Page 21 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 21
The Gold Bug, Nov. 22, 1955 3 TERRORS CLIP.HOPKINSj M-D CHAMPS Uhrig Captures First Crown, Football Ends With JV's Form Makes Grapplers WorkT 0 John Hopkins Loss Future Look Bright Prepare ForOpener As Harmon, Tafuri Stand Out Last Saturday proved disastrous as The long football campaign is over This year the "grunt and groaners" Western Maryland went down to de- again for another year. Most of our of WMC will have a new home in Denny Harm~n and Andy Tafuri combined their scoring abilities, as the feat 33-0 in the last game of the 1955 attention for the last two months has which to work out. For the first time Green Terrors turned back the Hopkin's Blue Ja-ys for their first soccer title season on windy. snow covered Home- been centered on the WMC varsity, they'll move to a room on the second in the Mason-Dixon Conference. Despite the miserable weather conditions and wood field. while little material has been com- floor of the gym, where heat and ven- likewise slippery ball, the Terrors were able to win 2-0 at Homewood. It was Hopkins' game from the very posed on a group who deserve laurels tilation will be in abu,ndance. Last western Maryland scored within twelve minutes of the first quarter as the start as they elected to receive and for pulling through a tough schedule, year the Terrors were confined to the result" of a free-kick by All-American, Western Maryland kicked off. Johns undefeated. dampness of AlberC Norman Ward Rifle Team ~~;;:ry~:~:n:~th~;~~Yac~~~~~~i~~: Hopkins then moved down field to We are of course speaking of the basement. WMC Western Maryland's 5-yard line, with Terror's JV team. Composed mainly Athletic Director Charles Havens is the snow-covered nets of the Blue but he is Drops Initial Meets the fullback finaily carrying over for of freshmen and under the tutorage still not certain who will pilot the Jays making the score 1-0. the initial tally. of Vic Makovitch the squad not only wrestlers this campaign, Coming in from right end early. in Most of the first half settled down went undefeated, but had only two banking on a former Baltimore U. The Western Maryland rifle team the third quarter Andy Tafuri, hand- to an exchange of punts. Just before touchdowns scored against them. wrestler, Frank Palmer. Vic Mako- has had two official rifle matches. ling the ball/well, booted another goal the end of the half the Terrors made This was Makovitch's, second year vitch, last year's coach will be unable The first was a postal match with the to make the score 2-0. 'I'hls score re- their deepest penetration of the game. at the helm of the JV's and his teams to assist in the chores this year. University of Florida. (In a postal mained the rest of the ball game and The Green and Gold pushed to the now show a 6 win, 2 loss record. (Last The team's opening match will be match both teams fire at their home the Blue Jays, who also plaYSlda good Hopkins 11, 'but were stopped as four year's eleven showed an overall 2-2 on the Friday before Chr'istmas re- ranges and send the results by mail). game, were "skunked." pass plays were unsucceseful. record.) Vic, who was present for faU cess, December 16, with Hopkins. The other match, with Johns Hopkins, Bob Crush, in spite of the snow and Once more the Terror men elected camp, had to find time for coaching Other games during the year will in- .. was a shoulder to shoulder match. The slush, played one of the most spec- to kick off to begin the half which after a day's work teaching at Taney- elude, Elizabeth U, Drexel, Catawba, match was fired at WMC's new range. tacular games of his soccer career. wrecked all hopes for a WMC victory. town High School. and Gallaudet. A return match will be fired at Hop- Whether it was yelling to his team- Johns Hopkins' halfback Wood car- Baltimore Junior College was the Havens believes the team's power kins on March 9, 1956. mates as to what to do with the ball, ried the ball back 90 yards to a TD. first victim of the Terrors as they fell will remain with last year's outstand- In both postal and shoulder match- or getting the ball himself, he did a With two conversions to coincide with 8-0. It was two shut-outs in a row ing grapplers. Vitek, Euhler, Finley, es, only the five highest scores are stupendous job. Displayi'ng their' re- the touchdowns the score read 14-0 when Dickinson was wrapped up 13-0. Tafuri, May, Cock, Miller, and Scott, counted against the opposing team's spect, the wayers lifted both Bob and Hopkins. But the real rout of the season came will all return. Crawford and Myers five highest scores. Coacr. Uhrig to their shoulders after Wood's long run seemed to break when Bainbridge traveled to Hoffa will be new contenders aiding in the Scores of the Hopkins Match the completed game. WMC's spirit and they never serious- Field. The "Middies" felI that day heavier classes. WMC HOPKINS .Coecb Phil Uhrig deserves much ly threatened the goal line again. The 32-7. And what could be more fitting Score Bicknell Score credit for the many hours he spent 265 228 Terrors completed only two of nine- than to end the season beating Hop- WMC Girls Win, training the team for this important teen passes attempted, due to the wet kins, 7-67 m ;t~l%~f m game. Certainly without his effort the ball and cold hands. Al Miller did most Towards the end several of the Remain Undefeated m .