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PEEK AT BOYS' RIOT NEW DORM PAGE 2 .... PAGE 4 Vol. 33, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 17, 1956 l Muhlenfeld Takes Over IBug SGA Sponsors College Rece'ives' Ford Grant; Editorship Second Semester A,sNsembS'YDayts- Endowment Totals $18t900 n' ew emes er on December The Board of Trustees of the Ford Foundation William F. Muhlenfeld has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of A new assembly day plan suggested 9, 1955 approved an appropriation of $210,000~OOOto help raise the the GOLD BUG, by the present editor, Kay Mehl, with the approval by the S.G.A. and worked out by the level of faculty salaries in colleges throughout the United States. of faculty advisor, Dr. Evelyn Wenner. He will assume his duties faculty will go into effect next se- President' Lowell S. Ensor has announced that Western Maryland is with the first issue of second semester. mester. This plan wil l follow the Bill, an English major, was born June 15, 1935, in Baltimore, present assembly day schedule but es- the receipient of $181,900. 615 regionally accredited, private four- Under this program tablishes the Monday of each school year colleges and universities will be offered grants totalling the Alpha Gamma Tau month as the assembly day. On each M. $210,000,000. For each this will provide an amount approximating P. fron'- 11:30-12:30 Monday 1954-55 payroll for full-time teachers etudents will have an opportunity to in the arts and sciences. When invest- To Sponsor Dance attend assemblies, hold class meetings NationalSymphony ed, this gift, called an Endowment or other organizati-onal gatherings. Grant, will produce income sufficient The Sweetheart Ball of 1956, tra- Just as at present, assembly attend- in most cases to raise faculty sala- class To Perform Feb. 20 ditionally the Valentine's Day dance ance will be compulsory but ries by an average of appr-oximately at Western Maryland and scheduled meetings, etc. will not be complusory four per cent. Apportionment of sal- this year for February 11, will fea- unless the class so desires. The National Symphony Orchestra, ary increases among different teach- ture the theme "Dixie". Since it is the responsibility of the conducted by Dr. Howard Mitchell, 10, ers within the arts and sciences is will present a concert February The dance i~ sponsored by Alpha Calendar Committee, headed by Pris- in Alumni Hall at 8: 15 1). rn. left entirely to the discretion of the Gamma Tau under the general chair- cilla McCoy, to make out the be-st pos- Tht orchestra was established in college. manship of Jerome H. Fader, a senior sible schedule, organizations should 1931 by the late Hans Kindler. For The Endowment Grant is to be held from Baltimore, Maryland. Music will schedule meetings with this committee many years it has been famed as one as income--pro,ducing endowment for be provided by the orchestra of a week in advance. In addition, groups of the top major symphony orchestras a minimum of ten years, after which Hi-ayden Ridenour, who has been are limited to a total of two meetings either capital or income may be used brought to the campus by the fra- per month. for any academic needs. The grant ternity in the past. As to schedule preference, first will be paid in two equal installments, choice will go to Doctor Earp and his one before July 1, 1956, and the 'Other This year the Ridenour orchestra is Assembly Committee. Then, ~ too, before July 1, 1957. featuring a new group known as "The Bill Muhlenfeld Tailgaters". They are a small combo organizations tha.t affect the m-ost people and those that are first to sign and lived for a time in Hollywood and of apeeialiats in Dixieland music. Ac- up will be given priority. Every ef- SCA Cabind Schedules Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He attended cording to Fader, the utility of this fort will be made to provide the best McDonogh School for eight years and 'group is twofold. They provide dance- schedule for the greatest number or Annual Emphasis Week played football and basketball there. able and listenable music in the people. At McDonogh, he worked on the southern tradition for the benefit of The benefits of this new plan as Religious Emphasis Week will be school paper for three years and was admirers of this kind of thing, hut stated by Danny Moylan, president of held February 12-15 with the theme, sports editor for two, In addition, he not at the expense of the Ridenour the S.G.A., and Dean Howery, are: "For the Living of These Days". The was sports editor of the school year- orchestra itself. (1) To give all organizations .e Re v. Mr. Robert N. Oerter, Jr., pastor book and secretary of his class. "We have hied to eliminate," Fuder chance to meet without conflict, (2) of the Sixth Presbyterian Church, Frat Secretary said, "the long intermissions in which To pruvide R better time for meetings Washington, D. C. will be the main no music at all is played by bringing so that students will want to partici- re~:n~i:~e:~Cl~:;al::a::, l~~aiS G:%~ the Tailgaters here. They will play pate and so more spirit will be -speaker. Rev. Oerter will address the students during chapel service on Feb- ma Tau fraternity and co-author of when the main orchestra is taking a aroused, (3) To permit day students ruary 12, at an assembly the follow- the Junior Follies. He has worked on break, thereby providing not only good to attend' class meetings more con- ing day and at SCA meeting that the GOLD BUG for two years serving music of a particular kind, but also vientlyand (4) To establish a certain night and Tuesday. as Feature Editor preceding his ap- continuous entertainment. we have set day for assemblies: Dr. Howa.rd Mitchell pointment. "Writing and photogra- been assured of three full hours of Other topics discussed