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Fantasy Bahr Long Art Forgotten Exhibit Page 2 Page 3 ·Vol. 33, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER. MD. February 14, }956 w. Md. Beats Hopkins' In Upset By 72-63 McIntyre Leads Scorers Freshmen Class Establishes ORGANIZATIONS In Mason-Dixon Triumph ARE ACTIVE WITH Fun'd In HonorOf Fischbach RENEWED ZEAL MD., February 11- BALTIMORE, Sponsored by the Lutheran Stud- Underdog Western Maryland, cparked seige of ineligibility, led all respectively. with 16 points 19 and The Freshman class has initiated a campaign to raise $6,000 to ents Association, a ·movie, "Diane," by the sharp shooting of Hugh Mc- Denny Harmon, playing an outstand- establish a two year, full tuition scholarship in memory of G. Lee will be shown at, the Carroll Theater. lntyre and Bill Spear, and a zone de- ing defensive game while countering Fischbach, Jr. It will be open to worthy students and will be called in Westminster February 15 and Hi. fense that would not break down, up- 11 markers, sparked Western Mary- the G. Lee Fischbach Memorial Scholarship. This is the largest This romantic film recounts the story set favored Hopkins, 72-63, in a land's zone defense, freguently steal- project ever undertaken by a freshman class. of a woman in the life of Henry II of 'Mason-Dixon Conference tilt here to- !ng the ball before the ha1'l'ass.ed Jay A committee, under the general France. A portion of the benefits will night. The loss dropped Hopkins courtmen could move the bali In. , chairmanship of Al Gilmore, is con- BAHR ART EXHIBIT help to finance a trip to a church con- from third place in league standings. The Terrors moved to the front at tacting religious and service organi- ference in the Pocono Mountains of Hugh McIntyre, the Tenors' high the outset and were never headed. zations off campus. Included in this FEATURES PAll'iTlNGS, Pennsylvania. Tickets may be pur- scoring backcourtman, and BiJI The lead stretched to 10-3, on center are the Baltimore Conference and chased from any Lutheran student. Spaar, returning to action after a Bill Spaar's two quick field. goals, but Methodist colleges in the area. Various PORTRAITS, CHILDREN Another film, "Helen of Troy," is Hopkins, sparked by Bud Hollings- presen'ted by Tri Beta at the Carroll ROTC CADETS GET radio and television stations, includ- An exhibit of paintings, still life, slated for March 7 and 8, and will be worth, picked up the pace and climbed ing WBAL, and newspapers are help- portrflits, and children, by Leonard close at 14-11 and 21-18. The Jays- • ing to publicise 'the project, Any funds and Florence Bahr was opened 'On 1'heater. Proceeds will benefit the Mil- NEW PROMOTIONS made it a two-point deficit at 25-23, raised by the Freshman class will be Wednesday, February 8. The exhibi- ton Hendrickson Scholarship Fund, in but Bill Spaar, alone under the bas- The following cadets ROTC matched by the college. t.ion will continue until Wednesday, :~e~~r~e~~i~e g~~~.~~e ~; 'O~;~IO~~rkii~-~ been advanced in grade or in rank: have to ket, looped in a spectacular shot from A goal of $1,000 has been set for February 29. the right side of the pivot for D. 4- 2nd Lieu- the four dorms on campus. This Both Mr. and Mrs. Bahr ere gradu- This fund will be used to send an out- be Cadet Hans 1st Lieutenant, to be Cadet point margin which stretched to 32- G. Willen; tenant amounts to twelve cents per person ates of the Maryland Institute of Art, standing biology student ,to a summer 2nd Lieutenants, .M/sgt. Jerome H. 27 at halftime. per week. Dorm chairmen in charge and Mr. Buhr is an instructor there. lab session. Fader and M/sgt. William L. Tribby; Fired by the realization that they of the voluntary contributions are: After graduation from the institute had a ball game on their hands, Hop- III/sgt. Virginia Pott, Blanche Ward Hall; the couple received traveling Europe- French Clnb Plays Bingo to be Cadet Master Sergeants, Sfc. G. kins came back strong at the outset Williani: J. Shelfo (1st sgt). Billie Gill, McDaniel Hall; Abdullah an fellowships in art. They have dis- The French Club held its annual Eugene Krantz, and Sro. Allan W. of the second half, but McIntyre easi- Futiak, Albert Norman Ward; and played their works frequently at the .soirec dc bing() et la mll.sique francais Mund ; and to be Cadet Sergeant First ly offset this surge, coming through Donald Hale, Daniel McClea Hall. Maryland show and others. Mr. Bahr or night of bingo and French music Class, Pfc. Craig Phillips and Pvt. with a high, arching set shot and a put his team