Page 28 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 28
\ ' K More Poetry Police, Dean E CIRCLING WITHIN THE LIMITS E Within the limits of my 6'lJ68 OF MY EYES 'THE HILL Aroused In you are resting, Yet I cannot eee you. P'P Within the MUCh.of my ha,nds, the BOWnd of my By lVillia.m F. Muhlen/eld Little Noise voiee, you lie. I 0 I touch you not, 1 Bpeak 1Wt to you. Last week, in an action which came as some- NS Walls;EnCW86 you and people eay, thing of a surprise to a great. many persons, Between Boys GO AWAY. Charley McCullough withdrew from Loyola Col- G T _ Yet people 8hake their heruh and say, lege, Of course, to many of us, this could be as What started out as the attempt of a sub- See you, touch you, talk with you, I must. inconsequential. as a lunar landslide, but Charley E GO AWAY. will come and you will return a.nd be bas played a little basketball from time to time, marine vendor to extricate his automobile from T01Mrrow of Daniel MacLea Hall ended the mud in front and there are a great many stories about him. D Or the nezt tomoTrOW- This is one of them. in the :£arm of a minor riot Wednesday night, mine- Now, you will not know Bernie Lee unless you from Or tMnezt- have been in Marty's or the Irish House or at January 11. Students dormitory, MacLea, the newly and -.Albert Nor- men's constructed Or never. the Pub before, but as it turns out nearly every- man Ward Hall who were aroused by the noise '\ Ringing Out ' MY HEART IS FREE body has been to one of these places before, and vf the sandwich salesman soon created enough It feels like N'ew Year's Eve again and we My hrnl·t is free; it has no iron fence to hold so nearly everybody knows Bernie, who is a big bedlam of their own to bring to the scene Wil- stocky Irishman with a ready smile and a ruddy liam M. David, Jr., Dean of Men, and member-s of the GOLDBUG are getting ready to ring out it in m1l bostYm.. face. Well, Bernie has a stein club at the Pub of the Westminster police. the old and ring in the new. The "old" are the It /lies with tM wind, and misses only what it these days, and when a guy goes into the place The stranded concessionaire was James E. retiring seniors on the staff, who leave a little cannot O'vertake. he natur-ally looks at all the names on the mugs May, a sophomore fr-ont Finksburg, Maryland. wiser, but not a little sadder unless the sadness It /altghs at the i1l1.pudence of mal~ to s~e if there is anybody there on the wall that The noise began in the form of good-natured is in the leaving itself. It righs with the fall of man. he knows. catcalling directed at May whose car appeared Things have happened this year. Big things. It knows nO' bound3. So it happens that on the wall in the Pub hopelessly stranded in the 'mire resultant from Progressive things. Things which, in our belief, Why, then, is it always, through every am.otum, there is a mug which is getting a little dusty the recent dormitory construction project. have made Western Maryland just a little bit Sadl these days, and it say "C. McCullough". Of Aroused students, reputedly "tense" from in- better than it was before. . Why does it ay? course, this is a very unfortunate thing indeed, tense study in preparation for the imminent One change obviously for the better, although THE NIGHT and so when a guy sees this dusty old mug he examination period, soon expanded the noise long awaited, was the construction of Daniel The l~ight asks, "Is Cholly in here lately?" and it is then from a minor disturbance to a vigorous ex- Macl.ea Hall with its super-elite facilities, com- can be heard Il-B its dal'kncss mW'lnu'I"S that Bernie will tell you half very sad and half change of namecalling between the two dormi- pared to the old men's dorms, which have made through the chill. smiling, "No, Cholly is barred from here for the tories. life and study a bit more comfortable for 140 It fl-ightens season by Lefty." Then you know, of course, However, the noise was of a good-natured men. (Its convenient location seems also to have cheerless children. what the story is. variety, and no animosity of any kind was prev- afforded the men a change to more thoroughly It dreams , alent. This did not allay, nevertheless, the fears investigate the tactics of centralized warfare.) sweetheal·ts into saying soit: whisper6. Little Bit Of Weight of nearby neighbors who summoned police, ap- This year also we have been promised the It b/.ankef$ parently fearing a riot of full-scale proportions. beginning of construction of a new chapel and tired men. There was no fighting or any malicious encount- coaches Lefty Ileits the basketball team the possibility of a new library and, best of"'all, T(I me -Loycla College, and Charley McCullough was his at er of any kind. a student activities building. it gives G feeling of al(lnenc6S GIld I am front line pivot man. In the off season Charley, Disciplinary action was, however, taken on' But these are some of the exteriors. What has happy with myself. who is six-foot-eig-ht, balloons up to nearly one count and is pending on another. Dean happened within campus life itself? I can think 290 pounds, and this makes it very tough indeed William M. David, Jr., apprehended one male One of the most important changes, we be- in perfect peace with only the for him to get up eff the floor, even though he student who, after soaking a roll ef toilet paper Iieve, is the institution of the administrative Tick-t(lck can reach.jhe basket anyway, and as a result. with lighter fluid, ignited it in his room, sub- warning and campus citizenship program. of the clock to counterbala."lLCe blackness. of these things, Lefty tells Charley every year sequently attaching it to a flag pole and hurling The administrative warning immediately elim- Why that he will have to reduce. Well, Charley is not it from his window. He was inates the old system of fines where pre and then shvuld night give wevy to thc bight- bull-headed about this, and he will always co- ThomRs B. Merrill. 