~~~:~~er m team could not have functioned as of the ground gaining for WMC but players graduated to the varsity. In- Another victory was obtained by the m m well as they did. not enough to break the scoring col- cluding, Frank Thye, Frank Novak, Western Maryland Hockey-ettes last ·~ini.Ripper Seven seniors contributed their highscoren.) umn. Hopkins put on its greatest show Henry Shorrick, Bob Brozina, Ken Saturday as they shut out the girls of wa.:Hopkins \353: WMC 1294. well-earned skills to the 2-0 game. in the second half scoring three more Springer, and Red Day. es of the Florida Match They are Bob Crush, Bill Clem, Phil times to make it 33-0. The squad was loaded with poten- St. Agnes 3-0. Terror halfbacks, Sue Me FLORIDA m Once again In the series between Hopkins and tial varsity material. Besides the Davidson and Carol Peterson proved asa atr ::~;;o~af::~k a;:~;it ~~:de~:~be:~ Western Maryland. Hopkins leads above mentioned there is Dave Ed- too much for the competition and St. esc ". ~~~ was their last collegiate game for with 17 wins to 14 losses, and 4 ties. dington, Duane Myers, Frank Street, Agnes was unable to get past them. a-a Ill: WMC finished the "55" season with Jim Lewis, and Bob Carboy. All of Goalie Jo Siehler had no threats of a ·Smith aa ass Western Maryland. 2 wins and 6 losses. these players performed in great fash- wute» aa Three out of four traffic accidents ion and seem destined for the senior goal being scored. :: happen in clear weather on dry roads. Center Mary Jane Davidson scored squad come next season. Preachers, Bachelors Special attention should be given the first goal for the victors on a short chalked up the drive. Joanni Hutter B:W's Near Crown especially to a lineman named Don next one from wing position before the LAUNDROMAT AtA ;00 p.m. last Wednesday after- Dewey. Dewey was one, if not the, end of the first half. During the sec- 5· Locust Street crasher on the team. For outstanding noon, one of the most important games backfield work Frank Thye and Frank end half Ardie Campbell made the Opposite Parking Lot final goaL Several other shots came of the frat football league was played. Novak rate tops for running and very close for the Green team but each The skirmish was between the Bach- blocking. DAILY-7:30 _ 5:00 elors and the Black & Whites. The 1955 JV Squad fell short of the mark. the Hockey- Weather prevented first quarter went by without too End~il.BrBd\ey. Lewi •• Springer. Brozina. Mer_ ettes from traveling to Notre Dame FRIDAY UNTIL 8 :00 much action, but in the second quarter Crawford Har~ i::in~~~:;:s~~r~:~o~~~~~::::k~::d Closed Wed. Afternoon two BII:chelor drives were broken up ¥~:k~~~&~~Y StT~or by George Douglas. Jerry Fader high- Westminster 1287 'kJ~AfJ. lighted the laat part of the game for ~~~:.::-A'1e.DN~~ak.Sborrick. Edlnll'ton. My_ of December 2-3. They will then jour- FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Our New Addition "ro. Euh!er. ney to Salisbury State Teachers Col- The Colonial Dining Room ~:CkBa~h;~~~te~;a:~t:r~~~st;n~o t;;:~ lege for the final game, Bachelor goal line. Fader was injured ED DEY - Campus Agent in the last minutes of the game and PARK FLORIST had to be taken out. The final score Baltimore Baugher's Restaurant Stationery was 0-0. SPECIALTIES and The first Bachelor-Preacher game was played last-week. It was a hard ORCHIDS and ROSES JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Greeting Cards fought game with both teams trying to stay in position for the champion- FOR A MEAL OR SNACK at ship. The Preachers upset the unbeat- English Bicycles for Rent en Bachelors by a score of 6-0. Last (Men's & Women's) Ho;"emade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes P. G. COFFMAN Wednesday the Preachers and another Heagy's Sport Shop top ranking team, the Black & Whites, 46 Penna Ave. OPEN EVERY DAY Times Bldg. played to a 7-7 tie. Phone 1350W The intramural football champion- ship game was played today, between the Bachelors and the Preachers. The team that wins will be this year's It Pay. To Look Well champions, but if it results in a tie there will be a three-way play-off Vi.itThe between the above mentioned teams and the Black & Whites. Yesterday afternoon the Black & Avenue Barber Shop White's completed their season shut- Christmas have you ting out the Gamma Betes 14-0. The up a tree? Gamma Betes will finish up with the Where The Studenu Go Bachelor game after Thanksgiving. Director of Ir~tramural Activities Wil- 85 Penmylvania Avenue liam Clem is now preparing the bas- Keep your vacation free for fun-shop ketball schedule. at your Arrow dealer's beforehand! Cover yourself and the men on your list B'pd lJoliand and Bob Radcliffe with sure-bets like the. Arrow button-down, shown. $3.95. Or the 331 A_ N. W_ 234 newall-nylon "Frost Fighter" CAMPUS AGENTS jacket-Ilylon-ficecc-lined and light as a snowflake! $19.95. Count yourself For The in on one, too t Modern G. I. Laundry ......ARROW~ 223 E. Green St. Westminster 1478 All Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work _first in fashion is Guaranteed SHIRTS' TIES' SPORTSWEAR
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