Page 22 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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" The Gold Bug, Nov. 22, 1955 High On The Hill Future Building RiaingtonToGive Book S.le Results The book sale held in the library Turney, Hunt Lead The Class Seminary beyond from Page 1) The Vocational Tests ~:~:~~ke 7::!e:r:!2~~~e;;:a::o:~ (Continued Science Hall. two mqre adjust- And Bring Up The Brass buildings would be so constructed en- on raises the question in a student's mind be. used to purchase and the remainder The appearance marks of often able desk chairs the hill outside so as to have will be used for some beneficial addi- trances for both the first and second floors. as to his life work and the types of tion to the library. By Ken Smith By Bud Holland employment he would be best fitted A suggestion box has been placed in This would leave the present Li- for and would enjoy most. To help Though known as "Hasaan," be- Perhaps the most appropriate de- the library for student suggestions. cause of his Near Eastern (1) ap- scription -of Howard Hunt is "an all- brary building available for use. Plans students with questions of this type pearance, Jack Rush Turney.actually around versatile fellow." He is gifted are being discussed for locating the the college offers a vocational guid- MUsic Recitals hails from Accident, Md., Accident 1- with the coveted aptitude of leader- Art department on the second floor- ance service. Dr. W. R. Ridington, ship and possesses. the valuable air and possibly the Home Ec. depar-t- who is in charge of the service, will . A student recital was given this af- that commands the respect of all. ment on the first. be glad to discuss the type of service ternoon at 4: 15 p.m. in Levine Hall. During his collegiate years, Howard Dr. Ensor outlined plans for the offered with any in'terested students. Pat Werner, Quincy Polk, Betty Ely, has held many positions of impor- Student Union Building which foresee Since testing and guidance cannot be and Dot Clark were the performers. tance. During his sophomore and jun- a building 9~'x56'. The ground floor hurried, students interested in having ior years, he was president of Me- would have a large room with tables "help before entering on the second tion about var-ious occupations is also surrounding a vacant place for danc- semester program should see Dr. available to assist students in making ing. In the back would be the fountain, Ridington as soon as possible, prefer- choices. and one side would have the post-of- ably not later than the first week in The fee for the service, us stated in fice boxes available at all times. Also December. Appointments can be made included would be room for a selling with him in room 206 Lewis Hall. the college catalogue, is ten dollars. space - comparable to the present The service consists of tests and book store. interviews designcd to help students The second floor would be a student discover which areas of study .or em- Delicious lounge, with a television set. Off this ployment may fit their abilities and would be a game room. interests best. It will not give an Foods Also located on this floor would be answer in terms of specific occupn- the GOLDBUG,Aloha, and SGA offices. 'tions, but rather will help to~show Dr. Ensor also discussed a proposed areas and groups of occupations AT road to relieve the traffic si'tuat.icn which should be considered. Informa- and mentioned the possibility of one way traffic on the campus. Compliments of Griffin's a small mountain community approxi- The future building plans will at- mately forty miles west of Cumber- tempt to utilize the surrounding coun- J. R. EVERHART land. try side to beautify the campus. COLLEGE BARBER However, this tall, dark, Air Force At the Forks Vet with the subtle laugh may be - Holid:LY found from one part of Maryland to Howard Hunt Sigmas Presented the other. Wintering at WMC, sum- mer find him helping people with Kinatr-y Hall and also served in the Scholastic Cup their luggage to the often stuck ele- capacity of treasurer for the Alpha Rasinsky's Pbarmacy alllATt vator in the Atlantic Hotel of Ocean Gamma Tau fraternity. His most in- During an informal tea given by the vvay City. . fluential positions have been held dur- the inter-sorority council, Jan Chase, "Reliable Prescriptions" A senior at WMC, his major fields of ing his senior year, serving in the president of the council, presented the interest are History, Education, and dual capacity of Battalion Command- scholastic cup to Mary Warren, pres- Drugs and Everyday Needs Music-not necessarily in that order. er of the Reserve Officers Training ident of Sigma Sigma Tau. The tea , He holds and has held many respon- Corps and also as senior student gov- was held in the Sigma clubroom on 30 W. Main St. sible positions-from a chair in the ernment representative for his class. November 21 at 3:15. Those attend- Preachers to the Junior Follies, from With such a tremendous schedule, it