layup to again driving Others members of the scholarship had his own exhibition at the Balti- on "Monday, February 13. Phil Jackson Charles H. Wheatley. comfortably in front. Denny Harmon's committee are Carol Petterson, Trea- more Institute of Art. I and Peggy Artigiani called the num- For the members of the 'Student surer, and Sharon Phelps, Secretary. Hours for the display are 9 to 5 bel'S in French, while winning stud- body who are interested in the history dr-iving, twisting backhander made it p. m. Monday through Friday, Satur- ents shouted "Bingo," and received . of recent wars, the ROTC department an even ten points at 54-44. Maryland the Western Meanwhile, New Semester days from 9 until noon, Sundays from prizes of valentines. Later, dtrectjone is now showing on Wednesday aiter- zone defense, operating at top efficien- 2 until 5 p. m., and Monday and Wed- noons several films on World Waf n in French were given for a John Paul Officers Elected nesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 Jones to the tune of French music on a and the Korean Conftict. On February c~', continned to harrass Hopkins' ef- forts to work the ball, and with 15, the film True Glory, dealing with p. m. record, donate~ by Everett Feeser, Terror The four sororities recently elected first year stude:.t. the invasion of Europe, will be shown. minutes remaining, the juncture, seemed safe. At this second semester officers. They are: RECITALS PRESENTED On the following Wednesday, the ever, the Jays began to creep up, Delta Sigma Kappa; President, Bar- Classics Club British film De8crt Vict()ry is sched- sparked by the foul shooting of Civil- bara Sheubrooks; Vice President, IN LEVINE HALL The Classics Club has scheduled a uled. ette and the jump shots of Schleiner, Janet Perkins; Secretary, Audrey Kathryn Chamberlin will present 40 minute film, "Triumph Over Time" and the lead had diminished to 4 Braecklcin ; Treasurer, Mildred Mc_ her senior recital on Friday evening, f01" February 20 at 6 :45 p. m. in Mc- COLLEGE points at 65-61. Donald; Chaplain, Patricia Richter; February 17. Included in her program Daniel Lounge. It deals with the work Here Harmon's charity toss and Inter-soror-ity . Representative, Mary will be selections by Bach, Beethoven, of the American Archaeological School CALENDAR Spaar's field goal clinched it at 68-61, Angell; Sergeant-at-arms, Margaret I and Schumann. in Greece and i'S a camera reeord of and tWQmore fouls by Spaar made it Janney; Alumni Secretary, Patricia Janet Seymour will give her recital scientific excavation methods and dis- Friday, February 17 70-61. The nine point margin was in_ Movie, 7·:30 p.m .., Alumni Hall Ellis; and SGA representative, Mary the following Friday, Februaq 24. coveries, projected against the back- tact, ana the teams traded baskets in Bond. Among the compositions which will be ground of a beautiful ancient land and Saturday, February 18 the final minute. Final Score: Western presented are Chopin's Thir,.d Ballet Basketball, Catholic U.; Home Maryla~d 7~, Johns Hopkins 63. Iota Gamma Chi and Debussey's Ponr Ie P1'ano Suite. a pe'Oplewhose way of life is still cast !\Ionday, Februray 20 Officers for Iota Gamma Chi are: On Tuesday, February 28, Patricia in the traditional patterns of the re- of Classics Club, McDaniel Lounge, Hopkins Box Score mote pa'St. Spanning 3,000 years President;. Susan Burkina; Vice Presi- Werner will give a voice recital whicb Greek history, the film stres·ses the en- 6r45 p.m. .... dent, Mary Hargett; Recording Secre- will include a number of folk songs. during contributions which Greece has Film-"Triumph Over Time" WEST. MD. 1I0PKINS GFT tary, Marjorie Pott; Corresponding All recitals will be held in Levine made to our civilization and in SQdo- Tuesday, February 21 Kauf·n.f GFT I 0_ 0 2 C;v')·te,f .. 4 9_1217 secretary, Ruth Dick-son; Treasurer, Hall. ing, it traces with hopeful reaS-SUl"ance Basketball, .Mt. St . .Mary's; Home ~j:~!~:{!-!t ~n ~~!l:~~!.i·!t ~~ 04 0 0 20_ Phyllis Johnson; Historian, Jo Lewis; the outlines of the future. L..mb·t.,f _ 00_ 3 5_ S 11 Newton.~ .. 6 0_ 210 Harm'n,! HoH'th.c Chaplain, Barbara Stanton; and 'MADEMOISELLE' HAS Wednesday, February 22 Sp .... r,e _.72_516 Spit.>.·to.c_S 4_610 8 S_ 619 Mc)nt're,g Inter-sorority Representative, Martha S.C.A. SCA, 6:45 p.m., McDaniel Lounge Sd,·r·k,¥ .. 