Page 25 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 25
The Gold Bug, Dec. 6, 1955 Terrors: Take Basketbal'l Opener 75-55 Fa. kGI . South Jersey Foe Falls Hard· ByDA""L BAU,"Y ~ ew UIC ances I LOOKING s~u:'itO~~~!!B:_jAt F~?;a~!~i~orld ~,~,~~~!~!w~~t~~,~~~,~~~n~~!'~'~~ Few new faces plus lots of new life account of how contacts are made Sports Editor Terror quintet trounced the visitors from Rutgers of South Jersey 75-55. and a new basketball season unfurls concerning would-be football players Football is big business nowadays. The Terrors were never in any serious difficulty after the first half and at WMC. Few - people left Gill Gym and some material on the schedule You read time and again in newspa- kept a margin of at least 15 points throughout the final minutes of the game. last Saturday night without dreams found elsewhere on the page under pers of schools p~ying out enormous Sparked by Hugh McIntyre, outstanding forward who tossed in 2U count- of a new style in basketball for the "Few Quick Glances." sums of money to obtain potential ers, the Green and Gold aroused hopes Green and Gold hcopeters. The new Coach Havens is still attempting to style we all hope for is a winning make oontact~ for a wrestling tutor, ~~:y;:;~ ~~e::hO~~;:~i;;e usually in PreachersCrown.ed; ~~:k!~~:el~ t~j~I~~.tOM~~~t~;;' ';::;~~ style. Meanwhile Vic Macovitch and Havens The Athletic Department at WMC last year to sit out the varsity activi- It was good to relax in the one- have been filling in and the team is has tremendous competition from the B&'\1/ Take Second ties and play JV, acted like an animal sided affair, and enjoy the comfortable surprisingly advanced for just two larger schools in the country for good Jet out of a cage and put on a tremen; margin of points the Terror quintet weeks workout. Hopkins will supply ball players, just as the other smaller November 22 was the big day in deus scoring and ball handling exhibi- compiled. Even Coach Ferguson, who the first test, for the grapplers this colleges about the nation. We haven't the intramural football world. This tion. sported a new brown bow tie, looked Saturday in Gill Gym. the big name and big billfold for foot- was the day that would decide what Attendance was good for an open- calm and collected. • If you are looking for a starting ball that allows us to reap a big har- team would be the 1955 football cham- ing night with a team little known in Ferguson put a good team on the lineup it should follow this general vest of "greats" from high schools. pions. The two teams competing- in this area. Before the varsity rout the court. For the initial performance to- order. Going from the lighter weights Yet it is of interest just how contacts this all important contest were the campus fans had another treat to gether the quintet looked exceptionally to heavies, Brank Vitek, Ed Luke- are made for new Terrors. Bachelors and the Preachers. The watch, with the JV's winning their well trained. Elizabethtown is going mire, Andy Tafuri, Brooks Euhler, Actually someday one of you read- Batchelors scored first, but their- try opener 67-61 over Baltimore Junior to be a tremendous test for the Ter- Charley Cock, Jerry Miller, Jim May ing this may prove to be a football for the extra point was broken up by tollege. ' rors. Coming so early in the season it and Ray Crawford will all be seeking scout. Because most of the athletes the hard fighting Preacher line. Later Eight men returned from last year's is even going to be tougher yet. But starting assignments. who come to the attention of the WMC in the second quarter the Preachers Terror team. It was around five of if Ferguson gets by this one, look for It is hard to draw any conclusions Athletic Department are reoommended scored on a pass from Riley Regan to these men that most of the action for a great season. from last year's only match between by alumnus of the college. John Hort. The try for the extra point the evening evolved. Previously men- Dug into some history of the bas- Hopkins and WMC. The two squads WMC does not have an extensive was good and the Preachers went tioned Hugh McIntyre, Torn Riggin, ketball teams of WMC since 1941 and met in a scrimmage and battled to a group of· men who canvass potential ahead 7-6. This one point led to the John Kauffman, "Buz" Lambert, and found a few items that might interest tie. After the holidays the Terror mat- material. The Terrors rely on foot- downfall of the Bachelors as they lost Dick Holbr uner were the' nucleus for you. men will. resume play against Eliza- ball coaches, former players, students the game and the championship. After the thrills that kept Gill Gym jumping Ferguson grabbed the first Mason- bethtown on January 14. at the college, and many friends for the game the standings were as fol- until the game's conclusion. . Dixon basketball crown back in the Allan Spicer, statistician for WMC, "tips". lows; the Preachers champions, the Lambert was second in scoring with season ot 1940-41. In the annual play- recently completed his compilation of After hearing of a ball player who Black & Whites second and the Bach- 13, and Riggin followed "Bus" closely offs WMC turned back Washington facts and figures on football and soc- seems to be worth an effort to enroll elora niter getting off to a good start with 12. But Riggin's greatest con- College and Loyola to complete a cer for '55. This year Fred Walker at WMC, he is contacted by the Ath- had to be content with third place. tribution came from his hustle and 13-8 record. led the Terrors football squad in scor- letic Department. His most important This gave the Preachers 5 points, the battling