18, fr""hman. of W""trnin_ ster. Maryland. post holiday absences are concemed.vthus tak- ening fearful1U18s of the sun, when the world operate with Lefty, but just to make sure Lefty In the other case, a second male student was ing the squeeze off Dad's pocketball and putting must widen its 9-T'1Il-B for work and worll1? goes down to Bernie's and tells Bernie that the apprehended on suspicion of being involved in it where it properly belongs-c-on the student Why Pub is off limits to Charlcy for the remainder the throwing of firecrackers, which exploded himself. It also has the advantage of letting the cannot night g(l on a'll.d onl of the season. So this is why the mug is getting with regularity throughout the hour-long con- student know exactly where he stands. Three Nigh.t dusty these days. fusion. No positive action in the case was taken warnings in any year or a total or. seven during must end as must all. immediately, however. "How do you know," a guy will ask Bernie, the entire college career means expulsion. '!Vight "that _Q_hollywill not drift into some other joint Informed sources indicated that, because of As for the recognition ()f certain students as will C01M again and I will think. where Lefty cannot catch him 1" the friendly nature of the incident, no further campus citizens by their scholastic and extra- PATRICIAR. KRELL. ... "Chol1y is not that kind of guy," and this is uction would be taken. Dean David was not curricular contributions to the college com- available for comment. \Vestminster police, who munity, it is good in essence. However we feel right. "Like I said, he will co-operate with withdrew from the case, had no statement to well known Lefty, and besides, Cholly is pretty that there should be more trust on the part of make in relation to their appearance on the the administration. Campus citizens, for in- Appreciation all over town, and if he goes someplace else the stance, should be exempt from explaining their word will get around. So Cholly is very tem- motives in cutting a class before or after a The memb~hip of Delta Pi Alpha wishes perate inaeed during the season." holiday. They should be able to use this privi- to express itJ appreciation to the many Bernie is right when he says that Ch&rley is there. Well, he is the biggest guy in the whole lege as well as all the other privileges freely members of the college community who pretty well known around town. Jimmy Sulli- wheel, and McDonogh is not worth beans unless van, who works the Pub bar with Bernie, can and without question. However, if the adminis- gave so generously of their time and effort he is in there. tration feels that a citizen is abusing his privi- to insure the success of the Christmas tell you about Charley when he is down Ocean "So, anyway, they are playing Gilman who is lege, then a reasonable explanation and possible Dance, Winter Fantasy. City in the summer: "Of course," Sully will say, their arch-rival, and it is a very important exclusion from the list is in proper order. The fraternity feels that it is especially \ "you know that Cholly is a guard for Bob Craig game, and Charley is having one of his worst Other progressive changes inelude the Re- in debt to the co-eds of the campus whose down there on the beach in the summer, but nights. As a matter of fact, it was one of served Table Plan and the scheduling of a wholehearted and gracious help is inesti_ last year he comes into the Irish House and says Charley's worst weeks, because the McDonagh that he needs a job nights so that he can make a regular assembly ea~h week for faculty, mable. The spirit of cooperation was such little more money. So Billy needs a guy at the headmaster found out that Charley smokes cig- class, and other orgamzatlOns. as to make the dance as .much "of the col- arettes and had cut him from the squad for the We've noted with much pleasure a more co- lege" as "of the fraternity". door to check cards and keep order, and Cholly Westminster game, and the boys took a very pperative spirit between the administration and W. KENNETH SMITH, fills the bill very well and he takes him on. Well, sad licking. But even the McDonogh headmaster students this year. Much credit goes to the SGA President. Cholly never runs into any troubJe at the door, l'ealized that his guys could not beat Gilman for fostering this spirit. We'd like to see more or any place else, for that matter, because he is without Charley, and so, sure enough, the night informal discussions such as the one in which so big and nobody is dumb enough to mess with of the game there is Charley, cigarettes and all, President Ensor explained the new building him. So it turns out that Cholly has a very in uniform. program on campus. A New Idea For The Sweetheart Ball easy job down there, and he spends most of the "Well, it is halftime in the Gilman game, and And while we're handing out credit a large night sitting at