will have been worth the effort. a striking 1 minute and 5 seconds pin. Denny Harmon, and Buzz Lambert My final Green and Gold Spotts Award goes to a group of gals Mike Mitchell, a Cincinnati outfield- For Ken it's been two victories, two " have both seen a great deal of action and guys whom I have worked with for four years, and whom I er, was the first batter to hit a fly pins. wrestlers include Terror Other and looked good. Dick Holbrunner, al- think deserve more credit than I have given thern-WMC's Cheer- ball out of Forbes Field, Pittsburgh. Mike Converso, Duane Myel', Walt though among the startirlg five, is leaders. /- He did it less than a month after the Sanders and Dave Bailey. having some difficulty in equallirrg his park was opened in 1909. Following today's contest with job of last year. WMC holds down the 11th in their -, Catholic University the next horne league. They have now won a single Delicious Stationery match will be on Saturday, February 11th at 3 p.m. with Loyola of Balti- game while losing three. Total points and thus far for the: Terrors have been 275, while their opponents have com- Foods Greeting Cards piled 332. January Sports Recently individual scoring records AT at for the Mason-Dixon conference were Basketball al-so compiled and WMC has three P. G. COFFMAN Jan. 20--Washington _ College .. Horne 24.7 average in 3 games. Tom Riggin Griffin's Times Bldg. 'kJ~e.'l.fU. Jan. 21-JV at Navy Plebes Away Jan. 24-Loyola among Hugh members top 20. the showing placed a third, MacIntyre Our New Addition placed 19th with 15.5 points, while The Colonial Dining Room wrestllng Henry Shorreck was 20th sporting a , Jan. 21-American U. .__. Away 15.3 average. Washington College will givc the ~X"!.Xw.dx..-1 Compliments of Terrors a chance to even the score P'::. J. R. EVERHART KENNETH GEORGE HAYWARD for the last close victory they eeked .&irth ~ out over WMC. In Gill Gym Friday t!..ARCH OF DIMES COLLEGE BARBER 234 A. N. W. night the Terrors will play host to ~J/JIJI.::.II,.iiI At the Forks Washington at 8:30. CAMPUS AGENT Rasinsky's Pharmacy .Yearley's Restaurant For The "Reliable Prescriptions" HOME COOKING Modern G. I. Laundry ~rugs and Everyday Need; , Submarines A Specialty 223 E. Green St. Westminster 1478 30 W. Main St. Westminster, Md. Route 7 - Taneytown Road An Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work is Guaranteed Phone 101 Phone 129R
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