for that precious basketball. The following season under Charles ing as he totaled 18 points. Nick qualification is scholastic, then football Black & Whites 3 points and the This year's team is oomposed of Engle the Green and Gold finished Rausch held the extra point honors ability. If he seems interested he may Bachelors 1point in the overall intra- what you might call "tots", as far as third in M-D, boasting a 14-11 record. with three conversions. Al Miller toted be invited to the campus for a general mural sttJlldings. college basketball goes .. Three of the line-up are sophomores, starting and In that season Mogowski was high the pigskin most often and led the get acquainted tour. by A schedule is now being drawn up one is a junior, so this will have its athletic the department for the scorer in M-D for the Terrors, dump- team with a 3.4 net yard gain. The most we can say about the ing in 211 points in 15 games. Turning to soccer we find Denny complicated field of scholarships for intramural basketball season. The advantages as the team learns to work Harmon pacing the bootere with 17 football (and other sports) is this. league will consist of seven teams. together for the next couple of year's. In the 42-43 schedule Fer~uson re- Some thought has been given to the The freshmen were also well repre- turned to produce another winning points. Closest to All-American Denny They are given because of approxi- idea of a ping pong tournament, but so sented on the varsity and did their mately team. The Green and Gold that season is Don Seibel, who collected four tal- scholastic these three reasons: need, far no definite plans have been made. share toward bringing home the ba- ability, and football ability lies. produced 13 wins and six l~sses. Basketball season got underway eon. Henry Schorreck, who played an (not in order of preference). Since then WMC has been minus We have recently heen bombarded last night as the Gamma Betes fell to outstanding game in the JV tilt, gath- which should be called to the etten- football, Soccer by questions on the matter of WMC the Preachers 68-33. Tonight the ered four points. Roger Wolfe and ball clubs. One thing winning any Fred Burgee looked good on the court Black and Whites meet a Freshman 'ticn of Terror fans is that up until moving up in the football world. Most team. even though they did not score. 1953 WMC met Navy in some very Awards Presented enough and we're not ready for any- WINTER ATHLETIC SCHEDULES fans feel our present schedule is tough exciting ball games. About the closest thing any bigger yet. BASKETBALL contest was the 62-55 loss to Navy in SENIOR FOOTBALL AND The fans who reason in the above WMC Girls On - Rutgers _~ __ .__ .__ . Home AWARDS SOCCER 1950. The worse trouncing came on S"""er_ way are closest to the truth. The Ath- Elizabethtown .._.__ . .._~_.~._.Away Horne Gettysburg . December 3, 1953 when after two Clem letic Department knows as well as Honorary Tearn FrankEn &< Marshall __ . _~ __Away Home Randolph_Macon days of practice the TerE'ors lost to ~~Ve~ any fan that the Terrors aren't ready Dickinson ..._. __ Homc the Midshipmen 126-44. to equal the G-Burg schedule. The Hcckey-ettes had their week- You may be interested in the little 'l"aJ'Url For the next two seasons, at least, end at St. Agnes' snowed out, and Turney WMC will follow the same schedule cancelled. Thus this year's activities carne to a close. It was over the past with There will be few corrections. Miss Todd, announced this Rasinsky' 5 Pharmacy ~£i::r an addition oU'bne school. Not because week-end Honorary Hockey Team. The year's Havens feels that the Terrors are ad- "Reliable Prescriptions" ~~~:~k vancing, but because it is good to following girls were chosen. have new faces from time to time. It Edington Jean Luekabaugh Drugs and Everyday Needs Do, also looks good from the standpoint Mary Tomblln"'m nnu .. Mae GlIl of the Middle Atlantic Conference. ~~e:~~an TO" Schedules are made with some ~::;; ~~:::,:neber John. Hopkin .. Home 30 W. l\fain St. Dewey JoSiehler ~:~;m schools four years in advance. Of Eliuhethwwn . .. ._Horne Westminster, Md. Murkey course we at WMC are always re- Barb ... a BOIrIl" Catholic University . AwRy American University AwRY VARSITY LETTER WINNERS sponsible to play our Mason-Dixon MRry Anli'ell Sue David""n Phone 101 Football challengers. So there is never too Cl!!:~~en repr ... en1.ath·e W W.A.A. - Ann H ~r~~o~~~~=====~~~; Butler Entwistle w. Smith Harmon much room for addition. ,.,,~. 28 Gal1aude~ .__ ~_.AWBy Hnlbruner K»hl another few seasons. First things It is always the wish of any college Walker R... to be "moving up". But don't look for first, and the Terrors first, is their MASON·DIXON CONFERENCE ~I~LI Urquhart our Terrors to start their climb for present schedule. INTERCO~~~1l~I:i:E'::ESTLING 2~. 1956 TaIlke~ly VItek FEBRUARY FRIDAY, Crawford Bradley StrHt New ..• ~~[ler a comfortable collar Compliments of J. R. EVERHART you cannot. outgrow Phon~217 fII~MJ. COLLEGE BARBER Our New Addition At the Forks The new Arrow Lido shirt has no The Colonial Dining Room top button at the collar; your necktie alone closes the collar neatly: And even if your neck size grows, KENNETH GEORGE HAYWARIJ" ALIAS THE GOLDEN. HOG the "expandable" collar stays comfortable. Get yours today-wear 234A. N. W. it with a tic tonight-c-open at the CAMPUS AGENT neck tomorrow. Priced from $5.00. For-The Modern G. l. Laundry 223 E. Green St. Westminster 1478 -"-ARROW~ AU Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work -first in fa'Shion is Guaranteed SHilTS· flU • HANDKERCHIEFS· UNDUWSAR
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