0 0_ 0 0 DWyer.ll .. I ij·O 2 _ 1 0_ 0 2 Hyde,g Lewi'S. ANNUAL CONTEST Thursday, February 23 Ho)b·n'r.1r 0 0_ 0 0 00_00 PIl ... ·r·)o.g During Lent the S.C.A. had made IRC, 6:45 p.m., McDaniel Lounge Phi Alpha l'tIu Mademoiselle, a national women's plans for Communion every Wednes- Saturday, February 25 magazine, is co'flducting their annual W tern Maryland _ _ 32 Phi Alpha Mu elected Shirley Goo- contest f'Or fiction produced by under- day morning at 6:30 A. M. However, Basketball, Johns Hopkins; Home Hopkin. ... ._. 27 tee, President; Nancy Pennypacker, the first Communion will be held to- Vice President; Margaret Artigiani, graduate women. Two winners will re- night at 6:45 P. M., instead of Wed- ceive $5,500 each for serial rights Secretary; Marie Upperco, Treasurer; their stories. Runners·up will reeeive to nesday. Gold Bug Staff Appointments Marilee Hodsdon, Chaplain; Claire honorable mention and the P'Ossibility In accordance with a new plan for Gates, Alumni Secretary; Jeanne of future purchase by Mademoiselle. this semester, the S.C.A. will empha- by Are Announced By Muhlenfeld Blair, Sergeant-at-arms; Helen size strengthcning denominations Boardman, Inter-sorority Representa- All entries must be submitted by arranging denominational meetings Editor-in-Chief William F. Muhlenfeld has announced the new tive; Harriet Steven'S., SGA Repre- March 15, 1956 ond winnel"3 will be A every other Wednesday night at 6:45 GOLDBUG staff for next semester. issue. August announced in the sentative; Florenca Mehl and Susan complete set of contest rules will be P. M. Also, each denomination will Returning as News Editors are Nancy V. Willis Davidson, co-Social Chairmen; and posted. elect its own representatives to a A. Mehl. Nancy, R Philosophy-Religion major comes Lillian Fowler, Sunshine Committee group, which will set up general plans Chase, Md. Flo is an English major from Riverton, Chairman. for the denominations. Both girls are sophomores and members of Phi Alpha l\fu Eight Students Pledge Charles D. Burton has been appointed Sigma Sigma Tau Campus Sororities 3 MEMBERS ADDED 'Preacher Officers Officers of Sigma Sigma Tau are: Three sOI'orities welcomed new mem- TO COLLEGE FACULTY :l:!!Ul~en:dii:O:'n H~n~~;!~ f~o~o:.a~i~ President, Nancy Kemmerer; Vice- bers last Tue-sday night. Delta Sigma formerly was co-editor of the. News- Officers of Delpa Pi Alpha were President, Caroline Baker; Secretary, Kappa received one new menlber, Sue Mrs. Marcia Hovey joined members Feature page. recently elected. They are: Delta, Dorothy Rach; Treasurer, Janet Kap- Blair. FOUl"girls jQined Iota Gamma of the faculty, and Mr. Paul Helm The position 'Of Sports-Edit'Or is Jack Turney; Vice-Delta, John Scott; raun; Alumni Secretary, Marion Chi. They are Ann Gettings, Barbara and Ml"3. S. B. Sch'Ofield resumed again filled by David Bailey. Dave, a Alpha, John Kauffman; Beta, Mich- Scheder; Inter-sorority Representa- Laurence, Margarct 'Vharton, and their teaching positiQns here at the Philosophy-Religion major, is from ael Savarese; Omega, Brantley Vitek; tive, Margaret Pate; Sergeant-at- Pat Patterson. Ne~v additions to Phi beginning of the new term last week. Pennsgrove, New Jersey. He is a Gamma, Harold .MaeClaYi and Ep- arm~, Jeanne ~ode; Chaplain, Mil- Alpha Mu are Patricia Krell, Mary Mrs. Hovey is instructing a class in member 'Of Pi Alpha Alpha frater- silon, Richard Her~h. dred Mackubin; and Sunshine Com- Hotchkiss and Marie Quintana. Newspaper Management and Makeup, nity. Vi'Olet E. Fonner, News-Feature mittee Chairman, Claudia Payne. Editor, is an English major from and teaching a course in Freshman Washington, D. C. She is a sopho- Twenty-Four SJud~nts ~ :r::g~~::'i~~~i:ra~~ ~~o~:g~::l;l~:~ r;i~ more. Nancy Banks continues as copy editor Dr: George S. Wills, profe8'3or of Join College Community legheny CQllege, and her M.A. from typist. and Jeanne Goode as head English, Emeritus; was taken ill at the University of Pennsylvania. The Business staff is headed by his home in Westminsb,;~r on Febru· Twenty-four new students were ad- Mr. Helm, assistant professor of Robert Crush, who is assisted by Ad- ary 1. ~ mitted at the beginning 'Of the new se- mester on February 7. The number in- Sociology, i'S returning after an ab- vertising Manager, Clarence Fos- He is now at the College Manor cludes transfer and day students, and sence of one semester. He is pastor of sett. Lynnd!\ Skinner is the new cir- Convalescent Home in Lutherville, former students who had previ'Ously the Evangelical and Reformed Church. culation manager. Continuing as Md. left and are returning to C'Omplete Mrs. Schofield is instructin~ in the GOLDBUG photographer is Mrs. Hen- Benning, Ge'Orgia. their work. Home Economics Department. rietta ESl1om.
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