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The Gold Bug, Jan. 17, 1956 New Dorm For New Year library Suggests Here And There At Our Colleges Book Shelf Caper dorms now adorn the rooms. Bath- The Western Maryland College li- Old Ward, McKinstry Vacated rooms are tiled in green. Lee Bowen brary invites all GOLDBUGreaders to COLUMBUS, OHIO-(ACP)-A and Craig Phillips are in general take part in a short quiz. Do you group of nurses at the University of In Post Holiday Surprise Move agreem_ent that "the' new dorm is know the author-s Babbitt, Canterbury Pennsylvania Nursing school recently following of the books: Tragedy, wrote Is a choice." an essay entitled "What In the basement arc some additional Tales, Gulliver's Travels, Leaves of College Boy?" and it was reprinted in by Charles Burton amd Violet Fonner dormitory rooms, the Colonel's office, Grass, The Old Wives' Tale, Ijtopia, the Ohio State Lantern. Here are a Tuesday, January 3, 1956, was a green and gold letter day in and two fraternity clubrooms. Gene Vanity Fair, Origin of Species, few selection'S: the lives of the male students of WMC. Those formerly quartered Krantz comments that "the ROTC Wealth Of Nations, Rubaiyab, and A college boy is Iaainess with peach- in Old Ward and McKinstry returned that day from Christmas va- majors sure have it nice. The Colonel Tom Jones. It is a shocking fact fuzz on its face, idiocy with lanolin on cation expecting at least two more weeks of cold hallways and some- is just down-stairs." brought out in an article in the Sat- its hair, and the "hope of the Future" times rooms, narrow bunks, and popping fuses, but the miracle hap- Gamma Beta Chi fraternity has urday Re1Jww, of August 9, 1955, that with an overdrawn bank book in its moved into their new clubroom which according to a Gallup survey 9% of pocket. is located on the east end of the Hall a large group of college graduates did A college boy is a composite ... he where the floor- has been laid in red not'know even one of these authors, has the energy of a Rip Van Winkle, and blue tile, the frat's colors. A'Spedal 39% could not name more than three the shyness of a Mr. Micamber, the feature of this room is an inlaid shuf- and 52% could ,only recall four. The practicality of a Don Quixote, the fle board tile. On the opposite end of survey showed that fewer good books kindness of a Marquis de Sade, the the lower floor, the Preachers have are read in America than any other imagination of Bill Sykes, the aspira- their clubroom. Their floor has been country. If you don't know some of tions of a Casanova and when he inlaid with the fraternity's letters. these authors and books, do yourself wants something it is usuanv money. The heating plant and utility l'OOmS a favor, find out about them. The col- He likes good liquor, bad liquor, complete the picture on this floor. lege library will be glad to lend you cancelled classes, double features, Parking 'Space has been provided on a copy. Playtex ads and girls on football week- the southeast side of Gill Gym where 'Do you need information on cur- ends. He is net inuch for hopeful excavation dirt was moved and g-r-ad- rent research in any field for a library mothers, irate fathers, sharp-eyed ed. paper or whatnot? Get acquainted ushers, campus guards, alarm clocks A fter two weeks of occupancy the with the Vertical File Index. It comes or letters from the dean. general coucensus of opinion is prob- out monthly, with an annual cumula- A college ~oy is a magical creature ably expressed by Hal Atkinson, who tion, and lists all pamplets booklets, " ,you can lock him out of your says, "It's allll right." Roger wotre's leaflets, and even mimeographed ma- heart, .but not out of your bank ac- one regret is that they should have a terial. About four hundred titles are count. You can get him off your mind, subway to Blanche Ward Hall. There listed each month of which about- but you can't get him off your expense Roger Wolfe is ::teen viJfitiuO Dan Yoeman's new "oom in Section C, are a few die harda who liked it bet- one-third are free for the asking. The account. He is a no-account, gi rl-chas- MacLea. , probably wants to check the comic book situation. ter in Old Ward and McKinstry, one Indc'!: i., located in the library refer- ing bundle of worry. But when you of these, Dale \Vood, says "it's real ence room. come home at night with only the ' pened and orders were out "to pack Floors throughout the building arc of nice place but the view toward Albert Recently there have been several shattered pieces of hope and dreams, up boys, you're moving". Ron Grey- asphalt tile. Rooms facing the north- Norman just doesn't compare with the questions and comments concerning he can make them seem mightily in- beal's only comment: "It's about west side (towards ANW Hall) are one toward McDaniel." the rather large number 'Of books in significant with rocr magic words: time". painted a pale green. On the opposite George Trotter sums up the whole the field of religion that have appear- "I flunked out, Dad!" The exodus 'Started and as new ar- side of the building, ivory. "No need story in his description, From Rags ed on the library'S acquisition lists. rivals showed up, the top of the Hill to worry about falling ceilings and to Riches-Ward Hall to MacLea. There are two reasons for this. Last took on the appearance of an ant's plaster and the nice cold hallways of year, the college library received a nest with heavenly laden trucks, cars, McKinstry", states Don Hale. All residence rooms are equipped gift of an extensive collection 'Of z: ~vt:nt~:nn~:kf.