Page 24 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 24
The Gold Bug, Dec. 6, 1955 -One Christmas Night- Circling The Hill We do not consider it proper, in It i's Christmas time, and for a while son, and every day of your life, think academic circles, to bring to the at- we discard our petty prejudices and of what I have told you, and you wiJI tention of students the occasional faux live the life whose byline is peace on live better for it." pall committed by professors. This is earth, good will toward men. Ours is Once more the Negro man smiled, MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE tRESS an unseemly thing to do, and for this a democracy, and this is a country and his white teeth again appeared reason it is reserved for this column, Snbscription Price $2.00 Per Annnm which frequently is fulI of unseemly where we do not like to recognize the brilliantly. "I guess maybe I've had a presence little too much to say about us. For- of bigotry and Intolerance. things. give me if it sounded like a lecture. THE CHRISTMAS ISSUE This is a Christmas 'Story, and it is a At any rate, students of Dr. Hen- true one, and it has to do with these I didn't mean it that way." He extend- WIlLIAM F. MUtILENFELD,Editor-in-Chief dren's English class bring to'the at- prejudices. ed his hand, and the boy warmly clasp- ROBERTG. CRUStI, Busine88 Manager tention of this desk a rather amusing The date is December, 1954, and ed it. Then he and his wife were gone incident which occurred recently, prior the scene is a roadside restaurant, into the night. Typing Editor .. .. D
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