ing were the members of the Sigmas, Westminster, Md. FAC to the Rifle Team. Jack has also is somewhat fabulous how one Eco- the presidents and vice-presidents of Phone 101 been chosen for "Who's who Among nomics and Pre-Law major can in- the other sororities, and the inter- American Colleges and Universities." dulge in so many activities and still sorority representatives. Dean How- A dependable halfback on the soccer maintain an honor index, but Howard ery and Mrs. Uhrig, sponsor of the team he is currently practice teaching is locally recognized as a Campus Sigmas, were guests. Refreshments at Hampstead, Md. Citizen and has been singled out for and entertainment were provided by The confidence his fellow classmates inclusion in "Who's Who Among the other sororities. show toward him is evident in his be- American Colleges and Universities". ing elected Senior Class President. The early part of next June, he is The scholastic cup is awarded each Jack handles all these jobs very well. going to marry his high school sweet- year to the sorority whose over-all Jack's post graduation plans have heart, Miss Barbara Jean Filer, who average is highest. The Sigmas were Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. 2 and 4 p.m. not been definitely settled. He may is currently practice-teaching in the awarded the cup for the year 1954-55 Sunday Matinees: 9 p.m. and the Iotes were second. Evenings teach school or take further study- high school from which she and How- Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on possibly in law. ard graduated. Our Personality states Saturday and Holidays If I may be permitted a personal that there will be t~o little Hunts, but note-J ack is one of the greatest guys his potential spouse says there will be feminine side of the twosome. Tuesday Nov. 22 LUCY GALLANT I have ever known. All who know him five. Just for the record, the editorial Those 'who are close to Howard Jane Wyman, Charlton Heston rate him very High on the Hill. staff' will place their money on the know he is a serious minded person Technicolor whose principles do not waver under attack. He .likes outdoor activities B;nd Wed., Thurs." Nov. 23-24 is particularly f01.1dof canoe trips. He THE TREASURE OF VILLA PANCHO Yearley's Restaurant dislikes jazz, white bucks and pink Rory Calhoun 'rechntcotoe Shelley Winters shirts. Howard dreams of building his own home on a farm not too many Kay Kendall Morefun ontbe Nov. 25-26 HOME COOKING years in the future. Fri., Sat., DURWARD QUENTIN Robert Taylor Submarines A Specialty CinemaScope - Technicolor J.WM. HULL, Jeweler tbe Route 7 - Taneytown Road For Over Half Century Sun., Mon., Tues., wed Nov. 27-28-29-30 Expert Watch, Jewelry THE TALI. MEN Formerly Wilson's Clark Gable Jane Russell gangs 3.11 here and Eye-Glass Repairing CinemaScope - Technicolor 105 W. Main Street 'I'hurs., Fri., Sa..fRTAL _.. Dec. 1-2~3 Got plans for a grand holi- Glenn Ford Dorothy McGuire day? Then don't let 'em be Campus Ray Mifland Joan Collins ruined by traffic jams or Sun., Mon.. Dec. 4-5 foul-weather delays. Get THE GIRL IN THE RED VEL VET SWING your bound homeward friends together and make capers Technicolor - CinemaScope by train] It's tOpS in trans- it a holiday all the way. Dec. 6-7 Tuee., THREE Wed., STRIPES IN THE SUN portation ... comfortable, call for Aldo Ray Mitsuko Kimura roomy and so depmdablt, with and refreshments delicious meals ell roure ! Coke Stretch your allowance by . Save 25% or More traveling back home with t'iIIO or more friends on Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- group coach rickets." On day shows continuous from 2 p. m. most trips of 100 miles or Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. more, you each save 25% Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows of the usual round-trip rate. continuous from 6:45 p. m. Better still, round up 25 or more to travel long-dis- Fri., Sat.. Nov. 25-26 ranee together on the same SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON John Wayne Joanne Dru homeward train. Then Technicolo.r return singly or rogether, for the big Glee Club Sunday Nov. 27 and you each save 28% of the regular round-trip fare. THE GARDEN OF EVIL tour is ahead. Work and worry call Gary Cooper Susan Hayward .Ex"p'fo'/.«""""'btl"'tf~ Nt,., ntl po;"ts ,,"10, Y.,k.W ..sbing,.~ for a pause_so, relax ..• CinemaScope - Technicolor un ..."ff,P ... See your travel or ticket Dec. 2-3 refresh with ice-cold Coke. Fri., Sat., SECONDS OVER TOKYO agentNOW!AskabcutthesG THIRTY Van Johnson Phyllis Thaxter big money saving plans I 80TTLEO UNDER ...·UIHORtIY OF THE COC ...·COt ... COMP ...NY 8Y EASTERN WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BO'ITLING CO., INC. Sunday Dec. 4 RAILROADS THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN CinemaScope _ Technicolor "Coke" i. c .egi.Te.ed t.ade·ma.k. ©lQ5J.THECOCA,.COt ... COMPANY (A picture you'll regret not seeing)
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