the door eating sandwiches. Charley has scored two points all night, and the serving hf it should go to Deans David and.l Of 1956 eholly can eat a lot ()f sandwiches, and it turns headmaster is going around telling everybody Howery who rarely miss an SGA meeting and Alpha Gamma Tau out that he puts on weight and stays out late, that Charley will nevel' amount to beans be- generally put in a good word for the students and in the morning when he is on the beach cause he is a smoller and is out of shape. But where it counts. ' PRESENTS pecple are coming up to his stand and saying, nevertheless, McDonogh is leading, and Fritz Much should be accomplished by the addition 'Wake up, Cholly.' Maisel is telling Charley in the dressing room of faculty sponaors to the classes, but this re- DIXIE that he will get his points and stop worrying mains to be seen. The success of such a project Night Wo~k Too Much about it. depends upon a wise selection of sponsors. FEATURINGTHE POPULARORCHESTRA Our final words go to a group too little men- "So the strain is too much and Cholly has to Then No More Trouble tioned who devote their time, talents and loyalty BRAYDEN RIDENOUR quit the night work, and I do not hear too much untiringly to their organization. Goodness about him after that. But we have the hurri- "In the second half Charley winds up scoring knows, it is not promise of any reward or rec- cane down there and everyqody clears out of 37 points, and Gilman is really clobbered, espe- ognition which provides your GOLDBuc twice The Tailgaters town and business becomes very slow for a little cially since Charley scores 22 points~in the third Dixieland Specialists while. Well, the day after the storm I am walk- quarter alone. After that there is no more THE GOLD BUG Continuous Entertainment ing down the beach to see how rough the watel' trouble about Charley, and he gl'aduates and is, and it is still very rough indeed. In fact, the goes into the service, and I lose trac'k of him 8:45 until 11:45 p.m. top of the pier and rolling to the is glad about that." Oltieial 8tlld....ta ne .... paper of W""tern M81'y181!d Col· waves are so high they are breaking over the -for a time. But now he is back, and everybody up almost IeEe, published """,'.monthly on Tuesdey, during October, Popular Price $2.00-Gill Gymnasium November JanUary, Febr".ry, :Much and April, and boardwalk. Anyway, as I get down near the pier "Even I am glal about that," says Oxie Slade, monthl.J during September. Deeember, and :May. Ente~ Remember t.he Date-Feb, 11, 1956 I see this guy way out in the water playing in who knows a lot of pecpJe but does not know .. Il!eOnd el... matter at W ... tmlneter Pa.t Offiee, und.r tII,Adot Jotareh a, 1810. the waves, and I wonder who is this d-d fool. Charley. "I would like to see this guy play ball. It turns out to be Cholly, and so I yell to him, There is one good thing about his weight prob- Member _ a month. It's a hardworking staff and the paper 'Why don't you come in here, and maybe the lem, though, and I see this in the paper about Associated CoUegiate Press would be in sad shape indeed without them. storm will stop.' You know, every time Cbolly ~two weeks ago." Subaeription Price $2.00 a Year Closely connected with our staff are the men jumps into the ocean he causes a tidal wave "Well, what is this, Oxie!" Oxie knows, of and women down at the Times plant who, because he is so big." course, that everybody. is going to ask what he despite l\lte copy, still later changes, and too "Yes, Charley is a big boy," a guy must agree. is talking about. Editor_in_Chief K ..y Mehl, 56 long or too short columns, somehow manage to "Things sre very slow for him in the fall before "Well, I see that Dick Tracy has shot a bul- Man_ging Editor_._ .. ._._L"" Wern ...., '55 News Edito'""_. Naney Willi •• '58 publish,four pages of newsprint for us bimonth- practice starts, and he gets up to Western let through the skull of Oodles, and that Flo Mehl. 'liB ly. Our thanks to everyone there, and especially Maryland fairly often. As a matter of fact, Oodles is lying senseless in that cabin in the Featllre Edltor WiUiam Mublenfeld, '61 Sportll Editor __ ._.. . Dave Bailey, '67 Mr. Edgar Royer, for putting up with us. Charley sleeps in my bed when he comes up that woods these days. Of course, this is a bad New. Feature Editon. ._ .. Violel Founer. '!i8 I Chari"" Burton. '5S It's been good experience; moreover it's been way, and when you look at it on a Sunday morn- Christmas present for Oodles, but it helps end Cartooni.t George Gipe, '56 Typing. . ._. __ ._ Juuue Good. '57 fun, every hectic moment ()f it. As we hand over ing you thank a medium tank has sacked in the confusion, since now there is only one Copy Editor ..__ . Nancy Banks, '68 the reins to Bill Muhlenfeld we can only hope Photog-ropby . . M.... EMom there for the night. Oodles left, and he seems to be Cholly." he will make as competent an editor-in-chief as "But you do not know Charley unless you Like Jimmy Sullivan say's, Charley eats a lot know him in hiB high school days when he is the of sandwiches. ~~~~rti:in~altagne~~;~~.:::;~;;Ja~bF~~t' :~~ ~:e~a~h~r:::e a f~o:;:u~~n~~ea~~:~ e~~to:i:t~: star of McDonogh's basketball team and is set- He could have been a lot of basketball player, ~ej,U;~~~'='-=-----=-_-~~_----=::_-G-n~d::ki~!~~::~~successful. ting all kinds of records all over the league too.
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