at least Assisting Rev. Oerter will be Mrs. phy" are his sparet.ime activities. In good, continuous music." week's S.G.A. meeting were the pos- in the United States. Dr. Howard Mabel Price of Westminster. Mrs. June, 1955, Bill was awarded the see- Decorations, headed by James H. sible purchase of a new screen and Mitchell has been conductor of the or- Price is the guidance ccuncelor at oud prize of $200 in a national Cigar- Pearce, newly elected president of the projector. Larry Hall will investigate chestra since 1948, when he succeeded Westminster High School and works illo contest for writing methods to fraternity, and Harold S. Atkinson, Hans Kindler. with the Youth Fellowship at the improve their popularity. are to be in the form of typical south- this situation. with a project to One of America's most highly reo local Methodist Church. She will In connect.ion Crush Business Manager ern scenes, such as the depiction of apected violinists, Werner Lymen, will speak in the girls dormitories. In accordance with a new GOLD riverboat and plantation life. sand the rec hall floor, Jack Turney appear as comcertmaster with the On Wednesday, February 15, com- was appointed head of a committee to BUG policy, Bob Crush will continue For the first time in over a year, check on renting a sander. National Symphony Orchestra during munion will be served at 6 :30 a. m. at as business manager until the end of A student:--faculty committee its engagement in Alumni Hall. A the commencement of the Lent season. the semester. Bob is a biology major dance prices return to $2.00. It is to COI1- g-raduate of the famed Hccheeiude and comes from Towson. He is the be semi-formal, with corsage optional. aietiug of Mary Warren, Jo Parrish, fur lUU8"ik in Berlin, he was hailed by president-elect of the Gamma Beta As in the past, the dance will be held Bill Tribby, Sam Reed, Dr. Wenner, critics throughout Europe up-on his Chi fraternity and plays on the soccer in the Gill Gymnasium from 8:45 Dr. Hildebran, Dean David, and head- debut in the concert world. On his ar- Students Direct and tennis teams. until 11:45 p.m. ed by Dr. Kerschner, has been eetab- rival in the United States in 1936, he Following are the heads of individ- [ished to investigate the role of exams, was immediately engaged as Assistant little Symphony Dr. MacDonald Has ual committees: the problems they create, and any im- Concertmaster of the Metropolitan needed. provements Symphony Orchestra The Little Art Lecture Series Publicity General Chairman-Jerome H. Fader Opera Company's Orchestra. Western Maryland College presented of Tickets for the concert may be ob- F. M"hlen(eld Frat Officers ._._.... Leroy D. McWilli"m~ William tained from the McDaniel Hall office. Dr. W. A. MacDonald of the art Decoration _._ .._..._._. __ Jam .... H. Pearce their 22nd annual student conductor's department of Western Maryland is Harold S. Atkinson At meetings recently Alpha Gamma concert yesterday in Alumni Hall. giving a series of illustrated lectures Finaneee. __ ~. Eugene W. (;011 Tau, Gamma Beta Chi, and Pi Alpha . The concert opened with the play- at the Davi-s Library in Westminster. Ronald S. Gro.yheal Alpha held election of second semester ing of the Star Spangled Bomner and The three part series started on J an- Tickets and Programs _ ..__ William J. SheUo officers. They are: Bachelors's+Prest- More Money featured themes and selections from Gordon M. Weiner uary 4. The topic was impressionism, Lighting Robert E. Hedset'OCk dent, James Pearce; Vice President, The Association of Independ- well-known works. The Prelude from with examples from Monet, Revoir, William J. Bloom.... Bob Jackson; Secretary, Bill Shelfo; ent Colleges in Maryland, Inc., "La Traviata" wa-s conducted by L. F"""ett. and Degas. The second talk will be Refr.,.hments Clarence Marc J. Myers Jr. Treasurer, Charlie Luttrel; Chaplin, of which Western Maryland is Kathryn Chamberlin; the Procession- tomorrow, January 18. The theme will Clennnp . Robert P. Urquhart Leroy McWilliams;· and Sergeant-at- a member, will receive a con· al from "Lenore Symphony" by J can be post-Irnpresaiorrism, with examples Arms, Harold Adkinson. Gamma tribution of $2,500 us a result 'Vootteh; Ase's Death from "Peer from Cezanne, Gauguin Seurat, and Tickets go on sale January 20 and Bets_President, Bob Crush; Vice- Gynt Suite" conducted by David Bal. ..Van Gogh. The third and final talk, may be purchased from any member president, Bill Tribby; Secretary, of recent action taken by The com; themes from the Piano Concerto General Foods Fund, Inc. Each on Wednesday, February 1, will be of Alpha Gamma Tau. Howie Shores, Trea-surer, Dick Huf- of the following members of The by Greig conducted by Nancy Kem- on the beginning of the contemporary fines; Chaplain, Les Werner; Ser. ASSlQCiationof Independent Col- merer; Allegretto from Second Sym. Cubism, Fauvism, and Expressionism. ArtExhibitShows geant-at-arms, Downes, Betters, Beta leges in JIlaryland, will receive phQny by Brahms, conducted by Her- will be from Richard Examples movement. Black Denny and Pi, bert Sell; Rumanian No.1, Rhapsody Western The lectures begin at 13:00 p. m. and Whites_President, Neil Blake; Vice- a portion of the grant: Mount St. conducted by Janet Seymour; Slavonic Hood, Maryland, last for about an hour. The talks are Death Masks presiden·t, Dan Yoeman; Recording Mary's, College of Notre Dame Dance by Dvorak, conducted by Fairy sponsored by the fine arts committee secretary, Jim Reter; Corresponding of Maryland, St. J-ohn's and Frock; and the Reinzi Overture was of the American Association of Uni- A collection of death masks, which -secretary, Dick Buterbaugh; Treasur. conducted by Charlotte Ridgely. versity Women and the Davis Library. was presented to the C
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