&:ering MacLeaward books from Mr. Samuel M. Hann. A with built-in wardrobes with sliding Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Daniel Mac Lea Hall was chosen as doors, which Carlos Gosnell thinks are "large number of these books wer~ in Sunday Matinees: 'l and 4 p.m. reJigious fields. In addition, the Ahing- the name for the new dorm in memory just great "for changing film and don Press (publishers of religious Evenings 9 p.m. of the late Daniel MacLea of Balti- proceseing- prints -for the Aloha." Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. more who served from 1928 to 1942. Most of the rooms are planned for books) have made it possible for the Saturday and Holidays as chairman of the Building and two-man occupancy with the exception library to receive many of their pub- Tuesday Jan. 17 These lications of charge. free two Grounds Committee at the CoJlege. of the fourth floor where larger dor- sources have added many religious RAINS OF RANCHIPUR He was the former president of the mer-windowed rooms will accommo- works to the collection without cost Lana Turner Fred MacMurray MacLea Lumber Eompany of Bal ti- date three. New wide bunks with com- to t.he library and the college. Teehnicolo r and CinemaScope Wed., Thur., Fri., Sat. Jan. 18-19-20-21 ARTISTS AND MODELS There are 500,000 bald women and Dean Martin Jerry Lewis 10,000 bald men in the United States. 'I'echnicolor and Vista Vision Sun., Mon., Tues. Jan. 22-23-24 J. WM. HULL, Jeweler THE LIEUTENANT WORE SKIRTS Sheree North Tom Ewell For Over Half Century Technicolor and CinemaScope Expert Watch, Jewelry Jan. and Eye-Glass Repairing Wed., Thur. WITH HARRY 25-26 TROUBLE 105 W. Main Street Edmund Gwenn Shirley MacLaine Technicolor and Vista Vision Jan. Fri., COUNT THREE AND PRAY 27-28 Sat. Restaurant Van Heflin Jeanne woodward Technicolor- and CinemaScope Sun., Mon., Tues. Jan. 29-30-31 JUST OFF THE CAMPUS AT GUN POINT Fred MacMurray Dorothy Malone Technicolor and CinemaScope FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Wed., Thur. Feb. 1-2 FOOTSTEPS Homemade Ice Cream and Thick MiIkshakes Stewart Granger IN THE FOG Jean Simmons Technicolor OPEN EVERY DAY Fri., Sat. Feb. 3-4 THE LOST FRONTIER Victor Mature Guy Madison Technicolor and CinemaScope ticed when you visit the new dorm. For instance, the interior is more at- tractively decorated. In':lide walls are of cinder block or brick with the ex- ception of a centrally located recep- tion room which is paneled in mahoga- ny, a gift of D. Carlysle I'IIacLea, the Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- late Daniel MacLea's son. It is reliably day shows continuous from 2 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. tn. reported that a certain campus af- Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows ficionado of the game complains that continuous from 6:45 p. m. there should be -a pool table in the lounge. Tues., Wed. Jan. 17-18 "The joint's a psychological maze GONE WITH THE WIND for white rats", says Earle Finley Clark Gable Technicolor Vivien Leigh when de<;cribing the corridors, which. make it possible to travel betweell Fri., Sat. Jan. 20-21 'Sections without going outside. Cor- BILLY THE KID ridors in the central sections are two- Robert Taylor Brien Donlevy tone, willow and gulf green; in the Technicolor other sections, cocoa brown and cream. He's a «heavy" in the play, Sun., Mon., Tues. Jan. 22-23-24 THE l)HOENIX CITY STORY but short on time. John McIntire Kathryn Grant LAUNDROMAT Fri., Sat. Jan. 27~28 Busy students need quick SHACK OUT ON 101 5 Locust Street Terry Moore ~_Frank Lovejoy Opposite Parking Lot refreshment. That's Sun., Mon. ANGELA Jan. 29-30 DAILY-7:30 . 5:00 where Coca~Colacomes in. Dennis O'Keef_, ~_ Mara Lane Jan. 31 - Feb. 1 FRIDAY UNTIL 8 :00 Tues., Wed. THE WARRIORS Errol Flynn Joanne Dru Closed Wed. Afternoon Fri., Sat. Feb. 3-4 Westminster 1287 80TTlED UNDH AUHIO~ITY Of THE COC ...·COl ... COMPANY BY Double Feature Program WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BO'ITLING CO.• INC. BOBBY WARE IS MISSING FREE DELIVERY SERVICE also "Coke" ;so registered trade.mark. © 1953, THE COC"'-COlA. COMPANY THE TOUGHEST MAN ALIVE
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